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(kăm′ər-ən, kăm′rən), David William Donald Born 1966.
British politician who served as prime minister (2010-2016).


, Julia Margaret 1815-1879.
British photographer best known for her artistic portraits of such eminent Victorians as Charles Darwin, Ellen Terry, and Robert Browning as well as for her images illustrating scenes from literature.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biography) David (William Donald). born 1966, British politician; leader of the Conservative party from 2005; prime minister from 2010
2. (Biography) (Mark) James (Walter). 1911–85, British journalist, author, and broadcaster. His books include Witness in Vietnam (1966) and Point of Departure (1967).
3. (Biography) James. born 1954, Canadian film director and screenwriter; his films include The Terminator (1984), Aliens (1986), Titanic (1997), and Avatar (2009)
4. (Biography) Julia Margaret. 1815–79, British photographer, born in India, renowned for her portrait photographs.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
I have heard that the boy works on one of Cameron's schooners.
He married Cameron Daughter to Ewen Cameron of Lochiel." Following this is a paragraph stating that "John Stewart 1st of Ardsheall of his descendants Alan Breck had better be omitted.
Cameron, a handsome man with white hair and clean-cut features.
Corpus Christi, in the county of Nueces, and all the cities situated on the Rio Bravo, Laredo, Comalites, San Ignacio on the Web, Rio Grande City on the Starr, Edinburgh in the Hidalgo, Santa Rita, Elpanda, Brownsville in the Cameron, formed an imposing league against the pretensions of Florida.
Phemy Cameron had asked me to go home with her and I had not known it was wrong to go.
This news determined the opinion of the wise man, and he resolved to make his court to the young lady when she arose; for he had now (he said) discovered that she was no other than Madam Jenny Cameron herself.
The specialist who was checking Ben's eyes shined a light into Cameron's left eye and told me to take him to Birmingham Children's Hospital immediately.
A message within the flowers yesterday from his grandmother Kathy and grandad Mark read: "To our beautiful Cameron.
EMOTIONAL Jimmy Gardner told how Gazza's football-mad nephew Cameron is helping to inspire his famous uncle to regain his health.
BRITISH Prime Minister David Cameron took some time off his diplomatic assignments on Tuesday to meet the students of Janki Devi Memorial College in Central Delhi for an informal interaction.
Following the release of James Cameron's Avatar in 2009, perhaps the most iconic Cameron film in terms of recurring themes, technologically advanced visuals, and the multi-faceted political and cinematic controversies that are rapidly coming to define it, Kapell and McVeigh's The Films of James Cameron: Critical Essays is a timely and a significant contribution to the as yet limited cultural studies work on one of Hollywood's most influential filmmakers.
DAVID CAMERON has been given a roasting - by David Cameron.