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abbreviation for
(Communications & Information) business to employee: denoting trade between a company and its employers. Compare B2B, B2C
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With over 25 years of experience, York Solutions is an IT consulting firm that provides clients with custom resource solutions to fit their business needs to successfully complete IT projects through our custom resource solutions which include our managed service staffing solution (MS3) and our Barriers to Entry (B2E) program.
Although not headline material, the use of bots with B2E applications is emerging in parallel with B2C apps.
The class B2E and B2F notes, which were originally rated 'BBsf' by Fitch, were not repaid in full on the last payment date as per the 11 April trustee report.
The MoU creates a general framework that governs the collaboration amongst the three in regards to developing smart applications to serve various market participants which will include business to consumer (B2C) services mainly targeting investors, business to business (B2B) services such as services provided to listed companies, brokerage firms and custodians as well as business to employee (B2E) services.
Nowadays Internet is the backbone of the new economy, enabling business communication strategies like Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Customer (B2C), and Business-to-Employee (B2E) [7].
"The main driver is that we don't see a lot of organisations that have moved beyond mobile e-mail in their B2E mobilisation.
Kony also offers a suite of ready-to-run B2E and B2C apps that enable customers to quickly extend their business.
The combined capabilities will result in the creation of highly efficient mobile technologies for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-employee (B2E) applications, the buyer said.
Beginning from the Business to Consumer (B2C) business structure, EC has progressed to B2B, B2B to B2E (Business to Employees), C2B, C2C, G2C (government to citizens) and other types which describe the participants in the electronic commerce.
Accelerate time-to-market with pre-assembled starter apps for customer (B2C) and employee-facing (B2E) mobile scenarios