Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks Using Backpropagation: Jun Haeng Lee, Tobi Delbruck and Michael Pfeiffer
Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks Using Backpropagation: Jun Haeng Lee, Tobi Delbruck and Michael Pfeiffer
Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks Using Backpropagation: Jun Haeng Lee, Tobi Delbruck and Michael Pfeiffer
Deep spiking neural networks (SNNs) hold the potential for improving the latency and
energy efficiency of deep neural networks through data-driven event-based computation.
However, training such networks is difficult due to the non-differentiable nature of spike
events. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique, which treats the membrane
potentials of spiking neurons as differentiable signals, where discontinuities at spike
times are considered as noise. This enables an error backpropagation mechanism for
deep SNNs that follows the same principles as in conventional deep networks, but
works directly on spike signals and membrane potentials. Compared with previous
methods relying on indirect training and conversion, our technique has the potential to
capture the statistics of spikes more precisely. We evaluate the proposed framework
on artificially generated events from the original MNIST handwritten digit benchmark,
and also on the N-MNIST benchmark recorded with an event-based dynamic vision
Edited by:
Bernabe Linares-Barranco, sensor, in which the proposed method reduces the error rate by a factor of more than
Instituto de Microelectrónica de three compared to the best previous SNN, and also achieves a higher accuracy than a
Sevilla, Spain
conventional convolutional neural network (CNN) trained and tested on the same data.
Reviewed by:
We demonstrate in the context of the MNIST task that thanks to their event-driven
Tara Julia Hamilton,
Western Sydney University, Australia operation, deep SNNs (both fully connected and convolutional) trained with our method
Thomas Nowotny, achieve accuracy equivalent with conventional neural networks. In the N-MNIST example,
University of Sussex, UK
equivalent accuracy is achieved with about five times fewer computational operations.
Jun Haeng Lee Keywords: spiking neural network, deep neural network, backpropagation, neuromorphic, DVS, MNIST, N-MNIST
[email protected];
[email protected]
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to Deep learning is achieving outstanding results in various machine learning tasks (He et al.,
Neuromorphic Engineering, 2015a; LeCun et al., 2015), but for applications that require real-time interaction with the real
a section of the journal
environment, the repeated and often redundant update of large numbers of units becomes a
Frontiers in Neuroscience
bottleneck for efficiency. An alternative has been proposed in the form of spiking neural networks
Received: 30 August 2016 (SNNs), a major research topic in theoretical neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering. SNNs
Accepted: 24 October 2016
exploit event-based, data-driven updates to gain efficiency, especially if they are combined with
Published: 08 November 2016
inputs from event-based sensors, which reduce redundant information based on asynchronous
event processing (Camunas-Mesa et al., 2012; O’Connor et al., 2013; Merolla et al., 2014; Neil and
Lee JH, Delbruck T and Pfeiffer M
(2016) Training Deep Spiking Neural
Liu, 2016). This feature makes spiking systems attractive for real-time applications where speed
Networks Using Backpropagation. and power consumption are important factors, especially once adequate neuromorphic hardware
Front. Neurosci. 10:508. platforms become more widely available. Even though in theory (Maass and Markram, 2004) SNNs
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00508 have been shown to be as computationally powerful as conventional artificial neural networks
(ANNs; this term will be used to describe conventional deep belief network based on the Siegert event-rate approximation
neural networks in contrast with SNNs), practically SNNs have model. However, on the MNIST hand written digit classification
not quite reached the same accuracy levels of ANNs in traditional task (LeCun et al., 1998), which is nowadays almost perfectly
machine learning tasks. A major reason for this is the lack of solved by ANNs (0.21% error rate in Wan et al., 2013), their
adequate training algorithms for deep SNNs, since spike signals approach only reached an accuracy around 94.09%. Hunsberger
(i.e., discrete events produced by a spiking neuron whenever its and Eliasmith (2015) used the softened rate model, in which a
internal state crosses a threshold condition) are not differentiable, hard threshold in the response function of leaky integrate and
but differentiable activation functions are fundamental for using fire (LIF) neuron is replaced with a continuous differentiable
error backpropagation, which is still by far the most widely used function to make it amenable to use in backpropagation. After
algorithm for training deep neural networks. training an ANN with the rate model they converted it into a SNN
A recently proposed solution is to use different data consisting of LIF neurons. With the help of pre-training based on
representations between training and processing, i.e., training a denoising autoencoders they achieved 98.6% in the permutation-
conventional ANN and developing conversion algorithms that invariant (PI) MNIST task (see Section 3.1). Diehl et al. (2015)
transfer the weights into equivalent deep SNNs (O’Connor et al., trained deep neural networks with conventional deep learning
2013; Diehl et al., 2015; Esser et al., 2015; Hunsberger and techniques and additional constraints necessary for conversion
Eliasmith, 2015). However, in these methods, details of statistics to SNNs. After training, the ANN units were converted into
in spike trains that go beyond ideal mean rate modeling, such as non-leaky spiking neurons and the performance was optimized
required for processing practical event-based sensor data cannot by normalizing weight parameters. This approach resulted in
be precisely represented by the signals used for training. It is the current state-of-the-art accuracy for SNNs of 98.64% in
therefore desirable to devise learning rules operating directly on the PI MNIST task. Esser et al. (2015) used a differentiable
spike trains, but so far it has only been possible to train single probabilistic spiking neuron model for training and statistically
layers, and use unsupervised learning rules, which leads to a sampled the trained network for deployment. In all of these
deterioration of accuracy (Masquelier and Thorpe, 2007; Neftci methods, training was performed indirectly using continuous
et al., 2014; Diehl and Cook, 2015). An alternative approach has signals, which may not capture important statistics of spikes
recently been introduced by O’Connor and Welling (2016), in generated by real sensors used during processing. Even though
which a SNN learns from spikes, but requires keeping statistics SNNs are well-suited for processing signals from event-based
for computing stochastic gradient descent (SGD) updates in sensors such as the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) (Lichtsteiner
order to approximate a conventional ANN. et al., 2008), the previous SNN training models require removing
In this paper we introduce a novel supervised learning method time information and generating image frames from the event
for SNNs, which closely follows the successful backpropagation streams. Instead, in this article we use the same signal format
algorithm for deep ANNs, but here is used to train general for training and processing deep SNNs, and can thus train SNNs
forms of deep SNNs directly from spike signals. This framework directly on spatio-temporal event streams considering non-ideal
includes both fully connected and convolutional SNNs, SNNs factors such as pixel variation in sensors. This is demonstrated
with leaky membrane potential, and layers implementing spiking on the neuromorphic N-MNIST benchmark dataset (Orchard
winner-takes-all (WTA) circuits. The key idea of our approach et al., 2015), achieving higher accuracy with a smaller number of
is to generate a continuous and differentiable signal on which neurons than all previous attempts that ignored spike timing by
SGD can work, using low-pass filtered spiking signals added using event-rate approximation models for training.
onto the membrane potential and treating abrupt changes of
the membrane potential as noise during error backpropagation.
Additional techniques are presented that address particular 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
challenges of SNN training: Spiking neurons typically require 2.1. Spiking Neural Networks
large thresholds to achieve stability and reasonable firing rates, In this article we study two types of networks: Fully connected
but large thresholds may result in many “dead” neurons, which SNNs with multiple hidden layers and convolutional SNNs. Let
do not participate in the optimization during training. Novel M and N be the number of synapses of a neuron and the number
regularization and normalization techniques are proposed that of neurons in a layer, respectively. On the other hand, m and n
contribute to stable and balanced learning. Our techniques lay are the number of active synapses (i.e., synapses receiving spike
the foundations for closing the performance gap between SNNs inputs) of a neuron and the number of active neurons (sending
and ANNs, and promote their use for practical applications. spike outputs) in a layer during the presentation of an input
sample. We will also use the simplified form of indices for active
1.1. Related Work synapses and neurons throughout the paper as
Gradient descent methods for SNNs have not been deeply
investigated because both spike trains and the underlying Active synapses: {v1 , · · · , vm }→{1, · · · , m}
membrane potentials are not differentiable at the time of spikes. Active neurons: {u1 , · · · , un }→{1, · · · , n}
The most successful approaches to date have used indirect
methods, such as training a network in the continuous rate Thus, if an index i, j, or k is used for a synapse over [1, m] or a
domain and converting it into a spiking version. O’Connor neuron over [1, n] (e.g., in Equation 5), then it actually represents
et al. (2013) pioneered this area by training a spiking deep an index of an active synapse (vi ) or an active neuron (uj ).
2.1.1. Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) Neuron adding WTA circuits in certain layers. In a WTA circuit, multiple
The LIF neuron is one of the simplest models used for describing neurons form a group with lateral inhibitory connections. Thus,
dynamics of spiking neurons (Gerstner and Kistler, 2002). Since as soon as any neuron produces an output spike, it inhibits all
the states of LIF neurons can be updated asynchronously based other neurons in the circuit and prevents them from spiking
solely on the timing of input events (i.e., without timestepped (Rozell et al., 2008; Oster et al., 2009). In this work, all lateral
integration), LIF is computationally efficient. For a given input connections in a WTA circuit have the same strength, which
spike the membrane potential of a LIF neuron can be updated as reduces memory and computational costs for implementing
them. The amount of lateral inhibition applied to the membrane
tp − 1 −tp
τmp (p) potential is proportional to the inhibited neuron’s membrane
Vmp (tp ) = Vmp (tp − 1 )e + wi wdyn , (1)
potential threshold (the exact form is defined in Equation 5
in Section 2.2.2). With this scheme, lateral connections inhibit
where Vmp is the membrane potential, τmp is the membrane time
neurons having small Vth weakly and those having large Vth
constant, tp and tp − 1 are the present and previous input spike
strongly. This improves the balance of activities among neurons
times, wi is the synaptic weight of the i-th synapse (through during training since neurons with higher activities have larger
which the present p-th input spike arrives). We introduce here Vth due to the threshold regularization scheme described in
a dynamic weight wdyn , which controls the refractory period Section 2.3.2. Furthermore, as described previously in Section
following 2.1.1, lateral inhibition is used to put the dynamic weights of all
( inhibited neurons in a WTA circuit into the refractory state. As
(1t /Tref )2 if 1t < Tref and wdyn < 1 shown in Figure 3 and discussed later in Section 3.1, we found
wdyn = (2)
1 otherwise that adding WTA circuits both improves classification accuracy,
and improves the stability and speed of convergence during
where Tref is the maximum duration of the refractory period, and training.
1t = tout − tp , where tout is the time of the latest output spike
produced by the neuron or an external trigger signal through 2.2. Using Backpropagation in SNNs
lateral inhibition as discussed in Section 2.1.2. Thus, the effect In order to derive and apply the backpropagation equations for
of input spikes on Vmp is suppressed for a short period of time training SNNs, after summarizing the classical backpropagation
Tref after an output spike. wdyn recovers quadratically to 1 after method (Rumelhart and Zipser, 1985) we derive differentiable
the output spike at tout . Since wdyn is a neuron parameter and transfer functions for spiking neurons in WTA configuration.
applied to all synapses identically, it is different from short- Furthermore, we introduce simple methods to initialize
term plasticity, which is a synapse specific mechanism. The parameters and normalize backpropagating errors to address
motivation to use dynamic weights instead of simpler refractory vanishing or exploding gradients, and to stabilize training. These
mechanisms, such as simply blocking the generation of output are variations of successful methods used commonly in deep
spikes, is that it allows controlling refractory states by external learning, but adapted to the specific requirements of SNNs.
mechanisms. One example is the introduction of WTA circuits
in Section 2.1.2, where lateral inhibition simultaneously puts 2.2.1. Backpropagation Revisited
all neurons competing in a WTA into the refractory state. Neural networks are typically optimized by SGD, meaning that
This ensures that the winning neuron gets another chance to the vector of network parameters or weights θ is moved in
win the competition, since otherwise another neuron could fire the direction of the negative gradient of some loss function L
while only the winner has to reset its membrane potential after according to θ = θ − η∂L/∂θ , where η is the learning rate.
generating a spike. The backpropagation algorithm uses the chain rule to compute
When Vmp crosses the threshold value Vth , the LIF neuron the partial derivatives ∂L/∂θ . For completeness we provide here
generates an output spike and Vmp is decreased by the amount a summary of backprop for conventional fully-connected deep
of the threshold: neural networks:
1. Propagation inputs in the forward direction to compute the
Vmp (tp+ ) = Vmp (tp ) − Vth , (3) pre-activations (z(l) ) and activations (a(l) = f (l) (z(l) )) for all
the layers up to the output layer lnl , where f is the transfer
where tp+ is the time right after the reset. A lower bound for the function of units.
membrane potential is set at −Vth , and Vmp is clipped whenever 2. Calculate the error at the output layer:
it falls below this value. This strategy helps balancing the
∂L(a(nl ) ,y) ∂L(a(nl ) ,y)
participation of neurons during training by preventing neurons δ (nl ) = = · f ′ (z(nl ) )
∂z(nl ) ∂a(nl )
from having highly negative membrane potentials. We will revisit
this issue when we introduce threshold regularization in Section where y is the label vector indicating the desired output
2.3.2. activation and · is element-wise multiplication.
3. Backpropagate the error to lower layers l = nl − 1, nl −
2.1.2. Winner-Take-All (WTA) Circuit 2, . . . , 2:
We found that the accuracy of SNNs could be improved by
introducing a competitive recurrent architecture in the form of δ (l) = (W (l) )T δ (l + 1) · f ′ (z(l) )
where W (l) is the weight matrix of the layer l. the neurons have same τmp , Equation (5) provides the basis for
4. Compute the partial derivatives for the update: deriving the backpropagation algorithm via the chain rule.
Differentiation is not defined in Equation (4) at the moment of
∇W (l) L = δ (l + 1) (a(l) )T
each spike because there is a discontinuous step jump. However,
∇b(l) L = δ (l + 1) we propose here to ignore these fluctuations, and treat Equations
(4) and (5) as if they were differentiable continuous signals
where b(l) is the bias vector of the layer l. to derive the necessary error gradients for backpropagation.
5. Update the parameters: In previous works (O’Connor et al., 2013; Diehl et al., 2015;
W (l) = W (l) − η∇W (l) L Esser et al., 2015; Hunsberger and Eliasmith, 2015), continuous
variables were introduced as a surrogate for xk and ai in Equation
b(l) = b(l) − η∇b(l) L (5) for backpropagation. In this work, however, we directly use
the contribution of spike signals to the membrane potential
2.2.2. Transfer Function and Derivatives as defined in Equation (4). Thus, the real statistics of spike
Starting from the event-based update of the membrane potentials signals, including temporal effects such as synchrony between
in Equation (1), we can define the accumulated effect (normalized inputs, can influence the training process. Ignoring the step
by synaptic weight) of the k-th active input synapse onto the jumps caused by spikes in the calculation of gradients might of
membrane potential of a target neuron as xk (t). Similarly, the course introduce errors, but as our results show, in practice this
generation of spikes in neuron i acts on its own membrane seems to have very little influence on SNN training. A potential
potential via the term ai , which is due to the reset in Equation explanation for this robustness of our training scheme is that
(3) (normalized by Vth ). Both xk and ai can be expressed as sums by treating the signals in Equation (4) as continuous signals
of exponentially decaying terms that fluctuate suddenly at times of spikes, we achieve a similar
positive effect as the widely used approach of noise injection
tp − t tq − t during training, which can improve the generalization capability
xk (t) = exp , ai (t) = exp , (4) of neural networks (Vincent et al., 2008). In the case of SNNs,
τmp q
several papers have used the trick of treating spike-induced
abrupt changes as noise for gradient descent optimization
where the first sum is over all input spike times tp < t at (Bengio et al., 2015; Hunsberger and Eliasmith, 2015). However,
the k-th input synapse, and the second sum is over the output in these cases the model added Gaussian random noise instead
spike times tq < t for ai . The accumulated effects of lateral of spike-induced perturbations. In this work, we directly use the
inhibitory signals in WTA circuits can be expressed analogously actual contribution of spike signals to the membrane potential as
to Equation (4). The activities in Equation (4) are real-valued and described in Equation (4) for training SNNs. Our results show
continuous except for the time points where spikes occur and the empirically that this approach works well for learning in SNNs
activities jump up. We use these numerically computed lowpass- where information is encoded in spike rates. Importantly, the
filtered activities for backpropagation instead of directly using presented framework also provides the basis for utilizing specific
spike signals. spatio-temporal codes, which we demonstrate on a task using
Ignoring the effect of refractory periods for now, the inputs from event-based sensors.
membrane potential of the i-th active neuron in a WTA circuit For the backpropagation equations it is necessary to obtain
can be written in terms of xk and ai defined in Equation (4) as the transfer functions of LIF neurons in WTA circuits (which
generalizes to non-WTA layers by setting κij = 0 for all i and j).
X n
X For this we set the residual Vmp term in the left side of Equation
Vmp,i (t) = wik xk (t) − Vth,i ai (t) + σ Vth,i κij aj (t). (5) (5) to zero (since it is not relevant to the transfer function),
k=1 j = 1,j 6= i resulting in the transfer function
FIGURE 1 | Conceptual diagram showing the relationship between signals in the proposed spiking neural network model. Error gradients are
back-propagated through the components of the membrane potential defined in Equation (4).
Directly differentiating Equation (6) yields the changes decays rapidly with connection distance. Thus, first-
backpropagation equations order approximation saves a lot of computational cost without
loss of accuracy.
∂ai 1 ∂ai ∂ai
≈ , ≈ xk ,
∂si Vth,i ∂wik ∂si 2.2.3. Weight Initialization and Backprop Error
∂ai ∂ai
X Normalization
≈ (−ai + σ κij aj ), Good initialization of weight parameters in supervised learning
∂Vth,i ∂si
j 6= i is critical to handle the exploding or vanishing gradients problem
∂ai ∂ai in deep neural networks (Glorot and Bengio, 2010; He et al.,
≈ (σ Vth,i ah ), (7)
∂κih ∂si 2015b). The basic idea behind those methods is to maintain
1 −1 w1k the balance of forward activations and backward propagating
∂xk q · · · −κ1n Vth,1
errors among layers. Recently, the batch normalization technique
. ≈ 1
. .. . . .. ..
. . . . . (8) has been proposed to make sure that such balance is
∂a1 wnk maintained through the whole training process (Ioffe and
−κ n1 · · · q V
k th,n
Szegedy, 2015). However, normalization of activities as in the
where q = 1/σ . When all the lateral inhibitory connections have batch normalization scheme is difficult for SNNs, because
the same strength (κij = µ, ∀i, j) and are not learned, ∂ai /∂κih is there is no efficient method for amplifying event rates above
not necessary and Equation (8) can be simplified to the input rate. The initialization methods proposed in Glorot
and Bengio (2010) or He et al. (2015b) are not appropriate
for SNNs either, because SNNs have positive thresholds
∂ai ∂ai 1 µσ V th,i
X w jk
≈ wik − . (9) that are usually much larger than individual weight values.
∂xk ∂si (1 − µσ ) 1 + µσ (n − 1) Vth,j In this work, we propose simple methods for initializing
parameters and normalizing backprop errors for training
By inserting the above derivatives in Equations (7) and (9) into deep SNNs. Even though the proposed technique does not
the standard error backpropagation algorithm, we obtain an guarantee the balance of forward activations, it is effective for
effective learning rule for SNNs. We consider only the first-order addressing the exploding and vanishing gradients problems.
effect of the lateral connections in the derivation of gradients. Error normalization is not critical for training SNNs with
Higher-order terms propagating back through multiple lateral a single hidden layer. However, we observed that training
connections are neglected for simplicity. This is mainly because deep SNNs without normalizing backprop errors mostly failed
all the lateral connections considered here are inhibitory. For due to exploding gradients. We describe here the method in
inhibitory lateral connections, the effect of small parameter case of fully-connected deep networks for simplicity. However,
the same method is also used for training convolutional the threshold values whenever the target neuron does not fully
SNNs. respond to the corresponding input. Small thresholds, however,
The weight and threshold parameters of neurons in the l-th could lead to exploding firing rates within the network. Thus,
layer are initialized as we used smaller learning rates for threshold updates to prevent
q q q the threshold parameters from decreasing too much. x̂ and â in
w(l) ∼ U − 3/M (l) , 3/M (l) , Vth(l)
= α 3/M (l) , α > 1, Equation (13) are the effective
P input and output activities defined
as: x̂j = xj , âi = γ ai − σ nj6= i κij aj . By using Equation (13), at
(10) the initial stage of training, the amount of updates depends on the
where U[−a, a] is the uniform distribution in the interval (−a, a), expectation of per-synapse activity of active inputs, regardless of
M (l) is the number of synapses of each neuron, and α is a the number of active synapses or neurons. Thus, we can balance
constant. α should be large enough to stabilize spiking neurons, updates among layers in deep SNNs.
but small enough to make the neurons respond to the inputs
through multiple layers. In general, layers with smaller number of 2.3. Regularization
units need to have smaller α to generate more spikes per neuron As in conventional ANNs, regularization techniques such as
and maintain a high enough input activity for the next layer. We weight decay during training are essential to improve the
used values between 3 and 10 for α and tuned them for each layer generalization capability of SNNs. Another problem in training
to increase the learning speed, although other choices of α will SNNs is that because thresholds need to be initialized to large
lead to similar results. The weights initialized by Equation (10) values as described in Equation (10), only a few neurons respond
satisfy the following condition: to input stimuli and many of them remain silent. This is a
significant problem, especially in WTA circuits. In this section
M (l) we introduce weight and threshold regularization methods to
h i 1
E (wji(l) )2 =
E (wji )2 = 1 or . (11) address these issues.
M (l)
2.3.1. Weight Regularization
This condition is used for backprop error normalization in Weight decay regularization is used to improve the stability of
the next paragraph. In addition, to ensure stability, the weight SNNs as well as their generalization capability. Specifically, we
parameters are regularized by decaying them so that they do not want to maintain the condition in Equation (11). Conventional
deviate too much from Equation (11) throughout training. We L2-regularization was found to be inadequate for this purpose,
will discuss the weight regularization in detail in Section 2.3.1. because it leads to an initial fast growth, followed by a continued
The main idea of backprop error normalization is to balance decrease of weights. To address this issue, a new method named
the magnitude of updates in weight (and in threshold) parameters exponential regularization is introduced, which is inspired from
among layers. In the l-th layer (N (l) = M (l+1) , n(l) = m(l+1) ), max-norm regularization (Srivastava et al., 2014). The cost
we define the error propagating back through the i-th active function of exponential regularization for neuron i of layer l is
neuron as defined as:
s PM(l)
n(l + 1) (wij(l) )2 −1
(l) gi(l) M (l + 1) X (l + 1) (l + 1) 1 β
Lw (l, i) = λe
, (14)
δi = (l) wji δj , (12) 2
ḡ m(l + 1) j
where β and λ are parameters to control the balance between
error correction and regularization. Its derivative with respect
r h i q P
n(l) (l)
where gi(l) = 1/Vth,i
, ḡ (l) = E (gi(l) )2 ∼= n1(l) i (gi )2 . to a weight parameter can be written as (for the purpose of
Thus, with Equation (11), the expectation of the squared comparison with L2 and max-norm regularization):
sum of errors can be maintained constant through layers
P (l) PM(l)
(i.e., E[ in (δi(l) )2 ] = 1 for all layers) . Although this was ∂Lw (l, i) β j (wij(l) )2 −1
= βλ × wij(l) ×e (15)
confirmed for the case without a WTA circuit, we found that ∂wij(l)
it still approximately holds for networks using WTA. The
discrepancy could easily be corrected by introducing additional L2-regularization has a constant rate of decay regardless of
parameters in Equation (12), but all results presented in this weight values, whereas max-norm regularization imposes an
paper were obtained with the simpler version. Weight and upper bound of weight increase. Exponential regularization is a
threshold parameters are updated as: compromise between the two. The decay rate is exponentially
s s proportional to the squared sum of weights. Thus, it strongly
N (l) (l) (l) N (l) prohibits the increase of weights like max-norm regularization.
1wij(l) = −ηw δ x̂ , (l)
1Vth,i = −ηth δ (l) â(l) ,
m(l) i j m M (l) i i
(l) Weight parameters are always decaying in any range of values
(13) to improve the generalization capability as in L2-regularization.
where ηw and ηth are the learning rates for weight and threshold However, exponential regularization prevents weights from
parameters, respectively. We found that the threshold values tend decreasing too much by reducing the decay rate. Thus, the
to decrease through the training epochs due to SGD decreasing magnitude of weights can be easily maintained at a certain level.
2.3.2. Threshold Regularization error vector, which is normalized as (o − y)/ Nnze , where Nnze
Threshold regularization is used to balance the activities among is the number of nonzero elements in (o − y). The error is
N neurons receiving the same input stimuli. This mechanism propagated backward through the network using the chain rule
prevents the occurrence of too many dead neurons, and thereby to update weight and threshold parameters. Thus, the backward
improves accuracy. Threshold regularization is particularly phase is done once for each input sample like in the conventional
important when WTA circuits are used, since the firing of frame-based backprop.
neurons is additionally suppressed by lateral inhibition. When
Nw neurons fire after receiving an input spike, their thresholds 3. RESULTS
are increased by ρN. Subsequently, for all N neurons, the
threshold is decreased by ρNw . Thus, highly active neurons MNIST is a hand written digit classification dataset consisting of
become less sensitive to input stimuli due to the increase of 60,000 training samples and 10,000 test samples (LeCun et al.,
their thresholds. On the other hand, rarely active neurons 1998). MNIST nowadays is a weak benchmark for deep learning,
can respond more easily for subsequent stimuli. Because the but it is still widely used to test new concepts, and, importantly,
membrane potentials are restricted to the range [−Vth , Vth ], the only dataset for which SNN results for comparison are
neurons with smaller thresholds, because of their tight lower available. For all the results in this paper, we trained on all 60 k
bound, tend to be less influenced by negative inputs. Threshold training samples (except for the CNN case where we used only
regularization actively prevents dead neurons and encourages all 50 k samples and reserved 10 k samples as a validation set to
neurons to equally contribute to the optimization. This kind of determine best network parameters). We only used the 10 k test
regularization has been used for competitive learning previously set samples for evaluation of classification accuracy.
(Rumelhart and Zipser, 1985; Afshar et al., 2014). We set a
lower bound on thresholds to prevent spiking neurons from 3.1. Permutation Invariant (PI) MNIST
firing too much due to extremely small threshold values. If The permutation-invariant (PI) version of MNIST refers to the
the threshold of a neuron is supposed to go below the lower fact that the input images are randomly permuted, resulting in
bound, then instead of decreasing the threshold, all weight values a loss of spatial structure and effectively random sparse input
of the neuron are increased by the same amount. Threshold patterns. By randomly permuting the input stimuli we prohibit
regularization was done during the forward propagation in the use of techniques that exploit spatial correlations within
training. inputs, such as data augmentation or convolutions to improve
performance. Using the PI MNIST thus more directly measures
2.4. Objective Function and Training the power of a fully-connected classifier.
Procedure Figure 2A shows the architecture of a fully connected SNN
Using the regularization term from Equation (14), the objective with one hidden layer (HL). An event stream is generated from
function for each training sample (using batch size = 1) is a 28 × 28 pixel image of a hand written digit at the input layer,
given by which is standard practice for SNNs (O’Connor et al., 2013; Diehl
et al., 2015). The intensity of each pixel defines the event rate of
1 X X
Poisson events. We normalized the total event rate to be 5 keps
L= ko − yk2 + Lw (l, i) (16)
2 (∼43 eps per non-zero pixel on average). The accuracy of the
l∈hidden i
SNN tends to improve as the integration time (i.e., the duration
where y is the label vector and o is the output vector. Each element of the input stimuli) increases. We used a 1 second duration of
of o is defined as oi = #spikei / maxj (#spikej ), where #spikei is the input event stream during accuracy measurements to obtain
the number of output spikes generated by the i-th neuron of the stable results. Further increase of integration time improved the
output layer. The output is normalized by the maximum value accuracy only marginally (<0.1%). During training, only 50 ms
instead of the sum of all outputs. With this scheme, it is not presentations per digit were used to reduce the training time. In
necessary to use weight regularization for the output layer. the initial phase of training deep SNNs, neuron activities tend
The training procedure can be summarized as follows: to quickly decrease propagating into higher layers due to non-
For every training sample, e.g., an image from the MNIST optimal weights and large thresholds. Thus, for the networks with
database, a set of events is generated. The events are propagated 2 HLs, the first epoch was used as an initial training phase by
forward through the network using the event-driven update rule increasing the duration of the input stimuli to 200 ms. Learning
described in Equation (1) with threshold regularization. This rate and threshold regularization were decayed by exp(−1/35)
simulation is purely event-driven, and does not use discrete time every epoch. Typical values for parameters are listed in Table 1.
steps. Auxiliary activity values defined in Equation (4) are also We trained and evaluated SNNs with differently sized hidden
calculated for training during forward propagation. Threshold layers (784-N-10, where N = 100, 200, 300) and varied the
regularization and auxiliary activity values are used for training strength of lateral inhibitory connections in WTA circuits (in the
only. Thus, they are not necessary if the trained network is HL and the output layer) to find their optimum value. All the
used later for inference. After all the events from the set have networks were initialized with the same weight values and trained
finished propagating forward through the network, the events for 150 epochs. The reported accuracy is the average over epochs
of the output layer are counted to obtain the output vector [131, 150], which reduces the fluctuation caused by random spike
as described above Equation (16). This is used to calculate the timing in the input spike stream and training. Figure 2B shows
FIGURE 2 | (A) Single hidden layer SNN. (B) Trained weight values of the hidden layer of 784-100-10 SNN with WTA circuit. The length of the red bars under the
illustration of the weights indicates the neurons’ thresholds.
TABLE 1 | Values of parameters used in the experiments. (98.64 %) obtained from the SNN with 1 HL matched to that of
the shallow ANN (i.e., MLP) (98.4%) and the previous state-of-
Parameters Values Used in
the-art of deep SNNs (98.64%) (Diehl et al., 2015; Hunsberger
τmp 20 ms (MNIST), 200 ms (N-MNIST) Equations (1) and (4) and Eliasmith, 2015). We attribute this improvement to the use
Tref 1 ms Equation (1) of WTA circuits and the direct optimization on spike signals. The
α 3−10 Equation (10) best accuracy of a SNN with 2 HLs was 98.7% with vanilla SGD.
ηw 0.002−0.004 Equation (13)
We used the ADAM (Adaptive Moment Estimation) learning
ηth 0.1ηw (SGD), ηw (ADAM) Equation (13)
method to improve the accuracy (Kingma and Ba, 2014). This
β 10 Equation (14)
method has been shown to accelerate learning in numerous
λ 0.002−0.04 Equation (14)
deep learning experiments. It computes adaptive learning rates
for each parameter based on exponentially decaying averages of
ρ 0.00004−0.0002 Section 2.3.2
past gradients and squared gradients. By applying the ADAM
learning method (β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999, ǫ = 10−8 ), we
could further improve the best accuracy up to 98.77%, which
the trained weight and threshold (red bar width) values of the HL is close to ANNs trained with Dropout or DropConnect (Wan
of a 784-100-10 SNN with WTA circuit. It is clearly observed that et al., 2013; Srivastava et al., 2014) as shown in Table 2. Since
the WTA circuit leads to a sparse representation. Figure 3 shows there is no additional information contained in the precise
the accuracy measured by varying the lateral inhibition strength spike timing in the MNIST task, these results demonstrate that
in the HL. As the figure shows, the best performance was obtained our presented method achieves competitive results on standard
when the lateral inhibition was at −0.4, regardless of N. For the machine learning benchmarks.
output layer, we found that −1.0 gave the best result. Table 2
show the accuracies of various shallow and deep architectures
in comparison with previous reports. For the deep SNNs with 3.2. Spiking Convolutional Neural Network
2 HLs, the first HL and the output layer were competing as on MNIST
WTA circuits. The strength of the lateral inhibition was −0.4 Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are currently the most
and −1.0 for each one as in the case of the SNNs with 1 HL. popular architecture for visual recognition tasks. Since CNNs can
However, for the second HL, the best accuracy was obtained effectively make use of the spatial structure of the visual world,
without a WTA circuit, which possibly means that the outputs we tested them on the standard MNIST benchmark (LeCun
of the first hidden layer cannot be sparsified as much as the et al., 1998) with data augmentation, instead of the previously
original inputs without losing information. The strength of the used permutation invariant version. In SNNs, the state of the
lateral inhibition could be learned instead of hand-tuned, but no art accuracy on MNIST has been achieved using CNNs (Diehl
improvement through learning was noticed. The best accuracy et al., 2015). Here we applied our method to train a spiking CNN
3.3. N-MNIST
to its best possible classification accuracy. The network has 2 To investigate the potential of the proposed method for training
stages of convolution layers, each followed by a 2 × 2 pooling directly on event stream data, we trained a simple fully connected
layer. For the results in this paper, the pooling was configured networks with 1 HL on the N-MNIST dataset, a neuromorphic
to be effectively sum pooling by using neurons with weights of version of MNIST (Orchard et al., 2015). As shown in Figure 4,
1 and threshold of 0.8. However, it is not completely equivalent it was generated by panning and tilting a Dynamic Vision Sensor
to sum pooling, because spiking neurons can be in a refractory (DVS) (Lichtsteiner et al., 2008) in front of projected images of
period, and then not every input spike produces a guaranteed digits. A 3-phase saccade movement of the DVS (identical for
output spike. The convolution layers produce 20 and 50 feature all samples) is responsible for generating events, which shifts the
maps, respectively, with kernels of size 5 × 5. The output of the position of the digit in pixel space. The event stream of each
second pooling layer is connected to a fully connected hidden digit sample has a 300 ms period with 100 ms for each saccade
layer with 200 neurons followed by the output layer with 10 (Figures 4, 5A) . We increased the spatial resolution of the
class neurons. Elastic distortion, an effective data augmentation network input to 34 × 34 to allow space for this saccadic motion.
technique, was used on the input images to artificially increase N-MNIST poses different challenges than standard computer
the training set, and further improve the accuracy (Loosli et al., vision datasets in several aspects: First, the goal is recognizing
FIGURE 5 | Classification of the N-MNIST neuromorphic dataset. (A) Instantaneous input event rate per pixel (i.e., total event rate divided by 34 × 34 × 2) (±
std. dev.) averaged over 10,000 N-MNIST test samples. (B) SNNs naturally improve their accuracy over time as they integrate previous and current inference results.
Big jumps in the accuracy of the (34 × 34 × 2)-200-10 SNN were observed at the times when the input event rate (see A) was highest (red circles).
event-streams coming from a real silicon retina sensor. Thus, the TABLE 4 | Comparison of accuracy of different models on N-MNIST.
spike trains are not Poisson event streams, which are typically
Network # units in HLs Centering Test accuracy (%)
used to convert still images into spike trains. Second, N-MNIST
contains dynamic spatio-temporal patterns of events since the ANN (Neil and Liu, 2016) CNN Yes 98.3
positions of digits are changing over time due to the saccade
motion. Simply accumulating events over the entire 300 ms SNN (Neil and Liu, 2016) CNN Yes 95.72
period to generate frames for training therefore does not lead to SNN (Cohen et al., 2016) 10,000 No 92.87
good recognition accuracy because those frames will be blurred, SNN (This work) 800 No [98.56, 98.66, 98.74]∗
but accumulating over very short times means that because of
*[min, average, max] values over epochs [181, 200].
the direction of motion, some edges will be emphasized and
others not visible. This makes the N-MNIST benchmark as a
dynamic pattern recognition task for event-based vision sensors 98.66% accuracy, or 1.34% error rate with 800 hidden units (i.e.,
significantly more challenging than the static MNIST task, and a (34×34×2)-800-10 SNN) is the best N-MNIST result with SNNs
better fit for the strengths of SNNs. reported to date (even better than those obtained for non-spiking
The previous state-of-the-art result had achieved 95.72% CNNs). Our method improves the best previously-reported ANN
accuracy with a spiking CNN (Neil and Liu, 2016). Their result of 1.7% error rate, and in addition achieves an almost
approach was based on Diehl et al. (2015), converting an ANN 3 times smaller error rate than the best previous spiking CNN
to an SNN instead of directly training on spike trains. This led (4.28%). It is also far better than a fully-connected SNN with 10
to a large drop of accuracy after conversion (98.3% → 95.72%), k hidden units (7.13%) in Cohen et al. (2016) even though our
even though the event streams were pre-processed to center network uses only 800 hidden units. This result clearly shows
the position of the digits. In this work, however, we train and the importance and possible benefits of training SNNs directly
test directly on the original uncentered data. Thus, the SNN on event streams.
has to learn how to recognize dynamic spatio-temporal patterns An SNN continuously generates output spikes, thereby
of events rather than purely spatial patterns. For training, 300 improving the accuracy as it integrates input events over time.
consecutive events were picked at random time positions from Each output spike can be interpreted as an instantaneous
each of the training digit event streams (about 8% of the inference based on a small set of input spikes over a short period
average of about 4k total events per digit), whereas the full preceding the spike. This is true for dynamic spatio-temporal
event streams were used for evaluating the test accuracy. Since event patterns like the N-MNIST task as shown in Figure 5 ((34×
the DVS generated two types of events (on-events for intensity 34 × 2)-200-10 SNN). Figure 5A shows the instantaneous input
increase, off-events for intensity decrease), we separated events event rate per pixel (i.e., total event rate divided by 34 × 34 × 2)
into two channels based on the event type, which made the averaged over 10,000 N-MNIST test samples. Figure 5B shows
input layer size 34 × 34 × 2. Table 4 shows that our result of how the classification error drops as more events are accumulated
from the successive saccades; the dramatic initial drop shows 4. DISCUSSION
that for most digits most of the information about the digit is
available from the first saccade already. Each subsequent saccade We proposed a variant of the classic backpropagation algorithm,
approximately halves the error rate. known as the most widely used supervised learning algorithm
Integration of inference for dynamic pattern recognition can for deep neural networks, which can be applied to train
also be achieved in ANNs by iteratively performing inference deep SNNs. Unlike previously proposed techniques based on
over multiple consecutive images and using a majority vote as ANN-to-SNN conversion methods (Diehl et al., 2015; Esser
the predicted output. To investigate this, we trained an ANN et al., 2015; Hunsberger and Eliasmith, 2015), our method can
with the same network architecture as the SNN, but using images optimize networks by using real spike events from neuromorphic
of accumulated events over consecutive 30-ms intervals. Since vision sensors during training. We found that regularization
we generated frames from the events over only short periods, of weight and threshold parameters are critical to stabilize
preprocessing such as stabilizing the position of digits was not the training process and achieve good accuracy. We also
required. No significant blurring caused by saccade motion was proposed a novel normalization technique for backpropagating
observed in the generated frames. The test accuracy for each error gradients to train deep SNNs. We have shown that
single snapshot image using the ANN was 95.2%. This can be our novel spike-based backpropagation technique for multi-
interpreted as an instantaneous inference in ANNs. To obtain the layer fully-connected and convolutional SNNs works on the
final prediction, we accumulated the outputs of the softmax layer standard benchmarks MNIST and PI MNIST, and also on N-
for 10 frames. When combining the results over 10 image frames MNIST Orchard et al. (2015), which contains spatio-temporal
(i.e., 300 ms in total), the error rate of the ANN drops to 2.2%. structure in the events generated by a neuromorphic vision
This accumulation of predictions reduced the gap between the sensor. We improve the previous state-of-the-art accuracy
ANN and SNN in term of accuracy practically to zero, however, of SNNs on both tasks and achieve accuracy levels that
it increased the computational cost for inference in the ANN far match those of conventional deep networks. Closing this gap
beyond that of the SNN. Figure 6 compares the computational makes deep SNNs attractive for tasks with highly redundant
cost (in terms of synaptic operations: 1 synaptic operation information or energy constrained applications, due to the
corresponds to 1 MAC in ANNs) for the N-MNIST task between benefits of event-based computation, and advantages of efficient
an SNN and an ANN using accumulation across multiple frames. neuromorphic processors (Merolla et al., 2014). We expect
The computational cost for the ANN increased dramatically that the proposed technique can better capture the timing
(around 4.8 times) compared to the SNN reaching a similar statistics of spike signals generated from event-based sensors,
classification performance. Precise comparison of computational which is an important advantage over previous SNN training
cost in energy is not feasible at this moment since adequate methods.
hardware for SNN is not available. Nevertheless, it clearly shows Recent advances in deep learning have demonstrated the
the benefit of event-driven computation in SNNs for fast and importance of working with large datasets and extensive
accurate inference on event-stream inputs computational resources. The MNIST benchmark, under these
considerations needs to be considered too small for evaluating
the scaling of architectures and learning methods to larger
applications. Furthermore, the dataset is not meant as a
benchmark for SNNs, because it does not provide spike events
generated from real sensors. Nevertheless, it remains important
since new methods and architectures are still frequently
evaluated on MNIST. In particular, almost all recently published
SNN papers are tested on MNIST, where it remains the
only dataset allowing comparisons. The N-MNIST benchmark
(Orchard et al., 2015), which was recorded directly with
neuromorphic vision sensors, is a more meaningful testbed
for SNNs, even though it is still small in size, similar to
the original MNIST. The fact that all events were generated
following the same saccade patterns for all samples was a
choice made by the creators of the dataset, and might lead
to networks learning the particular spatial patterns of the
saccades. It is thus unknown how classifiers trained on N-
MNIST would generalize to different movement patterns, and
FIGURE 6 | Comparison of the computational cost (# of MAC possibly the accuracy for arbitrary saccade patterns would
operations for ANN, # synaptic operations for SNN) for inference
between ANN and SNN in the N-MNIST task. SNN and ANN have the
same architecture: (34 × 34 × 2)-200-10. To address the movement of digits in
Just as hardware acceleration through GPUs has been critical
the ANN case, the input spike streams were accumulated for 30 ms and to advance the state of the art in conventional deep learning,
turned into frames. Subsequently, inference for each frame was integrated over there is also an increasing need for powerful hardware platforms
time to improve the accuracy. The SNN reaches its best accuracy long before supporting SNN training and inference. Parallelizing event-
the ANN, which requires integrating multiple frames to reach similar accuracy.
based updates of SNNs on current GPU architectures remains
challenging (Nageswaran et al., 2009), although the option simultaneously collecting the necessary statistics for backprop
of simply time-stepping the simulated SNNs on GPUs has training.
not been carefully evaluated yet. Neuromorphic processors Here we have presented only examples where spiking
(Camunas-Mesa et al., 2012; Merolla et al., 2014; Indiveri backpropagation was applied to feed-forward networks, but an
et al., 2015) are improving to make inference in deep networks attractive next goal would be to extend the described methods
more efficient and faster (Esser et al., 2016), but applying to recurrent neural networks (RNNs) (Schmidhuber, 2015),
the training methods introduced in this paper additionally driven by event-based vision and audio sensors (Neil and
at least requires the measurement of spike statistics during Liu, 2016). Here the advantages of event-based sensors for
runtime. The limited numerical precision of neuromorphic sparsely representing precise timing could be combined with
hardware platforms may require further adaptations of the the computational power of RNNs for inference on dynamical
training method , hence, at this point a hardware speed- signals.
up of onchip SNN training is not yet feasible, but remains
an important topic for further research. It may be that a AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
platform such as SpiNNaker (Furber et al., 2013), which consists
of a mesh of specialized ARM processors, could be used JL developed the theory and performed the experiments. JL, TD,
to simulate the forward propagation through the SNN while and MP wrote the paper.
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