Movement Music Lesson Plan: Kindergarten

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The lesson plan uses a song and movements to teach students about the different parts of a tree.

The lesson plan is trying to teach students about the different parts of a tree and the importance of roots.

The different parts of a tree discussed are roots, hole, tree, limb, branch, nest, egg, and bird.


Music Lesson Plan

Title: Green Grass Grows All Around Grade Level: Kindergarten

Source: Dr. McConkey

Materials needed:
The book “The Green Grass Grew All Around”
Space for the Children to move around in


A. Have you guys ever been to the park? What do you see at the park?
Keep asking until you ger leaves/trees as your answer.

1. Sitting in a circle start reading the book in the tone of the song using
“repeat after me” after every line:
“In my backyard…
There is some ground
The prettiest little ground
That you ever did see
And the green grass grows all around all around and the green grass
grows all around
And in the ground
There is a hole
The prettiest little hole
That you ever did see
The hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around all
around and the green grass grows all around
And in this hole
There are some roots
The prettiest little roots
That you ever did see
The roots in the hole and the whole in the ground and the grass grows
all around all around and the green grass grows all around
And on those roots (stop and explain what roots are and what their
function is; helps to compare to a straw)
There was a tree
The prettiest little tree
That you ever did see
The tree on the roots and the roots in the ground and the green grass
grows all around all around and the green grass grows all around
And on that tree
There was a limb (stop and ask if they know what a limb is)
The prettiest little limb
That you ever did see
The limb on the tree and the tree on the roots and the roots in the hole
and the hole in the ground and the green grass grows all around all
around and the green grass grows all around
And on that limb
There was a branch” (stop and explain the difference between a limb
and a branch, demonstrate using arms- full arm extended is a limb and
bent arm is a branch)
Stop the song and review the past words (hole/roots/tree) and
help the students make symbolic movements to represent each word
that the students can act out when they are singing.
Start the song again but from the beginning and have the
students use their movements for each word.
“The prettiest little branch
That you ever did see
The branch on the limb and the limb on the tree and the tree on the
roots and the roots in the hole and the hole in the ground and the green
grass grows all around all around and the green grass grows all around
And on that branch
There was a nest
The prettiest little nest
That you ever did see
The nest on the branch and the branch on the limb…..
And in that nest
There was an egg
The prettiest little egg
That you ever did see
The egg in the nest and the nest on the branch…..
And in this egg
There was a bird
The prettiest little bird
That you ever did see
The bird in the egg and the egg in the nest and the nest on the branch
and the branch on the limb and the limb on the tree and the tree on the
roots and the roots in the hole and the hole in the ground and the green
grass grows all around all around and the green grass grows all
2. After you finish the song all the way through do it again with the kids
and make sure they act out the movement.
3. Have the students attempt to recall the song on their own, act out the
movements with them if they need help remembering.

Closure: Who can name the parts of a tree? Why are the roots so
important for trees? What do they do?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . . The
different parts of a tree and movements to represent those different parts. The function of
roots and why they are so important.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical

Deciding on Thinking of Acting out National Standards “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards
the the different the
symbolic parts of movements 1. Singing Creating
movements trees Ex: arms
Plan and Make
together bending for
branch, 2. Play Instruments Evaluate & Refine
Acting out Discussing crouching Present
said roots and into a ball
3. Improvising Performing
movements, how they for the Select
laughing work hole.
4. Composing Interpret

Evaluate, & Refine
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration Connect #11
(outside arts)

9. History/Culture

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