(adj.) exercising complete or almost complete authority over the will of another or of others
(n.) a person who favors the separation of church and state, especially the withdrawal of special rights, status, and support granted an established church by a state
(adj.) asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, economic, or social life
(n.) a person who believes that differences between individuals or groups, including moral and intellectual attributes, are predominantly determined by genetic factors
(n.) a person actively engaged in promoting human welfare and social reforms, as a philanthropist
(adj.) relating to a political philosophy that promotes individual rights and minimal government
(n.) an expert in the formal rules and procedures of deliberative assemblies and other formal organizations
(n.) a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood
(adj.) clean and wholesome
(adj.) narrowly confined or limited in interest, purpose, scope, etc.
(n.) a member of the “Order of the Holy Trinity,” a religious order founded in 1198 to redeem Christian captives of the Muslims
(adj.) relating to the thesis that processes that operated in the remote geological past are not different from those observed now
(n.) a member of a liberal religious denomination founded upon the doctrine that God is one being, and giving each congregation complete control over its affairs
(adj.) having regard to utility or usefulness rather than beauty, ornamentation, etc.
(n.) a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese
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