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I had an eptopic pregnancy one year ago. I just found out I'm pregnant and went to have an ultrasound today. The staff were unable to see a sac in my uterus. They did however see something on my ovaries. The doctor was unable to determine if it was eptopoc or simply a cist on my ovaries. What are the chances of having an eptopic pregnancy on my ovaries?


In very rare cases pregnancy may attempt to happen outside the reproductive system. However such pregnancies do not last by any means because of the lack of nutrition able to be obtained. I wouldn't have thought it was possible either, however when they found my large cyst they at first thought that it was an out of reproductive pregnancy that had started and ended (luckily it was just a cyst)


Actually an eptopic pregnancy can be in the fallopian tube, on the ovary or in the abdomen, so the other response was a little ill informed. Although it probably is just a cyst on your ovary, they tend to happen in my early pregnancy. Usually if you are experiencing pain from a cyst, if you put pressure on the area it stops hurting, until you let up on the pressure. I'm sure your doctor will do various test to insure everything is ok with your pregnancy.


i just wanted to say it is not impossible to have an eptopic pregnancy in the ovarie as i myself have had one. please do not give false information to people who may be worried about this. Please research the facts before you try and give out advice.

kristen i would suggest speaking to your gp about this, and maybe an internal scan, if youve not had one of those already.


My wife just went to the ob/gyn and after ultrasound they determined nothing was found in the uterus nor the fallopian tubes. The Doctor then explained that the pregnancy was possibly in the ovary. I agree with above poster... anything my friends is possible and giving false information CARIFAIRY is wrong.


Back on Jan. 22, 2006 I was rushed to the hospital with really bad stomach pain. After a few hours the Doctor said I was pregnant but they didn't know where the pregnancy was. After about an hour they told me that it was on the outside of my left ovary and that I was bleeding internally. The Doctor told me that I needed surgery immediately because half of my blood supply was bleeding into my stomach. I was only 22 at the time so I was very scared. They also told me I might need a blood transfusion as well which really made the situation worse. I came out of the surgery and was in good health (thank god). Then 4 months later I was pregnant agian and now I have a beautiful healthy little girl.


este ano yo tube un ectopic pregnancy, tuve que hir dos veses a la emergenia la primera ves no enontraron nada por que solo miraron los tuvos, la egunda vez tuvo que hir una anbulania por mi a mi asa por que ya me andava muriendo mi ovario revento por que en enbrion se formo en mi ovario me tuvieron que quitar en ovario derecho.
por experienci degoa que un etopi pregnany si puede pasar en un ovario.


For the first person to say it is impossible, your wrong! I am going through it right now, and at first they thought it was just a cyst on my ovarie as I get them all the time, but they later found out it was a pregnancy. I don't wish this on anyone, it is the most awful thing I have ever been through!


Even though an ectopic pregnancy is usually in the fallopian tubes, it CAN be in an overy. Please check out this picture and description below.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it is just a cyst and they cannot see the baby location yet because it is too early in your pregnancy. That happened with me. The next week I went back and they saw it right where it was suppose to be after it had grown a bit!

Please people, do not give advice if you are uninformed. People are posting questions hoping for accurate information!


An eptopic pregnancy wears and tears on the heart and mind of any sane rational person. I just had an eptopic pregnancy last week needed a blood transfusion and i am still in the healin process. My first reaction was anger at myself for not seeing the symtoms sooner. second anger at the nurses for the way i found out/ first i had a regular period i just was extremely constipated then my body siezed up on me and i collapsed on my living room floor and couldnt move. I get to the hospital as there running random test the nurse comes back and says your pregnant but you wont be that way for long. 10 minnutes later i have an iv a blood bag and alotta questions and shock. They tell me my left tube is gone and there gonna find out the situation of my right. so after all is said and done i go home and go see my regular doctor who asks if im ready to shut down the baby makin machine he can finish what the hospital had started. I WAS PISSSED. I want more kids any one know how soon after you have an eptopic pregnancy is a good time to try again. I still have staples in me but im dont want to wait to long im 28 and the clock is ticking


Ovarian pregnancy IS possible..I went through it last year..I had severe cramps and made an appt with my gyn and after ultrasound I was rushed to the hospital because of the severe amount of abdominal bleeding and surgery was performed immediately..its very rare, like .2% of pregnancies according to research but it does happen and its extremely painful


my sister is possibly going thru an ovaraian pregnancy  the first doctor she went to said she was 4 weeks pregnant and they worried because her hormone levels read quickly and very high then when she went back 2 weeks later for an ultrasound they said they found nothing and she needed to go to the hospital and terminate she went and got a second opinion 2 weeks after that and when she did that they said she was 4 weeks then and then at her six weeks they said they dont hear a heartbeat and that her hormone levels are going up and they said they didnt see a thing on the ultrasound so they said they would draw blood again and this time her levels stayed the same but they found her ovary was enlarged which right after she found out she was pregnant she bleed lightly with no pain for a week still not having pain and the doctor said with this last blood draw that they would sit down and go over what is the best option. my ? is can the baby survive an ovarian pregnancy or are they able to move the embryo out and into the uterus?


Its not impossible to have a pregnancy on your ovaries...My daughter was on the mirana implant and found out she was pregnant they couldnt find a sac and found the pregnancy on her ovary...


Ovarian pregnancy is very possible, but also very rare. I just finished surgery from having an ovarian pregnancy.


You are wrong. My wife just had an ectopic pregnancy in her left ovary which had to be removed. The ovary simply fell apart during surgery while having her tube removed. This wasn't found until surgery and after further research by the doctor. This was my wife's second ectopic. I'm in know way a doctor , just passing along information that might help. This happened just a week ago. The kicker is my wife was on birth control.
