ATCC 1.1 Manual XAVIUS
ATCC 1.1 Manual XAVIUS
ATCC 1.1 Manual XAVIUS
Air Traffic Control Center is a highly realistic simulation of actual radar sectors
in the New York, Chicago and Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Centers. You take the
position of the radar controller, guiding both small and large aircraft into and out of some
of the busiest airports in the world. This program is intended not so much as a game, but
as an accurate simulation of actual air traffic situations that exist hour by hour in the
crowded skies. Whether you are using this simulation as a training tool for a career in Air
Traffic Control, or you just want to see what it's like in the controller's chair, Air Traffic
Control Center will let you experience one of the most mentally challenging occupations
in the world.
Simulation Features
Radar displays and computer entries are almost identical to what real controllers use.
A "training program" that allows you to practice controlling at the sectors before
taking tests to become certified to work "live traffic." Once certified, your
performance is rated as your career progresses.
4. A red box will then appear asking you to press N if you are a new employee. While the
red box is still on the screen, press the N key, and you will be asked for your name.
5. From then on, you will start out at the the main screen, where you can choose which
sector to train on, work or certify.
6. At some point, choose Start/Programs/Atcc and open and print out each of the RTF
files (except this one, maybe, which is 100 pages). The files contain the sector maps,
procedures and quick reference charts. If the maps appear cut off (which is a problem
with some newer versions of Microsoft Word), use Wordpad to open them, found under
Visit our web site at for ATC tips, newsletters, and information on new
versions. Or email [email protected] with any questions or problems, and we'll be
glad to help!
The National Airspace System illustrates how aircraft are issued routings that take
them from checkpoint to checkpoint along highways in the sky.
The Air Traffic Controller's Role describes the various controllers' responsibilities
for keeping aircraft moving along in an orderly flow, and far enough apart to prevent
midair collisions.
Radio Communications explains the various commands and instructions you can
issue to aircraft.
The Radar and Computer Console details what everything on the radar scope
means, the controls you can use to adjust the scope, and the computer entries you
need to make as aircraft traverse your sector.
Your Air Traffic Control Career outlines the process of training on a sector, taking
a certification test, and finally working "live" traffic.
How to Control Traffic will teach you the mental and procedural skills you will
need to keep your sanity as aircraft deluge your sector from all directions.
Sector Descriptions list the information you need to know to begin training and
certifying on each of the six sectors, including helpful hints and strategies.
Each section ends with a summary, which you can skip to if you already know much of
the information, or you can skip ahead to section 3 if you just want to know the
commands and how to run the simulation.
-------------------------------------------1. THE NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM
The U.S. aviation system has evolved over many decades into a somewhat
complex, and occasionally convoluted division of airspace, procedures, and regulations.
The following sections give a general overview of the whole system, along with a
summary of the especially important information for your job as a radar controller.
Scattered throughout the country are navigational radio beacons called
VORTACs, sometimes referred to as VORs. Each VORTAC or VOR has a three-letter
identifier, with a corresponding name. For example, "Dagget" (as referred to when
spoken) is written with its three-letter identifier, DAG. Likewise, the VORTAC written as
HTO is spoken "Hampton." Airports also have three-letter identifiers, such as "ORD" and
"JFK," and often have a VORTAC on or near the airport grounds with the same name and
ID as the airport itself.
Pilots can tune in specific VORTACs with their navigational equipment to
determine what direction to fly to pass directly over them. Each VORTAC has about a
150-mile range, allowing aircraft to navigate routes in almost any direction across the
entire country.
Most modern aircraft, however, no longer use VORTAC beacons for navigation.
Advanced instrumentation known as RNAV, or GPS satellite positioning, allow aircraft to
navigate from any point on the globe directly to any other point. However, controllers
still instruct these aircraft to fly over VORTACs to maintain orderly flows of traffic
through busy areas.
Airways are defined as specific connections between specific VORTACs, and are
given numbers. For example, airway J9 goes from the Los Angeles VORTAC (LAX) to
Dagget (DAG), to Las Vegas (LAS), and continues across the entire country. Controllers
can specify routes for aircraft to fly along, by referring to specific VORTACs and
airways. For example, an aircraft may be assigned a route such as "Los Angeles (LAX),
J9 to Las Vegas (LAS), then direct Dove Creek (DVC), direct Dubuque (DBQ), direct
O'Hare (ORD)." Pilots are required to carry the proper aviation maps that depict the
appropriate VORTACs and airways.
Intersections are defined points along the airways, and have five-letter names. The
PLAIN intersection, for example, lies along J146 east of GIJ (Gipper) VORTAC. Aircraft
with RNAV or GPS navigational capability can be instructed to fly directly to an
intersection, but aircraft that rely on VORTAC beacons to navigate can only reach an
intersection by flying along the airway. In this simulation, all aircraft are equipped with
either RNAV or GPS capability.
Aircraft direction is specified by magnetic heading, ranging from a heading of
000 (North), clockwise in single degrees to 360 (also North). A heading of 090 degrees is
due East; 180 due South, and 270 due West. Headings are specified in 3-digit form, and
spoken one digit at a time: "heading zero four five." Heading 045 is halfway between 000
and 090, thus would be due Northeast.
The heading is an important concept in Air Traffic Control, so become
comfortable translating a direction into a heading. For example, on a clock face, the
"heading" from the center of the clock to the 2 would be about 060 degrees. From the
center to the 6 would be a 180 heading; to the 10 a 300 heading and so on.
Heading 000 (due North) is used interchangeably with heading 360; both mean
the same thing. However, there are no headings greater than 360.
Aircraft speed is measured in knots. One knot is slightly faster than one mile per
hour, but for most purposes you can think of them as the same. Jet aircraft will typically
fly along at around 450 knots, turboprop commuters at around 250 knots, and smaller
private airplanes from 90 to about 200 knots.
Unfortunately, aircraft speed isn't as simple as that of a car traveling down a road.
There are four different components to the speed of an aircraft:
True airspeed. This is a measure of how fast the aircraft is moving through the air,
and would be the speed of the aircraft across the ground if there were no winds.
Groundspeed. A law of physics is that the speed of the wind will directly add to or
subtract from the speed of an aircraft flying through the air. The resulting speed of the
aircraft from point A to point B is called the groundspeed. A jet with a true airspeed
of 450 knots that picks up a 30-knot tailwind, will end up flying at 480 knots
groundspeed (450 plus 30). If the wind were directly head-on, it would have a 420knot groundspeed (450 minus 30).
If the wind isn't a direct tailwind or directly head-on, the groundspeed will be affected
proportionally according to how much of a tailwind or headwind it is. If a 30-knot
wind is almost a direct headwind, but coming from a little off to the side, the ground
speed may only be 20 knots less than the true airspeed. Or if the wind is almost
directly from the side, but slightly more from in front than from behind, the
groundspeed may only be five or so knots less than the true airspeed.
The groundspeed is the only speed that the controller sees displayed on the radar
scope. However, controllers (and pilots) cannot directly control their groundspeed,
which is the result of winds, so must estimate changes by adjusting the indicated
Indicated speed. This is the speed that appears on the pilot's airspeed indicator dial.
This indicated speed is always less than the true airspeed. A jet cruising along at
20,000 feet may have a 450 knot groundspeed, but the indicated speed may only be
280 knots. As the aircraft climbs higher, the indicated speed on the dial drops more
and more, even though the aircraft may hold the same groundspeed.
Controllers assign particular speeds by specifying the indicated speed for the pilot to
adhere to. However, at altitudes above 29,000 feet, indicated speeds are less precise
due to the thinner air, and mach numbers are used instead.
Mach Number. This is the aircraft's speed as a fraction of the speed of sound, such
as Mach .74 or Mach .80. When a jet aircraft is above 29,000 feet, refer to its speed in
units of mach number.
Pilots and airlines determine a particular flight's ideal cruising altitude based on a
number of factors, including distance, weather, aircraft load, and fuel consumption. Jet
aircrafts' cruising altitudes are usually between 25,000 and 41,000 feet. Commuter and
business turboprops typically cruise at 10,000 to 25,000 feet, and small private aircraft
usually cruise below 14,000 feet.
Controllers assign altitudes in 1,000 foot increments at and below 29,000 feet.
Above that, altitudes are assigned in 2,000 foot increments, starting with 31,000, then
33,000, then 35,000, and so on. For procedural reasons, the even altitudes above 29,000
feet are not used.
Below 18,000 feet, altitudes are referred to in number of feet, such as 11,000
(spoken "one-one thousand"), or 17,000 ("one-seven thousand"). At and above 18,000
feet, altitudes are referred to as flight levels. 20,000 feet becomes FL200 (spoken "flight
level two zero zero"). 31,000 feet is FL310; 28,000 is FL280 and so on.
Why 18,000 feet is "FL180," but 17,000 feet is "17,000" has to do with
atmospheric pressure and the accuracy of aircrafts' altitude instrumentation in thinner air.
Nevertheless, it is important to be able to quickly translate that 25,000 feet in the air is
FL250, 18,000 is FL180, and 15,000 is still 15,000.
Furthermore, controllers' radar scopes display altitudes in hundreds, not thousands
of feet, so you must become proficient at seeing an altitude readout such as "163" and
understanding it means 16,300 feet, or seeing "323" and knowing it means flight level
323 (32,300 feet).
Though controllers only assign altitudes in 1,000 foot increments, such as 15,000
(which would display as "150" on the radar scope), or flight level 330 (displayed as
"330"), as the aircraft climbs or descends, its altitude will still display on the scope in
hundred foot increments (such as "172" or "085" meaning 17,200 and 8,500
Pilots can choose to fly their aircraft under two different sets of aviation rules:
Visual Flight Rules, or VFR, and Instrument Flight Rules, or IFR.
VFR rules mean the pilot assumes responsibility for preventing midair collisions
by keeping a constant watch out his window for other aircraft. The pilot is responsible for
turning, climbing or descending in time to avoid all traffic. Pilots operating under these
rules are required to fly in sky conditions with at least three miles visibility (which means
flying through clouds, fog or thick haze is forbidden), and must remain below 18,000 feet
at all times.
The benefit to the VFR pilot is that no permission, or even contact with air traffic
controllers is needed (unless flying near specific busy airport areas or into airports with
control towers); the pilot basically hops into his plane and flies away, either just to fly
around the area for recreation, or even to fly across the country. VFR aircraft can change
altitudes, direction, or speed as they desire, as long as they remain under 18,000 feet and
in sky visibility of three miles or more. Though cruising altitudes for VFR aircraft are at
the discretion of the pilot, they are supposed to fly at thousand-foot altitudes plus or
minus 500 feet, such as 8,500 or 11,500.
Pilots who wish to fly at or above 18,000 feet (FL180), in or through clouds, or
want radar controllers to separate them from other aircraft instead of having to constantly
watch out their window for traffic, fly under instrument flight rules (IFR). IFR pilots
must receive permission from controllers for any altitude, speed or routing changes. IFR
pilots also must adhere to any restrictions or instructions issued to them by controllers,
unless they consider it unsafe or are otherwise unable to comply.
Airliners, most military aircraft, and many private and business aircraft fly under
IFR rules, and constitute the major part of the Air Traffic Control system.
Flight Plans
Pilots wishing to fly under IFR rules must first file a flight plan with Air Traffic
Control, prior to departure. This can be done by computer, or by calling a regional office.
The flight plan contains the aircraft identification, or callsign, the type of aircraft,
planned speed (true airspeed, or speed across the ground without wind), requested route
of flight (from VORTAC to VORTAC), planned cruising altitude, and sometimes other
information such as color of aircraft, and number of people on board.
This flight plan information goes into the central Air Traffic Control Computer,
which assigns the flight a code number, called a beacon code. The computer determines
which radar sector will handle the aircraft first, and prints out the flight plan on a strip of
paper called a flight
progress strip. If the flight will depart from an airport with a control tower, the computer
will print out a flight strip there as well. After it prints out, controllers can review the
proposed route of flight and make changes as necessary to conform to local procedures
and routings.
When the aircraft is ready to depart, the pilot calls either the control tower, or if
none, then the radar sector overlying the airport, and requests clearance. The controller
checks the flight strip, and clarifies the routing and any changes to the routing with the
pilot, so both pilot and Air Traffic Control know the exact route the pilot will fly.
The controller also tells the pilot his flight plan code number (the beacon code),
and the pilot sets an instrument on his aircraft called a transponder to transmit this code.
This beacon code transmission is picked up by radar, allowing the ATC computer to know
exactly which aircraft it is, and which flight plan it corresponds to.
From then on, until landing, the aircraft is under jurisdiction of the Air Traffic
Control system. After departure, ATC issues altitudes, speeds, headings, and sometimes
re-routes as necessary, and assumes responsibility for separating the aircraft from all
known traffic. After the aircraft lands, the flight plan is closed (removed from the
computer), and the pilot turns off his transponder.
Most aircraft flying under VFR rules, while not necessarily in communication
with ATC, can set their transponders to broadcast their altitude, so that radar controllers
can still see where they are. Controllers just note the position of these VFR aircraft, and
steer IFR aircraft around, above or below them as necessary to prevent collisions.
Navigation Summary
VORTACs and airports each have a spoken name and a three-letter identifier.
Intersections have a five-letter name. Airways are identified by the letter V or J and a
As a controller, you can change an aircraft's route by specifying new VORTACs and
airways to fly along. However, most aircraft will be on preset, approved routes, so in
general you should leave aircraft on course.
Aircraft direction is specified by a magnetic heading, which ranges from 000 to 359
Speed Summary
Pilots' instruments show both their indicated speed and mach number. Use indicated
speeds when referring to speeds at or below 29,000 feet, and mach numbers for jets
that are above 29,000.
The radar display shows aircrafts' groundspeeds, which can vary depending on wind
direction and speed. Some days may have strong westerly winds that make eastbound
aircraft travel much faster than the westbound aircraft. On other days, the opposite
may be true.
Altitude Summary
Assignable altitudes are in thousand-foot increments at and below 29,000 feet, and
only odd-numbered thousands of feet above 29,000.
Below 18,000 feet, refer to altitudes in number of feet, such as "one seven thousand"
(17,000). At and above 18,000 feet, refer to them as flight levels, such as "flight level
two four zero" (FL240, which is 24,000 feet).
Altitudes appear on the radar in hundreds of feet. Add two zeroes to determine the
actual altitude: 082 becomes 8,200, and 310 is 31,000, or flight level 310 (FL310).
Flight Plans, IFR and VFR Summary
All airliners, and all aircraft that plan to fly above 18,000 feet or through clouds, must
file a flight plan to fly under IFR rules. The flight plan lists all the flight information,
including requested route of flight and planned cruising altitude. Controllers are
responsible for separating these aircraft from all other aircraft, by issuing altitude,
speed, and heading instructions as necessary.
Aircraft with flight plans and flying under IFR rules will appear on your radar scope
and be in communication with you by radio. All flight plan information, including
type of aircraft, route of flight, current and assigned altitudes and speeds, are
accessibile through the computer terminal at your console, and are displayed both on
the scope and on flight strips delivered to your sector.
Aircraft that choose to fly under VFR rules will not be in contact with Air Traffic
Control, but they do appear on the radar, along with their altitude. Just note their
position, and steer aircraft in your sector around, over or under them, as necessary.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------2. THE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER'S ROLE
towers, looking down on the airport through binoculars and dark sunglasses. These Tower
controllers are responsible for the traffic on the airport grounds, and within about five
miles of surrounding airspace. Their primary controlling technique is to simply look out
the window to see if a runway is clear, or if a taxiway is blocked, or if an aircraft is
approaching a runway. In case of fog or other low visibility conditions, Tower controllers
must keep track mentally, or by taking frequent notes, which aircraft are in the
surrounding sky or are taxiing on the ground.
Simply looking out the window, however, has a significant limitation in that most
aircraft turn into tiny specks-in-the-distance when only a few miles away. Add limited
visibility due to fog or haze, and a controller relying solely on memory or notes to keep
track of nearby aircraft can quickly become overwhelmed.
TRACON Controllers
Thus, the TRACON was devised, originally as an extension of the Tower, where
controllers could use radar echoes to keep track of aircraft once they were beyond visual
range. TRACON stands for Terminal Radar Approach Control, and is often located in the
Tower itself. The TRACON is staffed by Tower controllers who rotate the duties of
controlling activity at the airport by looking out the window, and controlling surrounding
aircraft by looking at the radar.
As traffic volume has built over the years, TRACONs have expanded to cover
more and more of the areas surrounding major airports. In areas like Los Angeles and
New York City, a single TRACON covers multiple major airports and even entire regions
of states. TRACON controllers at these facilities work only in front of the radar, and may
be many miles away from the airports themselves.
Center Controllers
Covering the rest of the country are the Air Route Traffic Control Centers, or
ARTCCs, known more simply as Centers. After an aircraft takes off from an airport, the
Tower controller "hands off" responsibility for the flight to the TRACON controller, who
steers the aircraft around traffic for 10-20 miles before handing off the aircraft to a Center
From then until within range of the destination airport, the aircraft may be handed
off to a dozen more Center controllers, who each issue altitudes and headings as
necessary to keep it clear of traffic. Center controllers also line up groups of aircraft
headed for the same airport into single streams, all evenly spaced. Then, they're handed
off to the destination TRACON controllers, who accomplish any final sequencing and
lining-up, and assign a landing runway. Once an aircraft is within a few miles of the
airport, the TRACON controller hands it off to the Tower controller again for landing
In cases where there is no TRACON, the Center serves the same purpose of lining
up aircraft for approach and handling departures just off the airport.
The Sector
After a supervisor assigns you to a particular sector (or, in this simulation, after
you choose to work a particular sector), you become personally responsible for all air
activity within that sector. As aircraft enter your sector, you must separate them from all
other aircraft, and get them where they need to go without excessive delays or
unnecessary restrictions.
The sector itself is a defined area of sky, typically 50 to 100 miles long, and
covers airspace usually from the ground to 24,000 feet, or from 24,000 feet and up. The
particular shape of the sector often has strange kinks or areas that jut outward. Or, there
may be "shelves" within the sector, where another sector or a TRACON lies partially or
entirely within the boundaries of your sector. For example, sector 97 in New York Center
covers a roughly square shape about 50 miles long, located just northwest of
Philadelphia, from the ground up to 17,000 feet. However, Allentown TRACON covers
the northeast corner of sector 97, from the ground to 10,000 feet. Thus, over this
TRACON, sector 97 controls from 11,000 to 17,000. West of the side boundary of the
TRACON, sector 97 controls from the ground to 17,000 feet.
The sector boundaries are depicted on the radar scope, but are not labeled. As a
sector controller, it is your responsibility to know the map of your sector, where the sector
boundaries are, and which sectors lie adjacent to yours (to the side, above, and below).
There may be as many as eight sectors that are adjacent to yours, and you will need to
know the sector numbers of each. If you forget, though, you can keep the sector map next
to the console for quick reference.
As aircraft approach your sector, either from the side, above or below, the
controllers in the adjacent sectors will initiate handoffs to your sector. You will see an
aircraft and its flight information pop up on your scope, though it will still be outside
your sector boundary. You can then look to see where the aircraft is going, and note what
instructions you may need to issue to the aircraft later. Then, you take the handoff, by
making a particular computer entry, which is covered later in this manual. Taking a
handoff means you are assuming responsibility for the aircraft, and it is allowed to enter
your sector. The adjacent controller then instructs the aircraft to change his radio
frequency to that of your sector. The pilot will check on with you to let you know he is
there, by stating his callsign (flight number) and altitude.
Until you hand off the aircraft to the next sector, you are said to "have radar" on it,
and it is considered one of "your" aircraft. Do not let one of your aircraft fly into the next
controller's sector until he has accepted a handoff. Typically you should initiate a handoff
when the aircraft is about 20- to 30 miles away from leaving your sector, or is five- to ten
thousand feet from the top or bottom of your sector, if handing off to a sector above or
below yours. The next controller will usually take the handoff within one or two minutes.
Sector Procedures
For procedural purposes, aircraft are divided into three categories:
Departures are those in the process of climbing to their cruising altitude. As they
enter your sector, either from below the sector or from the side boundary, you need to
issue climb instructions to get them up to their cruising altitude. If that altitude is
above your sector, you will need to climb them to the top altitude of your sector, and
hand them off to the sector above yours so the next controller can continue their
Arrivals are in the process of descending for approach, on specific arrival routes and
descending in accordance with arrival procedures for the area. They will usually be
descending to the bottom of the sector above yours, or may enter your sector from the
side. You then descend these aircraft to the specific altitude according to the arrival
procedure, and hand them off to the next sector along their route, whether a
TRACON or another Center sector.
Overflights are those level at their cruising altitude, flying along cross-country to
their destinations. Most of these aircraft need no instructions from you, unless you
need to turn them, or possibly climb or descend them, to avoid other traffic. After
they cross your sector, you hand them off to the next sector along their route.
Each sector has specific procedures for handling each type of flight. In Los
Angeles Center sector 38, for example, the procedure for aircraft that are landing at Las
Vegas is to descend them to 24,000 feet by the time they reach the Dagget VORTAC, and
hand them off to sector 6, one of the sectors that lie below sector 38.
There are usually only a handful of routes and procedures in each sector that you
need to memorize, dealing mostly with arrivals and departures. Overflights rarely have
procedures, except to leave them alone as much as possible, and hand them off to the next
sector down the line.
Your Primary Responsibility
Regardless of sector procedures, your primary responsibility when running the
sector is to keep aircraft separated from each other at all times. Your secondary
responsibility is to move aircraft according to the sector's procedures. You do not have to
adhere to a procedure, though, if it will cause an aircraft to get within the minimum
separation allowed between aircraft.
For example, a procedure for an aircraft in your sector may be to descend it to
FL240 (flight level 240) and handoff to the sector below yours. If the aircraft enters your
sector at 25,000 feet (FL250), but there is another aircraft on the same route directly
underneath, already at FL240, you might just handoff this "stack" of two aircraft to the
lower sector, even though the procedure is for both to be at FL240. Procedures can be
broken in this way if adhering to it would cause a loss of separation.
Often, though, there are several ways of dealing with traffic situations such as
this, instead of just leaving them alone and handing off to the next controller. Strive to get
all aircraft to where they should be according to sector procedures, while also
maintaining proper separation between each. A good controller does both, instead of just
handing off the mess to the next guy to sort out.
Separation Standard
In all Centers, the minimum amount of separation is defined as five miles of
space between aircraft that are within 1,000 feet of each other. Above 29,000 feet
(FL290), you must keep five miles of space between aircraft that are within 2,000 feet of
each other. Some examples:
An aircraft level at 15,000 feet and one level at 16,000 feet can fly right on top of
each other, because they are separated by at least 1,000 feet.
You must make sure two aircraft level at the same altitude never get within five miles
of each other. They may be on different routes that never cross, so they may never be
a factor. Or, maybe one crosses the other, but they never get closer than 10 miles
apart. Just ensure they never get within five miles of each other. If it looks like they
may, you will need to turn one, or both, or change their altitudes.
One aircraft is level at FL200, and another is currently at FL245 and descending to
14,000. During the time the descending aircraft is between FL210 and FL190, you
must make sure they are at least five miles apart from each other, because during that
time they would be within 1,000 feet of each other vertically.
Above 29,000 feet (FL290), just remember that it's 2,000 feet separation, not
1,000 feet. This is why only odd-numbered altitudes above FL290 are assigned,
otherwise an aircraft at FL320 could conflict with one at FL310 and one at FL330 at the
same time. Some examples:
Two aircraft are within five miles of each other, one level at FL310, and one
climbing out of FL328 up to FL350. For the two hundred feet from FL328 to FL330,
there is less than required standard separation (because you need 2,000 feet above
FL290), and you will be in trouble for letting them get too close.
In a similar scenario, one is level at FL290, and the other is climbing out of FL308 for
FL310. You still have less than required separation, because above FL290 the
minimum vertical separation is 2,000 feet.
Depending on the size of the sector, five miles may either be one inch on the
scope, or two inches, or more or less depending on the radar range setting. A specific
computer entry will draw a five-mile-radius ring around an aircraft to help you visualize
what five miles looks like at that sector. Once you get a rough idea of how far apart five
miles looks, you can just eyeball it as aircraft fly through your sector. If two look like
they'll be close, you can then draw the ring around one of them just to make sure. The
computer entry to draw and erase the five-mile ring is covered in a following section.
The Snitch
The snitch is the ATC computer which constantly monitors separation between all
aircraft at all sectors. If two should fall within minimum separation, they will start
blinking on your scope. You have had what controllers call a deal, or what the
government calls an operational error. An alarm will go off at the supervisor's desk, and
you will soon be relieved from position. An investigative team will review radar and
voice tapes, and will file a report with Headquarters in Washington D.C. You will be
seated before a long table of inquisitors who will grill you at length as to why you made
your mistake. Finally, they will determine the best resolution to the situation, which
usually involves being decertified at that particular sector, and having to retrain and
undergo another certification check to work the sector again. If you have a repeated
history of deals or the deal was particularly close, you may be decertified on all your
All parties are aware that humans make mistakes, though, and if you just didn't
see two aircraft that were getting too close, admit your error, and resolve to improve your
skills. In this simulation, your rating will suffer a little, but you can build it back up by
working busy traffic again without errors.
If two targets start blinking due to your error, immediately tell your supervisor by
requesting a break, and everything will be OK. If you try to cover it up, you could be
It's possible, due to the large numbers of aircraft in the sky, that the snitch doesn't
catch a loss of separation in your sector. Computers can become overloaded, and can
certainly make mistakes too. Let your conscience be your guide, in this case. In this
simulation, the snitch should catch all deals between aircraft under your control.
However, the "controllers" in the sectors adjacent to yours are computerized, and may
make mistakes because they lack true intelligence. Thus, you will not be charged for an
error due to the adjacent computer controller's mistake in climbing or turning its aircraft
within or into your sector. Even though you may see such aircraft within five miles of
each other and less than 1,000 feet apart (or 2,000 feet above FL290), the snitch will not
blink, so carry on as if nothing was happening. The situation is due to the computer
controller's lack of spatial ability, and is not necessarily your mistake.
When you first choose a sector to work, a computer controller will be at the
controls. Until you choose to plug in (your headset), the computer will continue to control
traffic at the sector, and may make mistakes. As soon as you plug in, the computer
controller leaves, and you become responsible for everything in the sector. Make sure
there are no impending midair collisions or loss of separation before you plug in. If there
are, wait until the situation is over before plugging in and assuming responsibility. The
sleaziest deal would be one that happened one second after you plugged in, because you
would take the responsibility and blame.
Tower controllers separate aircraft by physically looking out the tower window, or by
keeping track of aircraft mentally and with a notepad. TRACON controllers use radar
to separate departing and arriving aircraft within about 30 miles of the airport, and
line up arriving aircraft to specific runways. Center controllers oversee everything
else, guiding aircraft up to their cruising altitudes, and lining them up in evenlyspaced single streams for arrival into the airport areas.
Center controllers are assigned to sectors that have specific boundary lines and
altitude ranges. Sectors can be oddly shaped, and may have parts of other sectors or
TRACONs jutting into the airspace. Prior to an aircraft leaving a sector, the controller
must make a handoff to the next sector the aircraft is about to enter.
Each sector has specific procedures for dealing with arrivals, departures, and
overflights. Controllers must strive to get all aircraft at the proper altitudes or spacing
according to the procedures, while keeping proper separation between each.
Procedures can be waived, though, if adhering to them will cause a loss of separation.
The ATC computer constantly monitors all aircraft, and will cause targets to blink if
they get within the minimum separation standard of five miles for aircraft within
1,000 feet of each other vertically, or within 2,000 feet vertically above FL290. If
this happens to you, you have had a deal.
----------------------------------3. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS
After you plug into a sector by clicking on the "plug in" button, radio windows
will appear in the middle of your console, at the bottom of the screen. The top window
contains green on/off buttons for your transmitter and receiver (which you should never
need to touch), and a white interphone button you can press to connect to adjacent
sectors. The bottom one-line window represents your transmitter, and is where you type
your commands.
Your sector is assigned a specific radio frequency, listed on the sector maps. To
transmit on the frequency, key your microphone (like with a CB radio or Walkie-Talkie)
by pressing the <ENTER> key. Your transmit window will light up. Whatever you type
will then broadcast to all aircraft tuned to your sector's frequency. When you are finished,
unkey the mike by pressing <ENTER> again, and the transmit window will turn off.
Only one transmission, either by a pilot or you, can go over the air at one time. If
two people try to transmit at the same time, both transmissions will merge, and it will
sound garbled to anybody else listening on the frequency. If you try to transmit while a
pilot is talking, your transmission will likewise come out garbled to everyone else. You
will not know this, however, because your receiver turns off whenever you transmit. If
this happens, somebody on your frequency will usually inform you your transmission
was "blocked."
All of this may take some getting used to, especially when the sector is full of
aircraft, and can be a little frustrating. Just be patient, and wait for aircraft to stop
transmitting before you key your mike. Try to be quick and brief in your transmissions,
so you don't tie up the frequency.
just callsign, comma, and unkey the mike (meaning "callsign, how do you read?") which
should wake them up. If they still don't respond, they're probably still on the previous
sector's frequency. A later section will elaborate on how to use the interphone to call the
previous sector to relay instructions.
Aircraft Commands
There is a fixed standard phraseology for communications over the radio, so that
both pilots and controllers are sure about what is intended. The command to tell an
aircraft to start his climb to a specific altitude, for example, are the specific words "climb
and maintain," followed by the altitude. The following command list covers altitude,
heading, speed, and routing instructions.
"Descend and maintain," followed by the altitude as above. You can use the
down arrow instead, which will appear as a v.
"Say altitude." The pilot will tell you his current altitude. You would use
this if your radar wasn't picking up his altitude, for example.
"Fly heading," followed by the heading, such as FH320 for "fly heading
three two zero," or FH010 for "fly heading zero one zero." The aircraft will
turn the shortest direction (left or right) to reach that heading.
"Turn twenty degrees left." Or whatever degree amount you wish, such as
T10L or T90L for "turn ten degrees left" and "turn ninety degrees left." This
is the quickest way to get aircraft to turn a certain amount, instead of
calculating what magnetic heading you would need. Shortcut: arrow plus
two-digit number, e.g. <-20 for "turn left 20 degrees."
"Turn twenty degrees right." Same as T20L above, and same shortcut:
->20 for "turn right twenty degrees."
"Say heading." The pilot will tell you his current magnetic heading, which
may vary day-to-day along a given route, depending on winds. You might use
this to keep two aircraft flying parallel to each other, by asking the first his
heading with SH, then assigning the second the same heading with FH.
on that
its route.
Fly present heading." The aircraft will lock in its present heading, and
"Cleared direct," then the VORTAC or intersection name (the "fix"), such
as ..LAS for "cleared direct Las Vegas" or ..PLAIN for "cleared direct Plain
intersection." The aircraft will turn directly to the VORTAC or intersection,
then pick up its assigned routing from there.
This command is used after you have turned an aircraft, to get it back on
course. You must be sure the VORTAC or intersection is along the aircraft's
route, by checking the routing in the computer, and on the map. Shortcut:
simply typing two dots without a fix name means to "resume own
navigation," and the pilot will proceed direct to the next fix along his route.
Use caution, though: if you have turned an aircraft beyond the next
navigation point, and then tell the pilot to resume own navigation, he may
turn back toward that "next" point. It's best to clear the aircraft direct to a
specific fix name.
"Maintain two hundred eighty knots." Tells the pilot to maintain a specific
indicated speed. Remember, the indicated speed is what appears on the pilot's
airspeed indicator, and is not the speed your radar shows (which is the
groundspeed.) Indicated speeds taper off as the aircraft goes higher, so an
aircraft holding a groundspeed of 450 knots may indicate 320 knots when at
10,000 feet, and 270 knots at 35,000 (FL350), for example.
"Resume normal speed." Use this to lift a speed restriction and to let the
aircraft return to its normal cruising speed.
"Reduce speed by mach point zero two." If the aircraft was cruising at
mach .82, for example, it would slow to mach .80.
"Say indicated speed." The pilot will tell you his current indicated speed.
"Say mach number." The pilot will tell you his current mach number.
Just the callsign, without a comma, means "Roger." Use this to acknowledge
an aircraft that is "checking on" to your frequency, if you have no instructions
to issue to him. For example, a pilot might check on with the message "Hello
Chicago Center, NWA275 with you at flight level 330." You are required to
somehow acknowledge his check-on, which you can do by issuing an
instruction, or more likely just with "Northwest 275, Roger"
"Callsign, how do you read?" Use the callsign with a comma to get an
aircraft's attention, or to see if it is on frequency. If the aircraft is on
frequency, the pilot will probably respond with "go ahead."
"Contact <Los Angeles, New York, or Chicago> Center one three two
point six two." After you have handed off an aircraft to the next sector, and it
is clear of all remaining traffic in your sector, instruct the aircraft to switch to
the next sector's frequency with this command. The particular frequencies are
listed on the sector maps. It helps to memorize them, but you can also look at
the map for reference.
Shortcut: you can omit the decimal point, and the first digit of the frequency,
because all frequencies begin with the number 1. For example, *132.62 can
also be typed *3262.
Even better shortcut: You can also omit the comma following the callsign.
So, if you wanted to tell Delta 386 to contact New York Center on 132.87,
you could type 386*3287<ENTER> all from the keypad.
"Affirmative" or "Approved." Used in response to a request, such as a
request to deviate
off course to go around a storm buildup.
"Negative," or
"Unable." Used to deny a request.
"Expedite your climb/descent." Use this command after you tell an aircraft
to climb or descend, if you need the pilot to increase his rate of climb or
descent to get over or under some traffic. It is an "informal" request, but most
pilots will increase their climb/descent rates accordingly.
You can also combine the expedite command with CM or DM, such as
ECMFL330 meaning "expedite climb to and maintain flight level three three
zero," or EDMFL240 ("expedite descent to and maintain flight level two four
"Say ride conditions." The aircraft will tell you whether the ride is smooth,
or turbulent in different degrees.
command. Though the command is only two letters, in reality you would use
plain English to describe the ride information you know. More on turbulence
and other weather conditions is detailed in a later section.
Common keystroke shortcuts: As with the * command ("contact"), the arrow
keys don't require a comma after the callsign. To tell Continental 803 to turn 30 degrees
left, for example, you could type 803<left arrow key>30.
Combining commands: You can issue several commands in one transmission by
separating them with commas. It's usually better, though, to issue just one at a time,
because a bunch of numbers issued at once could easily confuse a pilot (e.g. "DAL247,
CMFL250, FH280, M290K" and the pilot may climb to FL290, fly heading 250 and
maintain 280 knots out of numerical confusion).
If you do combine commands, the pilot will either respond with " . . . Roger"
meaning all commands were understood, or will say "Unable" meaning he is unable to
comply with one or more of your instructions. Reissue the instructions one at a time.
Advanced commands: The above commands are all you need to effectively
control traffic. There are additional commands, though, that are occasionally used in realworld controlling, and are listed on the command card. The most common is the crossing
restriction, used to tell an aircraft to climb or descend so as to be at a certain altitude by a
given point. An example is "Cross Dagget at and maintain flight level two four zero,"
typed XDAG@FL240. If the aircraft is level at FL290, for example, the pilot is allowed
to stay at FL290 then start descending whenever he wants, as long as he levels out at
FL240 at or prior to the DAG VORTAC. Using crossing restrictions and some of the
other commands is covered in later sections.
Weather deviations: Weather is covered in a later section, but in general, aircraft
will not fly through storms or storm buildups, and will request deviations around them.
These weather areas may or may not show up on your radar; the pilot will simply state he
is requesting a certain number of degrees left or right of course to go around the storms.
You can simply state "approved" (A command), or use one of the following deviation
"Deviations left of course approved." You might use this if the pilot
requested right deviations, but you had traffic off his right side, so it would
be better if he went left. It's preferable to approve what the pilot requests if at
all possible, but if you simply can't, at least approve the deviation in the other
You can also use DV8L if the pilot has requested left deviations, just to
clarify and restate the direction.
DV8L,..<fix> "Deviations left of course approved, and when able proceed direct
<fix>" This is the most preferred way to handle deviations (either DV8L or
DV8R), by specifying a VORTAC or intersection name on the aircraft's route
to turn toward after the aircraft has finished deviating. The fix or intersection
should be far enough away from the weather area, however, to prevent the
aircraft from going in circles trying to get back on course, then deviating
again, then trying to get back on course, and deviating again and so on.
A Typical Communications Scenario
Let's say you are working Los Angeles sector 38, and have taken a handoff on Southwest
Airlines flight 710, which is headed for Burbank, California. Shortly after you take the
handoff from the previous controller, the aircraft will check on:
Pilot: Good afternoon, SWA710 level at flight level 280.
As you "type" over the radio, it is best to speak, or at least think of the official
phraseology as you type it:
You (typing): SWA710
You (saying): Southwest seven-ten, roger.
Remember, first you must key the microphone by pressing <ENTER>, which lights up
the transmitter window. After you finish typing, you must unkey the microphone by
pressing <ENTER> again.
A little later in this scenario, you may see that another aircraft may get closer than five
miles apart from SWA710 while climbing through SWA710's altitude of FL280. You
might decide to turn SWA710 a little to the right, about 20 degrees:
You (typing): SWA710,T20R
You (saying): Southwest seven-ten, turn twenty degrees right.
Pilot: Ok, that's twenty degrees right, SWA710.
Once SWA710 is clear of the traffic, you would clear him direct to the next fix along his
route, which by looking at his flight strip you know is PMD (Palmdale):
You (typing): SWA710,..PMD
You (saying): Southwest seven-ten, cleared direct Palmdale, rest of route
Pilot: Direct PMD, rest unchanged, SWA710, thank you.
At this point, SWA710 is clear of traffic, and you know the procedure for aircraft at
sector 38 that land at Burbank (BUR) is to descend them to FL240 and hand off to sector
17, which lies below sector 38. You make the computer entry to initiate a handoff to
sector 17 (computer entries are covered in a following section), and tell SWA710 to start
You (typing): SWA710,DMFL240
You (saying): Southwest seven-ten, descend and maintain flight level two four zero.
Pilot: All right, down to 240, SWA710.
A little while later, sector 17 accepts the handoff (handoffs are covered in a later section
also), and you see that SWA710 is clear of all traffic in your sector, so you switch him to
sector 17. You look at the map to find sector 17's frequency, 132.5.
You (typing, deciding to use one of the shortcuts): 710*325
You (saying): Southwest seven ten, contact L.A. Center 132.5.
Pilot: 132.5, SWA710, good day.
----------------------------------------4. THE RADAR AND COMPUTER CONSOLE
This section explains what all the lines, blips and numbers on the radar scope
mean, and what the buttons at the bottom of the console do.
If possible, start the simulation now, entering your initials and employee name as
necessary, until you are at the main Sector Choice menu. Across the row labeled TRAIN
are six blue sector buttons. Single-click on the one labeled ZAU 75.
You are now looking at Chicago Center (ZAU) sector 75. At first there will be no
aircraft in the sector, but they are on the way. The gray plate labeled PLUG IN with the
two black holes tells you a computer controller is currently working the sector. If you
wanted to start controlling at the sector, you would click on the plate to "plug in" your
headset. Don't do that yet, however.
The Radar Map
Covering the top 5/6ths of the screen is the radar display, called the PVD (for Plan
View Display). You will notice there is no radar sweep, because Center radars are
computer composites of several radar sites, and not direct radar returns. The radar
information updates every twelve seconds.
The jumble of circles and solid and dashed lines is the map. Take out the sector 75
map and you will notice the correlation.
Radar Map Symbols
Solid lines are airways, with 10-mile gaps between the VORTACs and the start of the
airway (which is a useful tool to estimate mileage when looking at the scope).
At the lower right of the screen are three displays, RANGE, VECT, and
HIST. RANGE tells you the radius of the display in nautical miles. Double it to get the
diameter from one side to the other. You can click up and down to expand the range in or
The RANGE should be sufficient enough for you to see the entire sector and
beyond for at least 10 or 20 miles. If the range is too high, your sector will appear
crowded; too low, and you won't be able to see aircraft that are coming toward your
sector. It's best to leave the range at the default value, but you can click it up or down as
you desire.
Skip the VECT and HIST controls for now.
Below the RANGE, HIST and VECT buttons are three small buttons labeled P, L
and H. These are called the radar filter keys, and determine which radar targets appear
on your scope.
If everything in the sky that returned a radar echo were displayed at your sector,
your scope would be unnecessarily cluttered. Instead, you can filter out certain targets
that don't apply to your sector. Sector 75, for example, covers only from 24,000 feet and
up, so targets that are far below 24,000 feet need not be displayed. Thus you can select
which targets you actually need displayed with the filter keys:
"H" displays high altitude targets, only those above 14,000 feet.
"L" displays low altitude targets, only those below 28,000 feet.
"P" displays primary targets, which are raw radar returns. These include ground
clutter, such as buildings or cars, or anything else that bounces off a radar signal.
Aircraft that don't have transponders will show up as a primary target. Primary targets
are depicted either as dots (for weak radar echoes), or plusses (for strong radar
Sector 75 only has H pressed, because only targets above 14,000 feet need to be
displayed (the sector bottom is 24,000 feet). P is not pressed because ground clutter
certainly doesn't apply to sector 75, and anything flying about 18,000 feet requires a
transponder, so there should be no primary targets within the sector.
You should never need to change the filter settings, but they are there if you do
need to for some reason.
VFR Targets
Press the L filter key, to display all the low altitude targets. Unless you're running
the simulation after midnight local time, numerous V's and I's will appear. These are
VFR aircraft, which as you recall are not in communication with ATC, and are allowed
to fly around wherever they want, subject to some restrictions (clear of clouds, outside
busy airport areas, and under 18,000 feet). These pilots are mostly flying around for fun,
or to go short distances. The number of VFR aircraft in the sky on any given day depends
on the time of day, the weather, and the day of the week.
The V's and I's mean the same thing: V's are VFR targets below 5,000 feet, and I's
are VFR targets above 5,000 feet. Your only responsibility with these targets is to steer
your aircraft around any that get too close. There is no separation minimum between
these VFR targets and your sector's aircraft; just use common sense and keep them from
colliding with your aircraft.
The little number next to the V's and I's is the altitude display. This is always in
hundreds of feet, so 075 would be 7,500 feet, and 115 is 11,500 feet. Add two zeroes to
the readout to get the full altitude.
You will notice next to the bright V's and I's (which indicate the target's current
position) are dimmer V's or I's. These are the called the histories. They show the position
of the aircraft in previous radar sweeps, but you can think of them like a smoke trail,
showing where the aircraft has been, and inferring the direction in which the aircraft is
Click up and down on the HIST display at the bottom right of the console to
specify the number of histories. You can have from zero to five histories displayed for
each radar target. With zero histories, however, there is no way to tell which direction the
aircraft are heading. With five histories, on the other hand, the display can become
cluttered. Two or three histories are usually sufficient to indicate direction of flight
without cluttering up the display, but it is your preference.
IFR Targets
Aircraft under jurisdiction of Air Traffic Control, whether in your sector or
adjacent sectors, will appear as bright backslashes, along with their dimmer histories.
These aircraft are on IFR flight plans, and are in radio communication with the
appropriate sectors.
Next to the backslash (IFR) targets are one of two datablocks:
Limited datablocks show the altitude of each aircraft in hundreds of feet (add two
zeroes to get the actual altitude). Above the altitude readout is the aircraft's
transponder code, which you don't really need to know, but is there.
Full datablocks contain the callsign, current and assigned altitudes, computer ID#,
and groundspeed.
To "pull up" the full datablock from a limited datablock, move the cursor over the
target and click the left mouse button. The full datablock will then appear. Click on it
again to turn it back to a limited.
A typical full datablock might look like this:
623 440
(assigned and current altitude)
(computer ID and groundspeed)
The callsign is how you refer to the aircraft over the radio.
The assigned altitude is what the aircraft is climbing or descending to. You have to
manually enter this by making a computer entry (detailed later) each time you tell an
aircraft to climb or descend.
The current altitude is the latest altitude the aircraft's transponder transmitted to the
radar receiver.
The computer ID is a number you can use when making computer entries referring
to that aircraft (detailed later).
The groundspeed is calculated based on distance traveled over the past minute. It is
an estimation, and tends to lag behind the actual groundspeed when the aircraft is
turning, speeding up or slowing down.
If the aircraft is level at its cruising altitude, its altitude line will show the altitude plus a
capital 'C,' e.g. 330C.
If the aircraft is climbing to its requested cruising altitude, the character between the
current and assigned altitude will be an up-arrow, e.g. 330^217 means the current
altitude is FL217, and the aircraft is climbing to its requested cruising altitude of FL330.
If it is descending to its requested cruise altitude, the middle character will be a down
arrow: 310v327
If the assigned altitude is not the requested cruise altitude, the middle character will be a
T (for "temporary"), as in 240T287 meaning the aircraft is at FL287, descending to an
interim (temporary) altitude of FL240.
Plusses and dots are raw radar returns from anything that reflects a radar signal, such
as ground clutter, or certain atmospheric phenomena. Plusses indicate strong radar
returns, and dots indicate weaker returns.
V's and I's represent VFR aircraft flying around on their own. Next to the V or I is the
altitude display, in hundreds of feet.
Backslashes represent IFR aircraft under control of ATC, whether in your sector or
adjacent sectors.
Next to all radar targets will be from zero to five histories, depending on how many
you select with the HIST console control. Histories show positions of the targets in
previous radar sweeps, and infer which direction the target is headed.
Datablock Summary
Next to a backslash target will either be a limited datablock, showing only the
transponder code and altitude, or a full datablock. A target's full datablock can be
toggled on and off by moving the cursor to the backslash target and clicking the left
mouse button.
Full datablocks contain three lines. The first is the callsign. The second has altitude
information containing the assigned altitude on the left, a T or up or down arrow, and
the current altitude on the right.
The up or down arrow means the aircraft is climbing or descending to its requested
cruising altitude. A T in the middle of the altitudes means the assigned altitude it is
climbing or descending to (or level at) is just a temporary, or interim altitude.
If the aircraft is level at its requested cruising altitude, it will appear as the altitude
plus C, as in 330C or 290C.
The last line of the datablock contains the computer ID on the left, and the
groundspeed on the right.
Vector Line
This is the control labeled VECT. Increasing this selector will draw a line
extending from the aircraft targets that have full datablocks, in units of five miles. The
line is referred to as a vector line. A selection of 1 will draw five-mile-long vector lines
pointing in the direction the computer thinks the aircraft is headed. A selection of 2
will extend those vector lines to ten miles; 3 to fifteen miles, and so on.
The normal position is at zero. But, if you'd like to roughly estimate where a
particular aircraft will be in 20 miles, say, compared to the position of another aircraft in
20 miles, you can click up the vector lines to 4 (4 times 5 miles = 20.) The end of the
resulting vector lines is where the computer thinks the aircraft will be.
The two Los Angeles Center sectors (19 and 38) have a default of 1, or five-mile
vector lines. For various reasons, controllers there work traffic with these five-mile vector
lines displayed. The setting is optional, however, and you can click the selection down to
zero if you don't like it. One reason they do use five-mile vector lines is that the
controllers can quickly see what five miles looks like, without having to display a 5-mile
ring around a target (which is a computer entry covered in a later section).
Brightness Knobs Access Panel
This is the long, unlabeled gray button next to the P, L and H filter keys. Press this
gray button to open up the access panel containing brightness sliders for the radar display.
Click up and down on the sliders to adjust the brightness of the map, targets and
datablocks on the radar. In general, the values should be left at the default: aircraft targets
(RADAR) should be the brightest, datablocks (TRACKS) should be next, then the map
and limited datablocks (LDB/HIST) at dimmer settings.
Interphone Button
This is the white "OVR" button in your radio window, but there is also a duplicate
button (the unlabeled square button just to the left of the clock) which is a backup in case
of computer failure. So, you can press either one. If you need to issue an instruction to an
aircraft that is not on your frequency, press the interphone button to connect to an
adjacent controller, who will relay the instruction for you. As soon as you press the
button, the radio receiver window will turn green, and after a few seconds, the adjacent
controller will say "green light" or "override." This means "go ahead."
You can then issue the instruction just like you would if you were talking to the
aircraft, such as USA697,DMFL240. The other controller will say his operating initials,
then you should press the interphone button again to hang up. The controller will then
issue the message to the aircraft.
If you want to tell the adjacent controller to switch a particular aircraft to your
frequency, you can just use the * command, but without a frequency number (it will
default to your sector's frequency). For example, if an adjacent controller forgot to switch
an aircraft over to your frequency, you can press the interphone button, wait for the
controller to say "override," then type the callsign and * (no comma needed), as in
AWE120*. The controller will then give his initials, and you should press the interphone
button again to hang up. AWE120 will soon check on to your frequency.
Incoming Traffic Display
The small window to the left of the radio windows shows the percentage intensity
of traffic headed for the sector, from zero (no aircraft) to 100 (very busy). Usually there is
about a 10 minute lag between what you see in this window, and when that traffic will hit
your sector. If you see 100 in the window, get ready to get busy. If you see 50, relief is in
When you are working a sector, you will have no control over the traffic levels
headed for your sector; the simulation regulates it to keep it "busy" overall, but with ebbs
and flows, as it is in real life.
If you train on the sector, you can click the amount up and down with arrow
buttons that will appear beneath the window. You might start out with a value of 60, and
go up or down from there depending on how overwhelmed you feel. Remember, though,
that there is about a 10 minute lag between the level in the display and when the aircraft
will actually reach your sector.
DSIDE Button
Once you are certified on a sector, you will have the option of requesting an
assistant. The DSIDE button will appear beneath the traffic intensity display. Press it to
request an assistant (known as a D-side) to help you, which will cause the button to blink.
Within a few minutes, the supervisor will send an assistant over, and the button will stay
lit once he is in place.
The D-side will initiate handoffs to other sectors, and enter assigned altitude
information in the datablocks as you issue altitudes to the aircraft. This saves you both
time and keystrokes, and is very helpful when you're busy.
While you're working a sector, the supervisor may also decide on his own to put
in a D-side, if traffic starts to build. Also, he may take your D-side once traffic dies down.
If you no longer need or want a D-side, you can press the button while it's lit or blinking
to request that the supervisor take him away. Or, if the supervisor is about to take away
your D-side (the button will start to blink), you can press it to ask that he stay.
If you're training at the sector or taking a certification test, there will be no
DSIDE button and no D-side. You must show you can do everything on your own.
BREAK Button
The BREAK button is the closest thing to an exit or quit function. If you are
training at the sector, press BREAK to leave the sector immediately and return to the
main Sector Choice menu. Or, if you are taking a certification test, press BREAK to
cancel the cert check and exit the sector.
If you are working the sector, however, where there is live traffic, you must wait
for another certified controller to relieve you from position. Press the BREAK button to
request a break with the supervisor. The supervisor will do his best to get someone in to
relieve you, but it may take up to a few minutes. When you have a break on request, the
button will be lit. When another controller is there and ready to take over the sector, the
button will blink. Press it while it's blinking to actually exit. If you change your mind and
decide you want to stay, just ignore the relief and he'll go away.
If you are working a sector, never exit by resetting the computer or turning it off.
Especially never do that if you're about to have a deal and think you can outsmart the
computer supervisor. The computer will know, and you will be punished the next time
you use the simulation. Once you are certified at a sector and working live traffic, you are
expected to behave responsibly and professionally.
There is a "cheat," however: if you have a D-side at the sector, you can let him
take over by pressing ALT-P to unplug yourself from the position. This is to let you
answer the phone, or run to the restroom. When you return, you can plug back in as
normal by clicking on the "plug in" plate that will appear over the console. As always
when first plugging in, though, make sure the sector's not about to have a deal, because
you assume all responsibility the second you plug in.
Computer Commands
The square computer screen in the lower left corner of your monitor is the ATC
computer's display. Make computer entries by pressing an appropriate function key on
your keyboard, which will show as a + on the monitor. As you type, your input will
appear on this display, until you press <ENTER>. Then, you return to the normal mode
where your <ENTER> key activates your microphone window.
The ATC computer will respond to your entries with either ACCEPT or REJECT.
The functions are as follows:
Accept a Handoff
where (AID) is either the computer ID#, full callsign, or left mouse
button over the aircraft's radar target (the bright backslash).
When an adjacent controller initiates a handoff to you, the aircraft's datablock will
appear on your screen, with H-xx (xx being your sector number) blinking in the
lower right corner, alternating with the groundspeed display. You should take the
handoff prior to the aircraft entering your sector. If you don't, the adjacent controller
is technically required to turn the aircraft around, but handoffs are rarely refused, so
the aircraft will keep blinking at you and keep flying into your sector.
Taking the handoff means you assume responsibility for the aircraft, so don't take it
until it is separated from all your existing traffic. Issue instructions to the new
aircraft, if necessary, by using the interphone button.
Initiate a Handoff
<F1>(sector) (AID)
where (sector) is the sector number to which you are handing off the
aircraft, and (AID) is the aircraft's full callsign, computer ID#, or left
mouse click over the aircraft's target. Example: <F1>17 522 initiates
a handoff to sector 17 of the aircraft with computer ID#522.
Before any aircraft under your control (i.e. in your sector) cross your boundary into
the next sector, you must initiate a handoff to that sector with this computer entry.
You can initiate a handoff at any time, but the next controller probably won't take it
until about 10 to 15 miles from his boundary, so you really don't need to start the
handoff until about 20 miles from the boundary.
When you initiate a handoff, you will see H-xx start to blink in the lower right of the
datablock, where xx is the sector to which you're handing off.
When the next controller takes the handoff, the blinking H-xx will turn to a steady
O-xx, and the letter R will appear to the left of the computer ID# in the datablock, so
the last line of the datablock might look like this:
R143 O-34
This indicates that sector 34 has taken the handoff on the datablock.
If you initiate a handoff, and the next controller just won't take it, most likely you are
handing it off to the wrong sector. Double check the sector map to make sure it's the
right sector. Also, make sure you are following the particular procedure for that
aircraft, such as descending it to the proper altitude.
Move Datablock
<F1>(direction) (AID)
where (direction) is a number on the numeric keypad specifying the
direction to point the datablock (e.g. 1 is southwest, 8 north, 6 east);
(AID) is the computer ID, full callsign, or left mouse click over the
aircraft's target.
This entry moves a datablock to a different position. This is probably one of the most
frequent computer entries you will make, because datablocks will start to overlap as
the sector becomes crowded with aircraft.You will need to manually move each one
to keep them apart. Or, the datablock may be partially off the screen, in which case
you should move it to another direction so you can see all of it.
You can also lengthen or shorten the line leading from the aircraft's target to the
datablock (called the leader line) by entering a forward slash, followed by the unit
length, such as /1 or /2 or even /0. The default is the 1 position. You can combine this
on the same line as the direction, so: <F1>9/2 UAL312 <ENTER> would move the
datablock for UAL312 to the 9 position (northeast), and extend its length to two.
Display Route
where (AID) is the computer ID, full callsign or left mouse click over
the aircraft's target.
Draws a line on the radar showing the aircraft's route. The line will disappear after
several seconds, or you can erase it with <F3> and no AID (just <ENTER>).
Distance Measuring
From Point to Point
This option will report the heading and distance from the first mouse click to the
second mouse click. For example, to determine the distance between two aircraft,
press <F4>, place the cursor over the first aircraft, click the left mouse button, place
the cursor over the second aircraft (remember, the aircraft is the bright backslash),
click the left mouse button, then press <ENTER>. You will see two displays: RNG
means the distange (range) in nautical miles between the two points, and BRG is the
heading (bearing) from the first point to the second.
Distance Measuring
<F4>FIXNAME(left mouse)
From Point to VORTAC, Intersection or Airport
Use this option to determine the distance and heading from a point to any known
VORTAC, intersection or airport. For example, type <F4>JFK then move the cursor
to any point on the radar (or over an aircraft, for example), click the left mouse
button, then press <ENTER>. The computer display will tell you the heading and
mileage to the JFK airport.
If the VORTAC, intersection or airport is not in that sector's database, you will get an
error message.
Change Requested Cruising Altitude
<F5>(ALT) (CID)
(ALT) is the new requested cruising altitude (in hundreds of feet, e.g.
350 for FL350, 140 for 14,000), and (CID) is the computer ID, full
callsign, or left mouse click over the target.
The datablock can contain two different altitudes: the aircraft's requested cruising
altitude (called a "hard" altitude), and an interim assigned altitude (called a "temp"
altitude). Recall from the altitude display in the datablock that an up or down arrow
indicates the aircraft is climbing or descending to its requested cruising altitude. A T
in between the two displayed altitudes indicates the aircraft is climbing or
descending to a temporary, or interim altitude, i.e. not its requested cruising altitude.
This command changes the "hard" altitude, which you would do if the aircraft makes
a specific request for a new cruising (final) altitude.
Toggle On/Off Five-Mile Ring
<F7>J (AID)
where (AID) is the computer ID, callsign, or left mouse click
over the target.
Draws (or erases) a five-mile (radius) circle around the selected aircraft. Normally a
controller simply eyeballs potential conflicts, with a rough idea of how far five miles
looks, based on the five-mile long vector line. In the case of jet aircraft, five miles is
also the distance (roughly) between the target and its third history.
If you think two aircraft will get pretty close to five miles apart, you can put this
five-mile ring (called a "J-ball" or "J-ring") around one of them, to know for certain
how far five miles is. Then, make sure the other aircraft stays out of this ring.
You can display as many J-rings as you wish; however, your sector will quickly
become cluttered, so one or two is probably the most you might need at any time.
Insert/Remove Temp Altitude
<F8>(ALT) (CID)
(ALT) is the temporary assigned altitude, and (AID) is the computer ID, callsign, or left
mouse click over the target. To remove a
temporary altitude, omit the altitude:
If you issue to an aircraft an altitude assignment which is not its requested final
cruising altitude, use this command to indicate this temporary altitude in the
datablock. As you step an aircraft up to his final cruise altitude, for example, you
would continue to issue new temporary altitudes and make this computer entry.
Finally, when you issue a climb instruction to his requested cruising altitude, remove
the temporary altitude with <F8> and the aircraft ID as described above. The
datablock will then show an up arrow to the cruising altitude, indicating he's
climbing to his final cruise.
Make it a habit to immediately enter an aircraft's altitude assignment as soon as you
finish typing the climb/descend command to the aircraft, and as you read his
Altitude assignments are a three-step process:
Delta four seventy six, climb and maintain flight
Here you type in the temporary altitude as you keep an eye on the radio window for
the pilot's readback. DAL476's datablock will then show 290T217 in the altitude
line, for example, meaning he's at FL217 and climbing to the assigned altitude you
just issued, FL290.
Later, in this example, DAL476 flies past his traffic at FL310, so you determine you
can issue him his requested cruise altitude of FL330:
You(typing): DAL476,CMFL330
You(saying): Delta four seventy six, climb and maintain flight level three three
<F8>435 (435 is DAL476's computer ID)
Ok, up to flight level 330, DAL476.
Note that you made the computer entry to remove the temp altitude, which leaves the
requested final altitude showing. You did this because the altitude you gave him was
his requested final cruising altitude. If you had issued any altitude other than this
final cruise altitude, you would have made another temp altitude entry instead of
removing it.
Remember: make it a habit to always enter the assigned altitude into the
datablock as soon as you issue it to the aircraft! Otherwise, you may soon forget
and will start thinking the aircraft is climbing or descending to a different altitude
than what he's actually assigned.
Flight Strips
Each aircraft under control of ATC has a flight progress strip that contains
information about the flight. This information includes the aircraft's type, planned
cruising speed (true airspeed, which would be the groundspeed if there were no winds),
assigned route of flight, and notations on assigned speeds, altitudes, and headings, if any.
Center Controllers are required to make notes on the strip each time they issue an
instruction to an aircraft. Conceivably, if the radar were to fail completely, the controller
could use the information on the strip, along with estimated times across VORTACs, to
keep aircraft separated.
The more practical use of the strip, though, is to indicate the route of flight of the
aircraft, the type of aircraft, and the requested cruising altitude which may be "covered
up" in the datablock by a temporary altitude.
Viewing a Strip
To see an aircraft's strip, move the cursor over the aircraft's target, then press
and hold the right mouse button. The strip will appear in the lower right of the screen
as long as you hold down the mouse button.
You can only display strips for targets that have a full datablock on the screen. (To
pull up a full datablock from a limited datablock, put the cursor over the aircraft and
press the left mouse button).
As you make altitude, speed, heading or route assignments, the information is
automatically updated on the strip.
A Flight Strip Example
--------------------------------------------------| DAL523 | LAX LOOPN J9 DAG LAS |
| B737/A |--------------------------------------------|
| T420
| 453 01 | 270K | 290 |
| RV070 |
---------------------------------------------------Speed, altitude and heading assignments are all written in the appropriate box: the
first bottom box is for speeds, the second for altitudes, the third shows the requested
cruising altitude if different from the current assigned altitude, and the fourth holds
headings/deviation assignments. The top box shows the aircraft's route, and if it is longer
than the box will hold, some of the middle portions will be replaced with asterisks. The
destination airport, however, will always be listed last.
The left-most box contains the callsign, aircraft type and planned true airspeed.
The 01 next to the computer ID is the strip number, which is unimportant.
The primary use of the strip overall is to see an aircraft's type and route of flight.
Seeing heading or speed assignments in their boxes will also remind you to get the
aircraft back on course, or eventually lift the speed restrictions prior to handing off to the
next sector.
Additional Computer Entries
Re-centers the map display. You shouldn't need to use this, but if you did
wish to move the display on your screen, place the cursor in the desired new
map center position, and press ALT-C.
Toggles large and small datablocks. You can select the default datablock size
in the OPTIONS screen, or just toggle them large or small with this
Some lower-end monitors don't display small characters (like those in the
datablocks) very clearly, so you can use this option to "puff up" the size of
the letters. However, the larger-sized datablocks are not very realistic;
consider purchasing a monitor with a sharper dot pitch of .28mm or less.
Unplug/plug back in to the sector. Use this if you need to leave the sector for
just a minute, to answer the phone or run to the restroom. As soon as you
unplug, a computer controller (your D-side, if you are working the sector, or
your instructor if you are training on the sector) will temporarily watch the
sector for you until you get back.
If you are working the sector, this is cheating. The reality is there are no
surplus controllers milling around who can just jump in and take over your
sector, so the preferred way is to request a break and wait for your relief.
However, there are probably more distractions where you are running this
simulation than there are in real Centers, so having to leave the computer for
a quick minute is understood.
If you see you are about to have a deal, don't try to unplug and give it to the
computer controller to work out. The computer will find out if you try to
cover it up this way, and you will be disciplined. Face the problem, resolve
the situation as safely as possible, and admit your mistake. You are expected
to behave responsibly and professionally, and your rating will reflect these
The Options Screen
At the bottom of the Sector Choice menu are two buttons, EXIT to exit the
simulation, and OPTIONS. Pressing the OPTIONS button will show the default settings
you can modify.
Traffic Level
This is the overall traffic intensity level, with a default of 100 (normal). When you
train at a sector, you can directly control the level of traffic coming into the sector with
the up/down arrows under the traffic intensity display. If you work the sector, (or take a
certification check), the simulation automatically keeps things busy, at levels similar to
what flies through the actual sectors in real life.
However, if you are a slow typist, or still just learning the simulation and find that
working traffic is no fun because there are just too many aircraft, you can lower this
overall traffic level by selecting OPTIONS, then clicking the Traffic Level downward.
Then, you can work the sectors with less traffic.
If you can consistently work traffic with this level at 100, you are at the level of a
professional air traffic controller. Consider doing it as a career!
NORMAL is the default and most realistic, but if you are new to the simulation,
it is strongly recommended you select NEVER until you get used to the whole
controlling process.
If storm cells are in your sector, everything can fall to pieces if you're not
experienced issuing commands, making computer entries and staying on top of things.
Just as you get used to the sector flows, and the specific routes the aircraft fly, one storm
cell in the middle of everything will cause aircraft to deviate left and right, heading all
over and into other aircraft and sectors. Also, your radio will become clogged with pilots
making requests for deviations.
Once you feel comfortable working traffic at the sector, though, storms and
aircraft deviations can make things interesting as you work out new strategies for getting
aircraft where they need to go. But if you are still just learning, you may run screaming
from the pressure. Turn storms off by selecting NEVER if storms make things too
VFR Targets
The default is ON. The VFR targets are the V's and I's meandering around the sky
that you see if the L filter key is pressed. These clutter up the scope, and slow down the
computer as it displays them all. Real Centers display them all, however, and they
represent aircraft that are potential conflicts for the aircraft you are working.
If your computer is just getting bogged down, though, whether from a slow CPU
or video card, you can turn these VFR targets off to speed up the display somewhat. You
will still have the challenge of being a controller, separating aircraft under your control,
but you will not be seeing everything a real controller would see.
Sound and Datablocks
Choose ON/OFF and BIG/SMALL to set the sound on or off and datablocks big
or small. This works just like ALT-S and ALT-D, but makes them defaults when you start
the simulation.
Choose big datablocks if your monitor doesn't display small letters too well. This
is especially true with lower-end monitors that have dot pitches of .39mm, which can
cause small letters to appear fuzzy. Consider investing in a sharper monitor with a dot
pitch of .28mm or less.
Vector Lines
You can choose to display the vector lines (the lines extending forward from the aircraft
target) in miles or minutes. Most centers display them in minutes, but a few use miles.
With the minutes setting, the vector line will extend forward in however many "Vect"
minutes you have chosen, for each aircraft (e.g. at a setting of "1", the vector line for an
aircraft moving 7 miles per minute would be 7 miles long).
---------------------------------YOUR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CAREER
New Center controllers are assigned to a particular Center, and a particular area
within that Center. An area typically contains six sectors. The controller may end up
staying in that Center and in that same area for his entire career, or may move around
every ten years or so.
Air Traffic Control Center puts together six sectors from six different areas and
three different Centers. Still, you can consider it your assigned area.
You will start out at the GS-11 level, with zero sectors, and are expected to
eventually become certified on each of the six sectors in your area. Once certified, you
are called an "FPL," for Full Performance Level. This is somewhat equivalent to tenure
in the educational system: it's almost impossible to get fired, layoffs are almost
unthinkable, and demotions rare.
Until you certify on all six sectors, you will receive a promotion after completing
two sectors, then another after four. A rough pay scale (in mid-1990's dollars) for the
different levels is as follows:
GS-14 (FPL)
Pay is based on a base salary plus extra pay for overtime, holiday, and weekend
work. Because Centers are 24-hour facilities, controllers work some day, some evening,
some overnight, and some weekend shifts. A typical shift might be: Sundays and
Mondays off; Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3pm to 11pm; Thursdays and Fridays 7am to
3pm; and Friday midnight shifts from 11pm to Saturday at 7am.
The Training Process
When you first start the simulation, after you have entered your initials and
employee name, no sectors will be listed under your WORK row. This is because you are
not yet certified on any of them. Your only choices will be to TRAIN on the sectors of
your choice, or take a CERTIFICATION test on any you feel ready for.
Before you begin training on a sector, you will need to study all the information in
the sector description for that sector. You will need to be familiar with the sector map,
and know or at least know where to look on the map for adjacent sector numbers and
frequencies, as well as the VORTACs, intersections, airways and airports within and near
the sector.
You will also need to know the procedures for that sector, which list the possible
routes, and what to do with aircraft along each of these routes. The procedures form the
essence of the sector; you must issue commands (mostly climb or descent commands) so
that aircraft adhere to the correct procedures, all while keeping them separated from each
Training on a Sector
Training on a given sector allows you to practice controlling traffic, with the
benefit that if you have a deal, you are allowed to keep going. Nothing you can do will
affect your overall career rating, so feel free to make mistakes. Real controllers train
similarly, except they are plugged in with their instructor, who can step in to prevent
deals before they occur.
No instructor will step in for you while you train, but you can take your time,
practice issuing commands, and learn as you go. You have direct control over the traffic
intensity that is headed for your sector; lower the amount if you feel overwhelmed. There
is about a five- to ten- minute lag time, however, so it is best to click the level downward
(maybe to 50) as soon as traffic starts to build. Then, after it has quieted down, click it
back up to send more aircraft in.
The default traffic intensity value when training is 60. If you can work consistent
traffic around the 70 or 80 level without having a deal, you are probably ready to take a
certification test.
While you are training, you can exit at any time without having to wait for relief:
simply press the BREAK button to return to the main menu.
Certification Test
When you feel practiced enough at a given sector, choose the sector number in the
CERT row to take a certification test. You will have to work traffic at that sector while
your computer supervisor watches you. You will have no control over the level of traffic
coming into the sector, which will automatically be kept at a busy level.
If you can successfully work traffic at the sector for about 30 to 40 minutes, or
otherwise impress the supervisor, you will be certified at that sector. If you have a deal,
you will be told to keep training. However, your rating won't be affected, so don't worry.
You can either train some more, or even take another certification test right away, if you
Working Live Traffic
After you are certified at a sector, the sector number will be added to your WORK
row. Choose a sector out of this row if you feel like working live traffic. If you do well,
your career rating improves. If you have a deal, your rating may suffer a little, and you
may be decertified, but just take another CERT test and work your rating back up.
You can still train on a sector even after you are certified, but the ultimate goal is
to certify on everything, then work the sectors as real controllers do. The challenge of
working live traffic and getting them where they need to go with a minimum of delays,
slowing, or turns, all while keeping them properly separated, is what Air Traffic Control
is all about.
Career Rating
The rating number that appears on the Sector Choice screen next to your name is
your career rating. A value of around 70 is normal, 80 can be considered "good," and 90
"excellent." You can improve your career rating by working busy traffic without having
Your total hours working traffic is also logged, and your rating will tend to
improve the more experience you have working live traffic.
If you have a deal, your rating will take a little hit. Just work more busy traffic to
impress your supervisor and boost your rating back up.
-----------------------------------HOW TO CONTROL TRAFFIC
Before you start to actually control traffic, you should be at least comfortably
familiar with the aviation topics covered so far in this manual:
Aviation Knowledge Review
VFR aircraft: These aircraft appear on the radar as V's and I's, with their altitudes
displayed next to the targets. They fly around on their own, and are not in radio
communication with you. You must simply note their positions, and prevent aircraft
in your sector from getting too close to them.
IFR aircraft: These are the aircraft you are responsible to separate. The pilots file a
flight plan prior to departure, listing their proposed route of flight. Controllers can
then change their routes as necessary to adhere to departure and arrival routing
procedures. An aircraft's flight plan information, including the route, type of aircraft,
and planned speed and cruising altitude appear on a strip, which you can bring up by
moving the cursor over the aircraft's target and pressing the right mouse button.
Sectors: Each radar controller is in charge of a sector, which has a specific boundary
(shown in dotted lines), and specific altitudes that it covers. There may be parts of
other sectors, or even entire TRACONs within your sector too. Prior to an aircraft
entering your sector, the previous controller initiates a handoff to you, which causes
the aircraft's datablock to pop up on your scope. After you take the handoff, you
assume responsibility for the flight until you hand it off to the next controller down
the line.
Sector Procedures: You must apply appropriate procedures to aircraft within your
sector, depending on where they're going. The information on each of the six sectors
will list these procedures. Aircraft flights are divided into arrivals, which are in the
process of descending for landing, or will start their descent soon; departures, which
are in the process of climbing to their requested cruising altitude; and overflights,
which are already at their cruising altitude and mostly just need to be left alone.
Separation: You must keep all aircraft in your sector apart from each other by the
minimum separation standard: five miles if the aircraft are at the same altitude or
within 1,000 feet of each other vertically at and below FL290, or 2,000 feet vertically
above FL290. If you don't, you have had a deal.
Aircraft and Computer Commands: These all appear on the command card, which
you can keep next to your computer, along with the sector maps and procedures. But,
you should be familiar with the types of commands you can issue (altitudes, headings,
speeds and weather deviations/turbulence information), and know how to make and
take handoffs (F1 key), and move datablocks around to keep things from getting too
cluttered (also the F1 key).
Keeping Awareness
miles) and outward along the aircraft's remaining route to double-check that you issued
the correct altitudes earlier. If you find an aircraft that will be a factor, correct it now.
Issue an appropriate altitude, heading or speed to ensure they will be separated.
If the procedure for that aircraft is to descend or climb it to a specific altitude, and
you haven't issued it yet, check for any traffic that may be in the way. If there is none,
issue the appropriate altitude. If there is traffic, issue an altitude that keeps separation
between the two while still getting the aircraft closer to its required altitude.
Move on to the next aircraft in the scan. Your scan must be quick and efficient,
not lingering too long at any one aircraft because you will lose the flick with the rest of
your sector. If you see something that needs to be done, do it now, not after the next scan.
There should be a slight impatience in your scan mentality; you should be eager to get
aircraft up and out (or down and out) of your sector as quickly as possible. As soon as the
next sector takes the handoff on an aircraft, and that aircraft is clear of all traffic, you
should be glad to switch the aircraft to the next
frequency and get rid of it. It is one less aircraft to tie up your frequency with a longwinded request or complaint about the rides.
Above all, though, scan scan scan scan scan. Whenever you start to lose it, scan
Positive Separation
It is both good practice, and in fact policy that all aircraft in your sector shall be at
guaranteed safe altitudes, headings and routes. It is guaranteed safe, for example, if all
aircraft in your sector are level at different, appropriately separated altitudes. It is
guaranteed safe if two aircraft are at the same altitude, but their routes never come within
five miles of each other. It is guaranteed safe if one aircraft is level at 15,000 feet and
another is out of FL200 descending to 16,000, because they will never be within 1,000
feet of each other vertically regardless of how many miles apart they are.
This guaranteed safety is what is meant by positive separation. By keeping all
aircraft positively separated from each other, as in any of the above examples, it does not
matter if your radar fails, or if you lose the flick. The aircraft are safely separated, and
will remain that way even if you leave to answer the phone.
Consider a case where you note as part of your scan that two aircraft at the same
altitude will probably get within five miles of each other, but it's a long way away, and
you can "always get back to it." They are no longer guaranteed safe; it's just a matter of
time before they possibly collide. Now, until you "get back to it," your subconscious
mind will gnaw at you, and you may start to panic, even if you have the flick. The safety
of every passenger on those two planes now depends on your "getting back to it." If the
radar suddenly fails, or your radios lock up, or the pilots' radios fail, the situation will be
critical. Or, just as you "get back to it," and are about to issue an altitude or heading to
separate the two aircraft, another pilot will start transmitting a long, elaborate report on
the weather, and forget to unkey his microphone. You will then listen to the sounds of idle
cockpit conversation, breathing and coughing as you helplessly watch two aircraft come
This is absolutely no way to control a sector. You must strive to keep aircraft
positively separated, in other words, guaranteed safe at all times. As soon as you note a
143 210\
/511 140
In the above example, Eagle Flight 287 is eastbound at 17,000. November 423
Foxtrot Golf is about twelve miles ahead, westbound at 12,000. By procedure, EGF287
needs to descend to 11,000.
The altitude you would issue should come to you almost instantly: 13,000. This is
positive separation, because no matter how slowly, or how quickly EGF287 descends,
you will never lose separation.
The foolish way would be to issue 11,000, reasoning that by the time EGF287
gets below 13,000, they will have passed each other already and be five miles apart. That
may be true. You may further reason that you can "always change it" if EGF287
descends too quickly, stopping him at 13,000. Maybe so. But it is not positive separation,
is foolish, against policy, and may only have a 90 percent chance of working. Ten percent
of your decisions not working is completely unacceptable.
The answer here is to issue 13,000, then later issue 11,000 after they have passed
and there is at least a space of five miles between them.
326 380 \
462 420
/ \
943 420
In this example, your sector covers FL240 and above. United 982 checks on to
your frequency, climbing to FL230 only. His requested cruising altitude is FL350. The
procedure for departures such as this one is to climb them to their cruising altitude.
Assuming these are the only aircraft in the sector, and the distance between UAL982 and
DAL275 here is ten miles, you should be able to look at this example and give an instant,
positively separated altitude for UAL982.
FL290 is the best answer, because AAL420 will get within five miles, and is
descending to FL310. If you issued FL350 to UAL982, it is almost certain that you
would not have a deal, because AAL420 will pass over UAL982 within a minute, and
UAL982 will still be only around FL230 or FL240. But, computing all that may take too
much time. If you are busy, you will want to make a quick decision as you move along in
your scan, and the quickest, guaranteed safe altitude here is FL290.
You could even say FL280, or FL270, because DAL275 is "kind of in the area,"
and you are much too busy to watch them and measure how far apart they are. Those
altitudes are fine, and are even more guaranteed safe. With just a little experience,
however, you could also quickly see DAL275 is already 10 miles away and increasing, so
is no factor.
You could also tell AAL420 to stop his descent at FL350 (DMFL350), then tell
UAL982 to CMFL330. That would also provide positive separation, and is another
acceptable alternative. That would take longer to issue, however, so the quickest solution
would still be the original FL290.
Obviously, there are different alternatives to a given situation. The rule to follow
is to pick the quickest, safest altitude, then move on with your scan.
Ignoring Positive Separation
Consider a more extreme example: One aircraft is at FL290, and needs to descend
to FL240 according to procedure. You see that the only other aircraft in the sector is at
FL260, and is head-on, but 150 miles away. Technically, the "positively separated"
altitude to issue is FL270. No matter how quickly or slowly the aircraft descends, it will
always be separated from the traffic at FL260. Then, you would wait for them to pass
before continuing the descent to FL240.
This is probably impractical, however. In fact, the aircraft may end up flying past
his destination before the two aircraft finally pass. You are allowed to use your good
judgement in waiving the positive separation policy. There is no definition of "good
judgement," except you are bestowed with an amount of trust when you are certified at a
sector, and are expected to use good judgement at all times, regardless of policies or
In this example, then, it would be good judgement to descend the aircraft at
FL290 all the way to FL240. They are so far apart, and you will see that aircraft descend
between 1,000 and 3,000 feet per minute, usually, so by all calculations, estimations and
eyeballing, they will never be a factor. Thus, go ahead and descend him to FL240.
Divide this mileage by the miles-per-minute. This is the number of minutes until the
Multiply this number of minutes by the climb/descent rate (1,500 FPM if a "good"
jet, 1,000 if "bad"). This is how many feet of altitude the aircraft will change before
the conflict begins.
Add/subtract this from the current altitude. This is the altitude where the aircraft will
be when the two reach five miles apart.
If you calculate in this manner that there will be lots of vertical distance (well
over the minimum of 1,000 feet/2,000 feet), then trust your calculations and issue the
climb/descent. In subsequent scans, recalculate to make sure it is working as planned. If
not, go to plan B by reassigning positively separated altitudes or turning one or both
aircraft away.
If your calculations show that you will barely have the required vertical
separation, don't issue the altitude, because it likely won't work.
Speed Control
As part of your routine scan, you must look at aircraft along the same route,
moving in the same direction, to detect overtakes. An overtake occurs when two aircraft
at the same altitude (or within the minimum vertical separation), along the same route,
are at different groundspeeds, with the slower one in front. Eventually, the faster one will
catch up, and there will be a deal.
There are various ways to deal with overtakes, including changing their speeds,
turning one or both, or changing their altitudes. Or, you may do nothing, if their routes
will diverge prior to their getting within five miles of each other.
As with altitude changes, you can mathematically calculate when the overtake
will result in a loss of separation, or just control by feeling, or both.
Overtakes by Mathematics
First you need to know how much spare mileage you have between the aircraft.
Because you need five miles separation, anything over five miles is "spare." If the aircraft
are 15 miles apart, for example, you have 10 miles to spare.
Next, calculate how often you lose a mile of separation. If the overtake is by 60
knots, you will lose one mile per minute. If it is 30 knots, you will lose one mile every
two minutes. Thus, you can roughly estimate how many minutes you have until you will
lose separation.
At 8 miles per minute, you can then figure how many miles you have until the
deal will occur. If the two aircraft will split up before that, the overtake is not a factor. Or,
if you plan to change their altitudes before that point, they shouldn't be a factor.
Overtakes by Feeling
Think of 10 or 20 knots as "a little," 30 to 60 knots "big," and over 60 knots a
"huge" overtake.
"A little" overtake (10 or 20 knots) you can ignore, unless they are really close
together (less than 10 miles apart).
A "big" overtake (around 30-60 knots) is a problem if they are "close" together
(within about 30 miles).
A "huge" overtake (more than 60 knots) requires some kind of action.
Fixing Overtakes
As with any air traffic confliction, there are often multiple safe solutions. Ideally
you should then choose the option that is the least restrictive to the pilots. For example, if
two aircraft are flying along the same route, at the same altitude, and will be that way for
the next 1,000 miles, it is unfair to make the faster aircraft slow to the speed of the slower
aircraft for the entire journey. A better option would be to change their altitudes,
preferably climbing one aircraft to a higher cruising altitude, because aircraft save fuel by
flying at higher altitudes. Another option might be to turn the faster aircraft out, perhaps
20 degrees, until it is adjacent to the slower aircraft, but at least five miles away (sort of
like moving into a "passing" lane). Once the faster aircraft passes the slower, you (or the
next controller) can turn the passing aircraft back on course. This solution requires more
work by the controllers, but may be the least restrictive overall.
Matching Speeds
If the two aircraft will only be along the same route for a short time, are both
climbing to different altitudes, or are both headed for the same airport and about to start
their descent anyway, the least restrictive option will probably be to match their speeds. If
possible, ask the slower aircraft to speed up to the speed of the faster one. Pilots trying to
keep their schedules don't mind speeding up, but they hate having to slow down.
To do this, ask the speed of the faster aircraft with SM (Say Mach number) if
above FL290, or SI (Say Indicated) if at or below FL290. Then assign that speed to the
front (slower) aircraft. It may take a few minutes for the front aircraft to speed up, but
eventually you will see the groundspeeds match, and your overtake problem will
Quite possibly, though, the front aircraft won't be able to cruise at the same speed
as the back one. 737's, for example (B73S), cruise at about Mach .76, with a maximum
speed of about .79. 727's (B727) typically cruise around Mach .82, which is beyond the
maximum speed of the 737. If you had a 737 in front of a 727 at the same altitude, you
could compromise by assigning "maximum forward speed" to the 737 (with the +
command), then check the strip to see what it is (probably around .78 or .79). Then assign
.78 mach to the 727. It is restrictive to the 727, but if it's just for a short distance, it is an
acceptable solution.
Common Speeds
Cruise speed
Climbout speed
.76 mach
300 knots
Speeds will vary depending on the weight of the aircraft, the total flight distance,
and other factors (including pilot's style, and airline policies.) But, these will give you a
good estimation. Maximum speeds are about .02 mach above the cruising speed, and 10
to 20 knots above the climbout speed.
The best way to determine the aircraft's speed, though, is to ask the pilot with SI
(Say Indicated) or SM (Say Mach number). A 737 may climb at 280 knots one day, and
320 knots the next. But, in general they will follow the above guidelines.
Other Speed Information
The slowest speed you are allowed to assign an aircraft is 250 knots.
Above FL290, 250 knots is still the minimum, with an equivalent mach
number of about .70 or .71. If you need to slow an aircraft that much,
however, it's probably easier just to change their altitude and let them go at
their normal speed.
All aircraft are restricted to a maximum of 250 knots when below 10,000
feet. Even if you assign 320 knots to an aircraft at 12,000 feet, for example,
then descend him to 8,000 feet, the aircraft will slow to 250 knots prior to
going below 10,000 feet. Likewise, when climbing out from 10,000 feet,
aircraft will remain at 250 knots until breaking through 10,000 feet, then may
reduce their climb rate as they increase to their normal climbout speed.
You should rarely need to assign speeds to propeller aircraft, because
changing their altitudes is usually the better option.
Sequencing and Spacing
Often, procedures involving arrivals will stipulate that aircraft along the same
route, descending to the same airport must be a certain number of miles apart. This
stipulation is referred to as a miles-in-trail requirement. Aircraft descending into LAX,
for example, arriving from the east or northeast must be lined up single-file, ten miles-intrail. This spacing gives the TRACON enough room to slip other aircraft into the gaps,
and to give the tower enough time in between arrivals to use the runways for takeoffs.
Even if no miles-in-trail is required along a given route, it is still common
courtesy to subsequent controllers to provide some kind of spacing if two aircraft are
going to the same airport. Eventually, a controller down the line will have to space them
out anyway, so the sooner you get it started, the easier it becomes for everyone else. But,
if the spacing requirement isn't part of the procedures, you don't have to space them apart.
Determining Current Spacing
If two aircraft are flying along the same route, it is easy to determine how much
spacing you have: simply measure the distance between them (with the <F4> distance
measuring key, or click out the VECT lines to accurately estimate the mileage).
Figuring out how much spacing you have between aircraft on different routes, but
headed to the same point, is also easy: measure the distance from the first aircraft to the
converging point, and subtract from the distance between the second aircraft and the
converging point. Example:
COA236 /
123 470
456 440
Here, both Continental 236 and TWA472 are headed toward the VORTAC,
which is the common converging point. Measuring the distance from COA236 to the
converging point would show perhaps 11 miles; from TWA472 to the converging point
might show 17 miles. Subtracting the two gives you your current spacing: six miles.
Also note the groundspeeds when determining current spacing. Here, the front
aircraft (COA236) is faster than the back one (TWA472), so you are said to have six
miles and increasing. By the time both pass over the VORTAC, you might end up with
seven miles spacing, in this case.
If the rear aircraft were faster than the front, you would need to match their speeds
if you wished to hold the current spacing of six miles, otherwise the spacing would
gradually decrease.
Sequencing Multiple Aircraft
431 450
412 440
741 440
In this example, all three aircraft are headed over the VORTAC on the right, so
you would use that as the point of convergence. Measuring from there, you might find
United 880 is 19 miles from the VORTAC, Delta 715 is 21 miles, and AAL603 is 40
miles away. In this example, the procedure is to get 10 miles of spacing between the
To accomplish this, first determine who will be number one, number two, and
number three. Usually, whoever's the closest already should be number one; in this case,
UAL880. Number two should be the next closest, and so on. Whenever two aircraft are
pretty much the same distance (within a mile or two), make the naturally faster aircraft
go ahead of the slower one. For example, if a DC-10 (normal cruise about .84 mach) and
a 737 (normal cruise .75) were tied, or within a few miles of each other, you should make
the DC-10 #1, and the 737 #2.
Once you have clarified who you will make number one, number two and number
three, make it work. UAL880 in this example is number one. Number two is DAL715,
who is currently two miles behind UAL880 (21 minus 19). You need to get 10 miles
between these two. The next is AAL603, who is 19 miles behind the one in front of him
in line (DAL715). Since you only need 10 miles, you have room to spare between those
The first step is to get DAL715 10 miles behind UAL880. A good rule of thumb is
to use vectors to get the spacing, and speeds to hold it. "Using vectors" means turning
the aircraft out, maybe 30 degrees, to either side. This will cause DAL715 to progress
toward the VORTAC slower than UAL880. If you turned DAL715 by 30 degrees, say to
the left, and remeasured the distances about 2 minutes later, you might find you now have
8 miles. Then, turn DAL715 back to the converging point (with the "cleared direct"
command ..), and by the time he completes the turn, you may end up with 10 miles.
Meanwhile, though, #3 in line has been steadily moving toward the VORTAC.
After you turn DAL715 back in, now 10 miles behind UAL880, remeasure the new
spacing between DAL715 and #3 in the sequence, AAL603. Oops! You find you now
have eight miles. So turn out AAL603 for a little while until you get your 10 miles again.
Meanwhile, whoever's behind AAL603 in the sequence may need to be turned out
also, and whoever's behind him as well, and on and on. There is frequently a cascading
effect such as this when aircraft are closely packed together.
For example, if AAL603 were initially only 10 miles behind DAL715, and
DAL715 were only two miles behind UAL880, you would still turn out DAL715 by
maybe 30 degrees. To prevent AAL603 from catching up, though, you should turn him 30
degrees as well. Then when you turn DAL715 back to the VORTAC several minutes
later, turn AAL603 back in too. Your spacing should then hold.
This is Confusing
It sure is! It's almost impossible to get the feel for sequencing and spacing just by
reading. You have to do it, and practice, practice, practice! You may want to practice
some sequencing first, then re-read this section and it may make more sense. Both L.A.
sector 19 and Chicago sector 75 involve quite a bit of sequencing, though 75 has a lot
more room, so is probably easier. See the sector descriptions for more on each of those
If you try your best at sequencing, but it just doesn't work, don't worry. Just hand
them off to the next sector and vow to do better the next time. The computer controllers
don't even bother sequencing, because it is so difficult. You should try, however, because
the Art of sequencing and spacing is truly an integral part of Air Traffic Control.
When you first start your career in this simulation, you should select never stormy
in the OPTIONS screen. Storms can create absolute havoc in your sector if you're not up
to top speed and efficiency. Do not enable the storms option again until you feel
comfortable enough with the normal traffic flows in the sectors you work.
Storms are disruptive because pilots simply will not fly through them. They will
fly through rain, and normal clouds, but not storm clouds. These thunderstorm cells are
among the most violent forces in nature, and can rip an aircraft apart in mid-flight.
Pilots have weather radar in their cockpit that shows the precise location of the
storm cells. The controller's radar, however, only shows rain, and then only some of
what's actually out there. This rain appears as closely-spaced lines on your scope.
Storm cells are concentrated areas of violent weather activity, and may range from
a few miles across to a solid line of multiple cells 100 or more miles long. Storm clouds
may extend up to 50,000 feet or more; in general, the higher the buildup, the more severe
the storm.
Aircraft can fly above and around the cells, however. There is no real way to tell
if an area of weather on your radar is just rain, or severe buildups. Some aircraft will fly
through it, and others will ask to go around it.
You must approve requests to deviate around storms. If you say nothing, or deny a
request, the pilot will eventually turn on his own, and is completely justified in doing so.
If there is a deal because of this, it is still your fault.
If a pilot asks to deviate to the left, for example, but you have traffic off the left
side at his altitude, you do have some options. You can approve a right deviation instead
(the DV8R command), though that may be more inconvenient to the pilot. Try your
hardest to accommodate pilots' requests when weather is the concern. You might turn the
other aircraft out of the way, for example, to allow the pilot to deviate in the direction he
You do not have to approve requests right away; most pilots will make the initial
deviation request when still about 50 or so miles away from the storm, so you have a
little time. But again, try to accommodate the pilot's request as soon as possible.
Along with approving the deviation (either left or right), you should specify
instructions to follow after the aircraft is finished deviating, to get it back on course.
Usually, you can specify to proceed direct to a VORTAC or intersection on the aircraft's
route, when finished with deviations. This VORTAC or intersection should preferably be
the first one outside your sector, to prevent the aircraft from having to make coursereversing turns toward a specified fix if the deviations were significant and the specified
fix was close to the initial weather area.
certain, and the next time through you can reevaluate and maybe ease the restrictions
or get them back on course.
Sit back and look at the big picture. It's probably not as busy or complex as you
think! Keeping a constant scan and absorbing the big picture will make things run
much more smoothly.
Your mentality should be to get aircraft out of your sector. Get them moving, get
them up to their cruise altitude, and handed off to the next guy. Each aircraft you
switch to the next sector is one less complaint or question that can tie up your
frequency. Of course, you can't switch aircraft to the next sector until that sector
takes a handoff. And even if they take the handoff, don't switch the aircraft until it is
clear of all other traffic in your sector.
When a handoff first pops up on your scope, make it a habit to ensure it is clear of
all traffic before you take it. If there is a conflict, get on the interphone and issue the
appropriate heading, altitude or speed command, then wait to make sure the aircraft
is doing it. Once separation is achieved, then you can take the handoff. This also
applies to two handoffs coming to you from the same sector. The previous controller
may not see that they're about to get within 5 miles of each other, same
altitude...don't just watch it, get on the interphone, issue a descent or climb to one of
them, wait for the aircraft to become separated, then take the handoffs. Part of your
job is to fix mistakes others make.
If you forget to take a handoff, or are just too busy to take any more aircraft, they
will still fly into your sector. However, you will not be charged with any deals that
occur with them. This will make the previous controller's job much more difficult,
because he's technically required to reverse the aircraft's course. In reality, though,
handoffs are rarely refused. Keep your awareness, take handoffs, and keep things
If the next controller isn't taking your handoffs, you probably have the handoff flashing
to the wrong sector. Take the handoff back, and flash it to the correct sector.
Keep the scope uncluttered. As soon as an aircraft that you've handed off and
switched exits your sector, either by climbing above, descending below, or crossing
the boundary, take the datablock off the scope with the left mouse button, or <F1>
and ID#. You no longer need to watch the datablock after the aircraft has left the
sector, so there's no need to clutter everything up.
To keep datablocks from overlapping, move them around with the <F1> computer
entry. Avoid putting the datablock in front of the aircraft's target, because it may
cover up other traffic.
You can use datablock direction as a tool to remind you what route aircraft are on, or
which procedure they need to follow. For example, in L.A. sector 38, you might put
all aircraft headed over Las Vegas in the 7 position (northwest), and aircraft landing
at Las Vegas in the 3 position (southeast). Thus at a glance you can quickly tell
which ones need to be sequenced for landing, and which can continue on their merry
way. Another good technique is to put datablocks in the zero length position (the
<F1>/0 entry) after you have switched the aircraft to the next sector, to remind
yourself that the aircraft is "gone."
The first job priority is safety. Your supervisor's greatest concern is that you not
have a deal. The second priority is to descend, climb or sequence aircraft according
to the proper procedure. If you can't get the right spacing, or can't descend an aircraft
to the proper altitude because of traffic, just do your best, and hand it off to the next
controller anyway.
The third priority overall is to restrict pilots as little as possible. Slowing an aircraft
down, or turning him out, or not letting him climb to his cruise altitude quickly, will
burn lots of extra fuel, and these factors combined nationwide can cost his airline
millions of dollars, or even put them out of business. A good controller can keep
everybody safe, adhere to all procedures, and be only marginally restrictive if at all.
Strive to find the easiest, quickest, and safest solution to the traffic situations you
Keep altitude assignments correct for direction of flight: nationwide under FL300,
westbound aircraft are assigned even altitudes, and eastbound aircraft odd altitudes.
Above FL300, westbound aircraft get either FL310, FL350, or FL390 (or FL430, but
very few aircraft can fly that high). Eastbound get FL330, FL370, or FL410. By
keeping aircraft "right for direction of flight," you will encounter fewer head-on
situations at the same altitude. For example, if an eastbound aircraft currently at
11,000 wants FL330, but has traffic up ahead at FL190, you could assign FL180 until
they pass, then continue the climb. But a better habit is to keep the eastbound aircraft
at odd altitudes, so 17,000 would probably be a wiser choice.
Learn to selectively ignore some transmissions, if you are busy or have higher
priority things to do. If you miss a pilot's transmission, he will say it again if it is
important. If a pilot doesn't hear, or ignores you, however, get his attention with the
plain comma command, as in N421EW, <ENTER>. If he still doesn't respond, get
on the interphone and issue the * ("contact") command to him without the frequency,
which is shorthand to make him come over to your frequency.
Simulation Notes
The computer pilots can become disoriented, especially if there are unusual weather
formations and the pilots need to deviate far off course. If a pilot ever expresses
confusion about his route, just issue a heading that sends him in the right direction,
and hand him off to the next controller down the line. Or, if the pilot says something
that doesn't seem to make sense, it is because the computer has limited "intelligence"
and is trying to express a concept the best way it can. For example, a pilot may
suddenly say out of the blue, "We can't go that way." Possibly, the aircraft has
become boxed in with weather on all sides and its feeble computer mind can't find a
way out. The best you can do is issue a heading and hope the pilot finds some hole in
the storm.
Normally, controllers cannot turn, climb or descend aircraft in another controller's
sector without permission from that controller. In the simulation, permission is
always implied. You have "control on contact." As soon as the aircraft checks on to
your frequency, you are allowed to turn, climb or descend him as necessary without
permission. Likewise, after you switch an aircraft to the next controller, he may also
climb, descend or turn the aircraft. Thus, don't switch the aircraft until it is clear of
traffic. (The computer controllers in this simulation won't turn aircraft, only climb or
descend them for other traffic in their sectors).
Occasionally, you may want to climb an aircraft to an altitude above or below your
sector. For example, if your sector covers from the ground to FL230, and you have a
departure whose procedure is to climb to FL230 and hand off to the controller above
you, but you have traffic up ahead at FL230, just pick a higher altitude and climb
your departure to it, like FL240, or FL250 to get above the traffic. Normally, you
would call the higher controller on the interphone to ask his permission, but in this
simulation it is always implicitly granted.
As in real life, the radar or computer may fail. A warning message will blink on your
scope, but you may not see any targets, or they may freeze in place. Aircraft will
continue flying and calling you on the radio as usual, completely unaware of your
situation. You are still responsible to separate all aircraft even when the radar is
down. Fortunately, most radar or computer failures are only momentary. Use
common sense and good judgement if the outages last longer, to make the best of a
bad situation.
Much more common will be occasional radar "misses" of aircraft targets: on a given
radar update, the target will disappear, and you will lose its altitude readout. The
histories will remain, though, and the datablock will continue to move along where
the computer thinks the target should be. Usually the radar will resume picking up
the target on the subsequent update, but if no radar hits are made after several
updates, the datablock will stop moving, and you had better find out where the
aircraft is or what happened to it.
Advanced Commands
These are additional commands used in Air Traffic Control, but are not really
needed in the simulation. Still, if you are a real controller or pilot, you may know about
them and may wish to use them:
"Say altitude."
"Say position."
"Say (time) estimate (to next fix)."
"Report reaching FL350."
"Report leaving 14,000."
"Report passing CIVET."
Non-radar controlling is beyond the scope of this manual, but in general it involves
keeping all aircraft on airways, and calculating the times each aircraft will cross each
intersection in the sector. Aircraft crossing within 10 minutes of each other are
considered a factor, and must be altitude separated from each other by the time they
are within five to 15 miles of the intersection, depending on the angle between the
aircrafts' directions. Aircraft along the same route at the same altitude must be at
least 20 miles apart, with the back aircraft's speed at or less than the one in front.
If the radar does fail, you are probably better off just using common sense and
positive separation while you pray for it to come back on, rather than getting
involved in all the time estimates and intersection crossings. Technically, though, you
are supposed to resort to official non-radar control techniques if everything goes
blank. Good luck.
Crossing Restrictions: You can issue a restriction to cross a point at an altitude, at
or above an altitude and climb/descend to another, or at or below an altitude and
climb/descend to another:
"Cross Dagget at and maintain FL240."
"Cross 20 miles west of Janesville at or below FL260,
descend and maintain FL240."
"Cross 10 northeast of Dubuque at or above FL290,
together; departures from JFK headed to the south and over the Atlantic, and
both props and jets flying to and from New England, Philadelphia and
Atlantic City. The mix of climbing and descending aircraft from 747's to tiny
Cessna 152's can make things very complex and require quick thinking and
creative vectoring.
New York Sector 97 (ZNY 97) lies over southeastern Pennsylvania, covers
from the ground to 17,000 feet, and is an entry and exit point into the highly
congested New York Metropolitan area. Much of the traffic in the sector is
private aircraft skirting around the New York City area to and from New
England and the Washington D.C./Baltimore region. A number of commuter
props also start their descent into JFK, Newark and Laguardia airports here.
Other traffic includes departures from Philadelphia, jet arrivals into
Laguardia and Philadelphia, and both departures and arrivals into Allentown,
Pennsylvania. Like sector 66, the mix of jets and props can often make things
Los Angeles Sector 19 (ZLA 19) handles most jet arrivals into the second
largest city in the U.S. Any jets coming from the midwest, northeast, east, or
southern U.S. all funnel into one arrival point in sector 19, CIVET
intersection. Sector 19 must line up, sequence and space apart all these
arrivals into a single stream 10 miles-in-trail. Controllers at this sector must
be extremely quick and efficient, because one bad vector or slow reaction in
turning aircraft out or in can cause a cascading chain reaction effect with
subsequent arrivals that may last for an hour. There are some overflights, and
arrivals into other southern California airports, but the bulk of the sector is
lining up jet arrivals into LAX.
None of these sectors will have the same complexity from day to day;
some sessions may be a breeze, and others may make you consume antacid tablets
("controller candy") in bulk. The unpredictability, though, is what makes the job
Sector maps appear cut off: Use Wordpad to open the files. This is usually found under Start,
Programs, Accessories.
Pressing "N" for "New Employee" does nothing: Press N while the red box telling you to do
so is still on the screen, i.e. don't escape back to the sign-in screen.
Numbers in some places are completely garbled -- This is a newly discovered problem with
Windows ME. We don't have a fix yet, but think it has something to do with the "default DOS font
file." -- Check our main page periodically for updates, or if you find a solution, let us know!
Aircraft fly onto the screen, but never call on the radio: -- Remember, you have to first take
the handoff with the F1 key before they enter your sector. As they near the sector boundary, the
previous controller will then tell them to switch to your frequency, and they'll call you up.
Aircraft keep asking for lower or keep saying "What was the frequency?": You need to
make a handoff to the next sector, prior to the aircraft exiting your boundary. Once the next sector
takes the handoff, you then have to tell the aircraft to switch to the next sector's frequency with
the * command. If you tell them to switch, but the next sector doesn't have a handoff, they'll send
the aircraft right back to you. (All of this is covered in the manual...)
Program crashes or exits to desktop after 10-30 minutes: Find and click on the MemoryFix
icon in your C:\ATCC folder, which will cause the DOS console to quickly blink on then off. Then
RESTART Windows with Start/Shut Down/Restart. (MemoryFix renames the files autoexec.bat
and config.sys to autoexec.old and config.old, but you can undo this fix if you need to, by clicking
on MemoryUndo).
Contact [email protected] if you're still having problems!
This manual, accompanying documentation, and the Air Traffic Control Center(tm) program are copyright 1996-2001, Xavius
Software, All Rights Reserved.