The School of Veterinary Medicine was founded in 1881 as the first private veterinary school in Japan, and has the longest history amongst the four schools. The school has produced many well-known researchers, including Dr.Shinkichi Umeno, the developer of the vaccines against rabies and rinderpest.
The education provided at this school includes not only knowledge and technologies, such as medical care and sanitary control of animals, defense against zoonotic diseases, and public health in the human society such as food hygiene and environment management, which are useful in multiple fields of veterinary medicine, but also training of veterinarians who can respond to the needs of society and adapt to areas of advanced medicine requiring a high degree of specialization, such as molecular biology and genetic engineering. Through a curriculum which covers everything from the basics to clinical application, this school fosters practical skills which enable the use of precise measures in situations requiring general veterinary skills.
To correspond to the model core curriculum currently in progress in veterinary colleges nationwide, and to the veterinary Computer Based Testing (CBT) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), which will come into operation from 2016, the organization of the schools was changed to a “Division System” this year. Accordingly, the conventional 23 laboratories have been unified into five divisions (basic veterinary medicine, pathological veterinary medicine, clinical veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine for disease prevention, and general education of veterinary medicine), and nine fields (morphofunctions, pathologic analysis, infectious disease medicine, therapeutics I, II, hygiene and public health, wildlife medicine, general veterinary medicine, and a promotion office for veterinary education). Reorganizing the organization has made efficient staff deployment possible, and a positive impact on the education provided at the school is expected as a result.