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adj. hap·pi·er, hap·pi·est
1. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. See Synonyms at glad.
2. Cheerful; willing: happy to help.
3. Characterized by good luck. See Synonyms at fortunate.
4. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase.
a. Characterized by a spontaneous or obsessive inclination to use something. Often used in combination: trigger-happy.
b. Enthusiastic about or involved with to a disproportionate degree. Often used in combination: money-happy; clothes-happy.

[Middle English, from hap, luck; see hap.]

hap′pi·ly adv.
hap′pi·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈhæp ə li)

1. in a happy manner; with pleasure.
2. by good fortune; luckily.
3. aptly; appropriately.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.happily - in a joyous mannerhappily - in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily"
unhappily - in an unpleasant way; "they were unhappily married"
2.happily - in an unexpectedly lucky way; "happily he was not injured"
sadly, unhappily - in an unfortunate way; "sadly he died before he could see his grandchild"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. luckily, fortunately, providentially, favourably, auspiciously, opportunely, propitiously, seasonably Happily, his neck injuries were not serious.
2. joyfully, cheerfully, gleefully, blithely, merrily, gaily, joyously, delightedly Albert leaned back happily and lit a cigarette.
3. willingly, freely, gladly, enthusiastically, heartily, with pleasure, contentedly, lief (rare) If I've caused any offence, I will happily apologise.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
na srečosrečno
mutluluklaseve seve
hạnh phúc


[ˈhæpɪlɪ] ADV
1. (= contentedly) [smile, say, play] → alegremente, felizmente
it all ended happilytodo acabó felizmentetodo tuvo un final feliz
they lived happily together for many yearsvivieron los dos felices durante muchos años
I'm a happily married mansoy un hombre feliz en mi matrimonio
he said he would happily lend us the moneydijo que nos dejaría el dinero con mucho gusto, dijo que gustosamente nos dejaría el dinero
2. (= without difficulty) → sin ningún problema
Muslims and Catholics live happily together heremusulmanes y católicos conviven aquí sin ningún problema
blackberries will grow happily in any good soillas moras crecen bien en cualquier tipo de tierra
she'll happily spend £100 on a dressse puede gastar 100 libras en un vestido tan tranquilamente
3. (= fortunately) → afortunadamente, por fortuna
happily, no one was hurtafortunadamente or por fortuna, nadie resultó herido
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhæpɪli] adv
(= cheerfully) [say, smile] → gaiement, joyeusement
"Don't worry!" he said happily → "Ne te fais pas de souci!" dit-il joyeusement.
(= contentedly) [play] → tranquillement; [live] → dans le bonheur
to be happily married [couple] → être heureux/euse en ménage; [husband] → être un époux comblé; [wife] → être une épouse comblée
and they all lived happily ever after (in fairy tale)ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants
(= readily, willingly) [admit, accept] → volontiers
I would happily spend the rest of my life here → Je passerais volontiers le reste de ma vie ici.
I will happily do it for you → Je m'en chargerai volontiers.
(= fortunately) → heureusement
Happily, everything went well → Heureusement, tout s'est bien passé.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


glücklich; say, playvergnügt, fröhlich; it all ended happilyes ging alles gut or glücklich aus; a happily married manein glücklich verheirateter Mann; they lived happily ever after (in fairy tales) → und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute; his dream was to get married and live happily ever aftersein Wunschtraum war, zu heiraten und dann glücklich und zufrieden zu leben
(= harmoniously) live together, combineharmonisch; these plants grow happily in any good soildiese Pflanzen wachsen gut or problemlos in allen guten Böden
(= gladly)gern; I would happily have lent her the moneyich hätte ihr das Geld ohne Weiteres geliehen
(= fortunately)glücklicherweise, zum Glück; happily for him, he can afford itzu seinem Glück kann er es sich leisten
(= felicitously)glücklich, treffend; happily worded/chosenglücklich formuliert/gewählt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈhæpɪlɪ] adv (contentedly, play, work) → tranquillamente; (cheerfully, say) → con gioia; (laugh) → con allegria; (fortunately) → per fortuna, fortunatamente
and they lived happily ever after → e vissero per sempre felici e contenti
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈhӕpi) adjective
1. having or showing a feeling of pleasure or contentment. a happy smile; I feel happy today.
2. willing. I'd be happy to help you.
3. lucky. By a happy chance I have the key with me.
ˈhappiness noun
ˈhappily adverb
The child smiled happily; Happily, (= Fortunately,) she arrived home safely.
ˌhappy-go-ˈlucky adjective
not worrying about what might happen. cheerful and happy-go-lucky.
happy medium
a sensible middle course between two extreme positions. I need to find the happy medium between starving and over-eating.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بِسَعَادَةٍ spokojeně glad glücklich χαρούμενα felizmente onnellisesti joyeusement nasreću felicemente 幸福に 행복하게 gelukkig lykkelig szczęśliwie felizmente счастливо lyckligt อย่างมีความสุข seve seve hạnh phúc 快乐地
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
It will readily occur to the antiquary, that these verses are intended to imitate the antique poetry of the Scalds the minstrels of the old Scandinavians the race, as the Laureate so happily terms them,
I did not stay long at Fremona, but left that town and the province of Tigre, and soon found that I was very happy in that resolution, for scarce had I left the place before the viceroy came in person to put me to death, who, not finding me, as he expected, resolved to turn all his vengeance against the father Gaspard Paes, a venerable man, who was grown grey in the missions of Aethiopia, and five other missionaries newly arrived from the Indies; his design was to kill them all at one time without suffering any to escape; he therefore sent for them all, but one happily being sick, another stayed to attend him; to this they owed their lives, for the viceroy, finding but four of them, sent them back, telling them he would see them all together.
"Leave him alone," said Mary Hendrikhovna, smiling timidly and happily. "He is sleeping well as it is, after a sleepless night."
But Homer, as in all else he is of surpassing merit, here too--whether from art or natural genius--seems to have happily discerned the truth.
And so it lies happily, Bathing in many A dream of the truth And the beauty of Annie -- Drowned in a bath Of the tresses of Annie.
Of all this mass of epic poetry only the scantiest fragments survive; but happily Photius has preserved to us an abridgment of the synopsis made of each poem of the "Trojan Cycle" by Proclus, i.e.
Pinocchio snored away happily as if his feet were not his own.
Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the corners defended with large jutting stones.
The young couple lived happily together till winter came, when the Flower Queen's daughter departed and went home to her mother.
Happily for America, happily, we trust, for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course.
Happily for him, the station had neither gates nor barriers.
On the morning, however, all was happily arranged, and towards ten o'clock--the time at which they had asked the priest to wait for them for the mass--the children in their new dresses, with beaming faces stood on the step before the carriage waiting for their mother.