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Redis Edge

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Redis Edge is a tiny Redis client compatible with Edge Functions. It wraps over the Upstash Redis API to facilitate the usage of Redis in Edge Functions.


Install using a package manager.

npm install redis-edge
# or
yarn add redis-edge
# or
pnpm add redis-edge

In the Upstash console, grab your UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_KEY:

Upstash Redis REST API

Then, in your Edge Function, import the client and use it:

import { RedisEdge } from "redis-edge";

const redis = new RedisEdge("<your redis rest url>", "<your redis rest key>");

Run any Redis command

It is possible to send all supported Redis commands to the server by using the redis.command() method. The first argument is the name of the command, and the rest are the arguments to the command.

redis.command("SET", key, value);
redis.command("GET", key);
redis.command("HSET", key, field1, value1, field2, value2);

Any arbitrary amount of arguments can be passed to the command. The return value is a promise that resolves to the result of the command.

Common Redis commmands

Common commands are wrapped in the client for convenience. The following commands are supported:

  • redis.append(key, value)
  • redis.decr(key)
  • redis.decrby(key, decrement)
  • redis.get(key)
  • redis.del(key)
  • redis.getdel(key)
  • redis.incr(key)
  • redis.incrby(key, increment)
  • redis.incrbyfloat(key, increment)
  • redis.set(key, value)
  • redis.setex(key, seconds, value)
  • redis.setnx(key, value)

More commands will be added in the future but you can always use redis.command() to run any Redis command not available.

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  • gbibeaulaviolette