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(ædˈzuːkɪ) ,




1. (Plants) a leguminous plant, Phaseolus angularis, that has yellow flowers and pods containing edible brown seeds; widely cultivated as a food crop in China and Japan
2. (Cookery) the seed of this plant
Also: adzuki bean or adsuki bean
[adzuki, from Japanese: red bean]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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From the red bean - which is one of the most common fillings for a sweet treat bun and made from adzuki beans boiled and mash with sweetener - to wife cakes, which are traditionally filled with melon, almond and sesame, spiced with five spice, and feature no wives at all.
From the red bean, which is one of the most common fillings for a sweet treat bun and made from adzuki beans boiled and mashed with sweetener, to wife cakes, which are traditionally filled with melon, almond and sesame, spiced with five spice, and feature no wives at all.
Unfortunately patbingsu - the original form of binsgu served with adzuki (red beans) - was not available so we went for the next best thing.
The kakigori at Wabi-Sabi are shaved ice (or 'shave ice,' as it is known in Hawaii, and also influenced by the Japanese) like fresh snow, and you can have them with adzuki and brown sugar syrup, or coffee jelly and almonds, or strawberries and ice cream.
(2009) dried beans of the adzuki variety in the temperature range from 30 to 70 [degrees]C and obtained diffusion coefficients from 0.510 x [10.sup.-10] to 2.230 x [10.sup.-10] [m.sup.2] [s.sup.-1] for 30 and 70 [degrees]C, respectively.
Adzuki Beans: Adzuki beans are a regional beauty secret of Japanese women since ancient Nara period.
In Athens, he leaves wife, Adrienne, and 6 children: Adzuki 19, Edson 16, Amora 14, Aquaria 12, Arbor 10, and little Aden 7.
Include a BIT of olive/coconut oil, nuts, avocado and dark-coloured carbs (eg, black rice, adzuki beans, red quinoa).
Include a BIT of olive/ coconut oil, nuts, avocado, and dark-coloured carbs (eg black rice, adzuki beans, red quinoa.) Drinking two litres of water or herbal teas is vital.
That you would emerge out of the kitchen with bowls of adzuki bean soup and greet my friends with incoherent salutations, your presence and goodwill somehow anomalies that I had to explain away, to apologize for.
There are a multitude of Hokkaido products from both farm and sea: amanatto (Japanese sweets made from adzuki beans); taiyaki and oyaki pancakes; various marine delicacies such as seaweed, salted fish and marinated fish roe.