Day in court

Also found in: Legal, Idioms, Wikipedia.
a day for the appearance of parties in a suit.
- Burrill.

See also: Day

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
After a month without seeing her child, Marin got her day in court. As soon as a family court judge got to the bottom of the matter, at a translated hearing, Marin was reunited with her baby.
"I still believe the legal system may yet allow this child at long last to have a day in court before he is relegated to a totalitarian regime," said attorney Kendall Coffey, who argued the relatives' side in the May 11 Appeals Court hearing.
But the INS and three court rulings have found against the relatives' asylum petition and, in effect, have refused to recognize that Elian ever requested a day in court. The appeals panel said that "the parent is the sole, appropriate representative for a child."