dining table

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Noun1.dining table - a table at which meals are serveddining table - a table at which meals are served; "he helped her clear the dining table"; "a feast was spread upon the board"
dining-room table - dining-room furniture consisting of a table on which meals can be served
dinner table - the dining table where dinner is served and eaten
high table - a dining table in a dining-hall raised on a platform; seats are reserved for distinguished persons
refectory table - a long narrow dining table supported by a stretcher between two trestles
table - a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it; "I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant"
triclinium - a dining table with couches along three sides in ancient Rome
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dining table

[ˈdaɪnɪŋˌteɪbl] ntavola or tavolo da pranzo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dain) verb
to have dinner. We shall dine at half-past eight.
ˈdiner noun
1. a person who dines. The diners ran from the restaurant when the fire started.
2. a restaurant car on a train.
3. (American) a small inexpensive restaurant.
ˈdining-room noun
a room used mainly for eating in.
ˈdining table noun
a table round which people sit to eat.
dine on
to have for one's dinner. They dined on lobster and champagne.
dine out
to have dinner somewhere other than one's own house eg in a restaurant or at the house of friends etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
I started to my feet, and held the book close to the light of the lamp that hung over the dining table. No: I had found the right page.
They had, of course, put their dining table in the kitchen, and the dining room was used as the bedroom of Teta Elzbieta and five of her children.
He pretended to be deaf, and I, without thinking a second about it, dashed along my own side of the dining table and cut him off at the very door.
Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet, at this passage of her discourse, threw back the strings, and sat down, panting, on a footstool in front of the fire - making a kind of arbour of the dining table, which spread its mahogany shelter above her head.
I never did in my days behold anything like Mowcher as she stood upon the dining table, intensely enjoying this refreshment, rubbing busily at Steerforth's head, and winking at me over it.
The dining tables had all been removed to one end of the hall, and the chairs ranged about in rows and in clusters.
Behind the long dining tables on either side of the saloon, and scattered from one end to the other of the latter, some twenty or thirty gentlemen and ladies sat them down under the swaying lamps and for two or three hours wrote diligently in their journals.
Pink tableware can easily create a soft and modern look for your dining table. A timeless collection of softly blushed stoneware accented with a gracefully gilded rim from Anthropologie would not only look great on your dining table, but it would also make a lovely present.
Create a definite dining zone by choosing a rug at least 50cm wider than your dining table footprint all the way around.
Jinkee marked their arrival in the States with a picture of their dining table on July 6.
The dining table is one of the most significant furniture pieces in the home because it's quite multifunctional -- a place to eat, play and occasionally work.