corduroy road

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corduroy road

(Civil Engineering) a road across swampy ground, made of logs laid transversely
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A great portion of the way was over what is called a corduroy road, which is made by throwing trunks of trees into a marsh, and leaving them to settle there.
Husbands needed a strong finish to win the King Corrie over six furlongs, especially after Olympic Runner broke badly to trail the field by seven lengths along with Corduroy Road, as the pair of Big Drink of Water and Souper Success disputed the lead.
Ships' cranes offloaded pallets of goods and building materials like cut lumber, spikes and nails, and hundreds of yards of canvas onto hastily built rafts that were poled a few hundred yards right up to one of the mouths of the meandering Ship Creek where the corduroy road began.
Furst is the German word for prince, while a Damm is a corduroy road. In the 17th century, German nobility installed a corduroy road between central Berlin and a hunting lodge to the west of the city.
The music lineup includes: Family of the Year, The Mowgli's, The Dirty Guv'nahs, Stop Light Observations, Sol Driven Train, The Vagabond Union, Holy Ghost Tent Revival, Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work, The Corduroy Road and more will be found at this Jam!
but on the corduroy road, there was no mistaking what it took to get
My first acquaintance with a corduroy road was when I saw men lay logs crosswise on the road that fall.
The corduroy road, pocked by mud holes and uneven, rotting logs, ran for 10 miles to the Tahawus mine's "Lower Works."
The "highway" was a corduroy road, logs arranged side by side, over which an older driver exceeding the exhilarating speed of 25 mph might find his upper plate in his lap.
Up and down hills, across rutted two tracks and railroad rights of way, and, at one point, about a half-mile along a corduroy road. Result: The rifle stayed exactly where we had put it, until we loosened the wing nuts and took the pressure off.