
Also found in: Financial.


a load carried by a lorry on a return journey
vb (tr)
to load (a lorry) for a return journey
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While the Tullow Oil country boss declined to disclose how much it costs to truck the 200,000 barrels to Mombasa, he had told Parliament that it spent at least Sh2,100 for every barrel delivered by road, meaning the trucking may have gobbled some S20 million.More charges involve the tank upgrades to hold the waxy crude under insulated conditions as well as upgrade of jetty to backload the crude for shipping.
But this time-sensitivity is lost in the political to-and-fro that blurs lines between the long-term nature of sovereign burdens and the short-termism of governments that seek to 'backload' the costs to subsequent governments rather than shoulder the pain in the immediate term.
His first moves -- cutting the wealth and capital-gains taxes -- earned him the sobriquet "president of the rich." Never mind that these taxes sometimes captured all real capital income, or that, given budget constraints, the decision to front-load cutting them and backload tax cuts for the middle class was economically rational.
Caption: An M1126 Stryker is lowered into general purpose, heavy lift ship MV OCEAN GLORY during a backload of equipment at Chuk Samet, here, from exercise Hanuman Guardian, July 12.
The idea is to backload the hard work so that staff is never seen struggling in front of a guest.
The 11-strong team from GAC's Labuan office worked with the Oil & Gas Projects Department in Kuala Lumpur led by Key Account Manager Rahul Bhoj 36 hours round-the-clock to complete the first major backload and loadout job, which included the chartering of an offshore support vessel and project cargo moves.
On another note, Downie said that when we look at the exchange rate policy, it is really going to backload the effect to next year with the expected devaluation next week.
parties' interest to backload the most relevant (i.e., potentially
Just as Maxwell was eyeing his opportunity to backload the innings - having hit two sixes and a four from the last three balls of a Moeen over which cost 19 - he aimed a full delivery from Finn to leg and went lbw for 49.
Wineries are indicating they are still dealing with a backload of bulk wine and plenty of contracted grapes."