NX Installation Instructions

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Siemens NX is an advanced, integrated CAD/CAE/CAM software package.

This guide describes how to install NX on a user's device pursuant to the license agreement.


 The NX software cannot be used for commercial purposes.

 You cannot distribute the NX software to anyone.
 The NX software must be removed from your computer when you leave the Rensselaer

Installing NX on a computer with 64-bit Windows 10, 8.1, or 7

If you are OFF campus, the VPN needs to be up and running before attempting to install or
run this program

1. Before you can install this software, you must connect to the RPI campus network. Either
the on-campus wireless network or via the VPN. To connect to the VPN please follow the
instructions found at the following link: https://itssc.rpi.edu/hc/en-
2. Once connected to the campus network double-click on the NX Installation shortcut on
your desktop
3. Double-click on the Launch (Launch.exe) icon to start the installer.
4. Click Run at the Open File - Security Warning.
5. Click Yes at the User Account Control message. You might be prompted to enter your
RCS UserID. Please type in your RCS UserID preceded by win\ and your RCS password.
For example, if the RCS UserID is smithj, then enter win\smithj for the user name.
6. At the Software Installation screen, click Install NX.
7. Choose your preferred language and click OK.
8. In the Welcome to the Siemens NX Setup Wizard window, click Next.
9. At the Custom Setup window, there are two options:
1. Click Next to install all modules OR
2. Follow the installation grid located at the following link, depending on your
1. Using the box icons next to the Add-on products, choose which ones to
not install.
2. Click Next when finished.
10. In the Licensing windows, in the License File or Port@host field type in: 28000@nx-
license.win.rpi.edu and click Next.
11. For the NX Language Selection accept English and click Next.
12. In the Ready to install Siemens NX window, review the information and click Install.
13. Click Yes at the User Account Control message. You might be prompted to enter your
RCS UserID. Please type in your RCS UserID preceded by win\ and your RCS password.
For example, if the RCS UserID is smithj, then enter win\smithj for the user name.
14. For Windows 8.1; you might be prompted to close the Windows Explorer, click OK.
15. The installation will then proceed. Please be patient. It may take more than 20 minutes to
16. When you see Completed the Siemens NX Setup Wizard, click Finish.
17. Click on Exit to close the NX Software Installation window.
18. You must now add the licensing variables before using NX.
1. In File Explorer, right-click on This PC (My Computer) and select Properties.
2. From the System window that opens click Advanced System Settings.
3. In the System Properties window navigate to the Advanced tab and click on
Environment Variables.
4. In the Environment Variables window, under User variables for click New...
5. For the New User Variable enter the following information:

1. Variable name: UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE

2. Variable value: ACD30;ACD31
2. Click OK.
 In the NX Installation folder double-click on the templates folder.
 Double-click on the README_nx.txt file
 Follow the instructions in that file to copy template files used at RPI
 If you have any issues installing this software please contact the IT
Services and Support Center at https://support.rpi.edu/

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