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1. (Physical Geography) a line or surface within or on the earth connecting points of equal temperature
2. (Physical Geography) the representation of such a line or surface on a map or diagram
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On 23rd May, the Forum East event in Ipswich is delighted to welcome East Anglia's leading heat pump supplier and installer Finn Geotherm "on board" as forum Gold Sponsor.
From the numerical modelling, the lithosphere of the Central System is weaker because of its lower mantle strength (as a result of the crust thickening) and its higher geotherm (due to the high heat production of granites).
As should be standard on all thermal grouting projects, samples were sent to Geotherm Inc.
The authors acknowledge the financial support by IWT and WTCB in the frame of the IWT-VIS Traject SMART GEOTHERM focusing on integration of thermal energy storage and thermal inertia in geothermal concepts for smart heating and cooling of (medium) large buildings.
Wang, "Characteristics of the geotherm in Yunnan region," Seismology and Geology, vol.
A high pressure carbon bearing phase is formed by recombination of C[O.sub.2] with other oxides at P-T conditions close to the lower mantle geotherm. This behavior might be due to a strong thermodynamic stability of the new carbon bearing phase.
Europaischer Workshop uber Geotherm ische Response Tests, Ecole Poly technique Federal de Lausanne, October 25-26, 2001, Lausanne, France.
David Richards, Prodrive, Alan Jackson, Intercity Mobile Communications, David Smith, Churchill Vintners, Brian Davidson, Geotherm International, Margaret Hodge MP, Debbie Golec, Yorkshire Bank, and Marc Reeves, The Birmingham Post DM200607POSTB-04; Brian Davidson, Geotherm International, Paul Willougby, FlyBe DM200607POSTB-03; Brian Davidson, Geotherm International, and Margaret Hodge MP DM200607POSTB-06; David Smith, Churchill Vintners, Debbie Golec, Yorkshire Bank, Lord Mayor, Coun Randall Brew, Lady Mayoress, Sandra Brew, Coun Deidre Alden and Paul Willouby, FlyBe DM200607POSTB-09; John Sanders, Aston Business School, David Richards, Prodrive Aston Martin, and Richard Fitzgerald, AVFC DM200607POSTB-02
But there's a big difference between making token eco-friendly gestures that play well in a press release--General Electric topper Jeffrey Immelt's trip to Universal Studios in May to hawk his "ecoimagination" campaign comes to mind--and the environmental missionaries who are looking to reform studio moviemaking practices one geotherm at a time.
and Dostenaro, D., "Assessment of Evaporative Cooling Enhancement Methods for Air-Cooled Geothermal Power Plants," Geotherm. Resour.