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Related to heartily: hardily, heartly, heartedly


1. In a cordial manner; with warmth and sincerity: She greeted us heartily.
2. Thoroughly; completely: wished heartily that they would leave.
3. With zest or enthusiasm.
4. With great appetite or enjoyment: eat heartily.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. thoroughly or vigorously: to eat heartily.
2. in a sincere manner: he congratulated me heartily on my promotion.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈhɑr tl i)

1. in a hearty manner; cordially.
2. sincerely; genuinely: He sympathized heartily.
3. exuberantly: We laughed heartily.
4. with a hearty appetite: They ate heartily.
5. thoroughly: I'm heartily sick of your complaining.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.heartily - with gusto and without reservation; "the boy threw himself heartily into his work"
2.heartily - in a hearty mannerheartily - in a hearty manner; "`Yes,' the children chorused heartily"; "We welcomed her warmly"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. enthusiastically, vigorously, eagerly, resolutely, earnestly, zealously I heartily agree with her comments.
3. thoroughly, very, completely, totally, absolutely We're all heartily sick of all the aggravation.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
قَلْبِيّا، بإخْلاص


[ˈhɑːtɪlɪ] ADV
1. (= enthusiastically) [laugh] → a carcajadas, de buena gana; [eat] → con ganas, con apetito; [say] → efusivamente; [thank, welcome] → cordialmente, calurosamente
2. (= thoroughly) [recommend] → encarecidamente; [agree] → completamente, totalmente
to be heartily sick of sthestar completamente or realmente harto de algo
to be heartily gladalegrarse sinceramente
he heartily dislikes cabbagedetesta el repollo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhɑːrtɪli] adv
[praise, recommend, congratulate] → chaleureusement
[laugh] → de bon cœur
[eat] → de bon appétit
to agree heartily → être entièrement d'accord
[dislike] → cordialement
to be heartily sick of sb/sth (British)en avoir par-dessus la tête de qn/qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= enthusiastically) laugh, sayherzlich; singaus voller Kehle; eattüchtig
(= thoroughly) recommenduneingeschränkt; agreevoll und ganz; endorse, welcomevon Herzen; to heartily dislike doing somethingetw äußerst ungern tun; to be heartily sick of somethingetw herzlich leid sein; to be heartily fed up with something (inf)die Nase von etw gestrichen voll haben (inf); I’m heartily glad he isn’t comingich bin ausgesprochen froh, dass er nicht kommt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈhɑːtɪlɪ] adv (agree) → in pieno, completamente; (laugh) → di cuore, di gusto; (eat) → di buon appetito, di gusto; (thank, welcome) → calorosamente
to be heartily sick of (Brit) → essere veramente stufo/a di, essere arcistufo/a di
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(haːt) noun
1. the organ which pumps blood through the body. How fast does a person's heart beat?; (also adjective) heart disease; a heart specialist.
2. the central part. I live in the heart of the city; in the heart of the forest; the heart of a lettuce; Let's get straight to the heart of the matter/problem.
3. the part of the body where one's feelings, especially of love, conscience etc are imagined to arise. She has a kind heart; You know in your heart that you ought to go; She has no heart (= She is not kind).
4. courage and enthusiasm. The soldiers were beginning to lose heart.
5. a symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart; a white dress with little pink hearts on it; heart-shaped.
6. one of the playing-cards of the suit hearts, which have red symbols of this shape on them.
kind-hearted; hard-hearted; broken-hearted.
ˈhearten verb
to encourage or cheer up. We were greatly heartened by the good news.
ˈheartless adjective
cruel; very unkind. a heartless remark.
ˈheartlessly adverb
ˈheartlessness noun
hearts noun plural
(sometimes treated as noun singular) one of the four card suits. the two of hearts.
ˈhearty adjective
1. very friendly. a hearty welcome.
2. enthusiastic. a hearty cheer.
3. very cheerful; too cheerful. a hearty person/laugh.
4. (of meals) large. He ate a hearty breakfast.
5. (of a person's appetite) large.
ˈheartily adverb
ˈheartiness noun
ˈheartache noun
(a feeling of) great sadness.
heart attack
a sudden failure of the heart to function correctly, sometimes causing death. My father has had a slight heart attack.
ˈheartbeat noun
(the sound of) the regular movement of the heart.
ˈheartbreak noun
(something which causes) great sorrow. I have suffered many heartbreaks in my life.
ˈheartbroken adjective
feeling very great sorrow. a heartbroken widow.
ˈheartburn noun
a burning feeling in the chest caused by indigestion. She suffers from heartburn after meals.
heart failure
the sudden stopping of the heart's beating. the old man died of heart failure.
ˈheartfelt adjective
sincere. heartfelt thanks.
ˌheart-to-ˈheart adjective
open and sincere, usually in private. I'm going to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.
an open and sincere talk, usually in private. After our heart-to-heart I felt more cheerful.
ˈheart-warming adjective
causing a person to feel pleasure. It was heart-warming to see the happiness of the children.
at heart
really; basically. He seems rather stern but he is at heart a very kind man.
break someone's heart
to cause someone great sorrow. If you leave her, it'll break her heart.
by heart
from memory; by memorizing. The children know their multiplication tables by heart; Actors must learn their speeches (off) by heart.
from the bottom of one's heart
very sincerely. She thanked him from the bottom of her heart.
have a change of heart
to change a decision etc, usually to a better, kinder one. He's had a change of heart – he's going to help us after all.
have a heart!
show some pity!.
have at heart
to have a concern for or interest in. He has the interest of his workers at heart.
heart and soul
with all one's attention and energy. She devoted herself heart and soul to caring for her husband.
lose heart
to become discouraged.
not have the heart to
not to want or be unkind enough to (do something unpleasant). I don't have the heart to tell him that everyone laughed at his suggestions.
set one's heart on / have one's heart set on
to want very much. He had set his heart on winning the prize; He had his heart set on winning.
take heart
to become encouraged or more confident.
take to heart
1. to be made very sad or upset by. You mustn't take his unkind remarks to heart.
2. to pay attention to. He's taken my criticism to heart – his work has improved.
to one's heart's content
as much as one wants. She could play in the big garden to her heart's content.
with all one's heart
very willingly or sincerely. I hope with all my heart that you will be happy.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Him whom I love, I love better in winter than in summer; better do I now mock at mine enemies, and more heartily, when winter sitteth in my house.
I thank you heartily. It's more than brotherly, as I said before, and I thank you heartily for it," shaking him a long time by the hand.
"This arrangement must be altered immediately, for a reason which I am heartily sorry to have to write.
I scolded him for making love to Maria Mainwaring; he protested that he had been only in joke, and we both laughed heartily at her disappointment; and, in short, were very agreeable.
They this time embraced heartily, and without retaining any malice.
The bean, who had prudently stayed behind on the shore, could not but laugh at the event, was unable to stop, and laughed so heartily that she burst.
When night came I slept sweetly in a cosy nook, though the remembrance that I was alone in a strange land made me sometimes start up and look around me in alarm, and then I wished heartily that I had stayed at home at ease.
On the contrary, having always fed heartily on pumpkin-pies, doughnuts, Indian puddings, and other Puritan dainties, she was as round and plump as a pudding herself.
In his way he met his old friend Black George, who heartily condoled with him on his misfortune; for this had already reached his ears, and indeed those of all the neighbourhood.
For one, I cannot bawl very heartily and work very recklessly at one and the same time.
Allen to support her, she felt no dread of the event: but she would gladly be spared a contest, where victory itself was painful, and was heartily rejoiced therefore at neither seeing nor hearing anything of them.
If a good thought passed through a man's mind, then a grin was seen in the mirror, and the sprite laughed heartily at his clever discovery.