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Consider different combinations of the Big Five, such as O (Low),

C (High), E (Low), A (High), and N (Low). What would this person be
like? Do you know anyone who is like this? Can you select
politicians, movie stars, and other famous people and rate them on
the Big Five?

Originality (Low) – Individuals who score low are typically routine-based, less abstract, and
sticks with what they know and what is comfortable. When I read the definition of originality I
think about my father. He tends to stay on a daily routine and I’m the same way.

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Consolidation (High)- When I read the definition of consolidation, I think about my mentor

Shaylyn Meredith She’s typically very efficient and organized. She has the tendency to be

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dependable, show self-discipline, act dutifully, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather

than spontaneous behavior. High conscientiousness is often perceived as being stubborn and
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Extraversion (Low)- A person low in extraversion is less outgoing and is more comfortable
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working alone. Low scoring individuals tend to be shy, introspective, thoughtful, and overall
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reserved with self-expression. This definition reminds me of my friend Leah. She’s quite shy in
everything that she does. She always prefers to work alone when it comes to group projects and
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Accommodation (High) - Individuals who score high in accommodation are typically well-
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tempered and tend to have empathy over suspicion/cynicism. High scoring individuals tend to
be altruistic, trusting, patient, tactful, sensitive, unselfish, well-liked, and respected. This
reminds me of my wonderful sister.

Need for Stability (Low)- Low scoring individuals tend be confident, sure of themselves, brave,
and unencumbered by worry. This definition reminds me of my boss Kyler. He’s always clam in
every situation.

2. How do you think learning and inherited personality traits get

combined in adult personality?

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During the transition to adulthood we typically settle into adult roles involves significant changes
in personality traits that are generally in the direction of greater maturity and increased
stability. There are many potential environmental influences that help to shape
personality. These include the place we live and the people around us. Our
experiences in our day to day life, as well as the people whom we associated
with such as our family, friends, people in the school, in the church and the
community as a whole, all influences our personality. Our personality grows
daily and we may not be the same person 20 years ago and that’s because
our environment.

3. Can you think of instances where people do not act consistently—

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where their personality traits are not good predictors of their

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Yes. I was surprised by my classmate’s results. There were a lot predication going
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on at the beginning on my end. It was nice to see where everyone else was at on
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the Big Five scale. Each of us has a unique personality that differentiates us from
other people and understanding someone’s personality gives us clues about how

that person is likely to act and feel in a variety of situations.

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4. How has your personality influenced your leadership approach?

How and in what ways do individual personalities influence the
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workplace culture?
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Our personality as a leader has a significant influence on the way we sense, think,
believe and communicate with other people. Leader's personality influences our

behavior, controls their attitudes, and affects the way we perceive about things. To

manage effectively, it is helpful to understand the personalities of different employees.

Having this knowledge is also useful for placing people into jobs and organizations. At
work, we have a job to do and a role to perform. Therefore, our behavior may be more
strongly affected by what is expected of us, as opposed to how we want to behave.

Especially in jobs that involve a lot of autonomy, or freedom, personality tends to exert a
strong influence on work behavior, something to consider when engaging in Organizing
activities such as job design or enrichment.

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Kwantes, P., Derbentseva, N., Lam, Q., Vartanian, O., & Marmurek, H. (2016). Assessing the Big Five
personality traits with latent semantic analysis. Personality And Individual Differences, 102, 229-
233. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.07.010

Le Vigouroux, S., Scola, C., Raes, M., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2017). The big five personality traits

and parental burnout: Protective and risk factors. Personality And Individual Differences, 119,

er as
216-219. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.07.023

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Pérez-González, J., & Sanchez-Ruiz, M. (2014). Trait emotional intelligence anchored within the Big Five,
Big Two and Big One frameworks. Personality And Individual Differences, 65, 53-58. doi:


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Hi Lavendra,
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Great response. I agree that personality has a strong impact at the workplace. When you said,
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“The cultural match between an individual and an organization is determined by the degree to
which the individual’s personal traits suit the organizational culture, or perhaps vice versa.”
I would to add more to that statement. I believe a good leader must have to be able to

understand their personality and figure out how his or her personality traits influence his
behavior at workplace. The more leaders can understand their personality, the better they are

able to identify their negative personality traits. Though cognitive personality traits are often
very difficult to change, but non-cognitive personality traits are often seen to be improvable.

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