day job

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Related to day job: curriculum vitae, Curriculum vitæ

day job

One's primary job, usually during conventional work hours, in contrast to other secondary or preferred pursuits that provide little or no income.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

day′ job`

one's regular job and main source of income, usu. viewed in contrast to a speculative or irregular endeavor: Good luck in the lottery, but don't quit your day job.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Richard Low, Twechar, Dunbartonshire YOU have to laugh at Ian Blackford's comments that the Tories wouldn't recognise the day job if they fell over it, when the SNP has only had eyes on independence and neglected the day job for over 10 years.
However, my commitment to independence has never stopped me, or the SNP Government, from getting on with the day job of representing my constituents and working in the best interests of Scotland.
He noted that in the last Labor Day Job Fair alone, about 9,000 applicants were hired by participating employers.
Over 4,000 local and overseas job opportunities were offered during the Labor Day job fair here.
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) XI opens 6,608 job vacancies for the upcoming Labor Day job fair on May 1 to 2 at the Gaisano Mall of Davao.
The University of Hawaii at Manoa, perhaps unwittingly, helped conceal terrorist Mohammed Rafiq Alareer's true role on Al-Aqsa TV, the Jew-hating role that made him famous in Gaza, as well as his "day job" as an al-Qassam Brigades soldier.
friends aware as word goes out - I'm not quitting my day job. I'm still 100 per cent committed to Huddersfield Town and will always give the Terriers my all.
"Karren Brady wasn't impressed - it must take a lot to shock a woman whose day job is working for a couple of ex-porn purveyors at West Ham
"Don't quit the day job." Many a budding entrepreneur has been flattened by those words -- and maybe they're true.
Except, it is not the job of council officials, or elected representatives of a council to indulge their fetish for long distance travel, at the expense of the taxpayer, when they should be focusing on their day job at home.
In his day job, awardwinning Glaswegian comic Matt Winning is an environmental economist at the UCL Energy Institute.
DIEP TRAN RESPONDS: To clarify, I chose to include the day job of the director but not the day job of the playwright and stage manager because in the case of the latter two artists, I had them give me their income from 2014, a year when both were freelance artists without a day job.