Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour
Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour
Disorders of Adult Personality and Behaviour
F63.1 Pyromania
Diagnostic guidelines
The essential features are:
(a) repeated fire-setting without any obvious
motives such as monetary
poilitical extremism;
(b) an intense interest in watching fire
(c) reported feelings of increasing tension
before the act,and intense excitement
immediately after it have been carrie
F63.2 Kleptomania
The disorder is characterized by repeated failure
toresist impulses to steal objects that are not
acquired for personal use or monetary gain.The
objects may instead be dicarded,given away or
Diagnostic guidelines
There is an increasing sense of tensionbefore,and a
sense of gratification during and immediately
after,the act. Although some effortat concealment is
usually made, not all the opportunities for this are
taken.The theft is a solit-. ary act,not carried out
with an accomplice. The individual may express
anxiety,despondency,and guilt between epi-sodes of
stealing from shops (or other premises )but this does
not prevent repetition.
F 63.3 Trichotillomania
Adisorder characterized by
noticeable hair loss due to a reccurent
failure to resist impulse to pull out
hairs.The hair-pulling is usually
preceded by mount-ing tension and is
followed by a sense of relief or
gratification .This diagnosis should
not be made if thre is a preexistingf
inflammation of the skin , or if the
hair-pulling is in response to a
delusion or hallu-cination.
F 65.2 Exhibitionism
A recurrent or persitent teneny to expose
genitalia to strangers or to peple in public
places. Commonly followed by masturbation.
Manifest only at times of emotional stress or
crises. If the witness appear shocked
,frightened or impressed,the exhibitionists
excitement is often heightened.
F 65.3 Voyeurism
Persistent tendency to look at people
in sexual or intimate behaviour such as
undressing.This is usually leads sexual
excitement and masturbation.
F 65.4 Paedophilia
A sexual preferencefor children,usually of
prepubertal or early pubertal age.
F65.5 Sadomasochism
A preference for sexualactivity that
involves bond-age or the infliction of pain
and humiliation. The recipient is called
masochism,the provider ,sadism.
F65.6 Multiple disorders of sexual
The most common combination is
fetishm, trans- vestism,and