blind tiger

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Related to blind tiger: speakeasy

blind tiger

n. Chiefly Southern & Midland US
A place where alcoholic beverages are sold illegally; a speakeasy. Also called regionally blind pig.

[After the early custom of exhibiting animal curiosities in speakeasies.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

blind′ ti′ger

Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S.
an illegal saloon.
[1855–60, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Owners Star Pubs and Bars took back control of the pub after it closed in December and appointed Blind Tiger Inns to manage the venue.
The family-run business, which launched in 2017, has taken its inspiration from the Speakeasy hideaways of the prohibition era with the famous 'blind tiger' as its emblem.
Gwent Police asked the council to undertake a fast-track review of the Courtyard's licence aimed at cutting the hours alcohol is on sale in both the Courtyard and its neighbouring premises, Blind Tiger. An additional condition required the premises to ensure extra door staff would be on duty.
PATRICK Mullins became the winning-most amateur rider of all time as he overtook the record of 545 winners set by Ted Walsh with victory aboard Queens Boulevard in the Blind Tiger Flat race at Sligo.
And he broke the record yesterday when 4/7 shot Queen Boulevard made a successful debut in Blind Tiger Flat Race, putting Mullins on the 546 winner mark over his 12-year career.
in Tulsa, Blind Tiger LLC.<br />Sapulpa Cinema 8, 10141 State Highway 66 in Sapulpa, B&B Theatres Operating Co.
Trading the more up-market wine names for lighter fun ones, each of d'Arenberg's carefully crafted wines own a distinct name, some of which include 'The Dead Arm Shiraz', 'The Money Spider', 'The Stump Jump', 'The Dry Dam Riesling' 'The Broken Fish Plate', 'The Blind Tiger' and 'Stephanie the Gnome' to name a few.
The trust, which is a registered charity that aims to protect, support and improve independent live music venues in the UK, is important to local venue owners in the city, according to Mr Harris, who owns venues including The Courtyard and Blind Tiger.
Music Blind Tiger Swing Posse 15-year anniversary celebration, 8:30 p.m.-midnight.
Happy Hour at the Blind Tiger ( on Bleeker Street is from 11.30am to 8pm every night.
"Someone on the crew worked at a bar in New York City called the Blind Tiger and was familiar with our beers, and asked us if we could supply them with beer.