

in a charmless manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Considering Ryan's legacy is a failed vice presidential bid, a failed budget proposal, a failed healthcare reform effort, a ceded House majority, and charmlessly plutocratic tax reform, I think we can deal with a fresh approach.
White, on being told that 70 per cent of young people voted remain, charmlessly sneers, "So what?" So it is their future that White has voted away.
It zips from one number to another, throwing a ton of frenetically edited eye candy at the screen, charmlessly. Be Our Guest is nothing but visual noise.
My, how I miss seeing her stomp charmlessly across The X-Factor stage like a four-year old denied the use of her mum's Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Debra lost a customer trying to haggle, shrugging charmlessly: "If you don't want it, you don't want it."
He also described himself as "confident and charming" - another example of someone charmlessly confusing confidence with arrogance.
after point-five-of-a-mile turn left," the voice intoned, charmlessly.
The Bears irritated the spectators by charmlessly slowing down the over rate.
The end result registered less as nuanced and introspective than cryptic and charmlessly self-regarding--and did no favors for the film project as a whole, for its constituent physical elements, or for the otherwise spotless reputation of the inarguably gifted mind behind both.
From Monday to Friday they're not chanting charmlessly or making monkey noises.
Dorimant and Hippolyte pair off in turn when Hippolyte charmlessly agrees to marry Dorimant now that Lysandre is out of reach.