divine service
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divine service
(Ecclesiastical Terms) a service of the Christian church, esp one at which no sacrament is given
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈsɜr vɪs)n., adj., v. -iced, -ic•ing. n.
1. an act of helpful activity; help; aid.
2. the supplying or supplier of utilities, commodities, or other facilities that meet a public need, as water, electricity, communication, or transportation.
3. the providing or a provider of accommodation and activities required by the public, as maintenance or repair: guaranteed service and parts.
4. the organized system of apparatus, appliances, employees, etc., for supplying some accommodation required by the public: a television repair service.
5. the performance of duties or the duties performed as or by a waiter or servant.
6. employment in any duties or work for a person, organization, government, etc.
7. a department of public employment, or the body of public servants in it: the diplomatic service.
8. the duty or work of public servants.
a. the armed forces: in the service.
b. a branch of the armed forces.
10. the actions required in loading and firing a cannon.
11. Often, services. the performance of any duties or work for another: medical services.
12. something made or done by a commercial organization for the public benefit and without regard to direct profit.
13. Also called divine service. public religious worship according to prescribed form and order.
14. a ritual or form prescribed for public worship or for some particular occasion: the marriage service.
15. the serving of God by obedience, piety, etc.
16. a musical setting of the sung portions of a liturgy.
17. a set of dishes, utensils, etc., for general table use or for particular use.
19. Law. the serving of a process or writ upon a person.
20. (in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.)
a. the act or manner of putting the ball or shuttlecock into play; serve.
b. the ball or shuttlecock as put into play.
21. the mating of a female animal with the male.
adj. 22. of service; useful.
23. of, pertaining to, or used by servants, delivery people, etc., or in serving food.
24. supplying services rather than products or goods: the service professions.
25. supplying maintenance and repair: a service center for electrical appliances.
26. of, for, or pertaining to the armed forces or one of them.
27. providing, authorizing, or guaranteeing service: a service contract.
v.t. 28. to make fit for use; repair or restore: to service an automobile.
29. to supply with aid, information, or other incidental services.
30. (of a male animal) to mate with (a female animal).
31. to pay off (a debt) over a period of time, as by meeting periodic interest payments.
[before 1100; late Old English serfise ceremony < Old French servise, service < Latin servitium servitude, derivative of serv(us) slave]
(ˈsɜr vɪs)n.
a service tree, esp. Sorbus domestica.
[1520–30; earlier serves, pl. of obsolete serve service tree, Middle English; Old English syrfe < Vulgar Latin *sorbea, derivative of Latin sorbus sorb1]
(ˈsɜr vɪs)n.
Robert W(illiam), 1874–1958, Canadian writer.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Noun | 1. | divine service - the act of public worship following prescribed rules; "the Sunday service" religious ceremony, religious ritual - a ceremony having religious meaning church service, church - a service conducted in a house of worship; "don't be late for church" devotional - a short religious service prayer meeting, prayer service - a service at which people sing hymns and pray together chapel service, chapel - a service conducted in a place of worship that has its own altar; "he was late for chapel" committal service - service committing a body to the grave; "the committal service will be held next Monday" none - a service in the Roman Catholic Church formerly read or chanted at 3 PM (the ninth hour counting from sunrise) but now somewhat earlier vesper - a late afternoon or evening worship service watch night - a devotional service (especially on New Year's Eve) invocation, supplication - a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious service |
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