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1-5. sorularda,boglu$uuygungekildetamamlayacak 11. ---- name of the sea betweenAfrica and Europe
kelimeyiigaretleyiniz. continents is --- Mediterranean.
a)A/the b)The/the c)Thet-
1. Gancer is a/an disease especially if it d)-/- e)A/a
isn't diagnosed before it is too late.
a) endangered b) devoted c) elegant 12. We spent our honeymoon on a tropical island
d) poisonous e) lethal --- the earthquakeoccurred.
a)which b) of which c) where
2. The performancewas so fascinating that the d)that e) to which
audience until their hands started to
hurt. 13. Sultan Beyazrt Mosque.in Amasya --- of egg
a)affected b)admired c) . envied white and lime in the 17'ncentury.
d) applauded e) wept a) build b) is building c)was built
d) buitds e) is beingbuilt
3. The salesman spoke so _ that I couldn't
help buying that dress.
'14. The old woman ----'- | was travelingtold us her
a)formerly b) persuasively c) reluctantly
d) independently e) finally life story. ,
a) withwhose i b) of whom c) whom
4. Driving on icy roads is very so avoid d)withwhom e)whose
doing that unless you have to use your cal.
a) hazardous b) competent c) wise 1 5 . Our new maid is ------personthat everyonelikes
d)enjoyable e)admirable her.
a) suchnice b) so nicely c) suchnicea
5. lf you don't get enough sleep before you set off d) nice e) so nicea
in your car for a longjourney,then it is
to have an accident. 1 6 . While | ------ whether to buy the dress or not,
a) indifferent b) unfavourable c)doubtful someoneelse ------and --- it.
d) inevitable e)fatal a) waswondering / came/ bought
b) wondered/ comes/ buys
c) waswondering / comes/ buys
6-16. sorularda,boglu$uuygungekildetamamlayacak d) am wondering / came/ bought
ifadeyibulunuz. e) wondered / wascoming/ buying

6. I wish you -.-- comingin and out of the room.

I'm trying to concentrateon my work. 17-19.sorularda,
a) stop b)wouldstop c) hadstopped ifadeyi
d) have stopped e) will stop
1 7 . ------,and all are dangerousto human beings.

7. Alice stopped at the station to --- the tank --. a) All vipershavea poisonousbite
a) havei filled b) get / to fill c) had / fill b) Some of the encyclopediasare cheap these
d) had / filled e) got / filled daysthanksto the internet
c) A few of the laptop computersin the office are
8. I don't know ---- we will be able to get a out of order
babysitteror not. What if I callyou tomorrow? d) Most of the airplanecompaniesare on strike in
a)whether b) when c) whom the world
d)who e)which ; e) None of the animalsis in the cage in circus

9. I want you to follow him -- he goes and find out 1 8 . ------, she applied for the job advertised in the
---- he is meeting. local newspaper.
a) however/ that b) wherever/ who
c) whenever/ which d) whatever/ whom a) Despitethe fact that she was recommended
e) whomever/ whose b) Becauseshe got a pay riseat work
c) Even though she didn't have the right
1 0 . ---. the noise in the next apaftment, I couldn't qualifications
get to sleep last night. d) In order not to havethe responsibility
a) Because b) Due to c) In spiteof e) As she didn'thaveconfidencein herself
d) Since e) For
1 9 . The airplanehas reachedits present state of 23-25.sorularda, verilenTUrkge
perfection---. r n rb u l u n u z .
23. Gitmevakti geldi.
a) as it hadbeensuppliedby thedonors
b) becauseit waspurchased bytheconsumers a)We shouldgo.
c) due to a greatmanyideascontributed through b) Let'sgo.
the years c) lt'stimewe went.
d) sinceit divesintodeepestpartsof theocean d)We mustleavenow.
e) thanksto the plumberswhofixedthem e)Weareleaving now.
20-22.sorularda, verileningilizce
Turkge 24. Ne tekerlegi ne de teker kullanlmrnr
l r d r nbr u l u n u z . kegfetmiglerdi.
20. The more time you take on the assignment, the
more pagesyou willcomplete. a) They had discoveredeitherthe wheelor the use
of iron.
a) Odevinlene kadaru$ragrrsan o kadarzamantnl b) They had dibcoveredneitherthe wheel or the
alrr. use of iron.i
b) Odevinene kadar zamanaytrtrsan,o kadar gok c) They had disOoveredneitherthe wheel nor the
sayfayrbitirirsin. use of iron. I
c) Odevine ayrrdrgrn zaman bitirdigin sayfayla d) They had discoveredeither the wheel nor the
do$ruorantrlrdrr. use of iron.
d) Odevine gok zaman aytrtrsan,daha gok sayfa e) They had discoveredboth the wheel and the
bitirebilirsin. ,
use of iron.
e) Qok sayfa bitirmek istiyorsan,odevine daha
f azla zaman ayrrmaIrs rn.
25' Giiniin birinde diinya gaplnda tinlti olacagrnl
21. After the strike, the company dismissed many neredeysehi9 diigiinmemigti.
a) He would hardlythink he wouldbe world-famous
a) $irket grevden sonra grev yapan iggileriigten one day.
grkardr. b) He had hardly thought he woutd be world-
b) Grev,iggilerinigtengrkarrlmasryla
sonuglandr. famousone day.
c) Uzun silren grevin sonunda birgok iggi igini c) He had almost thought he should be world-
kaybetti. famousone day.
d) Yaptrklangrev birgokiggininigini kaybetmesine d) He would have nearly thought he would be
sebeooldu. world-famousone day.
e) Grevdensonragirketbirgokiggiyiigtengrkardr. e) Hardly did he think he coutd be wortd-famous
one dav. I

22. They will rebuild the house when they receive

the money from the insurancecompany.

a) Sigorta girketi parayr Oder odemez evi tekrar

b) Evi tekraringaetmeyebaglamadanOncesigorta
c) Sigorta girketindenparayt alrnca evi yeniden
ingaedecekler. /i
.d) Sigorta girketindenparayt ahncaya kadar evi
e) Evin yeniden ingasrsigortagirketindenparantn
a l r n m a s r nbaa d l r .
26-28.sorularda,verilen duruma uygun dUgen ifadeyi 30. Paul: Wewon the first threematches,but not
bulunuz. the fourth;so we didn't makeit to the finals.
26. You are on a train. In your compartmentthere Paul: Yes;lsupposewe wereunlucky.And we
are a few people you don't know. You want to only lost by one point.
open the window as it's getting hotter inside. Harry: Yes,that certainlywas close.
You say:
a) Remember, therehaveto be losersas wellas
a) Whydon'tyouopenthewindow? winners.
b) lt's gettinghotterinside,isn'tit? b) Butyouwonthreeoutof thefourmatches: and
c) Wouldyouliketo openthewindow? that'sexcellent.
d) Wouldyoumindif I openedthewindow? c) Nevermind.Betterlucknexttime.
d) Whatdidthecoachthinkof yourperformance?
e) lthinklhaveafever. e)Wasit badluck?I am sureyouplayedextremely
27. Someonehas stolenyour purse,and your credit
cardswere in it. You wantto cancelthem.You
phonethe bankand say: f
a) needto revokemy cards. 31. Janet:Haveyou readany playsby
b) needmy moneyon deposits. Shakespeare?
c) wantto cancelmy moneyon timedeposits. Pam:----
d) wantto delivermycardsback. i
Janet: Well,most peoplefind it difficultto
e) am desperatelylookingfor my moneyback. understandhis writing.
Pam: lt may be so, but as a dramatisthe is a
28. You need to know if there is a direct traid to genius.
Littleton.How do you ask to a stranger?
a) Have you got any idea?Whichtrain goes to a) ls therea certainplayyoulikemost?
Littleton? b) Quitea number. Whydo youask?
b) Excuseme. I wantto knowif thereis a direct c) Doyoumeanhe is thegreatest English
trainto Littleton. dramatist?
c) You wouldn'tknowthe way to Littleton,would d)Areyouaskingwhetherhistragedies arebeter
you? thanhiscomedies?
d) Do you by any chance know the train to e) Indeed, allof hisplayshavealwaysbeenvery
Littleton? popularthroughout theages.
e) Any ideawhereLittletonis?

kargrhkhkonugmanrnbog brrakrlan

29. Robert: I readan articleaboutalternativeenergy

sources.Accordingto this article,wind poweris
the fastest-growingsource.
Sarah: ---
Robert: Why is that?lt's such a cleanpower
Sarah: Somesay that wind turbinesare noisy
and a threatto birds and bats.

a) Really?As far as I know,thereis a lotof

oppositionto it.
b) Somecriticssaythemoredifferent ourenergy
sourcesare,the better.
c) Most devell'oped countriespreferwindpowerto
d) I don'tthinkthatwindpoweris an economical
e) Scientistssuggestthatthe useof alternative
sourceswillincrease a lot.
l r
During the rest of sleep, the fatigueof the body Modern istanbulowes much of its spirit and beauty to
disappearsand recuperation begins.The tired mind the waterswhich bound and divideit. There is perhaps
gathers new energy; the memory improves;and nowhere else in town where one can appreciatethis
annoyance and problems areseenin betterperspective. more than from the Galata Bridge.Certainlythere are
Someadultsrequirelittlesleep;othersneedeightto ten other placesin istanbulwith more panoramicviews,but
hours in every twenty-four.Infantssleep sixteen to nonewhere one can betersensethe intimacywhich this
eighteenhoursdaily,the amountgradually diminishes, city has with the sea. lt is here that the Bosphorusand
as they grow older.Youngstudentsmay needtwelve the Golden Horn meet, forminga site of great beauty,
hours;university students mayneedten.A workerwitha and togetherflow into the Sea of Marmara.Thus, the
physically demanding job may also needten, whereas visitorto the city is advisedto strollto the GalataBridge
an executive workingundergreatpressure maymanage for his firstview of the citv.
on sixto eight.Manyfamouspeoplearereputedto have
requiredlittlesleep.lnvestigators havetriedto find out
howlonga personcango withoutsleep.Severalpeople 35. In the passagp,the writer draws attentionto *:.
havereachedmorethan 115 hours- nearlyfive days. a) variouspanoramicviewsof istanbul,especially
Whatever Animalskeptawakefor
the limit,it is absolute. of the Bosphorusand the GoldenHorn
fromfiveto eightdayshavediedof exhaustion. The limit b) the geographical featuresand importanceof the
for humanbeingsis probably abouta week. Bosohorus
c) the closerelationship betweenthe city and the
32. Thewriter impliesthat ---. sea in lstanbul
a) sleepis important for animals d) the fact that the GalataBridgearousesmuch
b) a lightsleepis as restfulas a deepsleep interestin visitorsto istanbul
c) memoryis improved duringsleep e) the questionof how the Sea of Marmaraplaysa
d) sleepis relativelyunimportant for humanbeings part in the life of istanbul
e) sleepis important for goodmentaland physical
health 36. lt is emphasizedin the passagethat the Galata
Bridge --.
33. Thewriterthinksyoungstudentsgenerallyneed a) is one of the placesin istanbulwhichvisitors
preferto see in the first place
a) moresleepthaninfants b) is one of the placesin istanbulwherea visitor
b) moresleepthanphysicalworkers can fullyenjoy.theoverallbeautyof the city
c) lesssleepthanuniversity
students c) offersthe most panoramicviewof istanbul,
d) lesssleepthanexecutives unlikeanywhereelse in the city
e) Noneof theabove d) has alwaysbeen a very popularmeetingplace
for visitorsto istanbul
34. From animalexperiments, we that e) presentsto the visitorthe most panoramicviews
the end resultof lackof sleepis "on"Lde
-*.. . of the Bosphorusand the GoldenHorn
a) hallucinations
b) mentalbreakdown 37. lt is clear from the passagethat the Bosphorus
c) susceptibility
to illness and the Golden Horn ----.
d) death a) contributeenormouslyto the attractivenessof
e) an illness istanbultoday
b) are two waterwaysin istanbulwhichare of vital
c) havealwaysbeen consideredto have istanbul's
most panoramicviews
d) haveneverbeen so famousfor theirbeautyas
the GalataBridg'e
e) are the only two placesin istanbulwhichoffer
the most oanoramicviews

With increasing developmentand use of computer

technology, there is a new diseaseto worry about.
Computer"viruses,"programsdesignedto sabotage
computers,are infectingcomputersin corporations,
homes, and universities.These viruses soread
exponentially, muchlike biological contagion,
and then
disruptthe affectedsystems.Thevirussecretlyattaches
itselfto otherprograms andcanthendeleteor alterfiles.
The damage is generallyactivatedby using the
computer's clock.Then,any programthat is executed
maybe exposedto thevirus,including programsspread
through telephone connections.Because of the
increasing incidentsof virusinfiltration,
agencies are becomingwary of sharing software.
Securitypoliciesneed to be increasedas immunity
programs arebeingdeveloped.

38. Whichof the followingls the besttitle of this

a) BeAware
b) Stopthe Clock
c) Deleting
d) SharingSoftware
e) The Historyof Computer

39. It is inferred that a company can best protect

itself from the virus by ---
a) keepingclean
b) spreading programs bytelephone
c) settingtheclockcorrectly
d) not usingsharedsoftware
e) watching outvisitors

40. The virus is ..---

a) a microbe
b) an insect
c) a disc
d) a program
e) a hacker


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