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(in the US and Canada) abbreviation for
(Education) Bachelor of Fine Arts
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Fahey holds a B.F.A. in environmental design from the Parsons School of Design.
Jerry Pearson, Director, Division of Dance B.F.A. and B.A.
RYERSON POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Nadia Putts, Program Director B.F.A. in Dance 350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont.
Dance Program-Ballet Center Akron, OH 44325-2502 B.A., B.F.A. in Dance, Multi-age license, MA Arts Administration.
Department of Theatre and Dance B.A., B.F.A., and M.F.A., Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-5037 & www.colorado.edu
Linda Tarnay, Department Chair Cherylyn Lavagnino, Assistant Chair Judy Schramm, Program Coordinator Conservatory Training Program B.F.A., M.F.A.