ex·en·ter·ate (ĭg-zĕn′tə-rāt′) tr.v. ex·en·ter·at·ed ,
ex·en·ter·at·ing ,
ex·en·ter·ates 1. To disembowel; eviscerate.
2. Medicine To remove the contents of (an organ).
exenterāre , exenterāt- ,
to disembowel :
ex- ,
ex- + Greek
enteron ,
entrails ; see
en in
Indo-European roots .]
ex·en′ter·a′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
exenterate vb (
tr )
1. (Surgery) surgery to remove (internal organs, an eyeball, etc); eviscerate
adj rare having been disembowelled
[C17: from Latin exenterāre, from ex-1 + Greek enteron intestine]
exˌenterˈation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
e•vis•cer•ate (v. ɪˈvɪs əˌreɪt; adj. -ər ɪt, -əˌreɪt) v. -at•ed, -at•ing, adj. v.t. 1. to remove the entrails from.
2. to deprive of vital or essential parts: The censors eviscerated the book.
3. to remove the contents of (a body organ) by surgery.
adj. 4. having had the entrails removed.
[1600–10; < Latin
ēviscerātus . See
viscera .]
e•vis`cer•a′tion, n.
e•vis′cer•a`tor, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
exenterate Past participle: exenteratedGerund: exenteratingImperative Present Preterite Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Future Future Perfect Future Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Conditional Past Conditional Imperative exenterate exenterate
Present I exenterate you exenterate he/she/it exenterates we exenterate you exenterate they exenterate
Preterite I exenterated you exenterated he/she/it exenterated we exenterated you exenterated they exenterated
Present Continuous I am exenterating you are exenterating he/she/it is exenterating we are exenterating you are exenterating they are exenterating
Present Perfect I have exenterated you have exenterated he/she/it has exenterated we have exenterated you have exenterated they have exenterated
Past Continuous I was exenterating you were exenterating he/she/it was exenterating we were exenterating you were exenterating they were exenterating
Past Perfect I had exenterated you had exenterated he/she/it had exenterated we had exenterated you had exenterated they had exenterated
Future I will exenterate you will exenterate he/she/it will exenterate we will exenterate you will exenterate they will exenterate
Future Perfect I will have exenterated you will have exenterated he/she/it will have exenterated we will have exenterated you will have exenterated they will have exenterated
Future Continuous I will be exenterating you will be exenterating he/she/it will be exenterating we will be exenterating you will be exenterating they will be exenterating
Present Perfect Continuous I have been exenterating you have been exenterating he/she/it has been exenterating we have been exenterating you have been exenterating they have been exenterating
Future Perfect Continuous I will have been exenterating you will have been exenterating he/she/it will have been exenterating we will have been exenterating you will have been exenterating they will have been exenterating
Past Perfect Continuous I had been exenterating you had been exenterating he/she/it had been exenterating we had been exenterating you had been exenterating they had been exenterating
Conditional I would exenterate you would exenterate he/she/it would exenterate we would exenterate you would exenterate they would exenterate
Past Conditional I would have exenterated you would have exenterated he/she/it would have exenterated we would have exenterated you would have exenterated they would have exenterated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Verb 1. exenterate - remove the contents of (an organ)surgery - the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures; "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School"
remove ,
take away ,
withdraw ,
take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.