A fetal blood sample was obtained by
cordocentesis and routine karyotyping and subtelomeric FISH analysis revealed normal results.
Such tests include chorionic villus biopsy, in which a segment of the placenta is extracted for study, as well as
cordocentesis, the extraction of blood from the umbilical cord using a needle.
Fetuses of PGDM appear to be exposed to chronic intrauterine hypoxia and have been found to be acidaemic at
cordocentesis even in the presence of normal biophysical score [21].
Iatrogenic causes secondary to amniocentesis, in utero transfusions and diagnostic
cordocentesis are also reported [14].
Cordocentesis remains the gold standard and it is the preferred and more accurate method, although it is technically more difficult to perform and it carries further pregnancy risks such as cord bleeding, bradycardia, intrauterine infection, preterm labor, and fetal death.
[24] measured plasma glucose and insulin in the third trimester SGA and AGA fetuses by
cordocentesis. They found lower glucose and insulin, as well as higher G/I ratio, in growth-retarded fetuses.
Cordocentesis confirmed fetal anemia (hemoglobin level 46 g/dL) and thrombocytopenia (platelet count: 9 x [10.sup.9]/L).
No es sensato considerar que el uso de la inyeccion intraamniotica de digoxina [8,9], la
cordocentesis o cardiocentesis con administracion de cloruro de potasio [10], tienen riesgos menos elevados, sin incluir el escollo de la sedacion, analgesia o anestesia, que incluye otros farmacos no menos inocuos, como el fentanilo, vecuronio para la inmovilizacion fetal, etc.
Cordocentesis in the investigation of fetal erythropoiesis.
A 34-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 0) underwent
cordocentesis at 24 weeks' gestation because of ultrasound abnormalities and a Down syndrome risk of 1/379 derived from second-trimester maternal serum screening.
Cordocentesis or umbilical cord blood sampling is not required in routine practice.