High Court Claim Form PDF
High Court Claim Form PDF
High Court Claim Form PDF
Claim no. /AQ l '6 I~ O t,,z___tJ...,r-s
Issue date - 3 APR 2018
Ms Samantha Exley
8 Cameron Street
LA14 2PY
Assigned to Master:
Defendant(s) ~,/fz .
Mr David Garrod. .-
11, Church Farm Courtyard, High Street, Chalfant St Giles,
Bucks. HP8 4QH
Mr Mohan Ramcharan.
Flat 21, Durham Tower, Acorn Grove, Birmingham, 81 2PN
Jennifer Turner.
11, Duncan street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. LA 14 2NH
Rebecca Rose.
30, Covendale, Whitchurch, Coalville. LE67 58P
The court office at the Admiralty and Commercial Registry, The Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Building, Fetter Lane, London, EC2A 1NL is open between 1Oam and 4.30 pm
Monday to Friday. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number.
N1 (CC) Claim form (CPR Part 7) (04.14) © Crown Copyright. Reproduced by Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Ltd
Appendix A
Natasha Kirkpatrick
87, Beaconsfield Road, Leicester. LE3 0PH
The hurtful, defamatory, malicious and offensive comments were made by Jennifer Turner,
Rebecca Rose, Natasha Kirkpatrick, Andrew Miles, Mohan Ramcharan and David Carrod.
The loss I suffered as a result, was being suspended from the LLB Forum and unable to
use my Student Biog, which, I used on a regular basis throughout my study journey.
The Forum was meant to be moderated by T amsin Morris, who failed to take any action
against the Students once they had began to break the Forum Rules.
Because of my disability, which is known to University Staff, I believe The Open University
failed in the duty of care owed to me.
Particulars of claim (*attached)(*wm follow if a11 ack11ovvledgment of se1 vice is filed that indicates
an-intention to defend the claim)
Statement of Truth
*(I believe)(Too Claimant believes) that the facts stated in this claim form *(and the particulars of
the claim attached to this claim form) are true.
* I am d!lly authorised by tl ,e clair 11ar 1t to sign this staterr 1ent
Full name Ms Samantha Exley
Name of * (claim~ n~~ e§~...,[email protected]'ffi-r-m) N / A
signe~ . . . . ., ,. =
~ ~ = - - - - - -- -- - position or office heldc_N_/A _ _ _ _ _ _ __
*(Claimant)('s.fegal representati'o'e} (if signing on behalf of firm, company or corporation)
*delete as appropriate
All these comments were published on a public LLB Student Forum which
caused me great distress and affected my study. I contacted my Tutor on
36 occasions to report the comments. My Tutor's Manager expressed the
view that all Students on the LLB Forum should treat me with courtesy
and respect, the same as I did with them. 'Courtesy and respect' being
first and foremost for every Student, including the ones who defamed my
good character.
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I also wrote to the Complaints Department, Student Support, Student
Caseworker, Mr Ron Elder and the Vice-Chancellor's Office. In total, I
have 233 emails to and from these departments. Over a period of 24
weeks, my complaint was not resolved.
I asked for an apology from the Students involved and complete
restoration of my Student Biog and the Forum without further sanctions to
my Student record, and, may I add, to have my Student record cleared.
I was a regular blogger on the Forum and my Personal Biog space but
now, it seems, I have a Student record, for what exactly? Because
Rebecca Rose complained that, 'Sam Exley is now 'poisoning' the
Student Biog area'? What did Rebecca Rose mean by that?
I did ask the Complaints Team to remove all the defamatory comments
from the forum and the Department has removed some but not all of them
and some comments were on show to all the forum for a period of 5
I contacted the Police on the 18th July 2017, and the Police came out to
take a statement on 21 st July 2017 regarding the 'threats' made to me. I
informed The Open University on many occasions, (via email and
telephone), of my intention of taking this matter further if I did not receive
an apology from all the Students involved.
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On 21 st July 2017, I found myself 'suspended' from using the Forum and
a Di~ciplinary Investigation was taking place. I was also 'suspended' from
using my Student Biog.
The University has a copy of the Assessment Report. The University Staff
are aware of my disability needs. I did request a reasonable adjustment
when using the LLB Forum, however, my request was refused. I asked
specific;ally for a guide to help me when posting on the Forum, for
example, another person to work alongside of me. My disability requests,
when using the Forum, were refused.
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I am certainly not a 'goblin' or 'foot fungi', or a 'poisonous dead horse', or
'delusional' or a 'fraud', or 'an idiot', or 'a toxic poisonous person', which
are some of the names the Students named on my form called me in front
of everyone.
I did contact the Open University about my Credit Transfers, and, I did
represent someone in an Unfair Dismissal claim, and, I did receive a letter
from the Jury Summoning Officer, and, I did own my own Business, and,
I do have letters from the European Court, the Family Law case and the
Credit Transfer department of the Open University, and, I have studied
Law in the past at different institutions.
The Students had one clear intention, to defame and cause harm to me
in front of the whole Forum, and this is plain enough for anyone to see
upon the reading of all the comments published.
There are Rules of the Forum which were broken by all the named
Students on my claim form, however, I appear to have been the only
Student sanctioned as all the other Students were allowed back on the
Forum immediately following the incidents, and, one Student, namely, Mr
Mohan Ramcharan, was promoted on the 8th September to Learner
Experience Rep after calling me 'an idiot', 'a poisonous dead horse', and
even claiming all my documents were 'false'.
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We are not talking '2 tweets' made by Kate Hopkins in the case of
Jack Monroe v Katie Hopkins [2017} EWHC 433 (QB), we are talking
approximately 300 malicious, false, hurtful, offensive and defamatory
comments made by LLB Students on an Open University 'wide-open'
study Forum, in an attempt to cause me harm. I visited my GP on 3
occasions during the incidents as well as reporting it to the Police for the
harm caused.
The Students also published on the Forum, 1) that my Jury Service letter
was false and did no~ belong to me; 2) My European Court letter ".Vas false;
3) My Family Law case was false; 4) My Credit Transfers were false; 5)
that I was totally delusional to think I represented someone in an Unfair
Dismissal claim against the NHS Trust; 6) that I had not studied, (in the
past), Public Law, Contract, Tort and Criminal Law; 7) they said my
Assignments belonged on vellum and put next to the Magna Carta in the
Supreme Court; 8) they claimed the Open University should ban me from
using the Forum and my Biog; 9) at the time of using the Forum the
Students claimed I was a stupid idiot W101 Student who had no
knowledge of the law; 10) they continued to chant I was a poisonous dead
horse, poisonous and toxic and poisoning the Biog and Forum area; 11)
it was published that I suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder and
12) attempts at further my career, in the Judiciary, were bovine excrement.
I aim to recover £10,000 from the Open University for Negligence. For
example, the University owed me a duty of care, which, they clearly
breached. Tamsin Morris failed to take any action once the Students
began tormenting and bullying me.
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The Open University knew of my disability at the outset and failed to make
any reasonable adjustments when requested to do so.
The question is, did the University act as any reasonable University would
in the same circumstances? Did the University exercise the same care
and skill expected by law? Did the Students involved exercise the same
care and skill as written down in the Forum Rules?
The University refused to have my case heard properly. All they asked
for (in the Disciplinary Investigation), was a statement to give my version
of the facts. The University refused to acknowledge any of my evidence
sent to them via email and post. The University Complaints Department
delayed making any fair and just resolution to my claim.
The end decisions resulted in me being 'suspended' from my Biog and the
LLB Forum without any reasonable explanations.-
The Complaint was filed long before any Disciplinary Action took place,
and, when I explained that to Susie Hancock, Mrs Hancock admitted, 'their
department had made an error.' (This was sent via email
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Ms Samantha Exley
LLB Student
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