Key Terms

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Key Terms

Average summated score – calculating the summated score and then dividing it by the
number of variables.
Bar chart – a chart that shows data in the form of bars that can be displayed either
horizontally or vertically.
Data transformation – the process of inspecting data for completeness and consistency.
Data warehouses – store and catalog company information in an electronic format.
Editing – inspecting data for completeness and consistency.
Frequency distribution – examines data one variable at a time and provides counts of the
different responses for the various values of the variable.
Histogram – represents a vertical display of a distribution of responses.
Kurtosis – a measure of a distribution’s peakedness (or flatness).
Manipulation check – after respondents have answered the questions they are asked to
comment on the levels of variables.
Mean – the arithmetic average, and is one of the most commonly used measures of central
Measures of central tendency – locate the center of the distribution as well as other useful
Measures of dispersion – describe the tendency for sample responses to depart from central
Median – a measure of central tendency, it is the value that is in the middle of the distribution.
Missing data – blank responses because of data collection or data entry problems.
Mode – the measure of central tendency that identifies the value that occurs most often in the
sample distribution.
Normal distribution – symmetrical, bell shaped and almost all (99%) of its values are within
plus/minus three standard deviations from its mean; describes the expected distribution
of sample means as well as many other chance occurrences.
Pie chart – displays relative proportions of survey responses.
Range – the spread of the responses and is the distance between the largest and the smallest
values of a sample frequency distribution; simplest measure of dispersion.
Skewness – measures the departure from a symmetrical (or balanced) distribution.
Standard deviation – describes the spread or variability of the sample distribution values
from the mean. It is the square root of the variance and is the most valuable index of
Standard error – the standard deviation of the individual values of the sample divided by the
square root of the sample size.
Standard error of the mean – the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means
drawn from the same population.
Standard normal distribution – special type of normal curve that has a mean of 0 and a
standard deviation of 1.
Summated score – the sum of values of individual variables making up a measure of a
Variance – a measure of the variation or dispersion of the data and is calculated by squaring
the deviations scores (i.e., how far away a respondent is from the means) and then
calculating the average.

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