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vb (intr) , -pedals, -pedalling or -pedalled, -pedals, -pedaling or -pedaled
1. (Cycle Racing) to turn the pedals of a bicycle backwards
2. to retract or modify a previous opinion, principle, etc
3. (Boxing) boxing to take backward steps
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


v.i. -ped•aled, -ped•al•ing (esp. Brit.) -ped•alled, -ped•al•ling.
1. to retard the forward motion of a bicycle by pressing backward on the pedal.
2. to retreat from or reverse one's previous stand on a matter.
3. to make quick steps backward, as in retreating against a boxing opponent.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: back-pedalled
Gerund: back-pedalling

I back-pedal
you back-pedal
he/she/it back-pedals
we back-pedal
you back-pedal
they back-pedal
I back-pedalled
you back-pedalled
he/she/it back-pedalled
we back-pedalled
you back-pedalled
they back-pedalled
Present Continuous
I am back-pedalling
you are back-pedalling
he/she/it is back-pedalling
we are back-pedalling
you are back-pedalling
they are back-pedalling
Present Perfect
I have back-pedalled
you have back-pedalled
he/she/it has back-pedalled
we have back-pedalled
you have back-pedalled
they have back-pedalled
Past Continuous
I was back-pedalling
you were back-pedalling
he/she/it was back-pedalling
we were back-pedalling
you were back-pedalling
they were back-pedalling
Past Perfect
I had back-pedalled
you had back-pedalled
he/she/it had back-pedalled
we had back-pedalled
you had back-pedalled
they had back-pedalled
I will back-pedal
you will back-pedal
he/she/it will back-pedal
we will back-pedal
you will back-pedal
they will back-pedal
Future Perfect
I will have back-pedalled
you will have back-pedalled
he/she/it will have back-pedalled
we will have back-pedalled
you will have back-pedalled
they will have back-pedalled
Future Continuous
I will be back-pedalling
you will be back-pedalling
he/she/it will be back-pedalling
we will be back-pedalling
you will be back-pedalling
they will be back-pedalling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been back-pedalling
you have been back-pedalling
he/she/it has been back-pedalling
we have been back-pedalling
you have been back-pedalling
they have been back-pedalling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been back-pedalling
you will have been back-pedalling
he/she/it will have been back-pedalling
we will have been back-pedalling
you will have been back-pedalling
they will have been back-pedalling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been back-pedalling
you had been back-pedalling
he/she/it had been back-pedalling
we had been back-pedalling
you had been back-pedalling
they had been back-pedalling
I would back-pedal
you would back-pedal
he/she/it would back-pedal
we would back-pedal
you would back-pedal
they would back-pedal
Past Conditional
I would have back-pedalled
you would have back-pedalled
he/she/it would have back-pedalled
we would have back-pedalled
you would have back-pedalled
they would have back-pedalled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:


1. backtrack, go back, reverse, reconsider, climb down, have second thoughts, change your mind, flip-flop (informal, chiefly U.S.), do a U-turn He appeared to back-pedal on that statement.
2. break your word, go back on your word, default, back out, repudiate, welsh (slang), flip-flop (informal, chiefly U.S.), break a promise He's back-pedalled twice already.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


[ˈbækˈpedl] VI (on bicycle) → pedalear hacia atrás (fig) → echarse atrás, dar marcha atrás
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌbækˈpɛdl] vi (on bicycle) → pedalare all'indietro (fig) → fare marcia indietro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Jimuel, 18, had the intensity of his revered father as he threw whopping overhand rights at Carson, who was forced to back-pedal most of the time to avoid getting rocked.
EMMERDALE ITV, 7pm and 8pm JOE is starting to back-pedal now, realising the enormity of what he's done to Graham.
Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales EMMERDALE ITV, 7pm and 8pm JOE is starting to back-pedal now, realising the enormity of what he's done to Graham.
EMMERDALE ITV, 7pm and 8pm EASTENDERS BBC1, 7.30pm JOE is starting to back-pedal now, realising the enormity of what he's done to Graham.
"There are multiple angles on ZTE (it got into hot water in the first place for trading with Iran, but is also a big buyer of US telco components), but the general impression here is one of a back-pedal from the US side on trade tensions as the market tries to figure out how large the discount on Trump's trade stance should be from here in what is a critical period for US-China relations.
The sorority, Alpha Phi, isn't talking, apparently, and the university is on the back-pedal, saying the video "is not reflective of UA's expectations for student organizations to be responsible digital citizens." (We're all digital citizens now?) Naturally, the video has plenty of supporters too.
Turner's men were forced to back-pedal under a Bees' onslaught at the start of the second half and, in the 55th minute, Trotta had already turned away to celebrate when his scorching drive was brilliantly palmed away by Chris Weale in the home goal.
Will we back-pedal from our standpoint after the recommendations are approved, Nisar wondered.
Meanwhile, Pitt is again trying to back-pedal over the widely-criticised comments he made to Parade last week.
"The crucial points to be prepared, We don't expect to see too many people ending up in hot water over this, but having to back-pedal in order to comply could be embarrassing and extremely inconvenient"