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Related to clears up: clears the air
(klîr)adj. clear·er, clear·est
1. Free from clouds, mist, or haze: a clear day.
2. Not obscured or darkened; bright: clear daylight; a clear yellow.
3. Easily seen through; transparent: clear water.
4. Free from flaw, blemish, or impurity: a clear, perfect diamond; a clear record with the police.
5. Free from impediment, obstruction, or hindrance; open: a clear view; a clear path to victory.
6. Plain or evident to the mind; unmistakable: a clear case of cheating.
7. Easily perceptible to the eye or ear; distinct: the clear call of a songbird.
8. Discerning or perceiving easily; keen: a clear mind.
9. Free from doubt or confusion; certain: His meaning is clear.
10. Free from qualification or limitation; absolute: a clear winner.
11. Free from guilt; untroubled: a clear conscience.
12. Having been freed from contact, proximity, or connection: At last we were clear of the danger. The ship was clear of the reef.
13. Free from charges or deductions; net: a clear profit.
14. Containing nothing: The ship's hold was clear.
1. Distinctly; clearly: spoke loud and clear.
2. Out of the way; completely away: stood clear of the doors.
3. Informal All the way; completely: slept clear through the night; read the book clear to the end.
v. cleared, clear·ing, clears
1. To make light, clear, or bright: The wind cleared the sky of clouds.
2. To rid of impurities, blemishes, muddiness, or foreign matter: The new filter cleared the water.
3. To free from confusion, doubt, or ambiguity; make plain or intelligible: cleared up the question of responsibility.
a. To rid of objects or obstructions: clear the table; clear the road of debris.
b. To make (a way or clearing) by removing obstructions: clear a path through the jungle.
c. To remove (objects or obstructions): clear the dishes; clear snow from the road.
a. To remove the occupants of: clear the theater.
b. To remove (people): clear the children from the room.
6. Sports
a. To move or shoot (a ball or puck) away from the goal or out of the defensive zone.
b. To clear a ball or puck out of (the defensive zone), as in lacrosse or hockey.
7. Computers
a. To rid (a memory location or buffer, for example) of instructions or data.
b. To remove (instructions or data) from memory.
8. To free from a legal charge or imputation of guilt; acquit: cleared the suspect of the murder charge.
9. To pass by, under, or over without contact: The boat cleared the dock.
10. To settle (a debt).
11. To gain (a given amount) as net profit or earnings.
12. To pass (a bill of exchange, such as a check) through a clearing-house.
a. To secure the approval of: The bill cleared the Senate.
b. To authorize or approve: cleared the material for publication.
14. To free (a ship or cargo) from legal detention at a harbor by fulfilling customs and harbor requirements.
15. To give clearance or authorization to: cleared the plane to land.
16. To free (the throat) of phlegm by making a rasping sound.
1. To become clear: The sky cleared.
2. To go away; disappear: The fog cleared.
a. To exchange checks and bills or settle accounts through a clearing-house.
b. To pass through the banking system and be debited and credited to the relevant accounts: The check cleared.
4. To comply with customs and harbor requirements in discharging a cargo or in leaving or entering a port.
Phrasal Verb: A clear or open space.
clear out Informal
Idioms: To leave a place, usually quickly.
clear the air
To dispel differences or emotional tensions.
in the clear
1. Free from burdens or dangers.
2. Not subject to suspicion or accusations of guilt: The evidence showed that the suspect was actually in the clear.
[Middle English cler, from Old French, from Latin clārus, clear, bright; see kelə- in Indo-European roots.]
clear′a·ble adj.
clear′er n.
clear′ly adv.
clear′ness n.
Synonyms: clear, crystal, crystalline, limpid, pellucid, transparent
These adjectives mean not opaque or clouded: wrapped in clear plastic; crystal waters fed by snowmelt; crystalline air after a storm; a limpid blue pool; fish darting in the pellucid shallows; the transparent wings of a dragonfly. See Also Synonyms at apparent.
These adjectives mean not opaque or clouded: wrapped in clear plastic; crystal waters fed by snowmelt; crystalline air after a storm; a limpid blue pool; fish darting in the pellucid shallows; the transparent wings of a dragonfly. See Also Synonyms at apparent.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. free from darkness or obscurity; bright
2. (of weather) free from dullness or clouds
3. transparent: clear water.
4. even and pure in tone or colour: clear blue.
5. without discoloration, blemish, or defect: a clear skin.
6. easy to see or hear; distinct
7. free from doubt or confusion: his instructions are not clear.
8. (postpositive) certain in the mind; sure: are you clear?.
9. (in combination) perceptive, alert: clear-headed.
10. evident or obvious: it is clear that he won't come now.
11. (of sounds or the voice) not harsh or hoarse
12. serene; calm
13. without qualification or limitation; complete: a clear victory.
14. free of suspicion, guilt, or blame: a clear conscience.
15. free of obstruction; open: a clear passage.
16. free from debt or obligation
17. (Accounting & Book-keeping) (of money, profits, etc) without deduction; net
18. (Commerce) emptied of freight or cargo
19. (Forestry) (of timber) having a smooth, unblemished surface
20. Also: in clear (of a message, etc) not in code
21. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics Also: light denoting an (l) in whose articulation the main part of the tongue is brought forward giving the sound of a front-vowel timbre
22. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) showjumping (of a round) ridden without any fences being knocked down or any points being lost
23. in a clear or distinct manner
24. completely or utterly
25. (often foll by: of) not in contact (with); free: stand clear of the gates.
26. a clear space
27. another word for clearance
28. free of suspicion, guilt, or blame
29. (General Sporting Terms) sport able to receive a pass without being tackled
30. to make or become free from darkness, obscurity, etc
31. (intr)
a. (of the weather) to become free from dullness, fog, rain, etc
b. (of mist, fog, etc) to disappear
32. (tr) to free from impurity or blemish
33. (tr) to free from doubt or confusion: to clear one's mind.
34. (tr) to rid of objects, obstructions, etc
35. (tr) to make or form (a path, way, etc) by removing obstructions
36. (tr) to free or remove (a person or thing) from something, such as suspicion, blame, or guilt
37. (tr) to move or pass by or over without contact or involvement: he cleared the wall easily.
38. (tr) to rid (the throat) of phlegm or obstruction
39. (Commerce) (tr) to make or gain (money) as profit
40. (Banking & Finance) (often foll by: off) to discharge or settle (a debt)
41. (Banking & Finance) (tr) to free (a debtor) from obligation
42. (Banking & Finance) (intr) (of a cheque) to pass through one's bank and be charged against one's account
43. (Banking & Finance) banking to settle accounts by exchanging (commercial documents) in a clearing house
44. to permit (ships, aircraft, cargo, passengers, etc) to unload, disembark, depart, etc, after fulfilling the customs and other requirements, or (of ships, etc) to be permitted to unload, etc
45. to obtain or give clearance
46. (tr) to obtain clearance from
47. (Microbiology) (tr) microscopy to make (specimens) transparent by immersion in a fluid such as xylene
48. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (tr) to permit (a person, company, etc) to see or handle classified information
49. (Military) (tr) military
a. to achieve transmission of (a signalled message) and acknowledgment of its receipt at its destination
b. to decode (a message, etc)
50. (General Sporting Terms) (tr) sport to hit, kick, carry, or throw (the ball) out of the defence area
51. (Computer Science) (tr) computing to remove (data) from a storage device and replace it with particular characters that usually indicate zero
52. (Agriculture) (tr) NZ to remove (trees, scrub, etc) from land
53. clear the air See air11
54. clear the decks to prepare for action, as by removing obstacles from a field of activity or combat
[C13 clere, from Old French cler, from Latin clārus clear, bright, brilliant, illustrious]
ˈclearable adj
ˈclearer n
ˈclearness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(klɪər)adj.andadv. clear•er, clear•est,
1. free from darkness, obscurity, or cloudiness: a clear day.
2. transparent; pellucid: clear water.
3. without discoloration, defect, or blemish: clear skin.
4. of a pure, even color: a clear yellow.
5. easily seen; sharply defined: a clear outline.
6. distinctly perceptible to the ear; easily heard: a clear sound.
7. free from hoarse, harsh, or rasping qualities: a clear voice.
8. easily understood; without ambiguity: clear answers.
9. entirely comprehensible; completely understood: The causes of inflation may never be clear.
10. distinct; evident; plain: a clear case of measles.
11. free from confusion, uncertainty, or doubt: clear thinking.
12. perceiving or discerning distinctly: a clear mind.
13. free from blame or guilt: a clear conscience.
14. serene; untroubled: a clear brow.
15. free from obstructions or obstacles; open: a clear path.
16. free from entanglement or contact: He kept clear of her after the argument.
17. without limitation or qualification; absolute: a clear victory.
18. free from obligation, liability, or debt: a return of 4 percent, clear of taxes.
19. without deduction or diminution: a clear profit of $1000.
20. freed or emptied of contents, cargo, etc.
21. bright; shining: a clear flame.
adv. 22. in a clear or distinct manner; clearly.
23. so as not to be in contact with or near; away: Stand clear of the closing doors.
24. entirely; completely; clean: to cut a piece clear off.
v.t. 25. to remove people or objects from: to clear the table of dishes.
26. to remove (people or objects): to clear the press from the courtroom.
27. to make clear, transparent, or pellucid: to clear a liquid.
28. to make free of confusion, doubt, or uncertainty: to clear the mind.
29. to make understandable or lucid; free from ambiguity or obscurity: Her reply cleared the confusion.
30. to make (a path, road, etc.) by removing any obstruction.
31. to eat all the food on: to clear one's plate.
32. to relieve (the throat) of some obstruction, as phlegm, by forcing air through the larynx, usu. producing a rasping sound.
33. to make a similar rasping noise in (the throat), as to express disapproval or to attract attention.
34. to free of anything defamatory or discrediting: to clear one's name.
35. to free from suspicion, accusation, or imputation of guilt: The jury cleared the defendant of the charge.
36. to remove instructions or data from (a computer, display screen, etc.).
37. to pass by or over without contact or entanglement: The ship cleared the reef.
38. to pass through or away from: The bill cleared the Senate.
39. to pass (checks or other commercial paper) through a clearinghouse.
40. (of mail, telephone calls, etc.) to process, handle, reroute, etc.
41. to free from debt: to clear an estate.
42. to gain as clear profit.
43. to pay (a debt) in full.
44. to receive authorization before taking action on: to clear a plan with headquarters.
45. to give clearance to; authorize.
46. to authorize (a person, agency, etc.) to use classified information, documents, etc.
47. to remove trees, buildings, or other obstructions from (land), as for farming or construction.
48. to free (a ship, cargo, etc.) by satisfying customs and other requirements.
49. to try or otherwise dispose of (the cases awaiting court action): to clear the docket.
50. to jump (a specific height or distance): He cleared 12 feet.
v.i. 51. to become clear: The sky cleared.
52. to disappear; vanish: These problems will clear shortly.
53. to exchange checks and bills, and settle balances, as in a clearinghouse.
54. to become free from doubt, anxiety, misunderstanding, etc.
55. to pass an authority for review, approval, etc.
a. to comply with customs and other legal requirements at port.
b. to leave port after having complied with such requirements.
57. (of a commodity for sale) to sell out; become bought out: Wheat cleared rapidly.
58. clear out,
a. to go away, esp. quickly.
b. to drive or force out.
59. clear up, to make clear; explain.
n. 60. a clear or unobstructed space.
Idioms: 1. clear the air or atmosphere, to eliminate hidden feelings of anger, distrust, etc., by discussing them openly.
2. in the clear, absolved of blame or guilt.
[1250–1300; Middle English clere < Anglo-French, Old French cler < Latin clārus]
clear′a•ble, adj.
clear′er, n.
clear′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. To approve or authorize, or to obtain approval or authorization for: a. a person or persons with regard to their actions, movements, duties, etc.; b. an object or group of objects, as equipment or supplies, with regard to quality, quantity, purpose, movement, disposition, etc.; and c. a request, with regard to correctness of form, validity, etc.
2. To give one or more aircraft a clearance.
3. To give a person a security clearance.
4. To fly over an obstacle without touching it.
5. To pass a designated point, line, or object. The end of a column must pass the designated feature before the latter is cleared.
6. a. To operate a gun so as to unload it or make certain no ammunition remains; and b. to free a gun of stoppages.
7. To clear an engine; to open the throttle of an idling engine to free it from carbon.
8. To clear the air to gain either temporary or permanent air superiority or control in a given sector.
2. To give one or more aircraft a clearance.
3. To give a person a security clearance.
4. To fly over an obstacle without touching it.
5. To pass a designated point, line, or object. The end of a column must pass the designated feature before the latter is cleared.
6. a. To operate a gun so as to unload it or make certain no ammunition remains; and b. to free a gun of stoppages.
7. To clear an engine; to open the throttle of an idling engine to free it from carbon.
8. To clear the air to gain either temporary or permanent air superiority or control in a given sector.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Past participle: cleared
Gerund: clearing
Imperative |
clear |
clear |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Noun | 1. | clear - the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear" innocence - a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense; "the trial established his innocence" |
2. | clear - a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open" | |
Verb | 1. | clear - rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk" alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" clear - remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road" clear away, clear off - remove from sight |
2. | clear - make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest" clear - remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road" | |
3. | clear - become clear; "The sky cleared after the storm" | |
4. | clear - grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography" countenance, permit, allow, let - consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam" approbate - approve or sanction officially certificate - authorize by certificate declare - authorize payments of; "declare dividends" commission - charge with a task | |
5. | clear - remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road" remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" clear-cut - remove all the trees at one time; "clear-cut an acre of forest" stump - remove tree stumps from; "stump a field" clear - make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest" deforest, disafforest, disforest - remove the trees from; "The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks" | |
6. | clear - go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House" clear - pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs" bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, succeed, win, come through - attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won" | |
7. | clear - be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days" bounce - come back after being refused; "the check bounced" | |
8. | clear - go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon" | |
9. | clear - pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops" hop - jump across; "He hopped the bush" | |
10. | clear - make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" | |
11. | clear - free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock" | |
12. | clear - clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear the water before it can be drunk" | |
13. | clear - yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million" | |
14. | clear - make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million" | |
15. | clear - earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month" make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies" acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work" squeeze out, eke out - make by laborious and precarious means; "He eked out a living as a painter" turn a profit, profit - make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger" rake off - take money from an illegal transaction take home, bring home - earn as a salary or wage; "How much does your wife take home after taxes and other deductions?" rake in, shovel in - earn large sums of money; "Since she accepted the new position, she has been raking it in" gross - earn before taxes, expenses, etc. | |
16. | clear - sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars" commerce, commercialism, mercantilism - transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services) sell - exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit" | |
17. | clear - pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs" | |
18. | clear - pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges" vindicate - clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof; "You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel" whitewash - exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data purge - clear of a charge | |
19. | clear - settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt" square off, square up, settle, determine - settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument" | |
20. | clear - make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering" | |
21. | clear - rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer" computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures empty - make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building" | |
22. | clear - remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat" clear - remove the occupants of; "Clear the building" | |
23. | clear - remove the occupants of; "Clear the building" empty - make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building" clear - remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat" | |
24. | clear - free (the throat) by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat" | |
Adj. | 1. | clear - readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature" unambiguous - having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning; "As a horror, absolutely unambiguous"- Mario Vargas Llosa comprehendible, comprehensible - capable of being comprehended or understood; "an idea comprehensible to the average mind" definite - precise; explicit and clearly defined; "I want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance" distinct - easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints" unclear - not clear to the mind; "the law itself was unclear on that point"; "the reason for their actions is unclear to this day" |
2. | clear - free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us" clearheaded, clear-thinking - not mentally confused; able to think clearly and act intelligently | |
3. | clear - affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside" unobstructed - free from impediment or obstruction or hindrance; "an unobstructed view" | |
4. | clear - allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean" opaque - not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight; "opaque windows of the jail"; "opaque to X-rays" | |
5. | clear - free from contact or proximity or connection; "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef" free - able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice" | |
6. | clear - characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt); "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes" untroubled - not beset by troubles or disturbance or distress; "seemed untroubled by doubts of any kind"; "untroubled sleep"; "a kind untroubled face" | |
7. | clear - (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell" pure - free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and water"; "pure gold"; "pure primary colors"; "the violin's pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen" | |
8. | clear - (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property" unencumbered - free of encumbrance; "inherited an unencumbered estate" | |
9. | clear - clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern" distinct - easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints" | |
10. | clear - accurately stated or described; "a set of well-defined values" | |
11. | clear - free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day" meteorology - the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather) cloudy - full of or covered with clouds; "cloudy skies" | |
12. | clear - free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner" unqualified - not limited or restricted; "an unqualified denial" | |
13. | clear - free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond"; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman" perfect - being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day" | |
14. | clear - clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit" | |
15. | clear - easily deciphered legible - (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered; "legible handwriting" | |
16. | clear - freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated" clean-handed, guiltless, innocent - free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty" | |
17. | clear - characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author" discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment; "a discerning critic"; "a discerning reader" | |
Adv. | 1. | clear - completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" |
2. | clear - in an easily perceptible manner; "could be seen clearly under the microscope"; "She cried loud and clear" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. comprehensible, explicit, articulate, understandable, coherent, lucid, user-friendly, intelligible The book is clear, readable and amply illustrated.
comprehensible confused, incoherent, inarticulate, inexplicit
comprehensible confused, incoherent, inarticulate, inexplicit
2. distinct, audible, perceptible He repeated his answer in a clear, firm voice.
distinct inaudible, indistinct, unrecognizable
distinct inaudible, indistinct, unrecognizable
3. obvious, plain, apparent, bold, patent, evident, distinct, pronounced, definite, manifest, blatant, conspicuous, unmistakable, express, palpable, unequivocal, recognizable, unambiguous, unquestionable, cut-and-dried (informal), incontrovertible It was a clear case of homicide.
obvious hidden, obscured, ambiguous, equivocal
obvious hidden, obscured, ambiguous, equivocal
4. certain, sure, convinced, positive, satisfied, resolved, explicit, definite, decided It is important to be clear on what the author is saying here.
certain confused, doubtful
certain confused, doubtful
5. transparent, see-through, translucent, crystalline, glassy, limpid, pellucid The water is clear and plenty of fish are visible.
transparent muddy, opaque, cloudy, turbid
transparent muddy, opaque, cloudy, turbid
6. unobstructed, open, free, empty, unhindered, unimpeded, unhampered All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare.
unobstructed closed, blocked, hampered, barricaded, obstructed, impeded
unobstructed closed, blocked, hampered, barricaded, obstructed, impeded
7. bright, fine, fair, shining, sunny, luminous, halcyon, cloudless, undimmed, light, unclouded Most places will be dry with clear skies.
bright dark, dull, stormy, murky, cloudy, misty, hazy, foggy, overcast
bright dark, dull, stormy, murky, cloudy, misty, hazy, foggy, overcast
8. untroubled, clean, pure, innocent, stainless, immaculate, unblemished, untarnished, guiltless, sinless, undefiled I can look back on things with a clear conscience.
1. unblock, unclog, free, loosen, extricate, disengage, open, disentangle We called in a plumber to clear our blocked sink.
2. remove, clean, wipe, cleanse, tidy (up), sweep away Firemen were still clearing rubble from the scene of the explosion.
3. brighten, break up, lighten As the weather cleared, helicopters began to ferry the injured to hospital.
clear out (Informal) go away, leave, retire, withdraw, depart, beat it (slang), decamp, hook it (slang), slope off, pack your bags (informal), make tracks, bog off (Brit. slang), take yourself off, make yourself scarce 'Clear out!' he bawled, 'This is private property.'
clear something out
2. get rid of, remove, dump, dispose of, throw away or out It'll take you a month just to clear out all this rubbish.
clear something up
1. tidy (up), order, straighten, rearrange, put in order I told you to clear up your room.
2. solve, explain, resolve, clarify, unravel, straighten out, elucidate During dinner the confusion was cleared up.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective2. Free from what obscures or dims:
3. Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen:
4. Free from flaws or blemishes:
5. Free from obstructions:
6. Readily seen, perceived, or understood:
7. Clearly defined; not ambiguous:
8. Easily seen through due to a lack of subtlety:
9. Without any doubt:
10. Clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed:
11. Freed from contact or connection:
2. To make clear or clearer.Also used with up:
Idiom: shed light on (or upon).
4. To make or keep (an area) clean and orderly.Also used with up:
5. To free from an entanglement:
7. To free from or cast out something objectionable or undesirable:
Slang: shake.
8. To destroy all traces of:
abolish, annihilate, blot out, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, kill, liquidate, obliterate, remove, root (out or up), rub out, snuff out, stamp out, uproot, wipe out.
Idioms: do away with, make an end of, put an end to.
9. To free from a charge or imputation of guilt:
11. To set right by giving what is due:
12. To make as income or profit:
clear out
phrasal verb
clear up
To find a solution for:
Informal: dope out, figure out.
Idiom: get to the bottom of.
Informal. To the fullest extent:
absolutely, all, altogether, completely, dead, entirely, flat, fully, just, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, well, wholly.
Informal: clean.
Idioms: in toto, through and through.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
klarryddefrifri forfrikende
akadálymentesbizonyos vmiben
birta til, hreinsafara/komast yfirgagnsærheiîskírhreinsa
bisterjasenjasniti seočistitiočiten
dọn sạchrõ ràngtrốngtrong suốt
[klɪəʳ]A. ADJ (clearer (compar) (clearest (superl)))
1. (= unambiguous) [meaning, explanation] → claro
a clear case of murder → un caso claro de homicidio
now let's get this clear → vamos a dejar esto claro ...
to make it clear that → dejar claro or bien sentado que ...
to make o.s. clear → explicarse claramente
do I make myself clear? → ¿me explico bien?
he's a clear thinker → tiene la mente lúcida or despejada
a clear case of murder → un caso claro de homicidio
now let's get this clear → vamos a dejar esto claro ...
to make it clear that → dejar claro or bien sentado que ...
to make o.s. clear → explicarse claramente
do I make myself clear? → ¿me explico bien?
he's a clear thinker → tiene la mente lúcida or despejada
2. (= obvious) [motive, consequence] → claro, evidente
it is (absolutely) clear to me that → no me cabe (la menor) duda de que ...
it became clear that → empezó a verse claro que ...
it's not clear whether → no está claro sí ...
as clear as crystal → más claro que el agua
as clear as day → más claro que el sol
as clear as mud → nada claro
it is (absolutely) clear to me that → no me cabe (la menor) duda de que ...
it became clear that → empezó a verse claro que ...
it's not clear whether → no está claro sí ...
as clear as crystal → más claro que el agua
as clear as day → más claro que el sol
as clear as mud → nada claro
3. (= certain) [understanding, proof] → seguro, cierto
he was perfectly clear that he did not intend to go → dijo claramente or tajantemente que no pensaba ir
are we clear that we want this? → ¿estamos seguros de que queremos esto?
I'm not very clear about this → no tengo una idea muy clara de esto
I'm not clear whether → no tengo claro sí ...
he was perfectly clear that he did not intend to go → dijo claramente or tajantemente que no pensaba ir
are we clear that we want this? → ¿estamos seguros de que queremos esto?
I'm not very clear about this → no tengo una idea muy clara de esto
I'm not clear whether → no tengo claro sí ...
7. [photograph, outline] → claro, preciso; [complexion] → terso
to have a clear head → tener la cabeza despejada
to have a clear head → tener la cabeza despejada
8. (= distinct) [sound, impression, voice] → claro
as clear as a bell I could hear his voice as clear as a bell → oía su voz como si estuviera a mi lado, oía su voz con toda claridad
as clear as a bell I could hear his voice as clear as a bell → oía su voz como si estuviera a mi lado, oía su voz con toda claridad
9. (= unobstructed) [road, space] → libre, despejado
all clear! → ¡vía libre!, ¡adelante!
to get a clear look at sb/sth → poder ver algn/algo bien
to be clear of sth (= free of) → estar libre de algo; (= away from) → estar lejos de algo
we had a clear view → teníamos una buena vista, se veía bien
all clear! → ¡vía libre!, ¡adelante!
to get a clear look at sb/sth → poder ver algn/algo bien
to be clear of sth (= free of) → estar libre de algo; (= away from) → estar lejos de algo
we had a clear view → teníamos una buena vista, se veía bien
11. (after deductions) a clear profit → una ganancia neta
£3 clear profit → una ganancia neta de 3 libras
£3 clear profit → una ganancia neta de 3 libras
see loud 2
see loud 2
2. (= completely) he jumped clear across the river → atravesó el río limpiamente de un salto
you could hear it clear across the valley → se oía claramente desde el otro lado del valle
you could hear it clear across the valley → se oía claramente desde el otro lado del valle
3. (= free)
to get clear away → escaparse sin dejar rastro alguno
to get clear of (= get rid of) → deshacerse de
when we get clear of London (= away from) → cuando estemos fuera de Londres
to keep clear of sb/sth keep clear of the wall → no te acerques a la pared
I decided to keep clear of him → decidí evitarle
keep clear of my daughter! → ¡no te acerques a mi hija!, ¡mantente alejado de mi hija!
to stand clear of sth → mantenerse apartado de algo
stand clear of the doors! → ¡apártense de las puertas!
to get clear away → escaparse sin dejar rastro alguno
to get clear of (= get rid of) → deshacerse de
when we get clear of London (= away from) → cuando estemos fuera de Londres
to keep clear of sb/sth keep clear of the wall → no te acerques a la pared
I decided to keep clear of him → decidí evitarle
keep clear of my daughter! → ¡no te acerques a mi hija!, ¡mantente alejado de mi hija!
to stand clear of sth → mantenerse apartado de algo
stand clear of the doors! → ¡apártense de las puertas!
4. (Brit) (Sport) (= ahead) to be seven metres/seconds/points clear of sb → estar siete metros/segundos/puntos por delante de algn
see also steer 1
see also steer 1
C. N
1. (= remove obstacles etc from) [+ place, surface] → despejar; [+ road, railway track] → dejar libre, despejar; [+ site] → desmontar; [+ woodland] → despejar, desbrozar; [+ court, hall] → desocupar, desalojar (de público ); [+ pipe] → desatascar; [+ postbox] → recoger las cartas de
to clear one's conscience → descargar la conciencia
to clear one's head → despejar la cabeza
to clear sth of sth → despejar algo de algo
to clear a space for sth/sb → hacer sitio para algo/algn
to clear the table → recoger or quitar la mesa
to clear one's throat → carraspear, aclararse la voz
to clear the way for sth (fig) → dejar el camino libre para algo
to clear the air (= clarify things) → aclarar las cosas; (= ease tensions) → relajar el ambiente
to clear one's conscience → descargar la conciencia
to clear one's head → despejar la cabeza
to clear sth of sth → despejar algo de algo
to clear a space for sth/sb → hacer sitio para algo/algn
to clear the table → recoger or quitar la mesa
to clear one's throat → carraspear, aclararse la voz
to clear the way for sth (fig) → dejar el camino libre para algo
to clear the air (= clarify things) → aclarar las cosas; (= ease tensions) → relajar el ambiente
2. [+ liquid] → aclarar, clarificar (Med) [+ blood] → purificar
3. (Sport) [+ ball] → despejar
4. (= get over) [+ fence etc] → salvar, saltar por encima de; (= get past) [+ rocks etc] → pasar sin tocar
the plane just cleared the roof → el avión no tocó el tejado por poco, el avión pasó casi rozando el tejado
to clear two metres [jumper] → saltar dos metros
this part has to clear that by at least one centimetre → entre esta pieza y aquélla tiene que haber un espacio de un centímetro al menos
the plane just cleared the roof → el avión no tocó el tejado por poco, el avión pasó casi rozando el tejado
to clear two metres [jumper] → saltar dos metros
this part has to clear that by at least one centimetre → entre esta pieza y aquélla tiene que haber un espacio de un centímetro al menos
5. (= declare innocent etc) [+ person] → absolver, probar la inocencia de
he was cleared of murder → fue absuelto de asesinato
to clear o.s. of a charge → probar su inocencia de una acusación
he was cleared of murder → fue absuelto de asesinato
to clear o.s. of a charge → probar su inocencia de una acusación
6. (= authorize) you will have to be cleared by Security → será preciso que le acredite la Seguridad
the plan will have to be cleared with the director → el plan tendrá que ser aprobado por el director
the plan will have to be cleared with the director → el plan tendrá que ser aprobado por el director
7. to clear a cheque (= accept) → aceptar or dar el visto bueno a un cheque; (= double check) → compensar un cheque
8. (Comm etc) [+ debt] → liquidar, saldar; [+ profit] → sacar (una ganancia de); [+ goods etc] → liquidar
he cleared £50 on the deal → sacó 50 libras del negocio
he clears £250 a week → se saca 250 libras a la semana
we have just about cleared our costs → nos ha llegado justo para cubrir los gastos
"half-price to clear" → liquidación a mitad de precio
he cleared £50 on the deal → sacó 50 libras del negocio
he clears £250 a week → se saca 250 libras a la semana
we have just about cleared our costs → nos ha llegado justo para cubrir los gastos
"half-price to clear" → liquidación a mitad de precio
9. (Comput) → despejar
F. CPD clear round N (Showjumping) → ronda f sin penalizaciones
clear away
1. (= clear the table) → quitar los platos, quitar la mesa
2. [mist] → disiparse
clear off
clear out
A. VT + ADV [+ room] → ordenar y tirar los trastos de; [+ cupboard] → vaciar; [+ objects] → quitar
he cleared everyone out of the room → hizo salir a todo el mundo de la habitación
he cleared everything out of the room → despejó la habitación de cosas
he cleared everyone out of the room → hizo salir a todo el mundo de la habitación
he cleared everything out of the room → despejó la habitación de cosas
B. VI + ADV = clear off B
clear up
1. (= resolve) [+ matter, difficulty] → aclarar; [+ mystery, crime] → resolver, esclarecer; [+ doubt] → resolver, aclarar, disipar
2. (= tidy) [+ room, books, toys] → ordenar
1. [weather] → despejarse
2. [illness] → curarse
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈklɪər] adj
(= easily comprehensible) [explanation, account] → clair(e)
a clear explanation → une explication claire
to make sth clear (= state clearly) → dire qch clairement
to make it clear to sb that ... → bien faire comprendre à qn que ...
a clear explanation → une explication claire
to make sth clear (= state clearly) → dire qch clairement
to make it clear to sb that ... → bien faire comprendre à qn que ...
(= obvious) → clair(e)
to be clear (that) ...
It's clear you don't believe me → Il est clair que tu ne me crois pas.
to be clear (that) ...
It's clear you don't believe me → Il est clair que tu ne me crois pas.
(= understood) → clair(e)
is that clear? → est-ce que c'est bien clair?, est-ce que c'est clair?
do I make myself clear? → me suis-je bien fait comprendre?
is that clear? → est-ce que c'est bien clair?, est-ce que c'est clair?
do I make myself clear? → me suis-je bien fait comprendre?
[handwriting] → lisible
[voice] → clair(e)
[eyes] → clair(e)
(= transparent) [plastic, glass] → transparent(e); [water] → clair(e)
(= explicit) [commitment] → franc(franche)
[conscience] → tranquille
(= unobstructed) [road, way] → libre, dégagé(e)
The road's clear now → La route est libre maintenant.
The road's clear now → La route est libre maintenant.
[profit, majority] → net(te)
[+ road, path, surface] → dégager, déblayer
The police are clearing the road after the accident → La police dégage la route après l'accident.
The police are clearing the road after the accident → La police dégage la route après l'accident.
to clear the table → débarrasser la table, desservir (la table)
I'll clear the table → Je vais débarrasser la table., Je vais desservir la table.
I'll clear the table → Je vais débarrasser la table., Je vais desservir la table.
[+ woodland, forest] → défricher
[+ cheque] → compenser
[+ suspect] → innocenter
to be cleared of a crime → être reconnu(e) non coupable d'un crime
She was cleared of murder → Elle a été reconnue non coupable du meurtre.
to be cleared of a crime → être reconnu(e) non coupable d'un crime
She was cleared of murder → Elle a été reconnue non coupable du meurtre.
to clear one's throat → s'éclaircir la gorge
to clear a profit → faire un bénéfice net
[weather] → s'éclaircir
[cheque] → être compensé(e)
clear of (= away from) → à distance de
to keep clear of sb/sth → éviter qn/qch
to stay clear of sb/sth, to steer clear of sb/sth → éviter qn/qch
clear of (= away from) → à distance de
to keep clear of sb/sth → éviter qn/qch
to stay clear of sb/sth, to steer clear of sb/sth → éviter qn/qch
to be in the clear (= out of suspicion) → être lavé(e) de tout soupçon (= out of danger) → être hors de danger
Clear off and leave me alone! → Dégage et laisse-moi tranquille!
to be in the clear (= out of suspicion) → être lavé(e) de tout soupçon (= out of danger) → être hors de danger
clear off
vi (= leave) → dégagerClear off and leave me alone! → Dégage et laisse-moi tranquille!
clear up
[weather] → s'éclaircir; [fog, mist] → se dissiper
I think it's going to clear up
BUT Je pense que le temps va se lever.
I think it's going to clear up
BUT Je pense que le temps va se lever.
[rash, infection] → disparaître
(= tidy up) [person] → ranger
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
generally → klar; complexion → rein; conscience → rein, gut attr; photograph → scharf; on a clear day → bei klarem Wetter
= obvious → klar; to be clear to somebody → jdm klar sein; it’s still not clear to me why → es ist mir immer noch nicht klar, warum, ich bin immer noch im Unklaren (darüber), warum; a clear case of murder → ein klarer or eindeutiger Fall von Mord; to have a clear advantage → eindeutig or klar im Vorteil sein; you weren’t very clear → du hast dich nicht sehr klar ausgedrückt; is that clear? → alles klar?; let’s get this clear, I’m the boss → eins wollen wir mal klarstellen, ich bin hier der Chef; as clear as day → sonnenklar; as clear as mud (inf) → klar wie Kloßbrühe (inf)
? to make + clear to make oneself or one’s meaning clear → sich klar ausdrücken; do I make myself clear? → habe ich mich klar (genug) ausgedrückt?; to make it clear to somebody that … → es jdm (unmissverständlich) klarmachen, dass …; to make something clear to somebody (= explain) → jdm etw klarmachen; I wish to make it clear that … (= state unequivocally) → ich möchte einmal ganz klar sagen, dass …
? to make + clear to make oneself or one’s meaning clear → sich klar ausdrücken; do I make myself clear? → habe ich mich klar (genug) ausgedrückt?; to make it clear to somebody that … → es jdm (unmissverständlich) klarmachen, dass …; to make something clear to somebody (= explain) → jdm etw klarmachen; I wish to make it clear that … (= state unequivocally) → ich möchte einmal ganz klar sagen, dass …
= sure to be clear on or about something (→ sich dat) → über etw (acc) → im Klaren sein; if you’re not clear about something, ask me → falls Ihnen etwas unklar ist or falls Sie sich über etwas nicht im Klaren sind, fragen Sie bitte mich
= free to be clear of something → frei von etw sein; I want to keep the weekend clear → ich möchte mir das Wochenende freihalten; we’re now clear of debts → jetzt sind wir schuldenfrei or frei von Schulden, jetzt haben wir keine Schulden mehr; he’s clear of all suspicion → er ist frei von jedem Verdacht; she is clear of cancer → sie hat keinen Krebs mehr
= unobstructed road, way → frei; is it clear now? (of road) → ist jetzt frei?; there’s not an inch of clear space on his desk → auf seinem Schreibtisch ist überhaupt kein Platz
= not touching jack the car up until the wheel is clear → heb den Wagen an, bis das Rad nicht mehr den Boden berührt
? clear of
the bottom of the door should be about 3 mm clear of the floor → zwischen Tür und Fußboden müssen etwa 3 mm Luft sein; park at least 20 cm clear of the pavement → parken Sie wenigstens 20 cm vom Bürgersteig entfernt; OK, keep going, you’re clear of the wall → in Ordnung, fahr, bis zur Mauer ist noch ein ganzes Stück Platz; hold his head well clear of the water → den Kopf gut über Wasser halten; the mortars landed well clear of us → die Mörser schlugen ein ganzes Stück neben uns ein
the plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds → das Flugzeug stieg auf, bis es aus den Wolken heraus war; the car was clear of the town → das Auto hatte die Stadt hinter sich gelassen; at last we were/got clear of the prison walls → endlich hatten wir die Gefängnismauern hinter uns
? clear of
the bottom of the door should be about 3 mm clear of the floor → zwischen Tür und Fußboden müssen etwa 3 mm Luft sein; park at least 20 cm clear of the pavement → parken Sie wenigstens 20 cm vom Bürgersteig entfernt; OK, keep going, you’re clear of the wall → in Ordnung, fahr, bis zur Mauer ist noch ein ganzes Stück Platz; hold his head well clear of the water → den Kopf gut über Wasser halten; the mortars landed well clear of us → die Mörser schlugen ein ganzes Stück neben uns ein
the plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds → das Flugzeug stieg auf, bis es aus den Wolken heraus war; the car was clear of the town → das Auto hatte die Stadt hinter sich gelassen; at last we were/got clear of the prison walls → endlich hatten wir die Gefängnismauern hinter uns
? in clear → in Klartext
? in the clear to be in the clear (= free from suspicion) → frei von jedem Verdacht sein; we’re not in the clear yet (= not out of debt, difficulties) → wir sind noch nicht aus allem heraus; this puts Harry in the clear → damit ist Harry entlastet
? in clear → in Klartext
? in the clear to be in the clear (= free from suspicion) → frei von jedem Verdacht sein; we’re not in the clear yet (= not out of debt, difficulties) → wir sind noch nicht aus allem heraus; this puts Harry in the clear → damit ist Harry entlastet
= completely he got clear away → er verschwand spurlos; he kicked the ball clear across the field → er schoss den Ball quer über das Spielfeld
= away he kicked the ball clear → er klärte; the helicopter lifted him clear → der Hubschrauber brachte ihn außer Gefahr; he leapt clear of the burning car → er rettete sich durch einen Sprung aus dem brennenden Auto; I’ll come when I get clear of all this work → ich komme, wenn ich diese ganze Arbeit erledigt or hinter mir habe
? to steer/keep clear to steer or keep clear of somebody → jdm aus dem Wege gehen; to steer or keep clear of something → etw meiden; to steer or keep clear of a place → um einen Ort einen großen Bogen machen; you’d better steer or keep clear of that pub → um die Kneipe würde ich lieber einen großen Bogen machen; I prefer to keep clear of town during the rush hour → während der Hauptverkehrszeit meide ich die Stadt nach Möglichkeit; exit, keep clear → Ausfahrt frei halten!; dangerous chemicals, keep clear → Vorsicht, giftige Chemikalien!; keep clear of the testing area → Versuchsgebiet nicht betreten!
? to stand clear → zurücktreten, zurückbleiben; stand clear of the doors! → bitte von den Türen zurücktreten!
? to steer/keep clear to steer or keep clear of somebody → jdm aus dem Wege gehen; to steer or keep clear of something → etw meiden; to steer or keep clear of a place → um einen Ort einen großen Bogen machen; you’d better steer or keep clear of that pub → um die Kneipe würde ich lieber einen großen Bogen machen; I prefer to keep clear of town during the rush hour → während der Hauptverkehrszeit meide ich die Stadt nach Möglichkeit; exit, keep clear → Ausfahrt frei halten!; dangerous chemicals, keep clear → Vorsicht, giftige Chemikalien!; keep clear of the testing area → Versuchsgebiet nicht betreten!
? to stand clear → zurücktreten, zurückbleiben; stand clear of the doors! → bitte von den Türen zurücktreten!
= remove obstacles from pipe → reinigen; blockage → beseitigen; land, road, railway line → räumen; (Comput) screen → löschen; one’s conscience → erleichtern; to clear the table → den Tisch abräumen; to clear the decks (for action) (fig) → alles startklar machen; to clear a space for something → für etw Platz schaffen; to clear the way for somebody/something → den Weg für jdn/etw frei machen; to clear the streets of beggars → die Bettler von den Straßen vertreiben; to clear a way through the crowd → sich (dat) → einen Weg durch die Menge bahnen; to clear a room (of people) → ein Zimmer räumen; (of things) → ein Zimmer ausräumen; her singing cleared the room in no time → ihr Gesang ließ die Leute fluchtartig den Raum verlassen; to clear the court → den Gerichtssaal räumen lassen; to clear the ground for further talks → den Boden für weitere Gespräche bereiten
= clear away snow, rubbish → räumen; he cleared all the rubbish off his desk, he cleared his desk of all the rubbish → er räumte den ganzen Kram von seinem Schreibtisch
letterbox → leeren
= free from guilt Jur: = find innocent person → freisprechen; one’s/sb’s name → reinwaschen; that clears him → das beweist seine Unschuld; he will easily clear himself → er wird seine Unschuld leicht beweisen können
= get past or over he cleared the bar easily → er übersprang die Latte mit Leichtigkeit; the horse cleared the gate easily → das Pferd nahm das Gatter mit Leichtigkeit; the door should clear the floor by 3 mm → zwischen Tür und Fußboden müssen 3 mm Luft sein; raise the car till the wheel clears the ground → das Auto anheben, bis das Rad den Boden nicht mehr berührt; the ship’s keel only just cleared the reef → der Kiel des Schiffes kam an dem Riff nur um Haaresbreite vorbei
= make profit of → machen, rausholen (inf); I didn’t even clear my expenses → ich habe nicht einmal meine Ausgaben wieder hereinbekommen
debt → begleichen, zurückzahlen
= approve → abfertigen; ship → klarieren; expenses, appointment → bestätigen; goods → zollamtlich abfertigen; to clear a cheque or (US) check → bestätigen, dass ein Scheck gedeckt ist; you’ll have to clear that with management → Sie müssen das mit der Firmenleitung regeln or abklären; cleared by security → von den Sicherheitsbehörden für unbedenklich erklärt; to clear a plane for take-off → einem Flugzeug die Starterlaubnis erteilen, ein Flugzeug zum Start freigeben
? clear away vt sep → wegräumen vi
? clear off vt sep debts → begleichen, zurückzahlen; mortgage → abzahlen, abtragen; arrears of work → aufarbeiten vi (Brit inf) → abhauen (inf), → verschwinden (inf)
? clear out vt sep cupboard, room, unwanted objects → ausräumen; he cleared everyone out of the room → er schickte alle aus dem Zimmer vi (inf)
? clear up vt sep vi
? clear away vt sep → wegräumen vi
? clear off vt sep debts → begleichen, zurückzahlen; mortgage → abzahlen, abtragen; arrears of work → aufarbeiten vi (Brit inf) → abhauen (inf), → verschwinden (inf)
? clear out vt sep cupboard, room, unwanted objects → ausräumen; he cleared everyone out of the room → er schickte alle aus dem Zimmer vi (inf)
(= leave) → verschwinden (inf)
? clear up vt sep vi
(= tidy up) → aufräumen
:clear round
adj (fig) → klar- or scharfsichtig
n (fig) → Klar- or Scharfsicht f
clear-up rate
n (Police) → Aufklärungsrate f
n (Brit) → Straße f → mit Halteverbot, Schnellstraße f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[klɪəʳ]1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (water) → chiaro/a, limpido/a; (glass, plastic) → trasparente; (air, sky, weather) → sereno/a; (complexion) → senza brufoli o macchie; (photograph, outline) → nitido/a; (conscience) → pulito/a
on a clear day → in una giornata limpida
on a clear day → in una giornata limpida
b. (sound) → chiaro/a, distinto/a; (impression, meaning, explanation) → chiaro/a; (motive, consequence) → ovvio/a; (understanding, proof) → certo/a, sicuro/a; (profit, majority) → netto/a
a clear case of murder → un chiaro caso di omicidio
to make o.s. clear → spiegarsi bene
have I made myself clear? → mi sono spiegato?, sono stato chiaro?
to make it clear to sb that ... → far capire a qn che...
it is clear to me that ... → per me è evidente che...
as clear as day → chiaro come il sole
three clear days → tre giorni interi
to win by a clear head (horse) → vincere di un'incollatura
a clear case of murder → un chiaro caso di omicidio
to make o.s. clear → spiegarsi bene
have I made myself clear? → mi sono spiegato?, sono stato chiaro?
to make it clear to sb that ... → far capire a qn che...
it is clear to me that ... → per me è evidente che...
as clear as day → chiaro come il sole
three clear days → tre giorni interi
to win by a clear head (horse) → vincere di un'incollatura
c. (free, road, way, space) → libero/a, sgombro/a
I have a clear day tomorrow (Brit) → non ho impegni domani
we had a clear view → avevamo una buona visuale
the ship was clear of the rocks → la nave aveva superato il pericolo delle rocce
we're clear of the police now → ora siamo sufficientemente lontani dalla polizia
all clear! → cessato pericolo!
I have a clear day tomorrow (Brit) → non ho impegni domani
we had a clear view → avevamo una buona visuale
the ship was clear of the rocks → la nave aveva superato il pericolo delle rocce
we're clear of the police now → ora siamo sufficientemente lontani dalla polizia
all clear! → cessato pericolo!
2. adv
see loud
see loud
b. clear of → distante da
to keep clear of sb/sth → tenersi lontano da qn/qc, stare alla larga da qn/qc
to stand clear of sth → stare lontano da qc
to keep clear of sb/sth → tenersi lontano da qn/qc, stare alla larga da qn/qc
to stand clear of sth → stare lontano da qc
3. n to be in the clear (out of debt) → essere in attivo; (out of suspicion) → essere a posto; (out of danger) → essere fuori pericolo
4. vt
a. (place, surface, road, railway track) → liberare, sgombrare; (site, woodland) → spianare; (pipe) → sbloccare (Med) (blood) → purificare
to clear a space for sth/sb → fare posto or spazio per qc/qn
he cleared the path of leaves → ha sgombrato le foglie dal viale
to clear the table → sparecchiare (la tavola)
to clear one's throat → schiarirsi la gola
to clear the air (fig) → chiarire le cose
to clear one's conscience → togliersi un peso dalla coscienza
to clear a space for sth/sb → fare posto or spazio per qc/qn
he cleared the path of leaves → ha sgombrato le foglie dal viale
to clear the table → sparecchiare (la tavola)
to clear one's throat → schiarirsi la gola
to clear the air (fig) → chiarire le cose
to clear one's conscience → togliersi un peso dalla coscienza
b. (get over, fence) → scavalcare; (get past, rocks) → evitare
to clear 2 metres (athlete, horse) → superare i 2 metri
to clear 2 metres (athlete, horse) → superare i 2 metri
c. (declare innocent) → discolpare
to clear sth (with sb) (get permission for) → ottenere il permesso (di qn) per qc
he was cleared of murder → fu scagionato dall'accusa di omicidio
to clear o.s. → provare la propria innocenza
he'll have to be cleared by the security department → dovrà superare il controllo del dipartimento di sicurezza
to clear sth (with sb) (get permission for) → ottenere il permesso (di qn) per qc
he was cleared of murder → fu scagionato dall'accusa di omicidio
to clear o.s. → provare la propria innocenza
he'll have to be cleared by the security department → dovrà superare il controllo del dipartimento di sicurezza
5. vi (weather, sky) → schiarirsi, rasserenarsi; (smoke, fog) → dissolversi, andarsene
clear away
1. vi + adv (mist, fog) → dissiparsi; (clear the table) → sparecchiare
2. vt + adv → togliere
clear off
2. vi + adv (fam) (go away) → tagliare la corda, squagliarsela
clear out
1. vt + adv (cupboard) → liberare, sgombrare; (rubbish) → gettare via
2. vi + adv = clear off 2
clear up
1. vt + adv
b. (tidy, room) → mettere in ordine, rassettare
2. vi + adv
a. (weather) → schiarirsi, rasserenarsi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(kliə) adjective1. easy to see through; transparent. clear glass.
2. free from mist or cloud. Isn't the sky clear!
3. easy to see, hear or understand. a clear explanation; The details on that photograph are very clear.
4. free from difficulty or obstacles. a clear road ahead.
5. free from guilt etc. a clear conscience.
6. free from doubt etc. Are you quite clear about what I mean?
7. (often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc. Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.
8. (often with of) free. clear of debt; clear of all infection.
verb1. to make or become free from obstacles etc. He cleared the table; I cleared my throat; He cleared the path of debris.
2. (often with of) to prove the innocence of; to declare to be innocent. He was cleared of all charges.
3. (of the sky etc) to become bright, free from cloud etc.
4. to get over or past something without touching it. He cleared the jump easily.
ˈclearance noun1. the act of clearing or removing. The clearance of these trees from the front of the window will give you more light.
2. the empty space between two objects. You can drive the lorry under the bridge – there's a clearance of half a metre.
3. (a certificate) giving permission for something to be done.
ˈclearing noun a piece of land cleared of wood etc for cultivation. a clearing in the forest.
ˈclearly adverbˈclearness noun
ˌclear-ˈcut adjective
having a clear outline; plain and definite. clear-cut features.
ˈclearway noun a stretch of road on which motorists are forbidden to stop.
clear off to go away. He cleared off without saying a word.
clear out1. to get rid of. He cleared the rubbish out of the attic.
2. to make tidy by emptying etc. He has cleared out the attic.
clear up1. to make clean, tidy etc. Clear up this mess!
2. to become better etc. If the weather clears up, we'll go for a picnic.
in the clear no longer under suspicion, in danger etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ سالِك, وَاضِح, واضِح, يُنَظِّفُ čirý, jasný, uklizený, uklízet frit, klar, rydde aufräumen, frei, klar διαφανής, ελεύθερος, καθαρίζω, σαφής claro, despejado, despejar, limpiar, transparente, vacío kirkas, selvä, tyhjä, tyhjentää clair, libre, transparent, vider jasan, očistiti, prazan, proziran chiaro, pulire, trasparente, vuoto ・・・を片づける, 明白な, 透明な, 障害のない 깨끗한, 맑은, 치우다, 확실한 duidelijk, helder, opruimen, vrij gjennomsiktig, klar, rense jasny, przezroczysty, pusty, sprzątnąć claro, limpar, livre, transparente без помех, очистить, понятный, прозрачный fri, klar, tömma โล่ง, ใส, ชัดเจน, ทำให้โล่ง açık, şeffaf, temizlemek dọn sạch, rõ ràng, trống, trong suốt 打扫, 清楚的, 畅通的, 透明的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. claro-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj claro; vt to — one’s throat aclarar la garganta, carraspear; vi to — up (a rash, illness, etc.) resolverse, quitarseEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.