2019notice New Forms and Pre Evaluation
2019notice New Forms and Pre Evaluation
2019notice New Forms and Pre Evaluation
The presented
certificates were
authenticated on
(7) Certifications from at least two (2) banks or two (2) public companies
or secondary licensee or two (2) large corporations that they have
engaged the services
(1) The certifying appraisers of an applicant-appraisal company who are
authorized by the firm or the Board of Directors to act and/or sign
appraisal reports on its behalf shall each possess the following
A. MR/MS ______________________:
b. MR/MS ______________________:
a) He is a professional appraiser or valuer licensed and registered by
the PRC and PRBRES, respectively, pursuant to R. A. No. 9646 and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations. Submit copies of the
Certificate of Registration issued by PRC-PRBRES
PRD Identification Card
ID No. ________________
Effectivity Period: From _________ to ____________
e) He is compliant with the Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) prescribed by the CPE Council of the PRBRES pursuant to
Section 36 of R.A. No. 9646/PRC Resolution No. 2013-774, Series of
Particular/s Year CPD Units
In view of the foregoing deficiencies, your application could not yet be officially cleared for payment of filing fees and for receiving by
the Commission. Please complete first the required documents and present for re-evaluation (including the Pre-Evaluation Notice) by
our Officer of the day.
This pre-evaluation is without prejudice to other substantive deficiencies that maybe noted thereon during the processing proper. Upon
official receipt of the duly paid and complete application documents, this Office shall conduct a full substantive review of the same for
which you shall be formally informed of our findings or our action thereon.
Revised 2019
[ ] Group A 1
[ ] Group B 2
[ ] Group C 3
1. Name of Firm__________________________________________________________________________
1Group A (i) Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities pursuant to a registration under Section 12 of the Securities Registration
Code (SRC) except those issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates which are now covered in
Group B; (ii) Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange; (iii) Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty Million
Pesos (P50,000,000.00) or such amount as the Commission shall prescribe, and having two hundred (200) or more holders each holding at least One
Hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity securities; (iv) clearing agency and clearing agency as depository; (v) stock and securities exchange/s and other
Self-Regulatory Organizations.
2Group B (i) Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates and corporations applying for the registration of such
securities; (ii) Investment Houses; (iii) Brokers and Dealers of Securities; (iv) Investment Companies; (v) Government Securities Eligible Dealers (GSEDs);
(vi) Universal Banks Registered as Underwriters of Securities; (vii) Investment Company Advisers; (viii) Special Purpose Corporation registered under the
Securitization Act of 2004 and its implementing rules; (ix) Such other corporations which may be required by law to be supervised by the Commission.
3 Group C (i) Financing Companies whose assets in the preceding year are above ten million pesos (P10M); (ii) lending Companies whose assets in the
preceding year are above five million pesos (P5M); (iii) Transfer Agents; (iv) non-stock, non-profit corporations including foundations which solicit or receive
annual donations or contributions and/or with fund balance amounting to more than twenty five million pesos (P25M) and one hundred million pesos (P100M),
respectively over the preceding three (3) years, or such higher amount that the Commission may set through order or guidelines; (v) such other corporations
that the Commission may consider as imbued with public interest regardless of the lack of a requirement to obtain a secondary license from the Commission.
Revised 2019
* Indicate Group Category, i.e., A, B or C. If not yet accredited, so indicate and disclose covered companies by group
category including date of filing of application for accreditation. (Use separate sheet when necessary which must be certified
as true and correct.
Revised 2019
8. Exhibits
i. Copy of the Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Board of Accountancy (BOA). It
should include a copy of the list issued by BOA which indicates the names of the qualified
partner/s of the firm;
ii. Quality Assurance Manual;
iii. Copy of the firm’s or (individual practitioner’s) signed certification confirming that all
communications regarding the application for accreditation may be sent or transmitted by the
OGA through electronic mail (e-mail) address and shall be considered as official transmittal by
said Office pursuant to e-Commerce Act of 2000; and
iv. Notarized attestation of the firm’s adherence to the requirements of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants in the Philippines.
I hereby certify that the foregoing information are true and correct.
Lastly, I shall allow SEC to publish necessary information on the firm and its partners in relation
to their accreditations.
Name and Signature of Managing Partner
Date: _________________________
Revised 2019
[ ] Group A 1
[ ] Group B 2
[ ] Group C 3
1 Group A (i) Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities pursuant to a registration under Section 12 of the Securities Registration
Code (SRC) except those issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates which are now covered in
Group B; (ii) Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange; (iii) Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty Million
Pesos (P50,000,000.00) or such amount as the Commission shall prescribe, and having two hundred (200) or more holders each holding at least One
Hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity securities; (iv) clearing agency and clearing agency as depository; (v) stock and securities exchange/s and other
Self-Regulatory Organizations.
2 Group B (i) Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates and corporations applying for the registration of such
securities; (ii) Investment Houses; (iii) Brokers and Dealers of Securities; (iv) Investment Companies; (v) Government Securities Eligible Dealers (GSEDs);
(vi) Universal Banks Registered as Underwriters of Securities; (vii) Investment Company Advisers; (viii) Special Purpose Corporation registered under the
Securitization Act of 2004 and its implementing rules; (ix) Such other corporations which may be required by law to be supervised by the Commission.
3Group C (i) Financing Companies whose assets in the preceding year are above ten million pesos (P10M); (ii) lending Companies whose assets in the
preceding year are above five million pesos (P5M); (iii) Transfer Agents; (iv) non-stock, non-profit corporations including foundations which solicit or receive
annual donations or contributions and/or with fund balance amounting to more than twenty five million pesos (P25M) and one hundred million pesos (P100M),
respectively over the preceding three (3) years, or such higher amount that the Commission may set through order or guidelines; (v) such other corporations
that the Commission may consider as imbued with public interest regardless of the lack of a requirement to obtain a secondary license from the Commission.
Revised 2019
8. Exhibits
i. Copy of the Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Board of Accountancy (BOA). It
should include a copy of the list issued by BOA which indicates the names of the qualified
partner/s of the firm;
ii. Copy of the firm’s or (individual practitioner’s) signed certification confirming that all
communications regarding the application for accreditation may be sent or transmitted by the
OGA through electronic mail (e-mail) address and shall be considered as official transmittal by
said Office pursuant to e-Commerce Act of 2000;
iii. Notarized attestation of the firm’s adherence to the requirements of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants in the Philippines; and
iv. In case there are changes in any document submitted during the initial application for accreditation,
the amended/updated documents should be submitted.
I hereby certify that the foregoing information are true and correct.
Lastly, I shall allow SEC to publish necessary information on the firm and its partners in relation
to their accreditations.
Name and Signature of Managing Partner
Date: _________________________
Revised 2019
Coloured Picture
[ ] Group A 1
[ ] Group B 2
[ ] Group C 3
1. Name of Applicant:_____________________________________________________________________
3. Business Address:_____________________________________________________________________
Telephone No. __________________________________ Fax No. _______________________________
4. Education:
1 Group A (i) Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities pursuant to a registration under Section 12 of the Securities Registration
Code (SRC) except those issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates which are now covered in
Group B; (ii) Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange; (iii) Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty
Million Pesos (P50,000,000.00) or such amount as the Commission shall prescribe, and having two hundred (200) or more holders each holding at least
One Hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity securities; (iv) clearing agency and clearing agency as depository; (v) stock and securities exchange/s
and other Self-Regulatory Organizations.
Group B (i) Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates and corporations applying for the registration of such
securities; (ii) Investment Houses; (iii) Brokers and Dealers of Securities; (iv) Investment Companies; (v) Government Securities Eligible Dealers (GSEDs);
(vi) Universal Banks Registered as Underwriters of Securities; (vii) Investment Company Advisers; (viii) Special Purpose Corporation registered under the
Securitization Act of 2004 and its implementing rules; (ix) Such other corporations which may be required by law to be supervised by the Commission.
Group C (i) Financing Companies whose assets in the preceding year are above ten million pesos (P10M); (ii) lending Companies whose assets in the
preceding year are above five million pesos (P5M); (iii) Transfer Agents; (iv) non-stock, non-profit corporations including foundations which solicit or receive
annual donations or contributions and/or with fund balance amounting to more than twenty five million pesos (P25M) and one hundred million pesos
(P100M), respectively over the preceding three (3) years, or such higher amount that the Commission may set through order or guidelines; (v) such other
corporations that the Commission may consider as imbued with public interest regardless of the lack of a requirement to obtain a secondary license from
the Commission.
Revised 2019
8. Name of Audit Firm/Partnership Wherein Audit Experience was Obtained (If necessary, provide
information in a separate sheet as Annex) _________________________________________________
10. Exhibits
i. Copy of the Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Board of Accountancy (BOA). In case of a
partner of a firm, the certificate should include a list issued by the BOA which indicates the
names of the qualified partner/s of the firm;
iii. Notarized certification that the applicant has fundamental knowledge of the regulatory
requirements on each of the covered secondary licensees of the Commission and
compliance with the required 30 CPD units;
iv. Copy of the firm’s or (individual practitioner’s) signed certification confirming that all
communications regarding the application for accreditation may be sent or transmitted by the
OGA through electronic mail (e-mail) address and shall be considered as official transmittal
by said Office pursuant to e-Commerce Act of 2000;
v. Notarized attestation of the external auditor’s adherence to the requirements of the Code of
Ethics for Professional Accountants in the Philippines (if not under the auditing firm); and
vi. Certification from managing partner or signing partner (current and/or former) indicating the
detailed participation of the applicant in the audit of the firm’s corporate-clients and various
positions held in the firm.
I hereby certify that the foregoing information are true and correct.
Applicant’s Signature
Date: _________________________
Revised 2019
Coloured Picture
Renewal Application for accreditation as external auditor of
(Please check appropriate box):
[ ] Group A 1
[ ] Group B 2
[ ] Group C 3
5. Education:
1Group A (i) Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities pursuant to a registration under Section 12 of the Securities Registration
Code (SRC) except those issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates which are now covered in
Group B; (ii) Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange; (iii) Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty Million
Pesos (P50,000,000.00) or such amount as the Commission shall prescribe, and having two hundred (200) or more holders each holding at least One
Hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity securities; (iv) clearing agency and clearing agency as depository; (v) stock and securities exchange/s and other
Self-Regulatory Organizations.
2Group B (i) Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates and corporations applying for the registration of such
securities; (ii) Investment Houses; (iii) Brokers and Dealers of Securities; (iv) Investment Companies; (v) Government Securities Eligible Dealers (GSEDs);
(vi) Universal Banks Registered as Underwriters of Securities; (vii) Investment Company Advisers; (viii) Special Purpose Corporation registered under the
Securitization Act of 2004 and its implementing rules; (ix) Such other corporations which may be required by law to be supervised by the Commission.
3Group C (i) Financing Companies whose assets in the preceding year are above ten million pesos (P10M); (ii) lending Companies whose assets in the
preceding year are above five million pesos (P5M); (iii) Transfer Agents; (iv) non-stock, non-profit corporations including foundations which solicit or receive
annual donations or contributions and/or with fund balance amounting to more than twenty five million pesos (P25M) and one hundred million pesos (P100M),
respectively over the preceding three (3) years, or such higher amount that the Commission may set through order or guidelines; (v) such other corporations
that the Commission may consider as imbued with public interest regardless of the lack of a requirement to obtain a secondary license from the Commission.
Revised 2019
9. Exhibits
i. Copy of Certificate of Accreditation issued by BOA. In case of a partner of a firm, the certificate
should include a list issued by the BOA which indicates the names of the qualified partner/s of the
ii. Notarized certification that the applicant has fundamental knowledge of the regulatory
requirements on each of the covered secondary licensees of the Commission and compliance
with the required 30 CPD units;
iii. Copy of the firm’s or (individual practitioner’s) signed certification confirming that all
communications regarding the application for accreditation may be sent or transmitted by the
OGA through electronic mail (e-mail) address and shall be considered as official transmittal by
said Office pursuant to e-Commerce Act of 2000;
iv. Notarized attestation of the external auditor’s adherence to the requirements of the Code of
Ethics for Professional Accountants in the Philippines (if not under the auditing firm); and
v. In case there is change in any document submitted during the initial application for accreditation,
the amended/updated document should be submitted.
I hereby certify that the foregoing information are true and correct.
Applicant’s Signature
Date: _________________________
Revised 2019
Description Reference Please provide Status of Compliance/
Tab the requested Remarks
information (To be filled-up by Officer of the
and sign if the Day)
document is
submitted /
(1) The application form is duly accomplished and
signed under oath;
In case of the incompleteness of the above mentioned documents, your application could not yet be officially cleared
for receiving by the Commission. Please complete first the required documents and present for re-evaluation
(including this Pre-Evaluation Notice) by our Officer of the day.
This pre-evaluation is without prejudice to other substantive deficiencies that maybe noted thereon during the
processing proper. Upon official receipt of the complete application documents but prior to payment of filing fees, this
Office shall conduct a full substantive review of the same for which you shall be formally informed of our findings or our
action thereon.
*Please submit in three (3) sets with ear tabs and fastener.
2019 Version
ANNEX A: List of Clients for External Auditor (PLEASE SUBMIT NOTARIZED LIST)
ANNEX A: List of Clients for Auditing Firm (PLEASE SUBMIT NOTARIZED LIST)
6. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization
7. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Address of principal office
8. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Company’s telephone number, including area code
9. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Former name, former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report
Page 1 of 3
A. Brief Description of Business Activities and Operation for the year
E. Other Information or events that transpired during the year that may materially
affect the operation of the company
Signature over Printed Name and Position
Signature over Printed Name and Position
(Notary Public)
Page 3 of 3
7. Check (/) mark the category under which the client-company belongs –
___ Group A
(1) Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities pursuant to a registration
under Section 12 of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC);
(2) Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange;
(3) Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty million pesos (P50,000,000.00).
___ Group B
(1) Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary membership certificates;
(2) Investment Houses;
(3) Brokers and Dealers of securities;
(4) Investment companies;
(5) Government Securities Eligible Dealers (GSEDs);
(6) Universal Banks Registered as Underwriters of Securities;
(7) Investment Company Advisers;
(8) Clearing Agency and Clearing Agency as Depository;
(9) Stock and Securities Exchange/s;
(10) Special Purpose Vehicles registered under the Special Purpose Vehicle Act of 2002 and its
implementing rules;
(11) Special Purpose Corporations registered under the Securitization Act of 2004 and its
implementing rules.
____ Group C
(1) Financing Companies;
(2) Lending Companies;
(3) Transfer Agents.
(a) Under SRC Rule 68, as amended, a regulated entity shall report to the Commission its action on a
report of its independent auditor pertaining to any item enumerated under item (c) below hereof
within five (5) business days from the date the report is submitted by the independent auditor.
For companies under Group A, the report shall be in a SEC Form 17-C. For companies under Groups
B to C, the report shall be in the form of a letter signed by the Chairman of the Board or Chairman of
the Audit Committee. For companies under Group D, the report shall be submitted to the
concerned regulatory agency, copy furnished the Commission’s Office of the General Accountant.
(b) In case the regulated entity fails to submit the disclosures required above, the independent auditor
shall, within thirty (30) business days from the submission of his findings to the entity, file this Report
(SEC Form Au-Rep) to the Commission.
(c) The following findings shall be disclosed to the Commission under this Report:
(d) The independent auditor shall submit his findings to the client-company’s audit committee or Board of
Directors. The adverse findings shall be discussed by the independent auditor with the said body in
order to preserve the concerns of the supervisory authority and independent auditors regarding the
confidentiality of the information.
(e) The independent auditor shall document the management’s explanation and/or corrective action on
his adverse findings. The same shall be included in this Report.
(f) The engagement contract between the company and the independent auditor shall contain a
provision that the disclosure of information by the independent auditor to the Commission shall not
constitute a breach of confidentiality nor shall it be a ground for civil, criminal or disciplinary
proceedings against the independent auditor.
Fraud means an intentional act by one or more individuals among management, employees, or third parties that
results in a misrepresentation of financial statements which reduces or increases the consolidated total assets, total
liabilities or income of the company by five percent (5%). It may involve:
(a) Manipulation, falsification or alteration of records or documents;
(b) Misappropriation of assets;
(c) Suppression or omission of the effects of transactions from records or documents;
(d) Recording of transactions without substance;
(e) Intentional misapplication of accounting policies; or
(f) Omission of material information.
Error means an unintentional mistake in the financial statements which reduces or increases the consolidated total
assets, total liabilities or income of the company by five percent (5%). It may involve:
(a) Mathematical or clerical mistakes in the underlying records and accounting data;
(b) Oversight or misinterpretation of facts; or
(c) Unintentional misapplication of accounting policies.
The external auditor shall provide the following information in this Report:
(b) The date when he informed the audit committee or Board of Directors
of his client company about the findings;
As basis for the filing of this Report, the external auditor must state whether he
has undertaken necessary procedures to confirm that his client- company did
not file its report on his findings.
After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify
that the information set forth in this report is true, complete and correct. This report
is signed in the City of .............. on ...................................20……