goose grass
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(ˈkli vərz)n., pl. -ers.
a North American plant, Galium aparine, of the madder family, having short, hooked bristles on the stems and leaves and bearing very small white flowers.
Also called goose grass. [before 1000; Middle English clivre, Old English clife burdock (-re probably by association with Middle English clivres (pl.) claws, or with the agent n. from cleven to cleave1)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Noun | 1. | goose grass - annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia bedstraw - any of several plants of the genus Galium |
2. | goose grass - low-growing perennial having leaves silvery beneath; northern United States; Europe; Asia cinquefoil, five-finger - any of a numerous plants grown for their five-petaled flowers; abundant in temperate regions; alleged to have medicinal properties | |
3. | goose grass - annual weedy grass used for hay panic grass - any grass of the genus Panicum; grown for grain and fodder | |
4. | goose grass - coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers; native to Old World tropics; a naturalized weed elsewhere Eleusine, genus Eleusine - annual and perennial grasses of savannas and upland grasslands millet - any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa, Setaria, Sorghum, and Eleusine |
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