Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour

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F60.Specific personality disordes

F61,Mixed and oither personality diorders
F62.Enduring pers.changes,not att.to brain
dm &dis.
F63.Habit and impulse disorders
F64.Gender identity disorders
F65.Disorders of sexual preference
F66.Psychol.and behav.disorders ass.with
development andorientation
F68.Other disord.of adult person. and
F69.Unspec.disord.of adult person.and

F63. Habit and impulse diorders

.0 Pathological gambling
.1 Pathological fire-setting
.2 Pathological stealing
.3 Trichottilomania
.8 Other habit and impulse
.9 Hab.and imp.

F63 Habit and impulse

They are characterized by repeated
acts that have no clear rational
motivation and that generally harm
the patients own interests and those
of other people.
The patient reports that the
behaviour is associated with impulses
to action that cannot be controlled.
The causes....?

F63.0 Pathological gambling

Diagnostic guidelines
The essential feature of the
disorders is persistentlyrepeted
gambling,which continues and
often increases despite adverse
social consequences such as
impoverisment,impaired family
relationships,and disruptionof
personal life.
Includes: compulsive gambling.

F63.1 Pyromania
Diagnostic guidelines
The essential features are:
(a) repeated fire-setting without any obvious
motives such as monetary
poilitical extremism;
(b) an intense interest in watching fire
(c) reported feelings of increasing tension
before the act,and intense excitement
immediately after it have been carrie

F63.2 Kleptomania
The disorder is characterized by repeated failure
toresist impulses to steal objects that are not
acquired for personal use or monetary gain.The
objects may instead be dicarded,given away or
Diagnostic guidelines
There is an increasing sense of tensionbefore,and a
sense of gratification during and immediately
after,the act. Although some effortat concealment is
usually made, not all the opportunities for this are
taken.The theft is a solit-. ary act,not carried out
with an accomplice. The individual may express
anxiety,despondency,and guilt between epi-sodes of
stealing from shops (or other premises )but this does
not prevent repetition.

F 63.3 Trichotillomania
Adisorder characterized by
noticeable hair loss due to a reccurent
failure to resist impulse to pull out
hairs.The hair-pulling is usually
preceded by mount-ing tension and is
followed by a sense of relief or
gratification .This diagnosis should
not be made if thre is a preexistingf
inflammation of the skin , or if the
hair-pulling is in response to a
delusion or hallu-cination.

F64. Gender identity disorders

.0 Transsexualism
.1 Dual-role transvestism
.2 G.i.d.of chilhood
.8 Other g.i.d
.9 G.i.d.,unspecified

F 64 Gender identity disorders

F64.0 Transsexualism
A desire to live and be accepted as a member of
the opposite sex,usuallyaccompanied by a sense
of dis comfort with or in appropriateness of, ones
ana-tomic sex and wish to have horm-onal
treatment and surgery to make ones body as
conqruent as possible with the preferred sex.
Diagnostic guidelines
Should have been present persistently for at least
2 years,and must not be a symptom of another
mental disorder,such as schizophrenia ,or
associated with any intersex,genetic or sex
chromosome abnormality.

F 64.1 Dual role transvestim

The wearing clothes of the opposite
sex for part of the individuals
existense in order to enjoy the temporary experience of membership of
the opposite sex, but without any
desire for a more permanent sex
change or associated surgical
reassignment. No sexual excitement
accompanies the cross-dressing,
which distinguises the diorder from
fetishistic trans-vestism (F65.1)

F65. Disorders of sexual

. 0 Fetishim
. 1 Fetishistictransvestism
. 2 Exhibitionism
. 3 Voyeurism
. 4 Paedophilia
. 5 Sadomasochism
. 6 Mutual d.o.s.pr
. 8 Other d.o.s.pr
. 9D.o.s.pr.,unspecified

F 65 Disorders of sexual preference

Includes: paraphilia
F 65.0 Fetishism
Reliance on some no-living object as a
stimulus for sexual arousal and sexual
Diagnostic guidelines
Should be diagnosed only if the fetish is the
most important source of sexual stimulation
oressential for satisfactory sexuaL response.
Fetishism is limited almost exclusively to

F 65.1 Fetishistic transvestism

Distinguised from simple
fetishm in that the fetishistic
articlesof clothing are not only
worn, but worn also to create the
appearance of a person of the
opposite sex.
Strong y desire to remove the
clothing once orgasm occurs and
sexual arousal declines.
Commonly reported as an earlier
phase by transsexuals.

F 65.2 Exhibitionism
A recurrent or persitent teneny to expose
genitalia to strangers or to peple in public
places. Commonly followed by masturbation.
Manifest only at times of emotional stress or
crises. If the witness appear shocked
,frightened or impressed,the exhibitionists
excitement is often heightened.
F 65.3 Voyeurism
Persistent tendency to look at people
in sexual or intimate behaviour such as
undressing.This is usually leads sexual
excitement and masturbation.

F 65.4 Paedophilia
A sexual preferencefor children,usually of
prepubertal or early pubertal age.
F65.5 Sadomasochism
A preference for sexualactivity that
involves bond-age or the infliction of pain
and humiliation. The recipient is called
masochism,the provider ,sadism.
F65.6 Multiple disorders of sexual
The most common combination is
fetishm, trans- vestism,and

F65.8 Other disorders of sexual

Making obscene telephone calls,
rubbing up against people for sexual
stimulation in crowded public places
Necrophilia should also be coded

F66. Psychological and behavioural

associated with sexual development
. 0 Sexual maturation disorder
. 1 Egodystonic sexual orientation
. 2 Sexual relationship disorder
. 8 Other psychosexual development dis.
. 9 Psychosexual dev.dis.
A fifth character maybe used to indicate
.x0 Heterosxulity
.x1 Homosexuality
.x2 Bisexuality
.x8 Other, including prepubertal

F68 Other disorders of adult personality

and behaviour
.0 Elaboration of physical symptoms for
.1 Intentional preoduction or feigning
of symtptoms or
disabilities either physical or
psychological (factitious disrder)
.8 Other spec.disorders of adult
person.and behaviour.
F69. Unspec. disorder of adult personality
and behaviour

F68.0 Elaboration of physical symptoms

psychological reaons
Includes: Compensational neurosis
F68.1 Intentional production or feigning
symptoms or disabilities,either
physical or
psychological (factitious disorder)
Includes: hospital hopper syndrome
Munchhausens syndrome
peregrinating patient
Excludes: malingering
factitial dematitis etc.

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