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1. - Communicate your employees, agents and contractors or any other person who
could use this material, the information contained in this sheet as well as any other
information related to the risks and security measures.
2. - Provide a copy for each of its customers for this product and,
3. - Provide this same information for each of its customers for this product, besides
asking its customers to notify its employees, customers and other users the product with
this information.


Revision date: July 2009
Section 1: Identification of the chemical substance and the provider
Name of the chemical substance : UFC – 85
Internal Code of the chemical substance: ----
Provider : OXIQUIM S.A.
Address : Cañaveral 901, Quilicura, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: 02-4788200 Fax: 02-4788201
Emergency telephones in Chile : Quilicura: 02-4788111
Coronel: 041-2866523
Emergency cell 1: 97995292
Emergency cell 2: 97995285
CITUC (Chemical emergencies): 2-2473600
e-mail : [email protected]

Section 2: Information about the substance or mixture
Chemical name (IUPAC) : Mixture
Chemical formula : H-CHO (product in higher concentration)
Synomym : Formaldehyde, Methyle oxide, Methanal, Oxometane,
Metaldehyde, Formol.
No. CAS : 50-00-0 (formalin)
No. NU : 3082

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Section 3: Identification of risks

Classification of risks of the chemical product:

Health: 2 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

a) Risks for health of people : The probable lethal dose for human beings is 0.5-5

The following table gives the probable reaction of the body to several concentrations:
>1 ppm odor perceptible for most of the people.
2-3 ppm slight itching of the eyes.
4-5 ppm higher disturbance, slight tears.
10 ppm Strong tears, it can only be stand for a few minutes.
10-20 ppm difficult to breath, cough, serious irritation of nose and throat.
50-100 ppm acute irritation of respiratory tract, very probable serious injury.

Effects of an acute overexposure (once): When absorbed by the organism,

formaldehyde produces depression in the central nervous system and a similar reaction
to an alcoholic intoxication: vertigo, depression and comma. It also cause a reduction of
corporal temperature.
Inhalation : The irritant effect will be noted in the respiratory tract,
producing cough, bronchial spasm and lung irritation.
Contact with skin : Produces strong primary irritation, in some cases it gets to
chemical burnings. In some people with higher susceptibility it can produce dermatitis.
Contact with eyes : The solutions that have got straight to the eyes have produced
from lower pain up to such injuries like the permanent opacity of the cornea or the loss
of sight.
Swallowing : Produces strong pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
Effect of chronic overexposure (long term): Dermatitis has produced by sensitivity.
The effects in women include menstrual disorders and secondary sterilization.
Formaldehyde is classified as carcinogenic for laboratory animals.
Medical conditions that will worsen with the exposure to the product: Any lung
illness will worsen due to the irritation of the mucous produced by the product. Besides,
in people with sensitivity to the action of formaldehyde a delayed asthmatic reaction is
produced with short expositions to concentrations of up to 3 ppm.
b) Risks for environment: It is toxic for aquatic in concentrations of 25 ppm.
c) Special risks of the product: Higher danger of formaldehyde it is its irritating
character that produces unbearable disturbances to the people exposed.

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Section 4: First Aid Measures
In case of accidental contact with the product, proceed according to:

Inhalation: Take the person to open air. Help her to breathe if necessary. Ask for
medical attention.
Contact with skin : Wash the affected zone with abundant running water. Ask for
medical help.
Contact with the eyes : Wash immediately with abundant running water for at least
15 minutes. Contact a doctor urgently.
Swallowing : If the person is conscious, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING.
Give to drink 250 cc (one cup) of water, milk or water with coal activated. If the person is
unconscious, don´t do anything, except keep him hot. In both cases: ask for urgent
medical attention.
Notes for treating doctor: Treat according to the present symptoms. Consider making
a gastric wash, with the habitual cautions to avoid the inhalation of the gastric content.
Doctors who work in emergency attention must be ready as in case of UFC swallowing it
can be produced 85: convulsions, hypotension, metabolic acidosis and high levels of
methanol in the blood.

Section 5: Measures for fighting against fire
Extinction Agents : In small fires, use dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide water (fog)
or foam. In bigger fires, use water fog or foam.
Special Procedures to fight against fire: Cool the containers exposed to fire. Take
them out of the area if possible without danger. Get out of the area if you notice an
increasing leak of gases.
Equipment of personal protection to attack fire: Use an autonomous respiratory
equipment, helmet, neoprene gloves and PVC clothes.

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Section 6: Measures to control spills or leaks
Emergency measures to be taken if there is a Material spilling: Keep the product
away from ignition sources (open flames). Do not allow that it gets into the sewage.
Make dikes to control the spilling. Pick up all the remaining material you can without
danger to the people. Over the rest spread an absorbing material so as to pick it up and
make it available.
Personal protecting equipment to attack the emergency: Use autonomous
respiratory equipment. Protect with PVC suit, gloves and neoprene boots.
Cautions to be taken to avoid damages to environment: Prevent that products get in
rivers and water sources. Try to recover the spread material only if it is possible without
danger for people.
Cleaning Methods: The contaminated material must be incinerated in an authorized
Method of waste disposal: Dispose of remain in an authorized incinerator or in special
places inside the rubbish dump.
Section 7: Handling and Storing
Technical Recommendations: It is recommended to store in stainless steel tanks. If
the quantity in use does not justify the tanks, the containers must be in a ventilated
place, separated from other products.
Cautions to be taken: When handling the product, try to keep the wind always at the
back. Use respiratory protection.
Recommendations about secure handling, specifics: Take from the container only
the exact quantity needed, so as to expose the minimum time to vapors.
Storing conditions: Keep away from oxidants and reducers, with which UFC - 85 can
get a violent reaction.
Recommended and non adequate packing: Only metal containers must be used. Due
to the possible generation of static electricity no drums or plastic recipients must be

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Section 8: Control of exposure/environmental protection
Measures to reduce the possibility of exposure: Use only the needed quantity for the
process. Always use the necessary protection. Try that the UFC-85 handling places
there is always good ventilation, either natural of forced.
Adjusted permissible limits (APL), absolute (APA) and temporary (APT):
Permissible absolute limit: 0, 3 ppm (0, 37 mg/m3).
Respiratory protection : Respiratory trunk with filter for organic vapors.
Protecting gloves : Neoprene gloves, long fist.
View protection : Chemical protecting goggles.
Other protecting equipment: Neoprene apron to protect the body.
Ventilation : There must be good natural ventilation, at least in the places
of handling of UFC - 85.

Section 9 : Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State : Liquid similar to water.
Appearance and odour : Colorless, bitter smell, irritating.
Concentration : 60 % (Formalin)
pH : Slightly basic
Specific temperatures and/or temperature intervals: Datum not available.
Point of flammability : 60 ºC
Limits of flammability : Datum not available.
Autoignition Temperature: 430 ºC
Dangers of Fire or Explosion: When heating UFC - 85 over its point of flammability,
there is a potential for an explosion. It reacts with nitrogen oxides. Near 82 ºC the
reaction can become explosive. It reacts violently with per chlorate acid, aniline,
performic acid, nitro methane, magnesium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. The
product polymerizes with active organic materials such as phenol. Polimerizes violently
in presence of nitrides. It produces exothermic reactions with: amines, azo compounds,
ditiocarbamates, and alkaline metals and alkaline-earthy.
Vapor pressure to 20ºC : Information not available.
Density of vapor :>1
Density to 20ºC :>1
Solubility in water : Soluble in any proportion.

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Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Stability: Stable.
Conditions to be avoided: Avoid to heat containers to avoid generation of vapors.
Incompatibility (materials to be avoided): Incompatible with amines, azo compounds,
ditiocarbamates, alkaline metals and alkaline-earthy, nitrides, nitro compounds,
sulphides, none saturated aliphatic, organic peroxides, oxidizing agents and reducers.
Dangerous products of decomposition: Not pertinent.
Dangerous products of combustion: Monoxide toxic gases are formed and carbon
Dangerous polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Toxicological information
Toxicity in short term : The most important effect is due to the irritation of
skin and mucous it produces. In more sensitive people there can be allergy.
Toxicity in long term: There can be effects like chronic dermatitis in people with higher
Local or systemic effects : Irritation and tears.
Allergic Sensitivity : It can cause sensitivity in people presenting allergy to
UFC - 85.
Section 12: Ecological Information
Instability : In middle term UFC - 85 is degraded by absorption in
different organic processes.
Persistency/Degradability : Degradable.
Bio-accumulation : Will not be produced
Effects in the environment : Toxic for aquatic life. Dangerous in high
concentrations in the air. If goes over 100 ppm it can be lethal for human life (Formalin).

Section 13: Considerations over final disposition
Methods recommended and approved by Chilean standard to have available the
substances, remaining, wastes: Have available the product in an authorized
incinerator or in special places inside the rubbish dumps.
Methods recommended and approved by Chilean standard to eliminate containers
/ contaminated packages: Incinerate containers in an installation specially designed for
that effect.

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Section 14: Information about transport
Terrestrial by road or railway : CLASS 9, NU 3082
Marine way : CLASS 9, NU 3082
Air way : CLASS 9, NU 3082
Fluvial way / lake : CLASS 9, NU 3082
Distinctive applicable NCh 2190: MISCELLANEOUS DANGEROUS
No. NU : 3082
Section 15: Current Standards
Applicable International Standards : IMO / NU : Class 9 /3082
Applicable National Standards : N Ch 382; N Ch 2190; Decree 298; D.S.148

Section 16: Other information
No information.
Consigned data in this data sheet were obtained from reliable sources. Nevertheless,
they are given without expressed or implicit guarantee respect to its accuracy or
correction. The opinions expressed in this application form belong to trained
professionals of OXIQUIM S.A. The information given in it is currently known about the

Considering that the use of this information and of the products is out of control of
OXIQUIM S.A., the company assumes no responsibility for this concept. Determining the
conditions of a safe use of the product is user´s obligation.


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