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Shondra Riley, Regional Advisor
Connect (formerly SPTC)
Our school library:
A Parent's Perspective
About Connect
Membership charity supporting parents’ groups
in Scottish schools for over 70 years
Hundreds of thousands members:
individual parents and parent groups
in most schools and many pre-school settings
Mission is to support effective involvement
of parents and carers in children’s education
At a time
when literacy is
a key priority
in our schools,
the role of
libraries and
librarians is
even more
than ever
I enjoyed reading
when I was
Coming soon to a
cinema near you!
Our school library: A Parent's Perspective
Leslie Uggams’
Beauty Book
Our school library: A Parent's Perspective
came flooding
Our school library: A Parent's Perspective
“Parent helpers
have a greater
knowledge of
what books are
popular across
the wider school
“Parent helpers
work with many
classes. They get
to know the
popular 'stock' of
books in school”
“It has made me feel like a more
worthwhile person.”
“I love being a parent helper
and can’t wait to volunteer more in
class now”
“I think it’s made me realise the school
does want us as parents to be
“I love seeing the children
and their
enthusiasm for reading.”
I love our library because...
"It's a good, safe place to
get lost"
"I want to
get better at
"I love the smell of books"
Why we value our school library
Confidence Building
Encourages Reading for pleasure
Helps to improving literacy
Our school library: A Parent's Perspective

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Our school library: A Parent's Perspective

  • 1. Shondra Riley, Regional Advisor Connect (formerly SPTC) Our school library: A Parent's Perspective
  • 2. About Connect Membership charity supporting parents’ groups in Scottish schools for over 70 years Hundreds of thousands members: individual parents and parent groups in most schools and many pre-school settings Mission is to support effective involvement of parents and carers in children’s education
  • 3. At a time when literacy is a key priority in our schools, the role of libraries and librarians is even more critical than ever
  • 4. I enjoyed reading when I was young Coming soon to a cinema near you!
  • 10. “Parent helpers have a greater knowledge of what books are popular across the wider school community.”
  • 11. “Parent helpers work with many classes. They get to know the popular 'stock' of books in school”
  • 12. “It has made me feel like a more worthwhile person.” “I love being a parent helper and can’t wait to volunteer more in class now” “I think it’s made me realise the school does want us as parents to be involved.”
  • 13. “I love seeing the children and their enthusiasm for reading.”
  • 14. I love our library because... "It's a good, safe place to get lost" "I want to get better at reading" "I love the smell of books"
  • 15. Why we value our school library Restorative Confidence Building Encourages Reading for pleasure Helps to improving literacy