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of or relating to suffering from fever
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References in periodicals archive ?
Thus, by setting this as a new idea to overcome the deadlock, it clearly shows that the Greek Cypriot leadership was trying to get rid of the rotating presidency, Akinci agued.
Ajumogobia's lawyer Chief Robbort Clerk SAN, however, informed the court of a pending motion filed on the 13th of May challenging the jurisdiction of the court from ent Justice Aikawa adjourned the case to 23rd of May to agued the preliminary objection.
In 1972, Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Vice President agued: "I point to the experience of the trade union movement in its fight for a bigger slice of the economic pie over the course of the last century...
The logic of merit being affected by affirmative action is again something not really agued with an open mind.
(TAP) - Chawki Tabib, president of the National Anti-Corruption Authority (INLUCC), agued on Thursday at the House of People's Representatives (HPR) for the financial independence of the Authority and allowing it to discuss its budget directly with the HPR, inviting the government to meet its commitments in this regard.
Not only this but there is likely high percentage of unemployment expected as agued by Khan (2014) that approval of privatization of the Pakistan Railways by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will not only affect the public who uses railways but it will also cause immense unemployment as about approximately 70 percent of the employees will be shown the door.
He said big no to any type of tax in the Malakand Division and agued the rulers wanted to collect more funds from masses to add its foreign reserves but the people of Malakand will not pay single penny in term of any type of tax rather will demand for special package in the light of facing worst due to militancy, poverty and backwardness.
In regards to the product's inclusion of genetically modified ingredients, the defendant agued that "a reasonable consumer would not be misled by Crisco Oil's 'All Natural' label Lin light of FDA's policy on bioengineered ingredients and the federal government 's regulations governing organic foods.
Stuart had earlier agued with one of Kerr's teammates.
agued or demonstrated that the requested documents were prepared in
chamber head of police Steven Leigh, said: "We are pleased to see that the committee has agued that there is a strong case for improving trans-Pennine links or building the northern legs of HS2 rst, both of which could be a better improving northern links, it is argued way of rebalancing the economy than building the southern leg of HS2.