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(Albanian ˈhodʒa)
(Biography) Enver (ˈemver). 1908–85, Albanian statesman: founded the Albanian Communist Party in 1941 and was its first secretary (1954–85)
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The comedian's films were the only Western flicks old dictator Enver Hoxha allowed the people to see back then and he became a national hero.
The Hoops had drawn Partizan Tirana in the 1979-80 European Cup and it was claimed head of state Enver Hoxha had banned facial hair along with other "evils" like rock music.
Once the North Korea of Europe under Communist dictator Enver Hoxha, Albania's per capita income level is now 25 per cent that of Germany.
Of which European country was Enver Hoxha leader from 1954 to 1985?
Above all, the tyrant of tiny Albania, Enver Hoxha, was enriched through a reading of Ismail Kadare, author of The Palace of Dreams and one of the finest novelists of this day and age.
Kadare's lifelong theme and the context for much of his work is the four-decade dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, whose grotesque, paranoid, Stalinist regime slaughtered thousands.
In an interview with FENA, Zejnullahu asserted that the regime that BiH has towards the citizens of Kosovo is worse than the one existed during the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha towards Yugoslavia, since there were no tourist visits at that time, which is why the Albania's Honorary Consul to BiH Muharrem Zejnullahu does not see any difference between that period and the present day situation.
It is a painful, sometimes comic mystery dedicated to unraveling why Linda B.--a girl on the cusp of womanhood living in forced internal exile with her once-royalist family in the rural reaches of Albania during the twilight of Enver Hoxha's dictatorship--commits suicide.
Cefais gopi o lyfr - y clasur 'The Thoughts of Enver Hoxha on the Middle East situation'.
Enver Hoxha and Ho Chi Minh, Agents of the Stalin Line
Communist dictator, Enver Hoxha, had ruled the country with an iron fist from 1941 until 1985 , imposed full closure of Albania and maintained troubled relations with neighboring countries and either killed or send his opponents to exile.
The four new cardinals over 80, who get the position as a symbolic honor to thank them for long service to the Church, include Father Ernest Simoni, 88, an Albanian priest who spent many years in jail and forced labor during the communist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, who died in 1985.