
Online Entry System

The Online Entry System is part of the Swimrankings Manager. It allows you to add the entries of your team directly on the website. The system is connected with the rankings database. This means, that you select the athletes from the existing list in the rankings database.

There is no additional software installation needed. You have to proceed the following steps to make your entries:
  • Meets: Select the meet, for which you want to add entries. Then add your club at the bottom of the site. You can only add clubs for meets that are defined as "Open". For meets "On invitation", the meet organizer must define your club and bind it to your username (email address).
  • Athletes: First you have to search and sign on all athletes you want to enter for the meet. Athletes for relays have to signed on as well.
  • Entries: In a second step, you go through all events and select the athletes for each event. You do not have to enter any entry times, because these times are directly taken from the rankings database.
  • Relays and Report: On the last page you select the relays where you want to make an entry and you print the entry confirmation report.

Please read the tutorial before you start with your entries. You will need a login and password to access this system.

Click here to edit entries now.

If you have any technical questions or problems using the Online Entry System, please contact us by email in English, German or French.

Since September 2013 it is possible to manage online entries for a meet completely with Splash Meet Manager. For now, this feature can be used "as it is" by everybody, who has a valid Splash Meet Manager license. The final conditions and prices for usage of online entries will be defined in spring 2014.