English Project Work Xii 2022-23
English Project Work Xii 2022-23
English Project Work Xii 2022-23
1. Make a file on the any ONE topic from the list attached below.
2. Your project must have the following pages:
● Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Student reflections.
● If possible- photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the
● List of resources/bibliography.
Timeline for Submission:
10 January 2023
1. “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their
a. Importance of Language
b. Meaning of ‘Linguistic chauvinism’
c. Find examples in history where conquered people had their language taken away from them or had
a language imposed of them—What was the result/outcome
d. Problems faced by linguistic minority
e. How can they keep their language alive
f. Linguistic human rights
g. Linguistic Chauvinism examples from English literature
2. Migration
a. Changing Pattern of Migration
b. Seasonal migration Vs. permanent migration
c. Rural migration Vs. Urban migration
d. Plight of Migrants (You can also talk of the plight of the migrants during the pandemic)
e. Infographic description (Numbers, reasons, condition)
f. Take incident from ‘Lost Spring’, talk of the callousness of society and the political class towards the
sufferings of the poor.
3. Courage is not the absence of fear but triumph over it.
a. Courage – a choice to act
b. What can one learn from fear
c. Benefits of having courage over fear
d. How and why to overcome fear
e. Fighting against fear is hard but worth it (Examples)
f. Mention some of your worst fears and how you managed to overcome them — A Questionnaire
g. Famous personalities who overcame their fear (Their motivation podcast/speech/stories)
h. Inputs from ‘Deep water’, ‘Indigo’.
4. Gender Discrimination
a. Highlight the plight of oppressed Gender– inequality, injustice, deprivation, agony, pain faced by
them (Infographics / Data).
b. Women ideology towards gender inequality.
c. Movements against Gender inequality.
d. Discrimination at different places (home, job, school etc).
e. Kamala Das – an Indian writer throughout her literature career has fought for the rights of women –
(Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers) –mention the theme.
f. # Me too movement.
g. How can the change be brought in the mindset of the people.
5. Sacrifices and sufferings faced by the Indian unsung martyrs for gaining freedom.
Freedom fighters are epitome of bravery, and their lives personify lessons of supreme struggle and
endurance (enormous impact on the children)
a. Moral lesson learnt from freedom fighters (with special mentioned to Indigo)
b. Qualities they have (courage, independent thinking, humility, empathy, determination—)
c. Their contribution to Indian freedom
d. Mention at least 5 unsung martyrs and their role in gaining freedom