advanced gas-cooled reactor

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advanced gas-cooled reactor

(Nuclear Physics) a nuclear reactor using carbon dioxide as the coolant, graphite as the moderator, and ceramic uranium dioxide cased in stainless steel as the fuel. Abbreviation: AGR
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For the most part, however, the enormous number of unidentified remains from World War II were initially processed and recorded by AGRS personnel (Steere 1951).
"We believe that most of the AGRs will have their life limited by the progression of cracking," Britain's Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) says on its website, adding that this presents "unique challenges".
Drigert, "Design of an on-line, multi-spectrometer Fission Product Monitoring System (FPMS) to support Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) fuel testing and qualification in the advanced test reactor," in Proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE, pp.
Girls, ten years of age or older for whom parental consent and child assent were obtained, completed the AGRS on the first day of their camp experience (N = 706) and then on the last day (N = 476).
vulgaris were obtained with the basal diet, suggesting the interest of carried out long-term studies in the future to check if this factor is limiting in larger individuals with greater AGRs. Moreover, copper levels in the edible portion of the animal are quite lower than in the digestive gland, not only in O.
The second exercise of Red Flag's 40th year marked the last time the aggressors flew the F-15 Eagle after the 64th AGRS absorbed the aircraft when the 65th Aggressor Squadron closed in September.
The inability of AR commanders to adequately fulfill their regulatory responsibilities under AR 40-501 as it relates to medically non-compliant AGRs has negatively impacted overall AR medical readiness.
[X'][[gamma].sub.x] = [[gamma].sub.3] ln[(s)] + [[gamma].sub.4a] ln[(p)] + [[gamma].sub.4b] ln[(p)] + [[gamma].sub.5] ln[(ysch)] + [[gamma].sub.6] ln(rdpc) + [[gamma].sub.7] ln[(trds)] + [[gamma].sub.8] ln[(agrs)] + [[gamma].sub.9] ln(agrs) + [[gamma].sub.10] ln[(serv)] + [[gamma].sub.11] ln[(manu)] (7)
Far from producing electricity that was too cheap to meter, the AGRs were almost impossible to construct - an absolute disaster of Concorde or even Poll Tax proportions when it came to wasting taxpayers' money.
"In terms of inspections and NDT, there isn't a lot of operating experience from other sectors that we can apply, and even Sizewell is based on different material and operates at lower temperatures, so the degradation mechanisms are quite different from the AGRs."