exercise price

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Related to exercise price: call option, put option

exercise price

(Stock Exchange) stock exchange the price at which the holder of a traded option may exercise his or her right to buy (or sell) a security
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Class: Unlisted Options Exercise Price $0.25, Expiry 31 August 2019
The incentive warrants allow holders to buy 8.59 million Terrascend shares at an exercise price of CA$7.21 on or before Aug.
- August 26, 2019) - Jaguar Financial Corporation (TSXV: JFC) ("Jaguar" or the "Company") today announced that its press release of August 22, 2019 announcing the grant of 486,000 options incorrectly referenced the exercise price of the options as $0.025 per share and should have referenced an exercise price of $0.05 per share.
The Series A warrants are exercisable for 90 days at an exercise price of $3.60.
M2 EQUITYBITES-June 14, 2019-AIG declares reduction of warrant exercise price and increase of shares receivable upon exercise
Global Banking News-June 14, 2019-AIG declares reduction of warrant exercise price and increase of shares receivable upon exercise
has announced that, pursuant to a private placement of 4 million warrants, it plans to amend the exercise price, the company said.
The company added that each unit consist of one share of Series A convertible preferred stock with a conversion price of USD1.93, a two-year warrant to purchase one common stock with an exercise price of USD1.93 per share as well as a five-year warrant to purchase one common stock with an exercise price of $1.93 per share.
The exercise price per option is SEK52.30, which corresponds to 120% of the volume-weighted price paid for
The warrants will have an exercise price of$1.00per share, will be immediately exercisable and will expire five years from the date of issuance.
DALLAS: In accordance with the terms of the outstanding legacy Sterling Bancshares, Inc., Comerica Incorporated announced that warrants to purchase shares of Comerica Common Stock, par value $5.00 per share, the Sterling Warrants exercise price will be reduced to $7.151 per share (from $7.159 per share).

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