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(ænˈtɪl iz)
a chain of islands in the West Indies, divided into two parts, one including Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico (Greater Antilles), the other including a large arch of smaller islands to the SE and S (Lesser Antilles or Caribees).
An•til′le•an, adj., n.
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Noun | 1. | Caribees - a group of islands in the southeastern West Indies Antilles - a group of islands in the West Indies Netherlands Antilles - a group of islands in the Lesser Antilles just to the north of Venezuela that are administered by The Netherlands Leeward Islands - a group of islands in the eastern West Indies Windward Islands, Windward Isles - a group of islands in the southeastern West Indies; the southern part of the Lesser Antilles Barbados - easternmost of the West Indies about 300 miles to the north of Venezuela |
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