1.1 License Master Data Maintenance-Define License Class

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Table of Contents Introduction.4 Overview..5 General Settings.8 License.9 LC Imports.45 BOE, Bond, Document Set.66 Pre-requisites.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

As in standard R/3 customizing, elaborate customizing features have been provided in OptiTrade: Imports so that this product can be tuned to meet the business requirements of any industry. The Configuration Guide gives you step-by-step guidelines to customize OptiTrade : Imports.

1. Overview
OptiTrade-Imports contain the following customizing options based on the respective functionality. 1.1 License

Master data maintenanceDefine license class Define license types Define EXIM codes Define code types Define codes Define material groups Define Standard IO Norms Define logical groups Define profiles Define DEPB rates Define replenishment rates Define license documents Maintain Authorised Signatory. Application Rates. Unit Code Maintain Opening Balance Assignments- Duty rates to license types Procedure to License - EXIM Attributes to asset

Material groups to materials Materials to standard I/O Norms Material group to Reg. number and FDA Number Obligation split details to EPCG license types Logical groups to licenses Screen field settings to license types

Output Control Control data maintenance- Maintain license tracking number Miscellaneous 1.2 Letter of Credit-Imports

Master data maintenance

Company settings Code settings Define code types Code master LC types Bank types Text objects Additional fields Message type Mail list LC Customization (Amendment)

Screens to activity

Output Control
Define Output Types Output (Print, Screen, EDI) Enabling 1.3 Bill of Entry, Bond and Document capture

Company Settings AssignmentsAssign procedure / tariff to material Master data Duty calculation procedure Tariff / Notification maintenance master Procedure maintenance Master Bond types

Document Customisation Define Code types Define Codes Insurance Rates Document Set Customisation Payment Requisition Codes Duty Drawback Duty Drawback All Industry Rate

2. General Settings
Access the IMG for customizing IMPORTS:

Via menu

Tools Customizing

The following screen with the IMG appears Via transaction code /OBIZ/IMP Figure 2.1 Customizing initial screens

3. License
Getting Started
To access the IMG for customizing License Module:

Via menu

Tools Customising License (from main menu)

The following screen with the IMG appears: Via transaction code /OBIZ/ZL99 Figure 3.1 IMG for License customisation

Master data

License Class
License refers to a group of licenses having similar properties. E.g.: - Duty Free Licenses Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define license class Figure 3.2 License Class

License Type
All the licenses that come under the purview of this module have to be defined here. The license types should be defined for each of the license classes already defined. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define license types Figure 3.3 License types

EXIM Codes
These are identifiers of the materials exported or imported, as specified by the DGFT. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define EXIM codes Figure 3.4 EXIM codes

Code Types

Codes that are for identifying data are grouped under different heads and each of these is called a code type. To define a code type: Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define code types Figure 3.5 Code Types

All the codes used in the License module and their descriptions are maintained in the code master. To define a code: Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define codes Figure 3.6 Codes

Material Groups
The material groups defined here will be used at the time of applying for a license. This material group will be used while proposing the export items. To define a material group: Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define material groups Figure 3.7 Material groups

Standard IO Norms
The Standard Norms as specified by the DGFT are defined here. To define a SIO norm: Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Standard IO Norms Figure 3.8 Standard IO Norms

Logical Groups
The fields in the data capturing screens are logically grouped and each group has been maintained in a screen. Such a screen is called a logical group. All such logical groups defined in the system should be maintained as part of master data maintenance. It is also required to specify which document type, the logical group belongs to (e.g.: - to the letter of credit document or benefit document). Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define logical groups Figure 3.9 Logical groups

Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define Profiles Along with the license application you need to submit the importer / exporter profile. This profile is being maintained through this customization in the IMG. Figure 3.10 Initial screen for defining profiles

Create profile
For this function the system will ask for profile number, you have to give it in the following popup. Figure 3.11 Profile Number Then you will navigate to the profile details entry screen. Figure 3.12 Profile Details The system will navigate you to the area where you can enter the details of director board

by pressing the "Director Board" button on the standard toolbar.

Figure 3.13 Director Board Members You can give the details of assets by navigating to the respective screen. To do this, press the "Assets" button on the application toolbar. Figure 3.14 Assets

DEPB Rates
Under DEPB, an exporter is eligible to claim credit as a specified % of fob value of exports made in freely convertible currency. The credit shall be available against such export product and at the rate specified by DGFT. Export under DEPB is permitted only if the DEPB rate is specified by DGFT. Select from Tools Customizing License Master DataDefine DEPB rates Figure 3.15 DEPB Rates

Replenishment Rates
Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define Replenishment rates Figure 3.16 Replenishment Rates

License Documents
All the documents required along with a license application are specified here. This IMG activity has to be carried out in order to configure output control (and printing) of the documents. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Define License documents

Figure 3.17 License Documents

Maintain Authorised Signatory

Here the user can enter the details of the Authorised Signatory. This information will be used while making a license application.

Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Maintain Authorised Signatory

Figure 3.18 Authorised Signatory Application Rates Through this activity, the application fee details for different types of Licenses as specified by the DGFT can be maintained. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Application rates Figure 3.19 Application rates Unit Code The UoM (Unit of Measure) and the Unit codes that are used in Imports are maintained using this activity. This data is used in the License application. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Unit Code

Figure 3.20 Unit Codes

Maintain Opening Balance

The user can enter the Opening balance corresponding to the license type, license number and the financial year. This information is used in the printing of 'DEEC Receivable Workout'. Select from Tools Customizing License Master Data Maintain Opening Balance Figure 3.21 Opening balance

Assign duty rates to License types For each license type, the duty rate has to be assigned. This IMG activity has to be carried out in order to enable customs duty calculation for each license at the license application stage. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign Duty rates to License types Figure 3.22 Duty Rates to License Types Assign Procedures to License types In OptiTrade: Imports, the customs duty calculation can be customized to form a duty calculation procedure. The maintenance of a duty calculation procedure is explained in the bill of entry section. In this activity, the user can assign a particular procedure to a license type so that customs duty calculation for the license type can be carried out at the time of utilizing the license. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign duty rates to license type Assign Procedures to License types Figure 3.23 Procedures to License Assign EXIM attributes to assets Through this activity, the user can assign different EXIM attributes to different assets. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign EXIM attributes to assets

Figure 3.24 EXIM attributes to assets Assign material Groups to materials Select from the Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign material Groups to materials Figure 3.25 Material group to Material Assign materials to standard I/O norms Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign materials to standard I/O norms Figure 3.26 Material groups to SION Export material group to Reg. Number & FDA number This activity is to assign the material group to the registration number and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Number. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Export material group to Reg. Number & FDA number Figure 3.27 Export material - Reg. No FDA no. Assign obligation split details to EPCG license types This assignment is necessary for EPCG licenses and is required for preparing the redemption statements.

Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign obligation split details to EPCG license types Figure 3.28 Obligation Split to EPCG Assign logical groups to licenses This assignment must be carried out for assigning different logical groups to different license types based on the activity to be carried out. This assignment makes sure that only those logical groups will be visible to the user for the particular license type and the activity chosen. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign logical groups to licenses The user can select from the possible values for license type and the activity code using F4 help. Figure 3.29 Logical group to licenses The user can navigate to the following screen by pressing the Enter key and on this screen he can choose the different logical groups required for the particular license type and activity code. The logical groups chosen here will be available for screen field level customization. The user has to click the 'Save' button to save the settings. Figure 3.30 Logical groups to license type Assign screen field settings to license types Through this activity the screen field level customization for the logical groups assigned to a license type and activity can be carried out. The screen fields can be set to any of the required modes depending on the activity. Select from Tools Customizing License Assignment Assign screen field settings to license types

Copy Settings More Details Figure 3.31 Screen field setting to license type The user can navigate to the detail view by clicking the 'More' button. Also the user can copy the settings from an existing on by using the 'Copy' functionality. The detail view for the screen settings is given below. Figure 3.32 Screen Settings By default, the screen field attribute will be set to optional. After selecting the required attributes for each of the screen field the user has to click the 'Save' button to save the corresponding settings.

Output control
In this activity the different layouts and form routines required for issuing output of license documents can be maintained. Select from Tools Customizing License Output control

Figure 3.33 License Layout

Control data maintenance

With this activity the user can maintain the number range interval for license tracking number. In all, six intervals have to be maintained viz. '01', '02', '03' '04' '05' and '06'. The user can set own values for the interval range. Select from Tools Customizing License Control Data Define Number Ranges Maintain license tracking number Figure 3.34 License Tracking Number

In this activity the user can maintain some miscellaneous settings for the imports module. This setting is mainly required for the exchange rate type that is to be used for the imports module. Select from Tools Customizing License Miscellaneous Figure 3.35 Miscellaneous

4. LC Imports
Getting Started
To access the IMG for customizing Letter Of Credit Module:

Via menu

Tools Customising Letter of Credit (from main menu)

The following screen with the IMG appears Via transaction code /OBIZ/ZQ40 Figure 4.1 IMG for LC Customizing

Master Data Maintenance

Company settings There can be certain special company settings with LC's. All these are maintained as company settings in the module. The maintenance is common for both Import and Export LC's. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of Credit Master DataCompany settings

Figure 4.2 Company Settings

Code type The various codes used in the module are grouped under different heads and each of these is called a code type. Select from Tools CustomizingLetter of Credit Master DataCode settings Define Code Type Figure 4.3 Code type

E.g., Code type Description PACK Packing type SHIP Shipment mode

Code Master All the codes used in the Imports LC module and their description are maintained in the code master. Select from Tools Customizing Letter of creditMaster DataCode settings Code Master Figure 4.4 Code master

E.g.: -

Code type Code Description PACK SOPN Side open SHIP HAND By hand delivery

LC Types

All the LC types used in the Imports LC module and their description are maintained in the LC type. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of credit Master Data Code settings Define LC types

Figure 4.5 LC types

E.g.: LC type Description of code

01 04 Irrevocable and confirmed Revocable

Banks All the advising and negotiating bank types used in the Imports LC module and their description are maintained in the Bank types. Select from Tools Customizing Letter of credit Master Data Code Settings Define banks

Figure 4.6 Banks

E.g.: -

Bank Name of Country key the bank Union BK1 IN bank of India BK2 UK City Bank Text Objects

There can be certain special conditions or annexure attached with LC's. All these are maintained as text objects in the module. Select from ToolscustomizingLetter of Credit Master DataCode Settings Define text objects Figure 4.7 Screen for defining text objects

E.g.: -

Type of LC

Object ID Meaning

Text category

E or I (E for Exports ZL1 I for Imports)

0001 Shipping document H

Define Additional Fields

This activity is used for defining additional fields, which can be used when creating a LC in the system. Select from Tools CustomizingLetter of credit Master DataCode Settings Define Additional Fields Figure 4.8 Defining Additional fields

Message type
The message types can be customized to whether information, warning or error messages are required. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of creditMaster DataCode SettingsDefine Message types Figure 4.9 Message Customisation
Defining Mail List

After each activity in the module a SAP office mail will be triggered and will be sent to respective persons. The list of mail recipients can be customized. The maintenance is common for both Import and Export LC's. Select from Tools customizing Letter of credit Master DataCode SettingsDefine mail List Figure 4.10 Mailing list E.g.:

Type of LC Activity code Recipients name



Login name
Login name

LC Customisation (Amendment) The clauses in LC can be customized and mapped to the corresponding fields in the LC Document. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of Credit LC Customisation The clauses are maintained here. Figure 4.11.1 LC Amendment Select the clause and go to details. A pop-up appears for mapping the field to the clause. If the clause is mapped to only one field the following screen appears where the mapping can be done. Figure 4.11.2 LC Amendment If the clause is mapped to more than one field the following screen is displayed the mapping can be done. Figure 4.11.3 LC Amendment Assignment Assign Screen to activity and set the screen This assignment must be carried out for assigning different screen to different activity to be carried out. This assignment makes sure that only those screens will be visible to the user for the particular activity. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of CreditAssignments Assign Screen to activity and set the screen. A) Screen to activity Figure 4.12.1 Choose Activity User can select the first entry for assigning screen to various activities, and the second entry for assigning fields to screen.

Figure 4.12.2 Assign Screen to Activity User can select one activity by clicking details button. Figure 4.12.3 Assign Screen to Activity User can choose the different screens required for the particular activity. The Screens chosen here will be available for screen field level customization. The user has to click the 'Enter' button to save the settings. B) Set the screen field The user must enter the activity code for which he intends to set the screen fields.

Figure 4.12.4 Select Activity Code E.g. - Activity code 1 On Pressing Enter Button it navigates to the screen showing the list of screens that are assigned to the activity. Figure 4.12.5 Select screen Choose a Screen and press the details button to navigate to the field level customisation. Figure 4.12.6 Field Customisation The fields can be customized to display the field make it a required field, suppress the field or make it as optional, according to the user requirement. Press the 'Save' button to save the settings. Output Control Define Output Types This activity is to define the Output Types used in the LC application Print. Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of CreditOutput Control Define Output Types Figure 4.13 Output Types Output (Print, Screen, EDI) Enabling Select from ToolsCustomizingLetter of CreditOutput Control Define Output Types Figure 4.14 Output Enabling

5. BOE, Bond, Document Set

Getting Started To access the IMG for customizing Bill of Entry Module:
Via menu

Tools CustomizingBill of Entry

Via transaction code /OBIZ/ZBND

The following screen with IMG appears after the expansion of all the Nodes.

Figure 5.1 IMG for Bill of Entry, Bond Custiomisation Company settings The various Company Level data can be maintained in the 'Company settings'. The access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of Entry Company settings Figure 5.2 Screen for maintaining Company level data

E.g.: -

Company Code

Ex Rate Landing Type Charge

1001 1

Re-warehousing Warehouse Period

12 C

Assignment Procedure/ Tariff assignment to Material The Procedure Name and the Tariff/Notification Number can be assigned to the Material in the menu, 'Procedure/ Tariff assignment to Material'. The access path is: Select from ToolscustomizingBill of Entry Assignment Procedure/Tariff assignment to Material Figure 5.3 Screen for assigning Procedure & Tariff. No. to Material

E.g.: Material
Drill Bit

Tariff / Notif. Number


Procedure Name

Tr./ Nt. Fr. dt.


Note: The calculations are carried out using Procedures; hence each material has a Procedure name. These procedures consists of different 'Step Number' where each 'Step Number' corresponds to a particular duty code and each of these 'Step Number' (duty code) can have its own 'Step Number' for duty calculation.
Master data

Duty Calculation Procedure The various Duty calculation procedures along with Descriptions can be maintained in the menu, 'Duty Calculation Procedure'. The access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of Entry Master DataDuty Calculation Procedure Figure 5.4 Screen for Maintaining Procedure Name and Description

E.g.: Procedure Name Procedure Description

Tariff /Notification Maintenance Master The various Tariff/Notification/Benefit procedures can be maintained through this IMG activity. The access path for this menu is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of Entry Master DataTariff/Notification Maintenance Master The following screen is obtained, where the Tariff/Notification/Benefit procedure, which has to be maintained, is entered. Figure 5.5 Tariff Notification Maintenance master E.g.: -


For Duties

Tariff/Notif Number

The user uses the 'Enter' key to navigate to the next screen where the different duty rates for the tariff / notification is maintained. The duty codes shown on this screen are taken from the code master table where entries are maintained against the code type 'DUTY'. Figure 5.6 Maintain Tariff Notification

Tariff/Notification N

E.g.: Code Specific Rate % Adval Dty Rt INR UoM


5.0000 10.0000 5.0000 5.0000

5.0000 5.0000 5.0000 5.0000

Note: Here for every Tariff/Notification Number the applicable duty codes (E.g.: BCD, CVD...) along with their rate types like specific rate in percentage, Advalorem rate in INR and UoM (Unit of Measure) are maintained. Advalorem Rates when entered without Unit of Measure is read as percentage of Assessable Value and when entered with Unit of Measure is read as Amount in Rupees per Unit of Measure. Procedure Maintenance Master The various Duty Procedures can be maintained in the menu, 'Procedure Maintenance Master'. The access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryMaster DataProcedure Maintenance Master An initial 'Maintain duty procedure' screen is first obtained, where the Duty procedure, which has to be maintained, is entered. Then the following screen corresponding to the Duty Procedure Name is obtained. Figure 5.7 Duty procedure

Step Number Code Tariff/Notif. Number Specific/ adval Rate type

| h2. Duty value selection (Relevance) | h2. Icon | 3 SCD 1000 S AD Select _Details Note: Each 'Step Number' corresponds to a duty code of a particular tariff/notification/benefit (T/N/B) number with their rate types (i.e., whether Specific or Advalorem) and the relevance of the particular duty code with respect to the total duty, i.e., whether it is Add to Total duty (AD)/Take Maximum (MX)/Take Minimum (MN). Figure 5.8 Steps in duty procedure 'Step Number 1' is reserved for Assessable value and it is defaulted in the screen and it can't be edited. By choosing the menu, 'Choose details' the calculation details (i.e. 'step number') of that particular 'Step number' (duty code) and their Sequence is obtained as below. Each 'Step Number' correspond to their duty value (for e.g. 'Step Number 1' stands for the Assessable value) and if required can be multiplied by the constant. If the constant is left empty the system automatically takes it as 1.000, and finally the operator indicates whether to add or multiply the value with the Value of the next Step Number, if 'no', next step exists and then there

is no need of operator. Bond Types The types of bonds maintained are defined in the bond master. The access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizing Bill of Entry Master Data Bond type Figure 5.9 Screen for defining Bond types

E.g.: Bond Subtype LB LB Bond subtype and descriptions License Bond

Document Master (Document Customisation) The various Document categories, Attachment type and their description can be defined in the Document Master. The Access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of Entry Master DataDocument Customisation Figure 5.10 Document Customisation



Bank guarantee

Code Types
Codes that are to be for identifying data are grouped under different heads and each of these is called a code type. To define a code type: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of Entry Master Data Define code types Figure 5.11 Code Types

All the codes used in the module and their descriptions are maintained in the code master. To define a code: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryMaster Data Define Codes

Figure 5.12 Codes

Insurance Rates The user can enter the CIF and the duty rates. This information is used to calculate the insurance amount and premium details on the creation of Non Negotiable Documents (NNDO) in OptiTrade Imports. The access path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryMaster Data Insurance Rates Figure 5.13 Insurance Rates Document Set Customisation Before the user can create any document set, the document category must be defined. With this activity user can define a new document set type. The Access Path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryMaster DataDocument Set Customisation Figure 5.14 Document set customisation Payment Requisition Codes The payment head and the description can be maintained here. The Access Path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryMaster DataDocument Set Customisation Figure 5.15 Payment Requisition Codes

Duty Drawback Duty Drawback All Industry Rate The user can maintain the All Industry Rate (AIR) for different product groups using this activity. The Access Path is: Select from ToolsCustomizingBill of EntryDuty DrawbackDuty Drawback All Industry Rate Figure 5.16 Duty Drawback - All Industry Rate

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