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pl n
(Clothing & Fashion) women's knickers attached to a camisole top. Often shortened to: camiknicks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


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It started to get referred to as "undies," and there were cute little camiknickers and things instead of the elaborate luxurious fortress that the Edwardian woman and her lover would have to dismantle to get her undressed.
Across the board - from cars to camiknickers as it were - western brands may be able to get some traction in China on the appeal of their international reputation.
"I can still remember the laughter my friend Janet and I shared when we tried to work out the wonders of a pair of camiknickers!
"I also remember about two or three years later, during the war, she came to stay with us and advertised her trousseau underwear (camiknickers, French knickers etc) for sale in the Gazette.
Lilac bra with lace trim, EUR5.96, and camiknickers, pounds 5.96, Matalan
If we can gub Germany with pink blouses, who says we couldn't slip into some silk camiknickers and horse Brazil.
Rab says ah'd make a real presence on stage as a Spice Girl, dressed in mah wool- knit cardy and camiknickers, wallapin away on a tambourine or two.
Well, certainly a bit of a tease because it took her lusty lover longer to peel through the layers of shifts, shimmies, corsets and camiknickers than a slo-mo Salome would take to shed her Seven Veils.
This is what finally appeared beneath the graphics: "There was a little girl, and she had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead/When she was good, she was very, very good/ And when she was bad, she wore these divine camiknickers from Saks Fifth Avenue".
They also sell their own deep lace camiknickers and fully-fashioned nylon stockings, made on the original machines from the 40s and 50s, for which America is their largest market.
Lilac bra with lace trim, pounds 4, and camiknickers, pounds 4, Matalan
You could get camiknickers in soft cotton or even silk.