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See Meroë.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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This came during his visit Sunday to Merowe Locality in Northern State and his inspection to the Command of the19 Infantry Division accompanied by a delegation of ministers,and in the presence of the Wali (governor) of the Northern State, Yasser Yousif, the Commissioner of Merowe Locality Fathal-Rahman Tamarb, the Commander of the 19th Infantry Division, Major-General Mohamed Mohamed Al Hassan Al Saori, and the officers and soldiers of the 19th Division.
Additionally, in north Sudan, it provided $200m for the construction of the Merowe Dam.
ADFD provided AED735 million for the construction of the Merowe Dam in north Sudan.
ADFD provided Dh735 million for the construction of the Merowe Dam in north Sudan.
Awad al-Jaz, many times minister and oil lord was already in Merowe Higher Secondary a prominent student leader.
"How are the vessels going to pass through the Nile amid the existence of the High Dam of Egypt, Merowe Dam and the Jebal Aulia Dam in Sudan (on the White Nile)?" Noureldeen questioned.
* Merowe Dam, also known as Merowe Multi-Purpose Hydro Project or Hamdab Dam, is located in northern Sudan on the Nile River.
Existing reservoirs in the Blue Nile at Fincha'a, Roseires and Sennar as well as Merowe and High Aswan Dam on the Main Nile downstream of the confluence with the Blue Nile are included with hydropower.
KHARTOUM, June 28 (KUNA) -- Around 31 wounded Yemenis have arrived in Merowe Medical City, northern Sudan, via Saudi Arabia to receive medical treatment, official media announced Tuesday.
The former director of the Sudan Atomic Energy Commission in Sudan, Mohamed Siddig, said at a conference in Khartoum that 60 containers with nuclear waste were brought from China to Sudan during the construction of the Merowe Dam in the Northern State.
"Four children were killed when high floods swept their home near a valley, some 50 km south of Merowe town in the northern state," the report said.