Environmental Health Officer

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Environmental Health Officer

(Social Welfare) (in Britain) an employee of the Environmental Health Service. Former names: public health inspector or sanitary inspector
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Kirklees Council environmental health officers carried out a routine inspection at Bismillah Roti House at 666 Huddersfield Road, Ravensthorpe, and found rat droppings in the food preparation area.
ENVIRONMENTAL health officers are working to ensure a popular music festival doesn't disturb residents.
The course will enhance my knowledge and skills required by to become a surveyor and help me in my current role as a housing environmental health officer.
WARNINGS about the high levels of radon gas in some Anglesey homes are being issued by environmental health officers.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Environmental health officers (EHOs) ensure that the places where people eat, live and work are safe and hygienic.
The role of the communicable-disease environmental health officer includes investigating suspect foodborne illnesses.
Ian McCann, for the Crown, asked her: "Did you withhold any information from environmental health officers which they were seeking in relation to the outlets supplied ?"
Police, environmental health officers and licencing chiefs are now backing taking action against the Pan-African Community Centre, which holds the licence for the venue.
To qualify as an environmental health officer or practitioner, you will need to complete a period of work-based learning, either as a work placement or working as a trainee environmental health officer.
ENVIRONMENTAL health officers have launched an Olympic crackdown on business hygiene problems ahead of the London games.
A FOOD safety inspector in Cardiff has joined a nationwide team of environmental health officers to crack down on business hygiene problems ahead of the Olympics.
ENVIRONMENTAL health officers had to obtain a warrant to break into an Anglesey property to switch off a burglar alarm.

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