Bachere, E., Rosa, R.D., Schmitt, P., Poirier, A.C.,
Merou, N., Charriere, G.M.
Sur ce dernier point, elle signale la disparition de plusieurs especes, tels le
merou et l'anchois.
But still, despite the political ups and downs in Tunis, her husband, Andre, travels back and forth to his native city, often bringing back harissa in his carry-on as well as his beloved
merou, a kind of grouper, packed in ice.
But could anything like this ever happen in real life?In "Planet of the Apes," Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel upon which the films are based, space traveler Ulysse
Merou is stranded on a terrifying planet ruled by gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees who have copied their former human masters' language, culture and technology.
Etchevehere, Aldeas Eigenfeld, Santa Rosa, San Rafael, San Juan, San Miguel y Colonias Reffino y
Merou, contando con una superficie total de 57.500 ha, de las cuales 51.000 ha (cultivos y pasturas) se encuentran en produccion (INTA EEA Crespo, 2013).
Lopez; Dorotea en ?Inocentes o culpables?, de Antonio Argerich, Adela en Ley Social, de Martin Garcia
Merou, la protagonista de Irresponsables de Jose Podesta y la de El lujo, de Lola Larrosa.
Para ejemplificar el analisis hemos incluido referencias a los siguientes textos: Para primer Centenario, Errotaberea (1910), Garcia
Merou (1922) La primera edicion es de 1907--, De Vedia (1913), Torre, Carbia, Ravignani; Molinari, (1917); Levene (1912).