Lesson 2 - Self-Esteem

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Year level: 9

Lesson title: Self-Esteem

Lesson: 2

Step 1Desired Results (What students will learn)

Standards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed. What should students
know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?

Evaluate factors that shape identities, and analyse how individuals impact the
identities of others (ACPPS089)

Analysing interactions where emotional responses may not be immediately

apparent and reflecting on the possible consequences of not recognising the
emotions involved (RS, MH)

Asserting their stance on a situation, dilemma or decision by expressing

thoughts, opinions and beliefs that acknowledge the feelings of others' (AD,
S, RS, MH)

The year 9 curriculum allows students to develop and identify strategies in how to
maintain/develop a positive self-esteem. Students will further learn how to evaluate
and assess their own and others unique qualities. Furthermore, students will learn
about the many aspects of self-esteem and how to maintain a positive outlook.
Step 2Assessment Evidence (Summative/Formative check for learning)
Performance taskWhat will students do to show what they have learned?
Students will participate in a variety of whole class and group discussions which will
allow them to explore and investigate what self-esteem is, how each individual is
unique as well as the elements that make them who they are.
Performance criteria How good is good enough to meet standards?
Provide checklists, rubric, or criteria.
Demonstrate an understanding of self-esteem
Evaluate the importance of self-esteem
Demonstrate an understanding of how each and every individual has unique
Pre-assessment is completed at the start of the lesson to gain a greater
understanding of students general knowledge of body image. During the lesson
observation, conferencing and self-assessment will be used.
Step 3Learning Plan
A. Learning activities:
Steps for students. Use
action verbs (step by
step from start to

B. Notes for Teacher

What do I need to remember to do?
1. Introduce and explain the topic. As todays
lesson is new, it is important to discuss

1. Welcome, introduce the


lesson, run through the

group agreement &
answer any questions
from question box.
Celebrate your unique
Self-esteem elements
Balloon Activity
Question box






what the lesson will entail (See appendix

1). The teacher will go over the group
agreement, which was made in lesson 1.
Teacher will then answer any questions
from the question box from the previous
The teacher will give students an
anonymous pre-assessment worksheet and
an envelope, which will test their
knowledge and gain their opinions of their
beliefs of body image (See appendix 2).
Students will be asked to place their
worksheet into an envelope and write their
names on it. The teacher will then collect it
and hold onto it for safe keeping until the
last lesson of the unit. Allow students 5
minutes to complete the worksheet.
Students will develop groups of 4 at tables
(may alter due to number of students on
The teacher will then ask each group to
discuss the key questions about unique
qualities of an individual (See Appendix 3).
The students will be asked to write down
their answers on a larger piece of butchers
paper using markers. Allow students 15
minutes to complete the questions and
then discuss as a whole class the reasoning
behind those answers.
Individually students will be handed a selfesteem elements worksheet (See appendix
4), which they will be asked to complete.
Allow students 10 minutes to complete the
table and complete the six questions.
Teacher will then talk to students about
what is self-esteem (See appendix 5).
Students will be given a small piece of
paper each and asked to write a goal, wish
or dream. The teacher should encourage
students to write something inspirational
for themselves. Students will then be asked
to roll the piece of paper up and insert
them into a balloon. The students will then
be asked to blow the balloon up with the
piece of paper inside. The whole class will
then go outside and release their balloons
into the air (See appendix 6).
Teacher will remind students of the
question box. Allow students time to put
any questions in the question box.
Conclude the lesson. Show PowerPoint slide
of the key points students should take

away with them from this lesson.

Resources, Timing, and Materials
Computer and Smart board
Everybody is a Somebody, The Body Image Project Tool Kit, The Eating
Disorders Action Group
Welcome, introduce topic and group agreement- 5 minutes
Pre-Assessment Worksheet - 5 minutes
Celebrate your unique qualities and discussion - 15 minutes
Self-esteem elements worksheet and discussion 10 minutes
Balloon Activity 10 minutes
Question Box and Conclusion- 5 minutes
Packet of balloons
Small pieces of paper
Self-Esteem elements you wish for worksheet
Pens or pencils
Easel and pad, or other large writing surface or masking tape to attach
papers to the wall
Question box
Step 4Differentiation/Accommodation/Modifications
Which strategies/methods will you use differentiate for different learning
styles? How will you accommodations and modifications for special needs
students (IEP)?
For a student with a hearing impairment the student will be provided with visual
aids such as worksheets. The student will be encouraged to sit at the front of the
classroom and a microphone can be used by teacher and other peers if required.
Two of the activities require visual learning however in the discussions of the
activities these special needs may be required.
Support services officer will be in the classroom to help students from ESL
Higher order thinking questions will be asked throughout the lessons to cater for
gifted students who may find the other tasks easy. They could also be grouped with
students who may need extra help.

Appendix 1
Class Outline/Learning Outcomes

Understanding of what self-esteem is and how it can be affected in

positive and negative ways.
Become aware of how self-esteem levels affects individuals
Understand the relationship between self-esteem and choices
Learn ways how to set goals to enhance self-esteem
Become aware of the things that you and other people do that either
enhances or undermines self-esteem.

Read Me I am the only ME Ive got and I am unique. There are two major parts of ME.
There is the inside ME and the outside ME.
The outside ME is what you see: the way I act, the image I portray, the way I
look and the things I do.
The outside ME is very important. It is my messenger to the world and much
of my outside ME is what communicates with you. I value what I have done,
the way I look, and what I share with you.
The inside ME knows all my feelings, my secret ideas, and my many hopes
and dreams. Sometimes, I let you know a little bit about the inside ME and the
more I learn about myself, the more responsibility I am going to take.
You see my ME is my responsibility. As I know myself more and more, I find
out that I am an OK person.
I have some good things in my life because I am a good person. I have
accomplished some things in my life because I am a competent person. I
know some special people because I am worth knowing. I celebrate the many
things I have done for myself.
Ive also made some mistakes. I can learn from them. I have also known
some people who did not appreciate me. Theyre missing out on knowing a
great person. Ive wasted some precious time. I can start to make new
choices now. As long as I can feel, think, grow, and behave, I have great
Im going to take those risks and those possibilities, and I am going to grow
and love and celebrate. I AM WORTH IT!

Appendix 2


Whats your age?

1. Are you happy with the way you look?


2. If you could, what would you change about your appearance?


Body (parts of it)

3. Is the others opinion about your appearance important for you?

A lot

A little

Not at all

4. Have you ever felt discriminated because of your physical



5. Have you ever gone on a diet or are you doing it now?



6. If yes, who advised you?

A doctor

a friend

the media (internet, magazine, TV)

7. Are you satisfied with the results?



8. If not, are you determined to go on?



9. What do you think makes a person attractive?




10. Have you got a role model you wish you were like?
Someone in your family

Actor (-tress)

Top model


11. Do you think the medias representations of male/female are a healthy

image to follow?


12. After reading a magazine or watching a program full of beautiful

models, how do you feel about yourself?



13. Do you think that the medias representation of teenagers encourages

young people to have a positive self-esteem?


14. Does happiness depend on physical appearance?

A lot


Not at all

Appendix 3
Celebrate Your Unique Qualities
This introductory activity is designed to help participants recognize that people
are different in many ways, including physically. Some of these differences
can be changed by our conscious actions and efforts, while others are outside
of our ability to change. Changes in our physical traits during growth and
maturation (especially during puberty) are natural, inevitable, and beyond our
control. We need to focus on accepting others and ourselves and being the
best that we can be, including maintaining our health.
Discussion Outline In what ways are people different from each other?
A. List three to five ways that people are different. Write responses on the
board or paper. Possibilities are:
1. Different heights.
2. Different weights.
3. Different body builds (slender, muscular, etc.).
4. Different complexions.
5. Different hair colors/types (straight, curly, etc.).
6. Different eye colors.
7. Different preferences.
8. Different likes/dislikes.
9. Different abilities (some of us are good in math, some in writing,
some in art, some in sports, some in music, etc.).
10. Different interests.
A. Some things we can change through effort (by studying, practicing,
B. Some things we cant change, even if we want to (height, eye color,
C. Some things will change naturally over time whether we want them to
or not (height and weight as we grow, preferences, interests, etc.).
List three things that you are good at. Of these, what are you best at?
A. Ask volunteers to list their No. 1 item on the board or pad.
B. Discuss that everyone has his or her strengths (and weaknesses).
C. A persons strengths and weaknesses are part of what defines them as
a person (these are among their unique qualities).
D. One thing that makes the world interesting is that everyone has his or
her own set of unique qualities.
Teacher Discussion:

All of us are unique, physically and in terms of ability

Some qualities we can influence, whilst others are out of our control
Our main focus should be to be healthy and happy
Be the best you can be
Show respect for others

Appendix 4
Self-Esteem elements you wish for.
Scenario 1:
Your school formal is a couple of months away and you really want to
be there.
Scenario 2:
Describe the party that youd like for your next birthday.
On this grid describe the elements that you wish for at your school formal or
your birthday party.










Tick those wishes that are likely to come true.

How many of your wishes do you think would be shared by your friends?
Cross those wishes that are out of the question for you
What are the likely alternatives to your wishes?
Which of your wishes do you think are important for your self esteem?

Appendix 5
Self-esteem may be described as a persons view of their worth and may be
influenced by performance, abilities, appearance and the judgment of
significant others. It is likely to change depending upon the situation or
company in which young people find themselves.
People develop ideas about how adequate and effective they are from
reactions of other people. They see themselves in light of the attitudes,
comments and reactions expressed by parents, teachers and friends and,
increasingly with age, in the light of their own reactions to themselves as
Perceptions of self-esteem can influence decision-making and the ability to
act appropriately in a conflict situation, because it helps in making decisions
more independent of what others think or expect. Self-esteem, being
influenced by the feedback of others, will flourish in an atmosphere that is
positive and supportive. Small group work supports that process by respecting
everyones contribution and fostering two-way communication.
Self-esteem is not something that can be taught like a skill but it can be
nourished in the classroom, school and community in many ways. One way is
through structured activities designed to develop self-awareness, encourage
goal setting and promote sensitivity to others.
This section presents suggestions for schools and teachers as well as
activities that can contribute to increasing student self-esteem. Robust selfesteem describes personal feelings that are not influenced by set backs,
insults or negative views about our abilities or appearance.
It is not intended that all self-esteem activities be presented in a lesson, but
would be implemented throughout a program. That way, the self-esteem
activities serve also as useful icebreakers or energizers.

Appendix 6
Balloon Activity
Materials needed:

Package of balloons
Small pieces of paper
Pens or pencils

1. Have each student write a goal, wish, or dream onto a small piece of
paper (about the size of the paper inside of a fortune cookie).
2. Encourage them to write something inspirational for themselves.
3. Roll or fold the paper into small pieces, and insert them into a balloon.
4. Have the students blow up the balloons with the paper inside. Head
outside where students can release their balloons into the air, and their
dreams into their future!

Reference List:
Abc.net.au. (2014). TALK IT UP - Chalk It Up - Who Am I? - Self Esteem.
Retrieved 10 May 2014, from
Cooper, Kenneth H. (1991). Kid Fitness: The Complete Shape-Up Program
from Birth through High School. New York: Bantam Books.
Crocker, J., & Major, B. (1989). Social stigma and self-esteem: The selfprotective properties of stigma. Psychological review, 96(4), 608.
Harter, S. (1993). Causes and consequences of low self-esteem in children
and adolescents. In Self-esteem (pp. 87-116). Springer US.

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