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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
My Research Basic Questions
Course Student – Physics Department - Physics & Math Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University – Moscow – Russia -2010-2013
TEL +201022532292 /
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –21st
January 2020
This paper tries to summarize the main ideas and questions in my previous papers -
It's just a guide through my papers – and I add some data for references which can be used in planets data analysis
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
All my papers
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Classification
Part One
Papers Series From No. 198 (Is There A Contradiction Between SR And GR?)
To No. 187 (Lorentz Length Contraction Analysis (SR Discussions)
This series of papers provides one question only which is:
Lorentz Length Contraction is a real phenomenon effect on Particle own nature!
Does that mean Particle properties are created as a function in its motion?
In this case how to explain Planet Motion..
Lorentz Length Contraction is an illusion of measurements – that means - Lorentz Transformations equations are measured
illusions! Such equations can be acceptable in physics science?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Part Two
Papers Series From No. 186 (Is There A Contradiction Between SR And GR?)
To No. 170 (Lorentz Length Contraction Analysis (SR Discussions)
(Paper No. 186) 99% light velocity through liquids (Einstein Book Relativity Section 13) – 99% is found in planets data
Space is the medium in which light travels with 0.3 mkm/sec.
(Paper No. 185) (Observer Effect…) human mind works by light velocity – data is found in papers No. 199-185-106-53 (to
prove this idea, we should answer is Particle length is contracted by high velocity motion and why … Lorentz equations)
(Paper No. 184) (Why We Don't Understand …) because Planet motion is a light motion and should be studied under
relativistic effects considerations- proves (1) Lorentz argument (2) double production (3) solar system is a continuum (4)
distances equality (5) planet diameter and orbital distance relationship (6) Jupiter energy (7) mass distribution (8) earth & Pluto
relationship (9) planets diameters table.
(Paper No. 182) (Planet orbital period definition) (I)
Planet day, orbital period and rotation period all of them are created depending on each other- (Data provided hard argument)
(Paper No. 183) (Planet orbital period definition) (II)
Because outer planets rotation periods = their day periods – that causes the moon orbital period = moon rotation period
(Outer Planets Rotation Periods Total X Π = Earth Moon Rotation Period)
(Saturn Day 8/ Jupiter Day) = ( Uranus Day / Neptune Day) = 1.0725
Pluto day is defined according to the rate between the outer planet diameters total / Pluto diameter (Note Please – Pluto
Motion Per Solar Day = Planets Diameters Total) The Moon Rotation Period Follows This Diameter Rate Rule.
planets velocities shows the dependency but the argument is hard
(Paper No. 181) (Why Mercury day period =2 x 88 = 3 x 58.66?)
to revolve around the sun needs 8 x Mercury day 175.94 = 1407.6 solar days but mercury rotation period =1407.6 hours
Mercury is primary planet creates his day period depending on his rotation period – which causes a different rate of time
(there's a difference in rate of time which we know about Mercury and his own rate of time) (let's ask is the day period for one
planet is different from another planet –i.e. the period of second in both planets are different according to their days periods)?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(Paper No. 179) (Mercury Day Period – short discussion- (I))
Why Mercury day period = 175.94 solar days? A hypothesis 175.94 days x 2 = 351.88 days (this period is specific one)
2 x 175.94 solar days x 86400 seconds x 1.16 = 25920 x 1361 but 1361 = 1.3 x (sun mass / Jupiter mass)
Conclusions (1) Earth is the first created matter in universe (2) Two Mercury days are used to produce 1 solar day
(Paper No. 180) (Mercury Day Period – short discussion- (II))
Has the period (2 Mercury Days Period ) a relationship with the main equation (z= 2x +1y)
(Paper No. 178) (Mars Orbital Distance Is Changed Through History)
(1) Planets order
(2) (1/ mars degrees daily) = mars orbital inclination (that means mars orbital inclination is created depending on the solar day period)
Proof (Mercury data effects on mars motion even after Mars immigrated from his original orbital distance) – how to prove?
(687/175.94) = (227.9/57.9) and 1407.6 = 24.6 x (180/π) but 25.2 = 1.9 x 13.18
(Papers from no. 172 – 177) (Earth Moves By 2 Rtes Of Time)
(Part I No. 172) 10921 x 86400 = 940 mkm (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth)
(Part II No. 173) 1.16 mkm= 88000 x 13.18 – (Outer planets days periods are comparer with their masses order! Why?)
(Part III No. 174) 88000 km becomes 88 days for Mercury! And then 176 days becomes 176000 km for the moon!! explain?
58.66 (π+1) = 243 – that may tell Venus rotation period is created based on Mercury motion (needs a deep analysis)
(Part IV No. 175) (needs a deep analysis)
(Part V No. 176) Total Solar Eclipse Calendar Shows The Energy Transportation Process Through The Solar System
(Part VI No. 177) (needs a deep analysis)
Papers No. 169 -170- 171 (Moon orbital Motion analysis Parts I, II, III)
(the papers discuss a theory of moon orbital motion - needs a deep analysis)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Part Three
Papers Series From No. 168 Why Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance? (II)
To No. 160 My Research Hypotheses
Question No.1 (A Hypothesis)
The solar system is one machine, each planet is a gear in it. based on that, any Planet data is created depends on other planets
data – all basic planets data are created based on one Equation only which is (z =2x+1y) – this equation has a specific form
which is (1.16 mkm = 0.406 mkm +2 x 0.377 mkm) – The Previous Equation proves the claim that the solar system is one
machine (i.e. The Solar System Is Similar To A Puppets Theater) – the previous proves this claim because of the number (2)
which is found in both equation forms – where no. 2 defines the most basic data in the solar system geometry and based on that
we can answer why Uranus Orbital Distance = 2 x Saturn Orbital Distance.
(Can this hypothesis proof acceptable and valid?)
Question No.2 (A Hypothesis)
Because the solar system is one machine, So all planets move together one unified motion as a train carriages move together in
one train – the planets different velocities can't disprove this claim because the velocity is a part in the solar system
geometrical structure – means – any planet velocity is created relative to other planets data, depending on each other – by the
same equation (z=2x+1y) - (So The Solar System Motion = All Planets Motion Together)
The solar system moves per solar day a distance = 1433.5 mkm = Saturn orbital distance – and this motion depends on light
motion energy for 1 second period.
Question No. 3
Did the rate 99% is found for a geometrical necessity?
(We know that light velocity in liquid me be 99% of light velocity in vacuum)
Important Equations
(Sun diameter / moon diameter) = (Earth orbital distance/ Earth moon distance) = (Earth daily motion /Earth RADIUS)
(4.37/0.3) = (2x 377000/51118) = (51118/3475) = (Venus Mass/ Mercury Mass) = (Jupi radius /Mercury diameter)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Part Three
Papers Series From No. 159 Solar Planet Velocity Analysis (Part 2)
To No. 150 Why Does Earth Moon Orbit Regress? (Part II)
(159-158-157) – Planets Motions are unified in one motion (Train Motion Concept) – Does planet velocity prove that?
Can Earth and Moon Motions accompanying prove the unified motion? (also ant planet with its moon)?
(156-155-154) Is the matter created in motion or in static status? Is matter created as a motion result? Will matter annihilate in
no motion status? (Planet Orb. Dis. And Planet Diameter & Mass Relationship Supports That) (Lorentz)
Does Planet motion contain also a light motion (means light and planet move together)? Is light energy cause planet motion? if
the planet is a light beam and we see it as a planet why the light motion is found? Is this the same light beam from which the
planet is created and the relativistic effects can cover the light nature completely or this is another light beam? What's the
general equation which describe the planet + light motions together ? (1.16+0.3 =1.46 mkm) how to understand?
Is matter created depending on time period? Is the time a factor in matter creation? Because we see almost the space (distance)
is partner in matter creation process, and the space-time geometry tells that, if the space is a partner that means the time should
be also a partner, how to explain?
2.58 mkm = Earth Motion = Moon Motion =- Pluto motion = Moon orbital circumference? Why (note 2.58 mkm = Earth
velocity daily = Pluto velocity per solar day x 2π
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Part Three
Papers Series From No. 150 Why Does Earth Moon Orbit Regress? (II)
To No. 140 Light Velocity Effect On Solar System Geometry
(Paper 150) Pluto Motion Concept
(Paper 149) one equation 1.44 x 12 = 17.28 – (17.2 deg = Pluto orbi. Inclaintion but 17.2 h = Uranus day)
(Paper 148) Mass Is Distributed By Geometrical Reasons- Planet Mass data proves
(Paper 147) Planet Mass Is Created to cause a difference In Planets Time Rates
(Paper 145) (Part I) planet motion is a double (planet motion + light motion) – why double motions? i.e. why light motion
nature is discovered spite of the relativistic effects? light moves firstly and the planet follows the light- the planet and light
motions are contributed in the same distance (example) (1.16 x 5040 = 5846.6 mkm but 17.75 mkm x 327.6 days = 5818)
(Paper 146) (Part II) The Solar System is a machine of gears uses 1 second period to produce 1 day period how?! 71x 5.1 =
365.25 but 365.25 x 237 = 86400 seconds – (71 seconds can be 1 second by contraction) 5.18 the moon effect and 237 =
Venus Rotation Period / Mars Rotation Period – the previous equation tells that – the inner planets uses 1 second to produce
86400 seconds – so what's the outer planets role in this process?
(Paper 144) 2737 Is A Real Phenomenon (my claim) – question : Is there any geometrical or physical reason for any cycle?
For example Earth revolves the sun a complete revolution in 365.25 days why? and why not in 500 days? Pluto motion for 1
solar day produces a distance = all solar planets diameters total?
(Paper 143) Is there A Planet Diameter & Orbital Distance Relationship? Yes …. The proves
(1) Planets order (2) Total Solar Eclipse (3) D= R x 1092
(4) Planet diameter creation depending on (71)2
(a table) (5) Earth
Moon orbit shows a relationship between planet diameters and the distance (6) Venus Diameter Table shows a relationship
between the distances and diameters (7) Earth radius and daily motion equation (needs 2) (8) Moon angular diameter
=0.5degrees (note please 1002 =1.0725 x 940)
(Paper 142) Energy Transportation is proved by Jupiter Energy. (Paper 140) (difficult data) (Paper 141) does space store
energy with different densities? 25920 = 0.3x 86400= 17.75 x 1461 …… (difficult claim what we see a distance the light sees
a time 500 sec x 1.16 = 580 mkm but works as 580 days – similar to 1433.5 days) (Page 17. contains all equations of No. (2))
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Data Tables
The Mass Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptun
Pluto The Sun inner Oute Total
0.33 4.87 5.97 0.073 0.642 1898 568 86.8 102 0.0131 1988500 11.885 2654.8 2666.7
1 14.7575 18.0909 0.2212 1.945 5751 1721.212 263.030
0.03969 6025757.5 36.01 8044.8 8080.9
Venus 0.0677 1 1.225 0.0149 0.13182 389.73 116.632 17.8234 20.9445 0.00268
408316.2 2.44 545.13 547.57
Earth 0.055 0.815 1 0.0122 0.107 318 95.1 14.53 17.085 0.0021 333082 1.99 444.7 446.68
Moon 4.52 66.71 81.78 1 8.794 26000 7780.82 1189.04
1397.26 0.17945 27239726 162.8 36367 36530
Mars 0.514 7.58 9.299 0.1137 1 2956.38 884.7352 1352.02 158.878 0.02040
3097352 18.512 4135.2 4153.7
Jupiter 0.000173 0.00256 0.00314
0.00003846 0.000338
1 0.299 0.04573 0.05374 6.902 *
1047.68 0.00626 1.3987 1.405
Saturn 0.000580 0.00857 0.0105 0.00012852 0.001130
3.341 1 0.15281
0.17957 0.23063
* *10-4
3500.88 0.02092
4.6739 4.694
Uranus 0.00380 0.05610 0.06877 0.00084101 0.007396
21.866 6.543 1 1.17511
1 *10-3
22908.98 0.13692 30.585 30.722
0.003235 0.04774 0.05852 0.00071568
18.6078 5.56862 0.85098 1 0.12843
1 * *10-3
19495 0.11651 26.027 26.144
Pluto 25.19 371.75 455.7 5.5725 49.0076 144885 43358.77 6625.95
7786 1 151793893
907.251 202656.
* *10-3
4 *10-3
1 5.97*10
.001335 0.00134
Inner 0.02776 0.40976 0.5023 0.00614 0.05401 159.7 47.791 7.30332 8.5822 0.00110
167311.73 1 223.3 224.3
Outer 0.000124 0.00183 0.00224
0.0000274 0.000241
0.7149 0.213952 0.03269 0.03842 0.00000
749.020 0.00447 1 1.00448
Total 0.000123 0.00182 0.00223
0.00002737 0.000240
0.7117 0.21299 0.03254 0.03824 0.00000
745.67 0.00445
0.9955 1
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Diameter Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun Inner Outer Total
4879 12104 12756 3475 6792 142984 120536 51118 49528 2390 1392000 40006 366556 406562
Mercury 1 2.480 2.614 0.712 1.392 29.306 24.70 10.477 10.151 .48 285.3 8.199 75.12 83.32
Venus 0.403 1 1.0538 0.287 0.561 11.812 9.958 4.2232 4.091 .197 115.00 3.351 30.28 33.589
Earth 0.3824 0.9488 1 0.2724 0.532 11.209 9.449 4.007 3.882 .187 109.12 Pi 28.735 31.87
Moon 1.404 3.483 3.67 1 1.954 41.44 34.68 14.71 14.252 .351 400 11.51 105.48 116.99
Mars 0.7183 1.782 1.878 0.5116 1 21.051 17.746 7.526 14.252 .687 204.94 5.890 53.968 59.858
Jupiter 0.0341 0.0846 0.0892 0.0243 .0475 1 0.843 0.3575 0.34638 .0167 9.7353 0.279 2.56 2.843
Saturn 0.04047 0.1004 0.1058 0.0288 .0563 1.1862 1 0.424 0.41089 .01982 11.548 0.331 3.041 3.372
Uranus 0.0954 0.2367 0.2495 0.0679 .1328 2.797 2.3579 1 0.96889 .04675 27.2311 0.782 7.170 7.953
Neptune 0.0985 0.2443 0.2575 0.0701 .1371 2.8869 2.4336 1.0321 1 .04825 28.105 0.807 7.400 8.208
Pluto 2.041 5.064 5.337 1.4539 2.841 59.825 50.433 21.388 20.77 1 582.4 16.73 153.3 170.1
The Sun 0.003505 0.008695 0.00916 1/400 4.87/
0.1027 0.0865 0.0367 0.03558 .00171 1 .0287 0.2633 0.292
Inner 0.12195 0.30255 Pi 0.0868 0.1697 3.574 3.0129 1.277 1.238 .05974 34.79 1 9.162 10.162
Outer 0.01331 0.03302 0.0347 .00948 0.01852 0.3900 0.3288 0.1394 0.1351 .00652 3.7975 0.109 1 1.1091
Total 0.01200 0.02977 0.03137 .00854 0.1697 0.3516 0.2964 0.1257 0.12182 .00587 3.423 .0984 0.901 1
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Distance Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun Inner Outer Total
57.9 108.2 149.6 227.9 778.6 1433.5 2872.5 4495.1 5870 543.6 15449.7 15993.3
Mercury 1 1.8687 2.583 2.576 3.936 13.75 24.75 49.611 77.63 101.38 9.38 266.8 276.2
Venus 0.5351 1 1.3826 1.378 2.1062 7.195 13.248 26.548 41.544 54.251 5.024 142.7 147.8
Earth 0.387 0.72326 1 1 1.5233 5.20 9.58 19.201 30.047 39.237 3.633 103.2 106.9
Moon 0.7252 1 5.2
Mars 0.254 0.47476 0.6564 0.6546 1 3.42 6.29 12.604 19.724 25.7 2.385 67.79 70.17
Jupiter 0.0743 0.13896 0.19213 0.2927 1 1.8411 3.689 5.773 7.539 0.698 19.8 20.541
Saturn 0.04039 0.07547 0.10435 0.1589 0.54314 1 2 3.1357 4.0948 0.379 10.77 11.156
Uranus 0.020156 0.037667 0.052 0.07933 0.271 0.499 1 1.5648 2.04351 0.189 5.378 5.567
Neptune 0.1288 0.02407 0.03328 0.05069 0.1732 0.3189 0.63902 1 1.3058 0.120 3.43 3.557
Pluto 0.00986 0.018432 0.02548 0.0388 0.13264 0.2442 0.4893 0.765 1 0.092 2.631 2.724
The Sun 1
Inner 0.1065 0.199 0.275 0.4192 1.432 2.63 5.28 8.269 10.798 1 28.4 29.42
Outer 0.003747 0.00700 0.00968 0.01475 0.05039 0.0927 0.1859 0.290 0.3799 0.03518 1 1.0351
Total 0.003620 0.006765 0.009353 0.01424 0.0486 0.0896 0.179 0.281 0.367 0.0339 0.966 1
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Orbital Period Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The
Mercury 1 2.553 4.1505 0.3102 7.8068 49.215 122.125 347.6 679.54 1029.4
Venus 0.3916 1 1.6255 0.12149 3.0574 19.274 47.828 136.132 266.132 403.15
Earth 0.2409 0.61519 1 0.074743 1.8809 11.857 29.423 83.7481 163.723 248.06
Moon 3.223 8.23 13.379 1 25.164 158.64 393.663 1120.47 2190.476 3318
Mars 0.1280 0.32707 0.531659 0.039737 1 6.3042 15.6433 44.5254 87.045 131.86
Jupiter 0.02031 0.051881 0.08433 0.0063033 0.1586 1 2.4814 7.0628 13.807 20.916
Saturn 0.00818 0.0209081 0.033986 0.002540 0.063924 0.40299 1 2.846 5.5643 8.429
Uranus 0.002876 0.007345 0.0119405 0.0000892477 0.02245 0.141586 0.35133 1 1.9549 2.961
Neptune 0.0014715 0.003757 0.0061078 0.0004565 0.011488 0.072424 0.17971 0.5115 1 1.5148
Pluto 0.00097143 0.002480 0.00403199 0.000030136 0.007583 0.047809 0.118636 0.3376 0.66013 1
The Sun
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Orbital Inclination Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun
Mercury 1 0.485 - 0.7285 0.2714 0.1857 0.3571 0.1142 0.2571 2.457
Venus 2.0588 1 - 1.5 0.5588 0.3823 0.7352 0.2352 0.529 5.0588
Earth - - - - - - - - - - -
Moon 1.37 0.666 - 1 0.372 0.254 0.4901 0.1568 0.3529 3.37
Mars 3.684 1.789 - 2.684 1 0.684 1.31 0.4210 0.947 9.052
Jupiter 5.384 5.615 - 3.923 1.461 1 1.923 0.6153 1.3846 13.23
Saturn 2.8 1.36 - 2.04 0.76 0.52 1 0.32 0.72 6.88
Uranus 8.75 4.25 - 6.375 2.375 1.625 3.125 1 2.25 21.3
Neptune 3.88 1.888 - 2.833 1.055 0.722 1.388 0.444 1 9.55
Pluto 0.4069 0.1976 - 0.2965 0.1104 0.0755 0.14534 0.0465 0.10465 1
The Sun -
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Axial Tilt Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun
Mercury - - - - - - - - - -
Venus - 1 0.13213 0.03776 0.1420518 0.017474 0.15050 0.55129 0.1595264 0.69052
Earth - 7.568 1 0.28583 1.0750853 0.132252 1.13907 4.17235 1.20733 5.2261
Moon - 26.477 3.498 1 3.7611 0.46268 3.9850 14.59701 4.22388 18.28358
Mars - 7.0396 0.93015 0.265873 1 0.1230158 1.059523 3.88095 1.1230158 4.86111
Jupiter - 57.2258 7.56129 2.16129 8.1290 1 8.6129 31.548 9.1290 39.5161
Saturn - 6.64419 0.877 0.250936 0.94382 0.117424 1 3.6629 1.059925 4.58801
Uranus - 1.81 0.23967 0.0685 0.25766 0.03169 0.2730061 1 0.289366 1.2525
Neptune - 6.26855 0.828 0.236749 0.89045 0.109540 0.943462 3.455830 1 4.328621
Pluto - 1.448 0.191 0.0546938 0.20571 0.0253061 0.21795 0.798367 0.23102 1
The Sun
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Planet interval distances Rate
Planet Sun/
Jupiter /
The Sun
57.9 50.3 41.4 41 78.3 550.7 654.9 1439 1622.6 1374.9
1 0.8687 0.7150 1.352 9.511 11.310 24.853 28.0241 23.746
Mercury /
1.151 1 0.82306 1.55666 10.9483 13.019 28.6083 32.25844 27.33
1.39855 1.214975 1 1.891 13.3019 15.8188 34.7584 39.1932 33.21
1.41219 1.2268 1.009756 1.909 13.43170 15.9731 35.0975 39.5756 33.534
0.73946 0.64240 0.528735 1 7.0332 8.36398 18.3780 20.72286 17.559
0.105138 0.091338 0.075177 0.1421826 1 1.189213 2.6130 2.94643 2.4966
0.08841 0.076805 0.06321 0.119560 0.840891 1 2.19728 2.4776 2.0994
0.0402362 0.034954 0.028769 0.054412 0.382696 0.4551 1 1.127588 0.955455
0.035683 0.030999 0.025514 0.048255 0.39939 0.403611 0.88684 1 0.84734
0.042112 0.03658 0.0301112 0.056949 0.400538 0.476325 1.0466215 1.180158 1
The Sun
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Planet Day Length
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun
In hours 4222.6 2802 24 708.7 24.7 9.9 10.7 17.2 16.1 153.3
Mercury 1 0.4930 0.005683 0.1678 0.005849 0.002344 0.002533 0.004073 0.003812 0.0363
Venus 1.50699 1 0.008565 0.25292 0.008815 0.0035331 0.003818 0.006138 0.005745 0.05471
Earth 175.9416 86.75 1 29.529 1.0291 0.4125 0.4458 0.7166 0.6708 6.3875
Moon 5.958233 2.9377 0.033864 1 0.034852 0.013969 0.015098 0.02426 0.02271 0.21631
Mars 170.955 84.291 0.9716 28.6923 1 0.40088 0.4331 0.69635 0.6518 6.2064
Jupiter 426.5252 210.30 2.4242 71.58585 2.4949 1 1.0808 1.7373 1.626 15.4848
Saturn 394.63551 194.5794 2.2429 66.2336 2.3084 0.92523 1 1.60747 1.5046 14.327
Uranus 245.5 121.046 1.39534 41.2034 1.4360 0.57558 0.62209 1 0.9360 8.9127
Neptune 262.2732 129.316 1.49068 44.0186 1.534161 0.6149 0.6645 1.0683 1 9.521
Pluto 27.544 13.581 0.15655 4.62296 0.16112 0.06457 0.06979 0.1121 0.10502 1
The Sun
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Planet Velocity Rate
Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun inner Oute Total
47.4 35 29.8 29.8 24.1 13.1 9.7 6.8 5.4 4.7 166.1 39.7 205.8
Mercury 1 0.7383 0.6286 0.508 0.2763 0.2046 0.1434 0.1139 0.099 4.341
Venus 1.354 1 0.8514 0.6885 0.3742 0.277 0.1942 0.15428 0.134 5.88
Earth 1.59 1.174 1 0.8087 0.4395 0.3255 0.228 0.181 0.157 6.90
Moon 1.59 1
Mars 1.966 1.4522 1.2365 1 0.5435 0.4024 0.2821 0.2240 0.195 8.53
Jupiter 3.618 2.671 2.2748 1.839 1 0.74 0.5190 0.4122 0.358 15.7
Saturn 4.88 3.608 3.072 2.484 1.3505 1 0.701 0.5567 0.484 21.21
Uranus 6.97 5.147 4.382 3.54 1.926 1.426 1 0.794 0.691 30.26
Neptune 8.77 6.48 5.518 4.4629 2.425 1.796 1.259 1 0.870 38.1
Pluto 10.085 7.44 6.340 5.127 2.787 2.0638 1.4468 1.1489 1 43.78

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My Research Basic Questions (I)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 1 My Research Basic Questions 2nd Course Student – Physics Department - Physics & Math Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University – Moscow – Russia -2010-2013 TEL +201022532292 [email protected] / [email protected] The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –21st January 2020 Abstract This paper tries to summarize the main ideas and questions in my previous papers - It's just a guide through my papers – and I add some data for references which can be used in planets data analysis Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail [email protected] Linkedln Facebook twitter Quora Academia All my papers
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 2 Paper Classification Part One Papers Series From No. 198 (Is There A Contradiction Between SR And GR?) To No. 187 (Lorentz Length Contraction Analysis (SR Discussions) This series of papers provides one question only which is: (I) If Lorentz Length Contraction is a real phenomenon effect on Particle own nature! Does that mean Particle properties are created as a function in its motion? In this case how to explain Planet Motion.. (II) If Lorentz Length Contraction is an illusion of measurements – that means - Lorentz Transformations equations are measured illusions! Such equations can be acceptable in physics science?
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 3 Part Two Papers Series From No. 186 (Is There A Contradiction Between SR And GR?) To No. 170 (Lorentz Length Contraction Analysis (SR Discussions) (Paper No. 186) 99% light velocity through liquids (Einstein Book Relativity Section 13) – 99% is found in planets data Space is the medium in which light travels with 0.3 mkm/sec. (Paper No. 185) (Observer Effect…) human mind works by light velocity – data is found in papers No. 199-185-106-53 (to prove this idea, we should answer is Particle length is contracted by high velocity motion and why … Lorentz equations) (Paper No. 184) (Why We Don't Understand …) because Planet motion is a light motion and should be studied under relativistic effects considerations- proves (1) Lorentz argument (2) double production (3) solar system is a continuum (4) distances equality (5) planet diameter and orbital distance relationship (6) Jupiter energy (7) mass distribution (8) earth & Pluto relationship (9) planets diameters table. (Paper No. 182) (Planet orbital period definition) (I) Planet day, orbital period and rotation period all of them are created depending on each other- (Data provided hard argument) (Paper No. 183) (Planet orbital period definition) (II) Because outer planets rotation periods = their day periods – that causes the moon orbital period = moon rotation period (Outer Planets Rotation Periods Total X Π = Earth Moon Rotation Period) (Saturn Day 8/ Jupiter Day) = ( Uranus Day / Neptune Day) = 1.0725 Pluto day is defined according to the rate between the outer planet diameters total / Pluto diameter (Note Please – Pluto Motion Per Solar Day = Planets Diameters Total) The Moon Rotation Period Follows This Diameter Rate Rule. planets velocities shows the dependency but the argument is hard (Paper No. 181) (Why Mercury day period =2 x 88 = 3 x 58.66?) to revolve around the sun needs 8 x Mercury day 175.94 = 1407.6 solar days but mercury rotation period =1407.6 hours Mercury is primary planet creates his day period depending on his rotation period – which causes a different rate of time (there's a difference in rate of time which we know about Mercury and his own rate of time) (let's ask is the day period for one planet is different from another planet –i.e. the period of second in both planets are different according to their days periods)?
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 4 (Paper No. 179) (Mercury Day Period – short discussion- (I)) Why Mercury day period = 175.94 solar days? A hypothesis 175.94 days x 2 = 351.88 days (this period is specific one) 2 x 175.94 solar days x 86400 seconds x 1.16 = 25920 x 1361 but 1361 = 1.3 x (sun mass / Jupiter mass) Conclusions (1) Earth is the first created matter in universe (2) Two Mercury days are used to produce 1 solar day (Paper No. 180) (Mercury Day Period – short discussion- (II)) Has the period (2 Mercury Days Period ) a relationship with the main equation (z= 2x +1y) (Paper No. 178) (Mars Orbital Distance Is Changed Through History) (1) Planets order (2) (1/ mars degrees daily) = mars orbital inclination (that means mars orbital inclination is created depending on the solar day period) Proof (Mercury data effects on mars motion even after Mars immigrated from his original orbital distance) – how to prove? (687/175.94) = (227.9/57.9) and 1407.6 = 24.6 x (180/π) but 25.2 = 1.9 x 13.18 (Papers from no. 172 – 177) (Earth Moves By 2 Rtes Of Time) (Part I No. 172) 10921 x 86400 = 940 mkm (1 day on the sun = 1 year on Earth) (Part II No. 173) 1.16 mkm= 88000 x 13.18 – (Outer planets days periods are comparer with their masses order! Why?) (Part III No. 174) 88000 km becomes 88 days for Mercury! And then 176 days becomes 176000 km for the moon!! explain? 58.66 (π+1) = 243 – that may tell Venus rotation period is created based on Mercury motion (needs a deep analysis) (Part IV No. 175) (needs a deep analysis) (Part V No. 176) Total Solar Eclipse Calendar Shows The Energy Transportation Process Through The Solar System (Part VI No. 177) (needs a deep analysis) Papers No. 169 -170- 171 (Moon orbital Motion analysis Parts I, II, III) (the papers discuss a theory of moon orbital motion - needs a deep analysis)
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 5 Part Three Papers Series From No. 168 Why Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance? (II) To No. 160 My Research Hypotheses Question No.1 (A Hypothesis) The solar system is one machine, each planet is a gear in it. based on that, any Planet data is created depends on other planets data – all basic planets data are created based on one Equation only which is (z =2x+1y) – this equation has a specific form which is (1.16 mkm = 0.406 mkm +2 x 0.377 mkm) – The Previous Equation proves the claim that the solar system is one machine (i.e. The Solar System Is Similar To A Puppets Theater) – the previous proves this claim because of the number (2) which is found in both equation forms – where no. 2 defines the most basic data in the solar system geometry and based on that we can answer why Uranus Orbital Distance = 2 x Saturn Orbital Distance. (Can this hypothesis proof acceptable and valid?) Question No.2 (A Hypothesis) Because the solar system is one machine, So all planets move together one unified motion as a train carriages move together in one train – the planets different velocities can't disprove this claim because the velocity is a part in the solar system geometrical structure – means – any planet velocity is created relative to other planets data, depending on each other – by the same equation (z=2x+1y) - (So The Solar System Motion = All Planets Motion Together) The solar system moves per solar day a distance = 1433.5 mkm = Saturn orbital distance – and this motion depends on light motion energy for 1 second period. Question No. 3 Did the rate 99% is found for a geometrical necessity? (We know that light velocity in liquid me be 99% of light velocity in vacuum) Important Equations (Sun diameter / moon diameter) = (Earth orbital distance/ Earth moon distance) = (Earth daily motion /Earth RADIUS) (4.37/0.3) = (2x 377000/51118) = (51118/3475) = (Venus Mass/ Mercury Mass) = (Jupi radius /Mercury diameter)
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 6 Part Three Papers Series From No. 159 Solar Planet Velocity Analysis (Part 2) To No. 150 Why Does Earth Moon Orbit Regress? (Part II) (159-158-157) – Planets Motions are unified in one motion (Train Motion Concept) – Does planet velocity prove that? Can Earth and Moon Motions accompanying prove the unified motion? (also ant planet with its moon)? (156-155-154) Is the matter created in motion or in static status? Is matter created as a motion result? Will matter annihilate in no motion status? (Planet Orb. Dis. And Planet Diameter & Mass Relationship Supports That) (Lorentz) Does Planet motion contain also a light motion (means light and planet move together)? Is light energy cause planet motion? if the planet is a light beam and we see it as a planet why the light motion is found? Is this the same light beam from which the planet is created and the relativistic effects can cover the light nature completely or this is another light beam? What's the general equation which describe the planet + light motions together ? (1.16+0.3 =1.46 mkm) how to understand? Is matter created depending on time period? Is the time a factor in matter creation? Because we see almost the space (distance) is partner in matter creation process, and the space-time geometry tells that, if the space is a partner that means the time should be also a partner, how to explain? (153-152-151) 2.58 mkm = Earth Motion = Moon Motion =- Pluto motion = Moon orbital circumference? Why (note 2.58 mkm = Earth velocity daily = Pluto velocity per solar day x 2π
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 7 Part Three Papers Series From No. 150 Why Does Earth Moon Orbit Regress? (II) To No. 140 Light Velocity Effect On Solar System Geometry (Paper 150) Pluto Motion Concept (Paper 149) one equation 1.44 x 12 = 17.28 – (17.2 deg = Pluto orbi. Inclaintion but 17.2 h = Uranus day) (Paper 148) Mass Is Distributed By Geometrical Reasons- Planet Mass data proves (Paper 147) Planet Mass Is Created to cause a difference In Planets Time Rates (Paper 145) (Part I) planet motion is a double (planet motion + light motion) – why double motions? i.e. why light motion nature is discovered spite of the relativistic effects? light moves firstly and the planet follows the light- the planet and light motions are contributed in the same distance (example) (1.16 x 5040 = 5846.6 mkm but 17.75 mkm x 327.6 days = 5818) (Paper 146) (Part II) The Solar System is a machine of gears uses 1 second period to produce 1 day period how?! 71x 5.1 = 365.25 but 365.25 x 237 = 86400 seconds – (71 seconds can be 1 second by contraction) 5.18 the moon effect and 237 = Venus Rotation Period / Mars Rotation Period – the previous equation tells that – the inner planets uses 1 second to produce 86400 seconds – so what's the outer planets role in this process? (Paper 144) 2737 Is A Real Phenomenon (my claim) – question : Is there any geometrical or physical reason for any cycle? For example Earth revolves the sun a complete revolution in 365.25 days why? and why not in 500 days? Pluto motion for 1 solar day produces a distance = all solar planets diameters total? (Paper 143) Is there A Planet Diameter & Orbital Distance Relationship? Yes …. The proves (1) Planets order (2) Total Solar Eclipse (3) D= R x 1092 (4) Planet diameter creation depending on (71)2 (a table) (5) Earth Moon orbit shows a relationship between planet diameters and the distance (6) Venus Diameter Table shows a relationship between the distances and diameters (7) Earth radius and daily motion equation (needs 2) (8) Moon angular diameter =0.5degrees (note please 1002 =1.0725 x 940) (Paper 142) Energy Transportation is proved by Jupiter Energy. (Paper 140) (difficult data) (Paper 141) does space store energy with different densities? 25920 = 0.3x 86400= 17.75 x 1461 …… (difficult claim what we see a distance the light sees a time 500 sec x 1.16 = 580 mkm but works as 580 days – similar to 1433.5 days) (Page 17. contains all equations of No. (2))
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 8 References Data Tables The Mass Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptun e Pluto The Sun inner Oute Total 0.33 4.87 5.97 0.073 0.642 1898 568 86.8 102 0.0131 1988500 11.885 2654.8 2666.7 Mercur y 1 14.7575 18.0909 0.2212 1.945 5751 1721.212 263.030 3 309.090 9 0.03969 6025757.5 36.01 8044.8 8080.9 Venus 0.0677 1 1.225 0.0149 0.13182 389.73 116.632 17.8234 20.9445 0.00268 9 408316.2 2.44 545.13 547.57 Earth 0.055 0.815 1 0.0122 0.107 318 95.1 14.53 17.085 0.0021 333082 1.99 444.7 446.68 Moon 4.52 66.71 81.78 1 8.794 26000 7780.82 1189.04 1 1397.26 0.17945 27239726 162.8 36367 36530 Mars 0.514 7.58 9.299 0.1137 1 2956.38 884.7352 1352.02 158.878 0.02040 4 3097352 18.512 4135.2 4153.7 Jupiter 0.000173 0.00256 0.00314 5 0.00003846 0.000338 25 1 0.299 0.04573 0.05374 6.902 * *10-6 1047.68 0.00626 1.3987 1.405 Saturn 0.000580 0.00857 0.0105 0.00012852 0.001130 28 3.341 1 0.15281 6 0.17957 0.23063 * *10-4 3500.88 0.02092 4 4.6739 4.694 Uranus 0.00380 0.05610 0.06877 0.00084101 0.007396 3 21.866 6.543 1 1.17511 5 0.15092 1 *10-3 22908.98 0.13692 30.585 30.722 Neptun e 0.003235 0.04774 0.05852 0.00071568 6 0.006294 11 18.6078 5.56862 0.85098 1 0.12843 1 * *10-3 19495 0.11651 26.027 26.144 Pluto 25.19 371.75 455.7 5.5725 49.0076 144885 43358.77 6625.95 4 7786 1 151793893 .1 907.251 202656. 4 203564 The Sun 0.1659*1 0-6 2.449*1 0-6 3.003*1 0-6 0.036711*1 0-6 0.3228*1 0-6 0.9544*1 0-3 0.2856*1 0-3 0.04365 * *10-3 0.05129 4 *10-3 6.587*1 0-9 1 5.97*10 -6 .001335 0.00134 1 Inner 0.02776 0.40976 0.5023 0.00614 0.05401 159.7 47.791 7.30332 8.5822 0.00110 2 167311.73 1 223.3 224.3 Outer 0.000124 0.00183 0.00224 8 0.0000274 0.000241 8 0.7149 0.213952 0.03269 0.03842 0.00000 49344 749.020 0.00447 1 1.00448 Total 0.000123 0.00182 0.00223 8 0.00002737 0.000240 7 0.7117 0.21299 0.03254 0.03824 0.00000 49124 745.67 0.00445 6 0.9955 1
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 9 The Diameter Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun Inner Outer Total 4879 12104 12756 3475 6792 142984 120536 51118 49528 2390 1392000 40006 366556 406562 Mercury 1 2.480 2.614 0.712 1.392 29.306 24.70 10.477 10.151 .48 285.3 8.199 75.12 83.32 Venus 0.403 1 1.0538 0.287 0.561 11.812 9.958 4.2232 4.091 .197 115.00 3.351 30.28 33.589 Earth 0.3824 0.9488 1 0.2724 0.532 11.209 9.449 4.007 3.882 .187 109.12 Pi 28.735 31.87 Moon 1.404 3.483 3.67 1 1.954 41.44 34.68 14.71 14.252 .351 400 11.51 105.48 116.99 Mars 0.7183 1.782 1.878 0.5116 1 21.051 17.746 7.526 14.252 .687 204.94 5.890 53.968 59.858 Jupiter 0.0341 0.0846 0.0892 0.0243 .0475 1 0.843 0.3575 0.34638 .0167 9.7353 0.279 2.56 2.843 Saturn 0.04047 0.1004 0.1058 0.0288 .0563 1.1862 1 0.424 0.41089 .01982 11.548 0.331 3.041 3.372 Uranus 0.0954 0.2367 0.2495 0.0679 .1328 2.797 2.3579 1 0.96889 .04675 27.2311 0.782 7.170 7.953 Neptune 0.0985 0.2443 0.2575 0.0701 .1371 2.8869 2.4336 1.0321 1 .04825 28.105 0.807 7.400 8.208 Pluto 2.041 5.064 5.337 1.4539 2.841 59.825 50.433 21.388 20.77 1 582.4 16.73 153.3 170.1 The Sun 0.003505 0.008695 0.00916 1/400 4.87/ (1000) 0.1027 0.0865 0.0367 0.03558 .00171 1 .0287 0.2633 0.292 Inner 0.12195 0.30255 Pi 0.0868 0.1697 3.574 3.0129 1.277 1.238 .05974 34.79 1 9.162 10.162 Outer 0.01331 0.03302 0.0347 .00948 0.01852 0.3900 0.3288 0.1394 0.1351 .00652 3.7975 0.109 1 1.1091 Total 0.01200 0.02977 0.03137 .00854 0.1697 0.3516 0.2964 0.1257 0.12182 .00587 3.423 .0984 0.901 1
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 10 The Distance Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun Inner Outer Total 57.9 108.2 149.6 227.9 778.6 1433.5 2872.5 4495.1 5870 543.6 15449.7 15993.3 Mercury 1 1.8687 2.583 2.576 3.936 13.75 24.75 49.611 77.63 101.38 9.38 266.8 276.2 Venus 0.5351 1 1.3826 1.378 2.1062 7.195 13.248 26.548 41.544 54.251 5.024 142.7 147.8 Earth 0.387 0.72326 1 1 1.5233 5.20 9.58 19.201 30.047 39.237 3.633 103.2 106.9 Moon 0.7252 1 5.2 Mars 0.254 0.47476 0.6564 0.6546 1 3.42 6.29 12.604 19.724 25.7 2.385 67.79 70.17 Jupiter 0.0743 0.13896 0.19213 0.2927 1 1.8411 3.689 5.773 7.539 0.698 19.8 20.541 Saturn 0.04039 0.07547 0.10435 0.1589 0.54314 1 2 3.1357 4.0948 0.379 10.77 11.156 Uranus 0.020156 0.037667 0.052 0.07933 0.271 0.499 1 1.5648 2.04351 0.189 5.378 5.567 Neptune 0.1288 0.02407 0.03328 0.05069 0.1732 0.3189 0.63902 1 1.3058 0.120 3.43 3.557 Pluto 0.00986 0.018432 0.02548 0.0388 0.13264 0.2442 0.4893 0.765 1 0.092 2.631 2.724 The Sun 1 Inner 0.1065 0.199 0.275 0.4192 1.432 2.63 5.28 8.269 10.798 1 28.4 29.42 Outer 0.003747 0.00700 0.00968 0.01475 0.05039 0.0927 0.1859 0.290 0.3799 0.03518 1 1.0351 Total 0.003620 0.006765 0.009353 0.01424 0.0486 0.0896 0.179 0.281 0.367 0.0339 0.966 1
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 11 The Orbital Period Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun Mercury 1 2.553 4.1505 0.3102 7.8068 49.215 122.125 347.6 679.54 1029.4 Venus 0.3916 1 1.6255 0.12149 3.0574 19.274 47.828 136.132 266.132 403.15 Earth 0.2409 0.61519 1 0.074743 1.8809 11.857 29.423 83.7481 163.723 248.06 Moon 3.223 8.23 13.379 1 25.164 158.64 393.663 1120.47 2190.476 3318 Mars 0.1280 0.32707 0.531659 0.039737 1 6.3042 15.6433 44.5254 87.045 131.86 Jupiter 0.02031 0.051881 0.08433 0.0063033 0.1586 1 2.4814 7.0628 13.807 20.916 Saturn 0.00818 0.0209081 0.033986 0.002540 0.063924 0.40299 1 2.846 5.5643 8.429 Uranus 0.002876 0.007345 0.0119405 0.0000892477 0.02245 0.141586 0.35133 1 1.9549 2.961 Neptune 0.0014715 0.003757 0.0061078 0.0004565 0.011488 0.072424 0.17971 0.5115 1 1.5148 Pluto 0.00097143 0.002480 0.00403199 0.000030136 0.007583 0.047809 0.118636 0.3376 0.66013 1 The Sun
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 12 The Orbital Inclination Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun Mercury 1 0.485 - 0.7285 0.2714 0.1857 0.3571 0.1142 0.2571 2.457 Venus 2.0588 1 - 1.5 0.5588 0.3823 0.7352 0.2352 0.529 5.0588 Earth - - - - - - - - - - - Moon 1.37 0.666 - 1 0.372 0.254 0.4901 0.1568 0.3529 3.37 Mars 3.684 1.789 - 2.684 1 0.684 1.31 0.4210 0.947 9.052 Jupiter 5.384 5.615 - 3.923 1.461 1 1.923 0.6153 1.3846 13.23 Saturn 2.8 1.36 - 2.04 0.76 0.52 1 0.32 0.72 6.88 Uranus 8.75 4.25 - 6.375 2.375 1.625 3.125 1 2.25 21.3 Neptune 3.88 1.888 - 2.833 1.055 0.722 1.388 0.444 1 9.55 Pluto 0.4069 0.1976 - 0.2965 0.1104 0.0755 0.14534 0.0465 0.10465 1 The Sun -
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 13 Axial Tilt Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun Mercury - - - - - - - - - - Venus - 1 0.13213 0.03776 0.1420518 0.017474 0.15050 0.55129 0.1595264 0.69052 Earth - 7.568 1 0.28583 1.0750853 0.132252 1.13907 4.17235 1.20733 5.2261 Moon - 26.477 3.498 1 3.7611 0.46268 3.9850 14.59701 4.22388 18.28358 Mars - 7.0396 0.93015 0.265873 1 0.1230158 1.059523 3.88095 1.1230158 4.86111 Jupiter - 57.2258 7.56129 2.16129 8.1290 1 8.6129 31.548 9.1290 39.5161 Saturn - 6.64419 0.877 0.250936 0.94382 0.117424 1 3.6629 1.059925 4.58801 Uranus - 1.81 0.23967 0.0685 0.25766 0.03169 0.2730061 1 0.289366 1.2525 Neptune - 6.26855 0.828 0.236749 0.89045 0.109540 0.943462 3.455830 1 4.328621 Pluto - 1.448 0.191 0.0546938 0.20571 0.0253061 0.21795 0.798367 0.23102 1 The Sun
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 14 The Planet interval distances Rate Planet Sun/ Mercury Mer/ Venus Venu/ Earth Venus /Moon Earth/ Mars Mars /Jupiter Jupiter / Saturn Saturn/ Uranus Uranus /Neptune Neptune /Pluto The Sun 57.9 50.3 41.4 41 78.3 550.7 654.9 1439 1622.6 1374.9 Sun /Mercury 1 0.8687 0.7150 1.352 9.511 11.310 24.853 28.0241 23.746 Mercury / Venus 1.151 1 0.82306 1.55666 10.9483 13.019 28.6083 32.25844 27.33 Venus/ Earth 1.39855 1.214975 1 1.891 13.3019 15.8188 34.7584 39.1932 33.21 Venus/ Moon 1.41219 1.2268 1.009756 1.909 13.43170 15.9731 35.0975 39.5756 33.534 Earth/ Mars 0.73946 0.64240 0.528735 1 7.0332 8.36398 18.3780 20.72286 17.559 Mars/ Jupiter 0.105138 0.091338 0.075177 0.1421826 1 1.189213 2.6130 2.94643 2.4966 Jupiter/ Saturn 0.08841 0.076805 0.06321 0.119560 0.840891 1 2.19728 2.4776 2.0994 Saturn/ Uranus 0.0402362 0.034954 0.028769 0.054412 0.382696 0.4551 1 1.127588 0.955455 Uranus /Neptune 0.035683 0.030999 0.025514 0.048255 0.39939 0.403611 0.88684 1 0.84734 Neptune/ Pluto 0.042112 0.03658 0.0301112 0.056949 0.400538 0.476325 1.0466215 1.180158 1 The Sun
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 15 The Planet Day Length Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto The Sun In hours 4222.6 2802 24 708.7 24.7 9.9 10.7 17.2 16.1 153.3 Mercury 1 0.4930 0.005683 0.1678 0.005849 0.002344 0.002533 0.004073 0.003812 0.0363 Venus 1.50699 1 0.008565 0.25292 0.008815 0.0035331 0.003818 0.006138 0.005745 0.05471 Earth 175.9416 86.75 1 29.529 1.0291 0.4125 0.4458 0.7166 0.6708 6.3875 Moon 5.958233 2.9377 0.033864 1 0.034852 0.013969 0.015098 0.02426 0.02271 0.21631 Mars 170.955 84.291 0.9716 28.6923 1 0.40088 0.4331 0.69635 0.6518 6.2064 Jupiter 426.5252 210.30 2.4242 71.58585 2.4949 1 1.0808 1.7373 1.626 15.4848 Saturn 394.63551 194.5794 2.2429 66.2336 2.3084 0.92523 1 1.60747 1.5046 14.327 Uranus 245.5 121.046 1.39534 41.2034 1.4360 0.57558 0.62209 1 0.9360 8.9127 Neptune 262.2732 129.316 1.49068 44.0186 1.534161 0.6149 0.6645 1.0683 1 9.521 Pluto 27.544 13.581 0.15655 4.62296 0.16112 0.06457 0.06979 0.1121 0.10502 1 The Sun
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. [email protected] [email protected] +201022532292 16 Planet Velocity Rate Planet Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun inner Oute Total 47.4 35 29.8 29.8 24.1 13.1 9.7 6.8 5.4 4.7 166.1 39.7 205.8 Mercury 1 0.7383 0.6286 0.508 0.2763 0.2046 0.1434 0.1139 0.099 4.341 Venus 1.354 1 0.8514 0.6885 0.3742 0.277 0.1942 0.15428 0.134 5.88 Earth 1.59 1.174 1 0.8087 0.4395 0.3255 0.228 0.181 0.157 6.90 Moon 1.59 1 Mars 1.966 1.4522 1.2365 1 0.5435 0.4024 0.2821 0.2240 0.195 8.53 Jupiter 3.618 2.671 2.2748 1.839 1 0.74 0.5190 0.4122 0.358 15.7 Saturn 4.88 3.608 3.072 2.484 1.3505 1 0.701 0.5567 0.484 21.21 Uranus 6.97 5.147 4.382 3.54 1.926 1.426 1 0.794 0.691 30.26 Neptune 8.77 6.48 5.518 4.4629 2.425 1.796 1.259 1 0.870 38.1 Pluto 10.085 7.44 6.340 5.127 2.787 2.0638 1.4468 1.1489 1 43.78